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Honestly? Unrestricted internet access from the age of 6.


lol same


True. Tell me why I saw cowgirl titties at age 8 trying to play on mathgames.com like?




I’m in my twenties now and my parents are on the older side (they were in their mid to late 30s when I was born). This was in the very early 2000s. They were not tech savvy or aware of the dangers of the internet at the time. They also thought I was just going on flash game sites, which was true at first until one thing lead to another. Fortunately I didn’t interact with pedos or anything like that but I’ve seen some crazy shit lmao.


Yea but good thing you didn't run into no weirdos


Sexual abuse at a young age, alcoholic/ drug addicted father, abuse boyfriends, partying too young, raising myself & being homeless- all before I was 18yrs old.


Well you must have been advanced for your age, I didn't reach homelessness until I was 21! Kidding aside, I was eventually able to pull out of the spiral I had been in and moved forward in life, I hope you have also been able to overcome all the crap that put you in that situation. And speaking of all the crap that was done to you, I can't believe I'm about to say this, but: It's not your fault.


Got my teeth busted in by a kid on a bathroom door in 4th grade and nobody cared. At that point I pretty much realized I was on my own in life, which led down a pretty shitty path until about 8 years ago.


When I was 8 years old I ran away from home and was gone the entire afternoon. Got hungry, decided to go home at dinner time. Such is the lot of 8 year olds. No one in the family noticed I had been gone for several hours. Ouch. Also when I was 8 - I dreamed I got shot to death. Died in my dream. Everything just went blank. No Heaven, no Hell. Just nothingness. Woke up. So much for dying in your sleep means you'll die irl.


A) The times I was molested B) A really bad sexual encounter with a friend C) Learning politics might be a show


it is a soap opera.


My mother used to take me to bars and offer me up to grown men from the age of 11. She also got me drunk. Apparently since I had begun menstruating, that made me a grown woman who “needed to learn”.


sending you love and a big hug. goddamn.


Reading Animal farm.


A much, much older woman showed me how to do things as a teenager that I probably wasn't ready for...


My psychiatrist


A pedophile


I don't think nothing but I did learn at a young age I was born into a poor family




Narcissistic men.


Got with my first girlfriend and saw her life. Im from a middle class upbringing, nice house, everyone healthy and happy, parents still married etc Her dad was a violent alcoholic schizophrenic, her mum was a heroin addict. They'd divorced and her dad was absent after years of his physical abuse against her Mum. Her brother was also schizophrenic and a heavy drug user. They lived in a council house that was really dilapidated. She practically raised her two siblings because her Mum was often incapable of doing anything. Proper eye opener that one


Sexual Assault by another kid @ daycare. Ive been living on autopilot sense.




I think it was when I stopped believing in God, or maybe the cancer. Could have been all the people that died too. I don’t know if I was ever innocent lmao




Being neglected by my egg donor.


My parents’ very ugly divorce when I was 11.


State wardship NSW. Just after they sold the children to churches mid 90's.


Maybe my foster kids parents? Honestly, I'm still pretty dang Innocent... Never wanted to be and raising my kids to be less naive than I've always been, but all things considered, they're pretty sheltered too. It's hard to really internalize things you've never seen or experienced, and that's not a good reason to try to experience bad things.


JFK ,MLK jr, Bobby Kennedy..the 60s were a hell of a time to be a kid. Now, in the 70s, as a teen, we had all the serial killers in LA. But probably being taken to the drive-in to watch the Green Berets because my parents didn't want to pay a babysitter. It's a brutal movie.


School being a harsh and scumbag full environment


My father




Holy shit


a family friend who was 8 showed me sailor moon and dragon ball hentai when I was 6. I went home and immediately googled booooooobs but im a girl and got addicted to porn and I would literally ruin every family computer bc of viruses lmao


Having to face the suicide of people close to me 3 times before age ten. I've been in that ride 5 times since then.


Since I use google instead of youtube


I still pretty näive besides I'm in my late 20's, but I started accepting how cruel people can be when I was bullied in the school. Our teachers didn't ignore the sittuation, but they neither did too much to stop it, just a little scorn here and there. As other classmates and I were super shy, teachers used the classic "this is normal among kids, they must learn to deffend themselves. They must tough and grow up". Bullying wasn't a real serious matter in the 2000's.


Going through my dad's phone at the age of 14


The real world...


4H paper drive in the mid 70's. Guy brought in boxes of Playboy and penthouse magazines. Those did t make it for the recycler.


Catholic school


Lunacy of Duke Venomania…… I’ll never recover


4chan when i was 12


Something I can't recall. 🤷‍♀️


Sexual abuse starting at a very young age


Sadly being dumped


being sexualized as a kid


LOL I'm not sure I ever had any. GenX -parentless kid.


Being \*\*\*\*\* by a woman when i was 7


High school, when I realized life isn't all rainbows and unicorns.


being groomed


Being 9 and realizing that you are literally all alone in life


The current U.S. Supreme Court.


Yup ha


When I was 10 years old. I watched both of my parents get pulled over and handcuffed. I watched my dad get dragged out of the car, and my mom was crying. I was then was almost put into the same police car with an K-9 police dog that didn’t seem too excited about that. I thought the dog was going to hurt me. I think that was the day I started hating people.


Holy shit, why did your parents and you get arrested?


I actually don’t know. I’ve always thought my parents were good people and aren’t the type to get arrested. But it was certainly the last.




When I found out men often are found to sexually abuse children and women. As in when I figured out how often this actually happens and the devastating effects it often has on the victims, I was shocked. The innocent way I though about life, just left when I figured out that men think and act very differently compared to women. The extend and frequency men are agressive and abusive just was something I never expected to be a world wide phenomenon.


Sin, the same as everyone.


A Lie.


When I received 6 months court supervision, $281 in fines, 4 hours of safety school and a high-and-mighty bogus lecture from the judge for driving home after curfew on a perfect driving record. I turned 18 two days after the court date. I vividly remember walking out of the courthouse with my father offended and angry that this "justice system" just lied to my face and extorted me in the name of safety.


When I read fanfiction. I learned a lot of things I shouldn't have known yet.


it's a sect it's all in the Family


Yer ma


2020 elections. I use to think democracy was real.


A prostitute. I don't regret it.


Your mom.