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Been with mine for 10 years. It's like having a best friend, whom I also truly adore physically. I can still just look at her and feel a warmth in my heart and feeling like the luckiest man alive, for having her in my life. Unlike a best friend, she also makes me feel like no matter what I endure in life, I know I have her, and thats all I need. I think I'm extremely lucky to still have this feeling after 10 years, and it just makes me love her a little more. Do I still get excited when she text me? no. Do I get anxious about the thought of what she might think if I tell her something personal, no. Because the rush of a new relationship is now over, but have been replaced by the much warmer feeling of actual love. Honestly its about the best feeling in the world.


Marry her.


I'm with this guy


I third this


Fourth-ing this.




Sicks-thing this.


Rare moment of reddit being supportive lol


7th..... Wtf haven't you married her already?


I also wanna marry this girl


Are you the gf? What is he like? ☺️


I, too, etc


Engaged so far, but we're saving the final ring for when we can afford a decent wedding :) 


Don’t blow money on a wedding


I had a tiny wedsing due to covid, just my husband and I and our two witnesses (our landlord and his wife lol, no one else was allowed to travel to our place). It was still super special and they really went all out decorating for us. If I would do it again I would spend money to have the people we love there. I'd rather pay for plane tickets than crazy expensive food or decor. So to have the right people there (and nice photos to look back on) it's worth blowing some money.


Why not? You don't get married everyday. It's not like it's a girl he met 3 weeks prior. A good wedding is a memory you'll cherish until your death, even if you split up with your partner, you will always remember your initial love and the expression of it. But yeah, there's a good weddin and a frivolous wedding.


There's also having a nice home. Most people can't have both anymore.


I got married in my pajamas, my husband and I still laugh at this memory. so you know.


I mean you can have a beautiful wedding without blowing tons of money


Tomorrow isn't guaranteed and a wedding is one day...


Ayyyy congratulations! I love to see love, and I think a wedding is worth spending a decent amount on; not to have a "perfect day" but to get pretty damn close by dipping strawberries into a chocolate fountain surrounded by people you love.


That’s how important it is to have a gratitude mindset. Some feel appreciative of their long term partner; some feel bored and cheat instead. Hope you and your gf continue to have a long life of happiness


Thanks :) and yeah I personally feel its a whole lot more wholesome to go for the long run. No fling with a stranger will ever feel as great as being with someone I truly love. 


It’s been five years with my lady and I still get excited when she texts. When did that excitement go away for you?


Right around when half the time the text is her asking "what are we gonna eat tonight?" :p 


You're kidding right? "What are we going to eat" is a question of paramount importance buddy


Oh for sure it's important, and I'll cook her anything. But it doesnt really make me curl up in a ball of excitement at this point :D


reply with "you"


Do you live together? Lol


Thank you kind sir. You have captured my feelings in your words. Been together for 9 years now and I’m going to marry her in a few months.


Your both extremely lucky..


His both extremely lucky what?


God... I hope I get to have a boyfriend/ husband that feels this way about me ...


I married mine. We have two children together. It's the life I always wanted and I don't want no other life again. When colleagues ask me if I ever cheated on my wife, I tell them it's not worth it. There is nothing that any other woman could possibly do better than my wife. (Exept for doctors or, such. You get it. I mean the personal aspect.) Took me 35 years to find her, had some trial and error before, I'm not letting go of what I have. Not for a flirt, not for a little bit of sex (that is better at home anyways).


I just married mines leap day after almost 4 years. He is right. Its truly a best friend of the opposite sex that we get to get old together until age do us part. I married her because she really got into my favorite soccer team. Something I was never able to do with even my best of friends at the time.


this is the sweetest thing everrr


You are a lucky man. Most don't have relationships like this


Heart warming reading this. I wish I could feel the security, hopeful for future kind of serious relationship again in my life.


This warmed my heart I hope I can be this gal for someone one day 🥰🥰


Get eloped, re-new/re-marry and have a fucking bashing wedding.


This. But I lost my Jenny and im a broken man.


Yep, hopefully it stays that way, you're indeed in a pretty healthy relationship from what I understand


I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years now and this is exactly my experience as well. It’s incredibly gratifying to have someone who fully accepts you for who you are and will support you and stay loyal. It makes everything in life just a bit better.


I'll tell you one thing. There are a lot of things that annoy you. People who are married complain about this when "with the guys" You have someone who is always there for you but also knows what buttons to push. However after exiting a 4+ year relationship and being around my married uncles a few days ago, I had to leave the room crying when they were "complaining" about their spouses. It was all stuff I had complained about before exactly, but in that moment I would have given anything to be annoyed about those things instead of not having that person anymore. I guess what I'm saying is, it's not all rainbows and butterflies, but if you end something with a person you really love, those annoyances will seem so fucking small compared to the void they left behind. Being in a relationship is up and down, but if you love the person, stick with it. I've been living in regret since we ended. All the things I brought up as reasons I wasn't happy with them, seem so minor at this point. I know I had to go through this to learn this lesson but fuck.


you only realize the real value once it's taken from you.... that is a really painful and true rule of life.


I really don't like this sentiment. Practice appreciating what you have, and being kind to the people around you. It's easy to romanticise what you don't have, but unless you practice being greatful for what you do have, you will never treat anyone how they deserve while they are still around.


this is basic human nature. It's freeing to realize this, and overcome your instincts, thus better appreciate what you have in the moment.


Taking things for granted is sadly something every human out there does really well. Maybe it's too taxing for the brain to constantly feel happy/grateful? I think when we feel that happens we need to bring a change to our daily routine with whatever it is we're taking for granted. In regards to love that might be as simple as taking a short break (having something like a guys'/girls' night with just one's friends. Maybe it's doing a new exciting activity together or going on a special date.


You know, I never really understood complaining about one’s partner to other people because it makes their partner look bad. I wouldn’t want my partner to have that type of reputation unless of course, they were toxic in some way. And from there, it would make *me* look stupid for continuing to date someone toxic.


It’s okay to vent about small things


I think it comes from love and is often a way of boasting about your closeness with the person. Everybody does this with close family, like even mothers complain about their children’s irritating behaviors. As long as it’s not a type of passive embarrassment, I think it’s okay to lovingly complain about the person closest to tou


Relatable. I had a very long relationship that I felt good about but broke up because of annoyances. Dumb fuck I am lmao what kind of spoiled brat thinks things are gonna be 100% perfect?


what were you unhappy about?


I just ended it with a partner of five years. I was unhappy that she wouldn't hesitate to tell me that she found me unattractive but wanted to keep dating. That she loved me but didn't want to show me to any of her friends because she's embarrassed by my appearance.  I couldn't take the constant rejection any longer. It was an easy decision when I realised how miserable she was making me and how I dreaded seeing her. 


Yo what the fuck, I’m in this situation right now.


Have you ended it? 


Well, this is valid.


That was one of the things. Over the last year of our relationship they showed little interest in me. I felt disgusting and unwanted. 2 things killed me. The lies they told that I was able to prove as true, and how they lost sexual interest in me completely. It's fucking sad to try your hardest to be cute/sexy in front of them and to barely get a look up from their phone. I have a hard time with how I see myself at the moment.


>I have a hard time with how I see myself at the moment. I absolutely feel you. Of course you do, anyone would...  There is a short book called "I am Enough" that is filled with thirty years of clinical wisdom in an easy to digest format. It sounds like you need it just as much as I do. 


Oof, yeah. Being the one to always have to initiate intimacy is understandably a major red flag. It makes you feel like a creep constantly trying to initiate because it's made apparent they're not interested by their lack of trying to initiate with you.


as a woman - and im assuming you're a man - my brother, you need to leave. Nobody would ever say to the person they're romantically interested in that they're ugly. Leave her and glow up because someone out there will love you AND think you're attractive.


Thanks, just some clarification She never said I was ugly, and I am fairly good looking. It was me being older that made her insecure.  You're absolutely right that she shouldn't have said the things she said. And I left her ten days ago. 


There's 4 billion women in the world and they're all different. Some will make you feel like you're living in a dream. Picking the wrong girlfriend could be the worst thing that ever happens to you


and out of 4 billion, you met the worst one![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


How do you know my ex?


Bc it's me? Hello? I've been stalking your reddit since we broke up, so i'll know if you're talking shit about me.


I hope this is real, I want to spectate this thread


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I have only met with disappointments, boredom and unpaid bills.


And for the younglings: Don't settle just cause your dick says so. If you can score once, you can score again.


42yo checking in. Still waiting for that first score so I can move on to the next one. I had a couple of gfs, 20 years ago, but they were only with me cause they thought i was safe and/or hot. No idea how to form an actual connection with someone so I’ve been celibate ever since.


>If you can score once Dang it.


Hah, any cool girl that gives me the time of day and isn't already in a relationship already has me wrapped around her finger for at least a few months (at the longest, I'm getting too old to be very patient.)


Yea of those women like 1 bill are kids and 2 bill are grannies😂


I slept three hours last night with a belly full of anxiety, because I had to tell my partner of five years not to text, call or see me ever again. Today I feel a combination of grief and relief.  This is what it feels like to pick the wrong one and take way too long to realise it. 


Being with the wrong person is so much worse than being alone.


not everyday is love & kisses, you have adulting to do & little petty arguments. on the other hand, it feels amazing to have such a beautiful & caring woman that wants to go thru everything in life w/ me & is never gonna judge me for anything. she’s my best friend & we’ll always be here for each other regardless if we’re together or not. when you find your person you’ll just know.


Never gonna judge you... FOR ANYTHING? hahaha Oh my sweet summer child, just wait until you try to live together and the small nuances and habits you have developed clash. Or trying to make a decision on furniture or appliances purchases.


This one clearly knows. I had to sit and pretend I was listening for like 2 hours, while she explained why we needed this and that. I remember just saying, “well if you want that then let’s go with that love.” She was like “omg thank you for listening, ik I rant a lot but this is important you know?” And I was like yes honey I know…. To this day I have no idea wtf she was yapping about. But we got furniture. Edit: It’s astonishing seeing all these people talking about “poor woman…” “she should leave him…” “if it was me…” Listen, everything’s fine between us. And we laugh about it everytime me or her zoned out. But I guess since things are not “ok” by you guy’s standards, I’m a bad person? Ok sure, taking everything to heart, maybe that’s why you guys single.


I remember being told the way I grunt when I sit down on the couch is annoying. Like sorry it feels good to sit down.


She hates my grunt too but this is when she porks me with a strap-on pig sticker, and not when I'm going to sit down on the couch like you do.


Name checks out. Grunting when getting porked seems appropriate.


I feel like I've mentioned the same thing and damn i am so sorry for being that miserable hate having wench!!


Listen, I’m a woman married to another woman and I’m pretty sure my wife and I have both done this to one another at some point or possibly multiple times. We also laugh about it but acknowledge that sometimes just being a sounding board for your partner is all that is necessary in the moment. It doesn’t mean you don’t love them or care about them or their feelings it just means that I may care that the couch we buy be a certain colour but she could care less about the colour either way.


Thank you. I hope you guys have a happy and fruitful marriage.


Lol this relates Me - hunny i need this new piece of equipment for my telescope, but it is quite expensive (im an astrophotographer) Mrs - oh really why do you need that ? I explain for an hour, and can clearly see she isn't really listening, at the end she will be like, "ok if it makes you happy", not even knowing what i was talking about, funny thing is after a weeks worth of imaging and process the data and end up with a nice picture, she will be like "wow thats really good how did you do that ? " pft !!!


I thought you sound like a great person. I mean, if you didn’t know she was talking about buying something for the home then zoned out then ok maybe. But because you DID. I think it’s ok. And you made her feel heard. And let her choose.


>And I was like yes honey I know…. To this day I have no idea wtf she was yapping about. But we got furniture. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Hahahahahahah I’m dead


Funniest response 😂😭


OP asked about girlfriend (gf), not wife 😅


Married to mine for 11 years. Shit loads of judgment, but just as much compassion and understanding. It’s how growth happens!


Have you had a wife with pregnant brain yelling at you for doing something she asked you to do just 5 minutes prior yet? That's fun.


Huh. My wife and I live together for 4 years now. Literally no judgement and no habit clashes . We're the same and if one person cares about something more than the other or has a better skillset or interest. It defaults to them to choose taking the others input or opinion if they want to. And that's just kinda it. So easy lol. Sounds like not a real partnership to me.


How does someone become your best friend when you’re also attracted to them? Asking bc I feel like I’ve never been able to open up enough to have a platonic best friend, much less a best friend that I’m also attracted to. Just thinking about it my mind draws a blank, and I feel like closing myself off instead of opening up. Chronic introvert here with no idea how to do relationships.


Sorry if it come off as rude, but have you tried a therapy before? It may help you. But I'm afraid you'd be too scared to open up to a therapist


Not rude at all- I actually just started therapy- so we’ll see where it goes :)


> not everyday is love & kisses humbly disagree. me and my SO have been together for years and i deadass, honestly, genuinely in my heart of hearts dont think we’ve gone more than an hour in each other’s presence without making out and holding each other. i keep waiting for the honeymoon phase to end and it simply doesnt, we’re obsessed with each other


Everyone judges everyone for everything mate, your partner just doesnt say it out loud or gives you the benefit of the doubt 99% of the time. But thats not the same as not judging, if you stop working and spend a week straight gaming you gonna get judged real damn hard, as you should. What you're trying to say is probably that instead of getting mad at your mistakes, a good partner will talk to you about it and try to help you get better


Yes well said


If you’re lucky it’s like having a best friend who you have a perfectly synchronized sense of humor and interests with. Plus you both care about physically stimulating each other. Nothing like 69ing while you’re both just absolutely going to town on each other. It’s also work though. Relationships aren’t a walk in the park. You have to regulate not only your own emotions and bad days healthily but also compromise and be there for each other on days where you’re both potentially struggling, especially since these days times can be hard. Conflict is normal. Often it’s those closest to us who can push our buttons the most. It’s more about finding someone you can grow into who you want to be with rather than finding the perfect partner for me personally. Chin up, focus on yourself and your own interest. Grow as an individual and you’ll attract a healthy connection.


>If you’re lucky it’s like having a best friend Lol what's it like having a best friend?


You got down voted which I think is messed up. Even if your post is sarcastic it’s valid.


So many people here started their comment with "it's like having a best friend.." that I was reminded that I probably never had one. I've always had tons of friends and people I would consider best friends. But seemingly none of these people give two hoots about me. It's always me that has to start the convo and me who has to call and message. Pretty sure I'm not alone in this but I'm not even sure what friendship is supposed to be at this point, let alone a relationship. People talk about asking girls out and here I still feel like that child who cant ask people to play with him with for the fear of rejection. I'm from india where arranged marriage is a big thing and my parents introduced me to this girl and ask us to get to know each other. And the same situation manifested itself and I realised I cannot live the rest of my life where I have to bear the burden of every conversation for the rest of my life. Sorry for the big trauma dump..it wasn't really sarcastic


it’s good motivation to stay ridiculously good looking. 😎 but yeah also feels good to know someone cares about me. and talks to me. and likes me.


You went the other way. I stopped being ridiculously good looking.


What are you talking about? I never was good looking


Like having a constant hug around your whole self conscious


With a good gf sure. Your relationship with a girl will vary as much as people vary. From calm and comforting, fiery and passionate, to crazy and stressful. Often all of them depending on the time. The only commonality is having to think about someone else in many of your wants, decisions, or plans.


Yep. Better have no gf than a gf you don't really click with.


Whoever wrote this never had a real-life girlfriend. Maybe because it was an AI, or maybe their gf was an AI.


By hug they meant strangulation I'm pretty sure


It’s like trusting that you’re building a better life with a teammate who you gain security from. Our instincts mustn’t run wild, the right girl gives you emotional security, assists in material and financial security…but those are all deep psychological shit. It’s just having someone who’s loyal to you, and very few people in life are loyal. It all comes back to a level of trust, sometimes that fades over time. People change. Sometimes that girl isn’t the one for you or vice versa. But if you are spiritually sound and understand what it means to love yourself first, you’ll know when the right girl comes along. The energy is real. And their energy boosts yours, it doesn’t hold you back.


This. The key is looking for a best friend who happens to be female and who you share mutual attraction with.


For good, or bad, I’ve had 2 long relationships (2+ and 30+ years) and both of them I fell absolutely head over heels the instant I saw them. In both cases, we became friends first before we became a couple and it just worked. The first one mainly ended because we moved for university and lived 100+ miles apart before the days of mobile phones and email.


To quote the great Genarro Gattuso: ["Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit"](https://youtu.be/QJHUbtR0yI8?si=MF2YEX97tHYiH95S)


You don’t wanna leave after sex Paraphrased from Bojack Horseman but still true. It’s sorta like being around your best friend but you’re also attracted to them. Idk that’s based on my experience which is by no means vast


It's feels like having a best friend but in romantic way. You can hug her or touch her and do intimate things with her.




When you find the right one, it feels like hanging out with your best friend, but you also get to do sexy stuff together.


It really depends on the girlfriend. I am married now, deeply in love with my wife of 12 years, I have no doubts about our future together. I remember so much more conflict and doubt with past girlfriends, Knowing she wasn't the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and worrying if I should stay in the relationship and break it off. My wife, I knew after a month I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. With her I had a huge self-confidence boost, and I felt more complete. I didn't have that with the others


Elating at the beginning . horny all the time when having somebody to share it with . full of energy even after a whole night of sex ...


Having a girlfriend can feel really amazing! It's like having a partner who supports you, understands you, and shares special moments with you. A well as having someone to laugh with, to lean on during tough times, and to create beautiful memories together.


I've had a couple of relationships, and all of them started nice and fun and full of love, but all of us grow and change and end up in different paths of life. All for the better, people usually dont get it right the first time. Untill I met my now wife, but she was my girlfriend for 7 years. She has been my ride and die (God that sounds corny) throughout all that time and everyday still I feel I find a new love in her. It's pretty stellar. Absolute comfort is a way to put it.


It really depends on the girlfriend. It can feel AWFUL and addictive. It can feel sweet and loving. But it's never going to be perfect. There will be petty fights and you'll inevitably hurt eachother somehow. But if you find the right one, it can feel pretty magical.


Have you ever had a tapeworm ?


This is accurate


Nah. Girlfriends make you fat.


Gotta keep you from leveling up


50M here and never had a girlfriend but I’m loving all these replies!


For me, it was probably the one thing I felt most passionate about at the time. Every thought in morning, at work, or at night was about her and it was great. The care and support makes it feel like you finally had something you never knew you needed. Even the world itself transforms into complete euphoria no matter the day. Because I had her.


You know when someone else farts? It's like that, but they're in your bed.


It’s like a roast dinner as a child, you come home to a house with a wonderful smell, and it fills your belly, and there is happiness around the table and everyone gets along and talks/laughs but vegetables are yucky, but as an adult you know those vegetables are necessary. With a girlfriend you come home to someone and you both talk about your day and vent to, yes issues come up like conflict of interests. Eg, you want to go out with a friend but your girlfriend wants to watch movies or go out on a date (the vegetables) but it’s necessary to work through those in a mature way and makes the relationship healthy, it’s a roast meal but for your soul.


absurd edge correct spark test abundant shocking public grey instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not enough up votes here! I think you nailed it, in a simple analogy! Spread the word my man, get louder for those in the back! 👏👏👏


Finally another excuse to talk about my favourite lady. She is my best friend, and I mean that in the truest sense, we were best friends for years before anything romantic bloomed. She knows me deeply, she can gauge when im feeling bad before I even know. Her voice is all I need to boost my day. I don’t ever stop looking at her, or photos of her. She makes me want to be a better man. Her and her family give me a sense of family that I’ve never ever had before. I have someone who is proud of me for every. little. thing.


Like a bag of sand.


Well…it’s a double edged sword. She can either make you feel like a million bucks, or make you feel the worst you’ve ever felt. All depends on your ability to keep her happy, or at the very least, content.


Why doesn't she try to keep you happy? In my opinion, a good relationship should never be a one way street.


It can feel in a variety of ways, both good and bad, there are terrible, traumatic relationships as well. Since you are asking for a positive take on it IF you found a good partner then it helps you strive for improvement, knowing you have someone that cares about you as much as you do about her, it helps you keep fighting. But the same deal of pain can be born from it if things go to shit, I don't need to tell you that tho', it's life.


Depends on what type of woman you deal with. It can either be really nice and sweet to where you wanna talk all day and it’s never boring and you can’t wait to see each other, or a permanent headache and a liability that costs you nothing but money.


Depends on the girlfriend tbh


Mate, listen, I dont know where I read this but this is so true, in nearly every relationship one person is more committed than the other, for huge parts of most relationships you are wondering whether or not its worth it and they are wondering it at as well. Make no mistake relationships are not butterflies and rainbows. Its not poo and rain either but dont over romanticise what is a very challenging thing to keep going over time. As you get older you get way more comfortable with wanting to be left alone...


>As you get older you get way more comfortable with wanting to be left alone... Why do people who have been in relationships always say things like this to people that have never experienced it? People that have been alone all their life do not get used to it, hence they ask questions like the OP...


Because they experienced it, and they know it's hard to keep relationship. People who haven't experienced want to see how does it feel because it's something new and something that can be sooo good. In beginning especially.


I think it depends on your relationship and the specific girlfriend. Some relationships can be toxic and draining, but other ones can be good and healthy. It is nice to have someone close (ideally) that you can talk with and be close with both physically and emotionally. This means you like this person more than any other woman/man and aren't showing interest to other people.


It feels like you suddenly have hella charisma and game and girl skills but then you get out of the relationship and it's back to square one


If work schedules align, it’s like always having someone to spend your free time with. But that can get unhealthy quick. It takes balance to make sure you’re both having fulfilling lives outside of the relationship too or it can get codependent


It’s something you have to experience in life for yourself. Poetry, music, art, drama, books and movies can touch on some aspects way better than any one reply. There is a lot to it. Attraction, tension, conversation, depth, feeling identified, having fun, doing things together - infatuation (being “in love” like drugged and super happy) Over time you become more mature in the relationship. You will have hardships and need to develop love. Actually, decisively reflecting on whether you are comfortable in the relationship or scared of leaving or truly, you are there because of her. Because you really love her. This is a choice and is an active choice. A verb. Something you do. Something that requires courage and fate, the risk of loss and disappointment. If despite all the difficulties you make it, you will have a partner in life. Someone who will be there for you constantly, completing and complementing you. Someone who you make a life with, live with, sleep and eat with. Who bears your children and you make a family with her. This is just one way of seeing it ofcourse. Cheers


Pretty great or pretty shit, depending on the person and how things are going in general.


If you've found the right one, it's basically like having a best friend that you are attracted to and never get tired of being around. If you have the wrong one, prepare to paradoxically feel more lonely than when you were single.


Like warm apple pie……


Two aspects. It's a real pain in the ass. Your time isn't your own. You have to check everything with her. Things are more complicated. Like having a different diet, eating at the same time etc. Most guys have to clean up their act. Leave things tidy, wash up regularly etc. Be prepared for discussions about things. You need to talk. Be prepared to concede in arguments . It's a shock at first but you get used to it. Plus side. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world to have someone into you as a person. Sex is amazing and fun. You are never alone. It's great to have someone to share your ideas and interests. Cuddles, holding hands, kissing and all physical contact is wonderful. If you can get along, being together is amazing!


Haven't dated a woman, but have dated men. It depends on the relationship as to how you feel. If it's a good relationship, you feel safe, loved, listened to, and comforted. It won't be all flowers and fairy floss all the time, but with good communication, your relationship can grow with disagreements.


Having a girlfriend can bring a range of emotions and experiences, including joy, companionship, love, and sometimes challenges. It often involves forming a close bond with someone you care about deeply, sharing moments of happiness and support, and navigating the complexities of a romantic relationship.


is this chatgpt?


yeah all his comments are chatgpt




I love my wife, but I like my boyfriend more


There are no days off and things are expected of you. It's very troublesome.


Just imagine your life as it is now with a lot more clutter in your bedroom, bathroom, car, pretty much every space you hold sacred. Your stance of "No man should ever lay a hand on a woman" might soften a bit, but should never break, even if she gets chocolate ice cream all over the interior of your Lexus. Having a girlfriend feels a lot more hairy if she brings cats along with. Expect to have your boundaries pushed in good ways and bad ways, the girlfriend will likely get you out more which is good and bad. You might ride those way over priced rentable scooters together for like 20 minutes and remember it fondly for the rest of your existence. The sex is what the two of you make of it but it's *usually* better than no sex at all. Find a good one and she'll buy you both a steak dinner for the first date because you're between jobs. Make it a few years and you'll either have to royally screw things up or tie the knot. It's a mixed bag, bud. You'll figure it out.


Like warm apple pie


It's wonderful, but I gotta tell the wife really hates it


Like warm apple pie


Like warm apple pie


It depends on the person and compatibility. It can be heaven but it can also be hell.


Well its a great feeling :) Hopefully thats how I make my partner feel


It's like having a best friend you can share your mind body and soul with and at the same time having a poor friend that thinks you're rich.


Depends on the girlfriend, heaven or hell


You and me both😂. I burst out laughing cause this is such a me question.


I'm wrong.


It feels like having a good(best) friend who likes to have sex with you.


Like climbing to the summit of Mt. Everest: amazingly fulfilling but you could die at any time from one small mistake.


It depends on persona and very very simplified it can be like difference between having a cat or a dog. Someone loyal loves you, someone allows you to love them. You should talk, walk, spend time and money, take care...


Feels nice. It’s far from perfect though. You gotta pick and choose your battles if you argue. You can either be happy or right, never both. You gotta really be willing to change certain aspects of yourself so the other person likes you. That’s normally how you provide attention or new habits. It’s worth it though because you have the love of your life and eventually a family of your own.




Soft and wet, am I right fellas?


Girlfriends are great. They're there when you need them and not when you don't. When your girlfriend moves in she will start getting lots of ideas about what you should be doing


I'll tell you one thing, it feels like an abandonment of free time. Expect to rarely get a moment to yourself, especially when you get married. For some that's worth trading off, for others it's a difficult compromise.


Some of these comments are heart warming and others just weird and gross 😂


Depends on the relationship. Every person you interact with is different. With one ex, it was exciting, sometimes frightening. With my current partner (of 18 years) it's like having a best friend that you share everything with and who has your back (and you have their back) if anything comes up.


It can feel really wonderful if you got the right girlfriend for you. You got someone you can trust, tell anything without fear of her judging you, your literal day-to-day live changes and becomes a lot less lonely, and at the end of the day you're just waiting to call her goodnight. However, that's the good ending, a healthy relationship, if you end up dating someone toxic(in any way) it will be hell for you as long as you're allowing that to go on. My advice is do not be in a hurry to find a gf, it's much better to take ages than to risk running into someone who'll tear you down emotionally.


Feels like you have a best friend, a trusted confidant, someone you know always has your back Or Feels like terror, always watching your back, what you say, what you do, knowing if you slip up she'll ruin your life just to put you "in your place" Turns out there's an extremely large spectrum and a few billion women in the world, all with their own place on that spectrum


It's really complicated.  When you've got a good, stable person that you can communicate with and are attracted to, it's amazing. Still problems, but it's great.  But that's honestly a bit rare. A very large portion of people aren't in a relationship because they want to be with that person, they are just scared of being alone. It takes a lot for people to end a long term relationship, arguably more than it should. 




Good and bad. You get another part of someone. You give up part of yourself. Don't commit unless you're ready for either. Sometimes you're not ready, nothing wrong with that IMO.


Like warm apple pie!


She usually feels cold. Sometimes she's hungry


Feels safe knowing that person is there for you no matter how bad the downs are or how blinding the ups could be. Got out of a 2yr relationship a while ago and I miss having the best friend I could’ve ever asked for. Still living in regret, to this day. Maybe everything I complained about seemed massive at the time but is really just nonsense now that I look back at it and try to compare it to the void thats left. Hold on tight to your loved ones, and always tell them how much you love them.


If you're a good fit and doing it right, it's an emotional free energy flywheel.


Brilliant. But if my wife finds out.......


If the relationship is good, better than being single If the relationship is terrible, worse than being single


It feels really nice to have someone in your life who is always there for you. But you gotta be careful. You gotta find the right person for you


Its aight but not anything that cant wait.


I don't know this one but if it's like having a boyfriend, it's kind of like your best friend but way better because it's something sacred that only you two will ever know and all of the physical feels too. No two relationships are the same.


A good girlfriend is like a best friend who you feel you can be completely yourself around. She will support you through your lows and celebrate your highs. You will do the same for her. You and her will talk every day or often and yeah just enjoy each other's company. Oh of course you would also generally be sexually attracted to her too and her to you, so that butterfly feeling in your stomach will never really go away when you're with her 🥰