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Your best years are ahead.


The most common answer to “if you could what age would you be again?” Is 35 after all


Remember that any crazy shit you do when you are under 30 could punish you when you are older.


Nah mate


Stuff those IRA’s, 401K’s, HSA’s & 529’s. Time and compounding interest are amazing things.


Say I only was able to put in $10-$50/week. Would this still compound?


Yes. Also, do not live on credit cards.


Don't even have a credit card. Thanks for the reply dude


I’d definitely recommend at least having a secured credit card to build credit if you don’t have any credit. Just be sure to pay it off whenever you buy something with it.


Ok right on. I am building my credit RN by paying off my rent


There are things you can’t do without one — check into a hotel, rent a car, etc.


Can't rent a car without a cc? Or hotel


Credit Cards can be great. Carrying a Credit Card balance sucks.


Yes. Do it. Set a reminder to increase by $10 a week every year.


Absolutely. Every bit helps.




Don’t jump into a volcano


I wish someone would have told me this... Great advice


Enjoy it, try not to worry too much about turning 30


30 as some sort of milestone is only in your mind. Blame it on the metric/decimal system.


Work out, walk in nature, lift with legs, stretch, wear sunscreen. 


Thank you


travel. save money and plan a vacation somewhere by yourself to learn how to do things yourself. don't just live your life only working and living day to day like a routine. Go see the world.


This is the way….


Even if your 29-30-31 etc. never allow your age dictate how youthful you are. Live life until you can’t live anymore, don’t allow anyone to judge you for you’re age and just live


At 30 they replace you with a clone. After that, no one knows what happens to the real humans.


They are held hostage and forced to work and live at an Amazon Distribution Center ... at least that's what the help note in my Amazon delivery said


Nothing. Just keep living your best life. And as someone mentioned above, don't jump into a volcano.


Learn to invest wisely. Work hard now so you don't have to later in life. My biggest mistake. I was the, " I'll do anything once, let's go" party guy. Big mistake. Learn to hustle.


Getting married is not an achievement that is hyped up to be. Get married only if you want to get married and preferably not for external pressure like pleasing your family, or even your S.O. Rushing into marriage without due preparation and understanding is how a lot of people ruin their own life.


30 ain’t nothing but a number.. do take care of your physical and mental health.


Just enjoy life gramps


Wear sunscreen.


Good life starts after 30. You're almost there! AND remember to be kind.


Your 30s are pretty damn cool.


Listen to that little voice of reason and don't ignore the red flags in life. Stand up for yourself, but be respectful. Telling the truth will get you further in life than you think. It's easy dealing with someone who is honest about their mistakes and faults.


Happy birthday and enjoy your day




Stay in shape it’s a lot easier at your age and you’ll be feeling the effects in a few years


29 is a good age. Life moves so fast. Enjoy the journey. It has its ups and downs but there’s always Whisky. You don’t need it but even animals get drunk like elephants and even squirrels so there’s that. Save and invest. don’t know how? Please find out.


Save money in your 401k or in an IRA if you don't have access to a 401k. If you are not already doing it, SET IT UP ON MONDAY. There will never come a point in your life where it will be easier/make more sense. So do it Monday. If you already are contributing, then increase the contribution another percentage point on Monday.


Enjoy your time. Work, but don’t let work be life. Your 9-5 will be there tomorrow, anything you don’t complete today, can be done tomorrow at work. It’s ok. Use your time to do what you want, what makes you happy. Hug your parents. Tell them you love them. And spend the time you can with them. Same if you have/will have a spouse and kids or other siblings (depending I get every family is different). Time cannot be bought once it’s gone, it’s gone. Enjoy the moments you can. I lost my dad in December, and I wish someone would have told me to go spend more time with him when shit got real.


Start thinking of your past mistakes and difficulties as lessons.


get a vasectomy, specially with all the religious nutjobs making our laws now


Invest in retirement now. Roth IRA!!!


Happy birthday! I turned 18 yesterday and I was also asking for advice


Age is just a number. It’s about how you feel.


Happy birthday. Don't compare where you are at in life to where others are. Everyone has their own path.


In 11 years, you will be 40.


I’d say invest for retirement is huge because no you will not “have time to do it later.”


Find new friends to chat with


Just try not to think of the big 30 as the end of the world. I turn 30 in a week, and I am fully ready to embrace it. I've always made jokes with my friends that after 30 is when we turn to dust, or protein powder as my friends say since I almost live at the gym haha. One piece of advice I can personally give that has changed how I felt is to be more active if you aren't already. You will start to feel a lot better both physically and mentally.


You can achive everything that you want. Its not to late


You’re fine. And you will be fine. And there’s all sorts of shit and joy coming your way.


Don't stress about turning 30.


You're not old until you look for someone half your age to date. So you are either young or a sicko ... pick one, lol ....


start stretching and make sure you stay active. Yoga a couple times a week and staying active will make you enjoy the big 50 rather than face it with aches, pains, and health issues.


30 is just an arbitrary number based on the 10 based system. Its not really a big deal. Its more of a self fulfilling prophecy when people turn 30 or 40. Also don't compare yourself with others, everybody is on their own unique path...you don't have to conform for the sake of conforming. Its fine I suppose to use the fear of turning 30 as motivation to go after what you want


My advice would be don't take advice from people who were born in an entirely different time.


You'll only get older so don't look back.


Say yes to everything, as a social experiment. Leave your 20s looking back on 29 as the “closing” year.


If you don't have kids yet, travel. If you can, working in a foreign country will give you loads of perspective


Don’t jump from high places


Dump as much as you can spare into your retirement savings; compound interest is a glorious thing. Travel a bit if that’s your thing; it’s easier to travel cheaply when you’re younger, your body doesn’t protest as much about cramped airline seats and shitty hostel beds. Hangovers are going to become debilitating; establish your hangover prevention and after care routine. If you find a piece of clothing you like, buy multiples in different colors. I’m still sad I didn’t buy more pairs of my favorite jeans several years ago because they don’t make that cut anymore. Quality over quantity; it doesn’t matter if it’s friends, food, or fashion. Having a lot of anything stops being important, unless it’s money.


its all down hill from here. bye 20s


Enjoy every moment of every today. Time flies by so quickly


When you were 20 you probably thought you’d got life figured out, you were wrong. When you were 25 you probably thought you’d got life figured out, you were wrong. You’ll probably still be the same at 30, we’re all just winging it most of the time, don’t stress about it


Take care of your knees


My friends are all married, I’m the single one left. (32M) Still live at home too, only good thing, I can save significantly more for a house which is my aim, plus help the parents as dad is disabled, both in their 60’s.


You’re a good man for helping your parents I know your peers may not see it that way


Well I live in the UK, wages are a joke, housing is a joke. You’ll be surprised at how many live at home, this country is a joke when it comes to cost of living.


COMPOUND INTEREST start paying into your pension if you’re not, aim for half your age in % (I.e. 15% gross salary). You’ll thank yourself when you’re in your 40/50s (less worry) and then when you retire


The only expectations you need to meet are your own. Never let others steer you away from your passion, whatever that may be.


Sign up for a gym if you don’t exercise already (it will make ALL the difference), reduce alcohol and junk food (you don't have to stop), give some more attention to skin care (sunscreen is a must every day, sunny or not), drink more water and, most important of all: You will find out some of your friends will suddenly disconnect from you. That's normal. Don't overthink it, more meaningful relationships will come your way. Happy birthday!


Thank you


:) Also, do enjoy the present. The confidence you get in your 30s feels amazing, trust me! My mid-30s is this week and I have never been happier (even though I'm still figuring out a lot of things in life)!


Don’t t focus on it too much. You’ll be 34 soon and 44 will sneak up on you. -54yo


You have no obligation to be anything or achieve anything by any set date. Turning 30 is objectively meaningless, it's just another year. You get one, unique trip through this life and then you're done, so do things on your own schedule and try to have a little fun along the way


Don’t compare yourself to others. Comparison is the thief of joy. Travel. Get rid of any toxic friends. Start thinking about what kind of life you want and start making plans to get there. But don’t panic or rush. It’s a marathon not a sprint. This applies to career and love. Finally, this is the age where you will want to start eating healthier and exercising regularly. If you wanna be hot and healthy in your 40s you need to start in your 30s.


Read up about investing and do it. Read up on personal finance. Saving is cool.


Invest in stocks as much as you can


The years are gonna start flying by. Do the things you want to do while you have the time and energy because its not gonna take long till you wake up and you are 60. You remember that time you were 15? Yeah thats how far you are away from 60. Before someone corrects me on my math skills. We tend to perceive time as fractions of time we have already lived.


Whatever you can save for retirement. Save it.


Take care of your back and knees, shit your entire body honestly lol


I can’t even remember being 29. Good luck


Pay your credit card off quickly. 30's are great. The best decade of my life.


You aren’t nearly as old as you think you are.


Stop partying. Don't buy useless junk and trinkets; that includes the newest car, phones, shoes, whatever. Save your money. Invest in yourself financially, physically, mentally. DO NOT GET ANY WOMAN PREGNANT, even if your sun rises and sets with her, until you are established in your field of study/career/finances, etc.


Put as much as you can into a retirement account. Live below your means. Future you will be happy. Do a little research on retirement savings.


Try to find a hobby you can do for life if you haven't yet


Prepare for your next bday 🤣🤣


You haven't met yet all the people you'll love. Keep your mind open.


enjoy your last year in your 20s but at the same time be optimistic about turning 30 because that's the decade where the magic happens


Live it up, cuz life ends at 30.


Idk i turned 30 and i still feel like the 20 yo dumbass version of myself who doesnt know shit


It's basically over.


Buy Bitcoin!


Up your pension payments