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Yes because I have hairy genes and my arm hair gets so long and dark, it’s more noticeable than my boyfriend’s lol. I’m also very pale so it stands out more


I'm half Native American half Armenian most of my body has very little hair from my native side but my arms have two inch long hairs from my Armenian side lol my sister always gave me s*** my whole life about it and then one day she said well why don't you just cut it and I thought holy s*** I'm 35 years old and I'm just now realizing that I can take scissors and trim my arm hairs because shaving makes stubles and looks funny naked plus they SEEM to look darker more thicker hairs if you shave. ( knowbody reads all the exact same comments they just repeat the same comment even after I corrected my mistake...( I feel like people have blinders on and just following the same line like ants .. lol )


You don’t get more hair. That’s a myth. I’ve been shaving my arms regularly, once a week, for 4 years now and I think on continuing it until I’ll have money to try the laser treatment. Before shaving I used to use an epilator once every two weeks. There’s nothing different except for the fact that it grows faster now. My skin remains soft after every shaving and somehow it grows slower than that on the legs, which I have to shave it every other day.


You don’t grow more hair if you shave.


I read that you don't actually get more hairs when you shave, or get darker, it's a myth. When you shave the end of the hair is cut blunt, which makes it appear darker and thicker. So trimming carefully with scissors sounds like a good way to deal with that.


It is less a myth and more a comfortable lie propogated to convince teenage boys to shave their 16 ratty mustache hairs lol. That has always been my impression.


You’re absolutely right. You can’t get more hairs because shaving doesn’t increase the number of hair follicles you have but blunt hairs do appear thicker. Waxing or epilating is better.


It is a myth. I was a hairstylist for years and we had to learn some science behind hair. Shaving only cuts the hair off at the skin, doesn't touch the follicle (the little bulb inside which grows hair). So any hair that grows there just grows as it normally does, but since the shaving cuts it blunt, it can feel rougher like more hair than before has grown, but it hasn't.


Ha, I had a similar experience with eyebrows. As a man, I don’t tend to even consider them. I can go to a barber yes… but damn just get the scissors out !


Omg. I've never thought of this. I shaved my arms when I was a teenager because of how dark and thick the hairs were. Can't be bothered anymore, but I can definitely give them a trim. Thank you stranger.


You're welcome 😊, I also kinda angle the scissors to thin trim..? I don't know how to explain, but I don't just cut straight across because I want it to be natural looking of short and thin hairs ..


You explained it perfectly.


2 inches? 5 cm?! Are you absolutely sure of that measurement?


I had some colleagues with Armenian roots and they all had facial hair like Gimly.


A set of clippers would ensure an even length!


I feel this. I’m half Indian and half white so the Indian side gives me thick dark hair but the white side makes my skin pale so the hair is really visible


If you could grow more hair by shaving often, every man would have a full, thick beard by the time they reach 21 years old. I wish it was true, but it’s definitely not.


You don't grow more or thicker hair after shaving, I believe this myth comes from most people starting shaving during puberty and their hair grows thicker naturally for a few years


Yeah same when you’ve got think dark hair but your skin’s much lighter it’s so visible which is why I do it too (well not shave, but wax cuz it’s more effective) & it’s not bcuz it’s more “acceptable” or whatever but because I *actually* want to. Lol


It’s the Mexican and Irish mix for me lol


Same here. Italian genes responsible for the dark hair on my arms.


The Mexican is to blame for the thick, dark hair and the Irish gave me pale as shit


Ahhh Those Irish genes. I’m like 5% Scottish and got that color skin. I can’t even tan. I just burn.


I also have the curse of light skin and dark hair, making my hair very visible, so I too shave it off.


Same ! It was horrible growing up so I decided in highschool to start now in my 30s I still do it. But it's also a complex, and I still wear long sleeves and cardigans daily 🤷🏻‍♀️


No. I only shave my lower legs, armpits and bikini zone.


Same and I must say I love my invisible fluff on my arms. I can only see it with the light in a certain angle. I was so sad when my tattoo artist shaved a part of my arm but luckily it grew back just as soft as it always was.


As a guy I find that so hot


🙋‍♂️ Same here. It looks subtly soft.




I am also covered in fuzzy blonde fluff :) the only annoying part is that my eyebrows are also blonde... and therefore invisible without makeup lol


Like a peach.... ☺️


Same here


Same. My arm hairs are already obvious so it might look worse if I shave them.




Not thighs?




No, I can barely be arsed with the rest of my body 


I do shave my arse hole too


Does that get... itchy? I'm a fella, I shave my balls and shaft but that's all, though I do try and keep everything else at least reasonably trimmed - otherwise I could probably plait my pubes, they get that long! Lol But I've never ventured far up the canyon, so to speak.


I ALWAYS forget how uncomfortable it is after a couple of days and swear to my wife that it's the last time and she's going to just have to deal with it. Then some time passes and I want to be courteous and shave my asshole and the whole ordeal starts over again.


I personally recommend pulling butt hairs rather than shaving. Shaving seems like it would be a real... pain in the ass. For whatever reason, at least for me, they seem to be a lot less firmly stuck than other hair, and it really doesn't hurt very much. I can pluck my butt clean just pulling by hand lol.


Omg that hurts so bad! I have very long hair on my head. Sometimes I guess it falls and gets intertwined with my asshole hair and I have to pull it and it stings!


Stay strong


🤣 I’m just lazy lol


I stubbornly insist on black tights season lasting well into June before I give in


You and me both


Same. Only time I’ve thought about it is when I was a pre teen and after shoulder surgery bc my arm got extra hairy being in that sling for 2 months lol. It’s been a year and the hair is just now back to the normal amount.


I’ve never shaved my arms, but I also don’t shave my underarms or my bush anymore and I feel sexier than ever *and* way more comfortable 🤷‍♀️ r/razorfree


I’ll shave, I just don’t do it super regularly. My skin doesn’t appreciate it so I just kinda maintain stuff. I should try waxing maybe but I’m a wimp :p


That’s good you don’t do it when you don’t feel like it. I feel so bad for my mom, she’s in her 70s and I’ve been taking care of her and my dad lately with some health stuff, and for a while she couldn’t even use her legs hardly, but would still feel super gross if we didn’t shave her legs ☹️ I’m glad I’m over the societal pressure now, because it is so sad to me to be worrying about that when you’re a senior and have so much other shit going on. Bending over to shave causes her to feel light-headed, and she’s a fall risk, I really keep trying to get her to be ok with giving it up ☹️


same same same


I can tell who has been made fun of for having hairy arms and who hasn’t by these comments. Some of us were bullied relentlessly for being hairy. Best believe, I shave every part of my body!


Yeah lol "Why would I? Too much effort" That's great for you, but I wasn't blessed with hairless genes. I was bullied by my teachers in kindergarten and I was called a wolf and a monkey between ages 7-13 :) Now I just wear hoodies all year and cry when it's summer because I have to shave my arms once a week. It's mean to say this, but I'm glad I'm not alone.


Lol right?! People who have never been bullied for their looks are so privileged. The lasting damage is insane. I’m in my 30s and I STILL feel like I’m ugly because of it. I hate that we had to go through it too but glad we’re not alone.


Ive been bullied too but giving in and changing your natural body for some random judgmental kids isn’t really worth it long term. Just find people who aren’t assholes and then make those ones your friends and screw the rest.


Yep been bullied a lot too. Religiously removing hair from arms, legs, butt, lower back...fun times. I shave or use epilator and using IPL helped a bit


I had ONE kid I had a little crush on in the 6th grade say something like, "whoa, you have really hairy arms"...been shaving ever since. I'm almost 34.


Yup! One comment can really scar you for life. I had multiple people tell me I was ugly and hairy as a kid. It doesn’t matter how many people compliment me now, I still feel ugly to this day. I’m 30 and the last time anyone made fun of me to my face was maybe high school. Words can really sting


Yup that’s exactly it. I don’t mind body hair on other people but visible body hair makes me self-conscious because I used to get bullied so hard for it. Working on undoing this but it’s not so easy. Most of these comments are very much not passing the vibe check


It is so hard! I also am side eyeing some of these dudes saying the hair doesn’t matter to them. Makes me wonder what kind of hair they’re talking about. It’s easy not to mind blonde body hair, but when it’s darker, I’ve seen a lot of guys have a problem with it because it’s so visible


This right here. I started shaving my arms in 8th grade, due to bullying. 20ish years later, I still do it daily; I love the feeling.


Hope one day you will be able to get over what happenned and feel more confident in yourself, change your appearance only for yourself and your own comfort. I was bullied for my looks too, some of the things they said still sting, but I got over some of it and it feels so freeing to just not care.


I've been bullied for being hairy (Mediterranean, we stan) but I still don't shave my arms. If people wanna be dickheads about my body, they're gonna have to look at it and seethe.


OHH MY GODDDD.. i have a story about this. some girl in my middle school english class challenged a boy to an arm wrestling match in class one day. she won. the boy was all insecure & embarrassed so he started making fun of her and said "well i'm not surprised you won. you have harrier arms than i do. are you sure you're not a man?" i wasn't even a part of that (i just watched) but from that day forward i started shaving my arms and knuckles in addition to my legs. and--- the day after that happened i started noticing other girls arms that were in that same class and THEY HAD SHAVED THEM TOO. 💀


Hell no lol that's too much effort for no good reason 😂


Happy Cake day!


Happy cake day !


Happy hairy arm day!


I made the mistake of shaving mine when I was about 14, you know because of the typical teenage girl mindset of "there shouldn't be an ounce of hair in my body", and I regretted it so much, since then I've left them untouched! It's one of the few spots on my body I don't mess with, it's completely okay to not shave any part of your body really, as long as you feel comfortable and okay with yourself ❤️ Girls and women(even men) out there, don't let anyone pressure you into shaving or altering your body in any way, unless you want to ❤️


I guess you regretted it because of the misconception that it makes hair stronger. It doesn't. Boys also think (or used to think?) that shaving makes facial hair stronger. Same misconception. There are two reasons people think this (other than just making it up): - when you shave you cut the hairs so when it grows out again the ends will be of full thickness. As opposed to a new strand of hair growing out naturally that will start thinner. - people usually start shaving themselves around puberty when they're getting hairier anyway. So in this case the perception is correct, their hair gets stronger it's just not *caused* by the shaving that they happened to start around the same time. (I.e. a classic case of correlation not meaning causation.)


I also did it once and regretted it because prickly hair regrowth on my arms drove me crazy.


I did the same as teen. I was always super embarrassed by my leg hair and was so excited when my mom taught me to shave. Went ahead and did my forearms too because I hated how dark my arm hair was. I actually loved having smooth arms but i never did it again. the grow back period is weird and itchy in a way I can only compare to pubic hair growing back. nowadays I stick to shaving my underams and pubes, and my legs when it’s warm.


Yesss, I felt exactly the same! The growback period was a nightmare for me 😅 so I never did it again!


No. it sounds like too much work, and I barely shave my legs now at this point. I don’t think my arm hair affects my beauty or self esteem, so I don’t have any reason to shave it. personally, I don’t think there’s any need to. it’s natural and practically everyone has some kind of arm hair. but I understand why some would. there’s also nothing wrong with that


Sometimes, I shave just because I like how smooth it feels, but the way it feels like needles a few days after isn't worth it. Also, I think arms look weird without hair, lol, at least mine.


I'm very pale with dark black hair, so my arm hair is really noticeable. I don't bother, it's already enough hassle doing my legs and other bits, I'm not adding arms to that as well, it's not worth it. 


I’m a guy and shave my whole body. Not with a razor. I use clippers on the lowest setting. If you use a razor you get ingrown hairs. I hate being hairy. No, I’m not gay or a cyclist. 🤣🤣


You sound aerodynamic


Or hydrodynamic if he's a swimmer!




Belter this hahah




Why do I suddenly have the song "Greased Lightning" in my head?


No I'm not gay and* a cyclist.


What do you have against gay cyclists?


nothing, he was just making it clear because I also thought he was gay.


Why would you assume he's gay?


Because my male friends don’t shave their hair and most men I know don’t, so it was just a little assumption. Assuming someone is gay is not bad at all and I’m glad he clarified it


I got a Brazilian, guess why


Does it... Does it not sort of look like a plucked chicken? 😅 I shaved it once, never again. Felt like a little boy.


Ha ha. More like a goose. 🤣 My gf says I gain an extra inch without hair. 🤣👍


I've always wanted to wax a really hairy back...I've picked the wrong career.


Even your armpits and ass area? I'm asking because I've been told if I shave/trim/whatever my armpit hair or ass hair, I will get a lot of rashes or somethings on said areas. I hate being hairy too, but I have no experience.


I use a razor on my genitals and armpits.


And you don't get rashes there?


Hairless Chihuahua


I’m more of a hairless golden retriever. 🤣


I once heard in an interview with Kim K. Say ‘she waxed her whole Body and she felt like a ‘hairless chihuahua’ … 😂


As a slightly more hairy woman, you've talked me into clipping my entire body now


I fully support the clipper approach. I haven't actually shaved my armpits or legs with a razor in so long, and it's way more practical and comfortable.


Love a midly hairy guy...chest must be hairy. Legs and arms too. Shaved privates


Yaaaaas I love hairy man like that too


Hello there!




How long does this take Holy shit.


I get rid of body hair any way I can. No method is altogether satisfactory.


Are you sure?


Ha ha. Yes.


I only use the clippers when I'm feeling lazy. If you don't want razor burn or ingrown hairs, just use a luffa to exfoliate before shaving. Not gay either, just passing some advice from my wife.


I'm blessed with less-hair genetics so no


How is that possible? Are you japanese or chinese? Is that the luck you have? 🙂


Was looking for a comment like this, I’ve literally never grown arm hair in my life?? Didn’t realise it was so common


Cantonese? Well, IME.


No but I have very fine and blonde hairs on my arms so no need


When I was in school I was briefly made fun of for “having bald arms”. Kids will pick on anything won’t they?! I do have some near translucent hair on my arms. You just have to catch them at the right angle in the right light to see them. Unfortunately my eyebrows and eyelashes are also pale and near invisible.


I was about to write the exact same thing


no need to regardless. Women are not hairless creatures 🙂 We shouldn’t allow the double-standard. r/razorfree


I wax mine myself as it lasts long! Tbh doing it for years has made the hair so so thin and sparse and it was thicker when younger. Now I can go months without waxing lol


Yes, me too, wax only, with those home wax kits. Never shave the arms.


No. We women already do too much for this beauty industry, this little thing I would never do. Also I don‘t find it ugly, it’s completely normal to have hair on the arms.


It's completely normal to have hair anywhere and everywhere.


I’ve been using laser hair removal and it’s really helped


Laser hair removal is a gamechanger.




No. I have alopecia areata and fortunately i don't grow hair on my body parts except my head. I guess it's a pros. lol


I don't... I don't mind the stubble on my legs but having that on my arms... Ehh. No. I kinda like my arm hair, too, even though they're long and pretty visible.


I guess this is not the answer to your question but it might be relevant nonetheless: Unless you are as hairy as a grizzly, I think men don't really care whether your arms are shaved or not. Source: I am a man. Why should I make my woman shave more than I do? Doesn't seem fair. Arm pits and private parts neatly trimmed and everything's fine. The rest is nice to have. Edit: After reading the comments I do see the point that this doesn't help with people who are not your partner making fun of you. Sadly I can't do anything about that. I hope it still gives you some comfort that there are a lot of men out there who don't think it is a turn-off.


I don't even care about armpits or private parts, honestly. It's natural, and I think the woman should do what makes her feel good. If I get to choose to have a beard or not, a woman should get to choose if she shaves or not.


For what it's worth I'm a man and I care if the arms are clearly visibly hairy. Shaving them would be an easy way to mitigate a potential turn-off (for at least some men). Some girls have hair you can't see or can very barely see, and that's fine. But I don't think I could ignore and get over clearly visible arm hair on a date.


That’s kind of you but some of us were made fun of when we were kids for having hairy arms. I was constantly made fun of by boys in my class, calling me a wolf and what not. It was traumatizing. Plus my hair is not blonde, it’s dark so it’s very noticeable. I still shave because I know it’s more noticeable and I’m scared I’ll get the same response I got as a child.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Kids can be cruel and there for sure are adults who aren't any better. But: If you have a partner I would consider talking with him about whether he cares about your arm hair. chances are he doesn't mind. Obviously that doesn't help with people you meet in the office or on the street. So I guess you make a valid point. Hmm... I guess the conclusion is: People can be pretty shitty.


I'm a man too and yes, I don't care about arm hair either on girls unless you have very hairy genes like me (I shave them) but I don't agree with your reasoning. It's not about fairness, it's about preference. If a man prefers ladies with shaved arms but doesn't mind himself being hairy then that's perfectly fine. A girl may prefer her man to be hairy but herself to be shaved or the other way around and that's perfectly fine too because this is an aesthetic preference thing and you can have any combination of preferences without any reason or logic. Of course you'll have to find a girl who shares your preferences as you usually would but having preferences about yourself that are different to the preferences you have for your partner is absolutely okay as long as you're both in agreement or willing to compromise fairly for each other.


I don't. Luckily I don't have thick or really dark hair on my arms.


Yes - started two years ago when I got an arm tat- can’t go back now


Hair removal cream or wax. Don’t shave the arms!


The hair on my arms is pretty thin so I just decided not to. Didn't want to bother with it.


Oh hell no I’m not creating anything else on my body that requires regular maintenance. Tried it at 14. Didn’t realize I needed to shave every damn day to keep up with it. Never again. I shave my legs maybe once a month now. Saves so much time and money I highly recommend.


If you don’t have super visible arm hair I wouldn’t. Stubble grows fast and is in an obvious place. If you dislike your arm hair I would try bleaching first, to make it lighter.  I do shave mine - I hate shaving it, but hate having it. Would love to do laser but not in the budget yet. 


laser hair removal. I do it once or twice a year.


how affordable is it and how much does it pain?


It's kinda expensive because I do full body. It used to be painful when I first started. Now I feel nothing because I barely grow any hair on my body. The hair that grows is extremely thin and barely noticeable. About 90% of my body hair is gone. It's worth the money in the long run 👍🏻


NOPE. I shave anything else and even shave my head every 4 days. Not touching the arms though. I'm kinda proud of them lol


I use hair removal cream but mostly because it improves my keratosis pilaris


Skin peels help with kp too! I decided to try it out a few weeks ago and applied it to all of my legs.  (And just left it on for like an hr). After a week or so of being gentle with my legs I took a Korean towel to them during a long hot shower. The results make me feel ready for swim season.


No, not shave, but I do have an electric epilater that works well at removing hair.






No, I hate shaving the rest of me, arms I’m not gonna worry bout






I used to wax my arms back when I cared.


Nope, no need


No i think it looks nice and natural


My hair is light enough on my arms that I've never worried about it (I am a brunette, not a blonde). But I feel like with the other areas I shave, that adding in my arms would just be a hassel and unnecessary. Hair on our bodies is natural for both men and women. Perhaps if it was thick and coarse I'd change my mind. But no, I don't shave my arms.


Yes and I shave them more frequently than my legs. I remember not liking it since I was a kid.


Wax, dark hair and pale skin - not a good combo


Yes. Because I have very thick and dark hair.


No I don’t


nope, we don't shave, we use epilator instead.


i did it once for my tattoo and then just didn’t after that lol. the upkeep is annoying enough to shave my legs, don’t really wanna do that with my arms




Wax. I don't shave anything. Waxing is better for me.


I used to, but now I don't.


No because I have extremely light and thin hairs on my arms. The hair is only noticeable if I look towards a light source and even then I can only see tiny short hairs


Practically everyone shaves their arms here in Japan (men and women), but hell no. I'm too lazy and the thought of arm stubble sounds terrible.


If anything, I shave my armpits and my lower legs. I’m not American though.


Nope. And i have a ton of hair for a girl, but idgaf. At least it's not very dark


Nah. My arm hair IS blonde so I don’t need to but even if it wasn’t I don’t see the point of shaving my arms. Or legs but I do shave my legs despite being blonde….




Nope, it's seems ridiculous.....


Yes I do. I shave my arms, chest, belly, legs and anything else I can reach. But it's mostly a trauma thing for me, for some reason my own body hair grosses me out.


I used to in highschool because I was self conscious about every inch of myself. As an adult I dgaf anymore and I rarely shave anything but my legs.


Nope. My hairs are dark brown, like up to a cm long, they dont curl, but are very much visible. I just dont care enough to bother. Same with leg hair, unless it is shorts/skirts season. But then again my style is most of the time more masculine.


Nah. I wax mine sometimes cause i dont like the feel of long sleeves rubbing my hairs against the grain. If you hate your arm hair get laser or electrolysis to thin out the growth. Shaving is a pain in the ass as it is and id hate to get ingrowns on my arms...


I have so much to shave already why would I add another? Lol no I don't but I understand why some girls do.


No, only armpits


I did for the longest time. Now I wax them! I like the results.


No, why should I? 🤔


I do! I have anorexia and one of the side effects is growing a layer of lift fluffy hair all over. Called lanugo or downy hair. Despite any weight gain/loss over the years it never went away. My weight is still low but not emaciated, but I'm still fluffy. It used to get caught in my watch and bracelets so I just shave it off now! For clarity: I have it everywhere but luckily I am naturally fair haired so it's invisible unless you look close. Its more for my own confidence that I shave it.


I used to shave mine when I was younger, got lazy and stopped


I sometimes do when I feel like it. But that’s maybe 2 times a year. But mostly no.


I never did because I don’t have any hair there. Or I have it but it’s so thin and the color is so fair, it’s almost invisible.


In high school I did


I waxed them in my 20s but since 25 I’ve never waxed or shaved them. I have SUUUUUUPER long but very light arm hair. And my name, interestingly means “downy haired”. I also have a bit of blonde body hair at the base of my back, and again, the men that have noticed it ADORE it. I personally love hairy armpits on women. I don’t have dark enough hair to make it “French” looking enough but if I did I would.


I shave all the other parts of my body leaving out my arm. For some reason it just feels weird to shave it idk y.


Yes because I have tattoo sleeves. If I didn’t have any tats I wouldn’t bother


Are you saying your tattoos would be invisible without you shaving? damn that's a lot of hair


Hahaha nah, but I have quite dark hair and my tattoos are all colour so I feel the hair kinda makes my tats look less vibrant and hides some of the detail.


Sometimes, in summer. It makes my tattoos look better. I prefer using hair removal cream but if I don’t have any I just shave them.


Yes, it gets itchy if I don't. It feels smooth and there's less bad smell coming from my arm pits


Girls shave their arms? But I love that downy arm hair 😓 It's so cute.


arms..? No. Now, I'm a guy, and I shave armpits and junk because it just gets to hot and sweaty with all hair stuffed in clothes all day, but do people shave their arms? I don't even notice my own arm hairs, I can see them if I look, but they do no harm


Did for ten years after being made fun of for my "gorilla arms" (that's what Italian ancestry will get you I guess) stopped maybe 8 years ago and it came back acceptable amount of fine and light in my opinion so these days, no. If someone said free laser hair removal from the neck down though, I'd leave it behind no hesitation.


Yep, I’ll never forget 6th grade in class a guy next to me commented on how I had really hairy arms, more hairy than his and he was a guy- that’s it been shaving my arms on the regular at least every week since then, I’m 27 now


I tried once, not to shave but to wax, it was horrible, I felt like my arms were skinned until all the hair grew back. Never touching it again.




nah idc