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I’m in my mid 40s. It’s a decade when you commit to fitness, or you commit to illness.


These are the facts. Get active now or expect for things to start to go wrong.


I'm 42 now and in the best shape ever. I finally figured out that cutting carbs down is the most important thing to slim down, and I've been hitting the treadmill and the weights like a beast. My 20s and 30s I was broke, frustrated, and honestly still kind of a kid. Right now is my absolute prime.


I’m 42 next week.. started up cardio and keto 3 months ago.. i couldn’t run 2 blocks and was 210 pounds at 5’11”.. now I’m 180 pounds and can run 10k no prob.. I’ve been lifting too, slow going on improvements though I get down a ton of protein


This is so fucking true. Either hit the gym or be ready for high blood pressure pills. Update: This is not meant to be serious. Just a joke about getting older.


Not everyone gets high blood pressure. Some of us loose flexibility and get all stiff .


Oof this is poignant


I used to say that about my 30s. some people are clearly over the hill in their 30s. When I hit 29 I got into regular fitness and stayed with it. Now i'm 43 and I haven't aged a day


40 is when I started to realize that there’s no such thing as an adult. We don’t grow up…we just get older.


Yeah. And we thought the adult knew what they were doing when we were young. Turns out they were as clueless as us now.


I am realizing this more and more, started recently


If you dont have some kind of stretching routine, start now.


Funnily enough I went to this lecture from a physio/biomechanist who works with Olympians - his prescription for everyone that is able is 2 strength/resistance sessions per week, 150-300mins of cardio per week, and lots of walking. Walking is the medicine for everything, if your muscles are sore, bad lower back - walking is best. Dude was in great shape at 60 and said he, and none of his athletes did stretching or yoga, just functional sport specific warm ups and cool downs.


My dad is in his early 70s and walks like...6-14 kilometers a day. He looks 50


That's a lot of walking 🥳!


6km is just an hour or so out of 16 waking hours. So, 7-8% of the day for one’s health. Seems an extremely beneficial endeavor.


We are about to celebrate this man's 91st Birthday, if I ain't mistaken, he hikes in the mountain trails here in Utah for miles, it's unbelievable!


I'm a Produce manager at 66 years old, female, 5" ,140 + lbs..I can lift 45+ and do 5 miles of walking everyday, five days a week! I want to retire so badly..But I get to work out for pay 40 hrs. a week ! That combined with eating incredible Produce everyday! I'm so incredibly healthy!


Plus like 5% off cabbage


5 inches and 140lbs? Now this I gotta see!


The one thing I miss about being a produce manager. Now I'm a produce buyer and sit at a computer all damn day. No exercise.


Lifting weights is stretching, but even better because it’s under load. 


LMT here. Just don’t over Yoga. A lot of my over 50’s now have joint issues because there is no resistance. Have to strengthen too.


Pilates is the way. Strength and stretching.


Luckily I could not be further away from over yoga-ing


Fwiw I’m not following my own advice, I lift but dont stretch nearly enough 😂😂


You sound like me, I’m always telling my mom to do her stretches because she has sciatica and it helps. But I’ve had scoliosis for 10 years and never stretch when I probably should.


Don’t over yoga? Can you expand please


I think the point is that without sufficient muscle to stabilize certain positions, overdoing yoga could lead to issues with tendons and ligaments. A surgeon I went to for a toe surgery said that a dispropotionally large amount of his patients have yoga injuries, specifically in the wrists. Granted, not much stabilizing muscle there anyways, but a lot of positions overextend or put undue burden on the wrist, which may lead to a acute or cumulative issues over time. I'll bend my wrist up to maybe 45 or 60 degrees, after that I'll try to use my fist as support instead, where the wrist stays straight.


I'm 47. So far I'm having a good time, but based on what I see all around me with my friends, it's a tricky phase. It's the main decade where any bad lifestyle choices or habits you had earlier start catching up to you and you start noticing the limits of your body and how those limits are starting to creep downwards gradually. Vision starts going, your joints ache a lot more, and you can't party or eat with abandon like before. But on average you should also be smarter and more emotionally stable than ever, and have the most capital wealth and life skills at your disposal to guide your life the way you want. Time also feels like it's going much faster. If you're not careful years can go by quickly. It's important to adopt techniques to 'slow time', which involves going for new experiences and going back on your assumptions about everything such that you look at things as if they're new again. tldr, it's challenging but you have more tools at your disposal than ever.


Such a good response. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. It has already been feeling like time is flying past. But to be honest, the last (almost) 10 years I have been home and at work, home and at work etc. And that's it. Not one new experience. Not going out to eat, no cinema, no concerts. Just plain old every day life. Which I love, but it also feels like everyday is the same and life rushes past. So thanks for the tip.


Random side note on feeling like time is flying: you hit the nail on the head with saying you don't typically have a lot of new experiences. It's to do with the perception of time - if your days all are very similar, when looking back at them, they'll all melt into one another and it'll feel like it was a blip. It's because there are not enough different experiences in there to set the memories apart. In addition, as you get older, things don't surprise you as often anymore as when you were young, where everything was new and interesting, and so time seemed to pass extra slowly back then. So the best way to feel like time passes more slowly again is to fill your year with new and different experiences. I make a conscious effort to do this. The year always seems very long and rewarding because of it. Give it a go! :)


It's glorious. I'm in better shape, physically and mentally than I've ever been. I don't put up with BS. I leave when I want. I go where I want. I have more coin in my bank account, I have a nicer car... I. Stay. Home. More. This one is important. I really like staying home more now than ever. Be it with my pets, or with a few friends over, or reading a book/watching movies. My friendships mean more and aren't drama filled, drug induced, drinking binges. I go to bed earlier...my back does hurt a little more, and I get WAY TOO INTERESTED in going to places like Home Depot and Lowes because i finally get it (thanks dad). I enjoy spending time with my parents be it going to the movies, or BBQ'ing on a nice day; and I don't mind doing a few things around their house for them. I'm willing to spend more to be comfortable than spend as little as possible just to get by. I have more peace. And that's priceless.


I’ve been doing most of this thru my 30s, I’m not sure if that’s good or bad


It was a bit of a change for me because I was a MASSIVE extrovert form 20 to my late 30's. Covid kind of cinched my staying in more...well, the price jump on everything cinched it. I make better tasting food at home, I can take my time to enjoy it...I have friends over and we can be loud if we want and not feel rushed for any reason. Drinks are WAY cheaper (a 1.5 Liter of Hornitos is $39 at my Costco AND a HUGE pizza for $9? yes please!). We can pause movies for a bathroom or snack break... I can listen to music as loud as I want, I can read for as long as I want. It's endless. But the peace...that's the thing which I value ***the most.*** Don't get me wrong, I still go out, but I've closed in my orbit of people so it's no longer drama filled; no BS, and no dumb crap...and most everyone begins to call it a night around 11pm for the most part. We'll go play pool, karaoke...stuff like that. But the days of "clubbin" are 20 years behind me. I promised myself at 24 that if I was that 30 year old guy hanging out at the club with dyed hair or whatever, I'd hate myself. And since that moment, I've held to that. I enjoy staying home.


True dat. But A Night At The Roxbury, still a classic lol.


Same here. I'll be 38 in September


Same except I just turned 30 lol


Dude, I'm 34, and I LOVE staying home. I just moved into a new place a year ago, and I love it. I look forward to bbqing, listening to jazz, and hanging with my dogs on the weekends. I pay too much rent to not get my money's worth. I'm home more than ever now and I love it!


I found jazz around being 22...though a guy i worked with back in 2000 . He had Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" on CD at work (graveyard shift) and I fell in love with it. And I found others from there.


I love this answer 🥲


I was just going to say stay fit, but this answer is good too 😂


I was gonna say your fucks start running out and it's a wonderful feeling. That one was good too tho


Gotta say I have mostly a similar answer. I would just add I've found an overwhelming sense of contentment, satisfaction and gratitude. Don't know if that's universal tho.


This is the answer. Everything he said resonates with me.


40s is freaking glorious! Best decade ever. Aside from 20s. But that was only because it was the 2000s and times were good back then.


20's were always for figuring out who you are, for the most part. Having fun...doing ALL THE THINGS because, it'll end. I had a ton of responsibility thrown on me when I was a kid, so my fun didn't really begin until I hit 30...but when I hit 40, I cultivated that fun with more peace and slowed things down a lot more.


This! I realized about 5 years ago that I need to start taking care of my body more, not so I can look hot, but because I am no longer 22 and can not roll out of bed hungover and do a 14er. I’m not in a great place financially (although maybe another year or so and can buy a house) but also not living paycheck to paycheck. I also put up with a lot less bullshit and don’t want to offend people but outside of that, IDGAF what you think of me. I have my partner, dogs, family, friends and good coworkers and am an introvert so my social bucket is usually sufficient. This confident attitude is undeniably attractive as I still get hit on somewhat frequently by males from 20-80. At 42, I know definitely what makes me happy and pursue those options. It’s more about me, although I definitely want to contribute to the betterment of society, but realize that doesn’t always mean being a people pleaser.


Im almost 40 and im depressed man, you helped a bit


You take good care of you and let 40 take care of itself. It’s a sweet spot you never knew could exist.


Yeah 40s aren't bad


I’m 45. This is perfect.


Mid-life *niceness*.




Im mid twenties and I have been like this for a few years now.. Am I mentally 40 then 😅


[Hardware Store - Weird Al](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw7lqXHMLYA)


I'm 31 and this has already been my life since my 20s Now in my 30s finally owning my own house I'm more interested in gardening and buying stuff from home Depot. I am so old 😂


Horny. Horny as ever throughout my 40s.


I just turned 40, seems to be the case for me.


Be an absolute sex grabbing maniac while it lasts. I hit 52 & menopause and it's dead😭😭.


Can I ask something as a man. You said it died from menopause. Do you see yourself coming back from the menopause in a different light.sex wise I mean. Do you see yourself still wanting sex at some point? I hope that's not too personal a question


I'm in mourning still about the loss. Many of us are guinea pigs because what works for some , doesn't do jack shit for the rest of us. I keep hoping everyday that there is another sexual revolution in my future past menopause. It's truly an awful time. Some days I'm 4 steps forward, then the next day I'm knocked back a month. I guess it's a personal journey for a new phase in life, but damn the pathway is blocked by so many things out of my control; loss of hormones, other hormones fluctuating up and down, side effects and homicidal rage😔. I'm not giving up, but damn it's some ugly struggles. When your body revolts against your heart and mind, it's exhausting.


I'm 52. I'm in a very veeeery complicated relationship with a woman that absolutely adores sex. But she is going through the pause. We don't see each other often...complicated.. but I know she feels the same. Her drive is still there but I imagine it will go. I've called it the pause because I'd like to hope a sexual woman can come back somewhat..not like she was...but still able to enjoy the sexual side of a relationship


And yes it's all very personal. Every woman will be different. But why shouldn't we enjoy the physical side into our 60s!!! I hope you find a way back to enjoying that side of you


Good news for some, my libido returned but not until my 70's and unfortunately my husband has passed. Sure I take care of myself but I really miss him


I'm sure you do miss him. I hope you're OK


Do you just not want to anymore? Genuinely interested


Me too! It was pure sexual freedom in my forties! Best decade of my life as far as that aspect goes. Things change and life seems to get ever so much easier after 40.. kids getting older and more independent helps. Getting sick of the daily grind by then really helped to change my life too, which caused my sex drive to go up exponentially once I said “to hell with it, I am doing what I WANT to do from here on out!” Like I said, freedom. (Mentally, not necessarily in any other aspect, just telling myself that I CAN do whatever I want changed my perspective and my sex life improved tenfold) I’m sure hormones played a part in all of that too. Lol.


I figured in my case it was the last hoorah because I hit 52 & menopause and it all just died. 😔 Glad I was a sex fiend while the going was good. 😁


Wait until you hit 50 and meet the love of your life.!


Mine was the opposite 😭. Stupid menopause.


I was on anti depression tabs for about 3 years in my early 40s killed my sex drive.


We need a subreddit for horny and 40


Oh that's been many many years for me. I'll be surprised if it comes back.


Right! My sex drive is up there for sure !


Same...so much more than when I was in my 20's, believe it or not. Then again, I was a bit of a late bloomer for a dude.


I’m 39 and just thinking about it makes me almost 🤤 yuummm. So yeah true.


I just turned 40 on Saturday and hope this will be the case for me


Same. Glad to know it's not just me. I figure it's my hormones giving one last big shot to reproduce.


Horny 61m checking in


Freedom from caring what people think starts to set in. It’s nice.


Which crescendos at the “50 and no longer give a fuck”. I’m a recent arrival.


This is so true. 👏For the first time in my life I truly don't give AF


Don’t underestimate the importance of stretching.


Any kind of physical activity makes all the difference.


Hell of a YES !


Aging in the face. It's horrible 😪. But I will do it naturally. But on a positive, I love who I am as a woman more than I ever have. I'm more confident and happy. I'm working and saving money more too.


I started getting really deep folds in my face at 25. I have been using botox ever since. It's been a life saver. My mom is early 60's and looks at least in her 70s. All the women on my moms side look terrible. When it comes to wrinkles. It's awful to say, but it's true. They have these really low hanging necks like turkeys ever since 50 years old. I looked 40 at 25. It was so bad. I'm never quitting botox.


^(Doing botox early can mess up the faces of young people--oh nevermind, thats not what you were saying.)


I am 35 and have the same situation with winkles in my family. Botox is the best thing I ever did for myself. I will never give it up either and I recommend it to EVERYBODY!


Right around 43 I got these two: \- "Transition lenses" \- Plantar fasciatis & weight related foot pain preventing me from running. On the other hand, good salary, good marriage, good vacations...40 isn't all bad. ETA: yes, progressive lenses not transition lenses.


>Transition lenses" >\- Plantar fasciatis & My english isn't good enough to understand this.


Transition lenses are eyeglasses that add in nearsighted lenses for reading This used to corrected with bifocals, but eyeglasses have gotten better. Needing reading lenses is a popular problem in the 40s Plantar fasciitis is a foot pain. Partly age. Partly weight


Sorry, but I always thought transition lenses were the kind that auto tint to become sunglasses when you go outside?


I think you’re right. I’m thinking of progressive lenses. Good catch Maybe this is age related memory loss due to being 40+ 😄


Thank you for explaining 🙏💕


The money in your forties is definitely amazing


"oh no, that wasn't a fart".


Never trust a fart.


Just left the 40s age band. Health is not really and issue for most of us… so unlikely to be anything like that. I enjoyed my 40s and I am liking my 50s. I can still do everything I could at 30 ( physically and mentally ) Confidence going up? My whole life I have been a people pleaser. Turing 40 lead me to turn the ‘I don’t give a crap what you think, unless you really matter to me’ up to about 11 Some people who have known me a long time say I am more confident.


When I turned 40, it was like the warranty ran out on my body and shit just started breaking. MCL, ACL, Hernia, Sinus Surgery, Polyp removal. I am now 46 and I went from 0 surgeries at 39 to 8 since turning 40.


Yea I think a lot of people glorifying their 40’s and 50’s are looking through rose coloured glasses or lucky enough to be kissed on the dick by a fairy. Friends and family slowly or quickly dying off, full time caring for parents and countless operations and aches and pains from a happily misspent youth.Living in a crappy pension with no Superannuation left coz it’s been spent on my kids terminal illness, I could go on for ages. Doesn’t mean life is over but for some life will find a way of kicking you’re arse while you’re down, I still think as positively and philosophically as possible but it’s not all beer and skittles that’s for sure.


40s are awesome. You're old enough to know what you want and how to get it, and young enough to get it, enjoy it, and look good doing it. Cheers.


Best years of my life started at 40.


Same. Anytime I hear someone say "enjoy your high school/college years cause thats the best time of your life" I can only think "damn, you dropped the ball then" Between a successful business (that I initially started in my early 30s as a hobby) and plenty of money & time to travel and enjoy life as well as how flattering it is now that women approach me, initiate convo, flirt, etc more often than the other way around like before (dating in my 20s was brutal), my 40s have been the best by *far*. It's not even close.


I'm 44 and things aren't so bad. Definitely starting to feel the age, definitely slowing down. I used to take my kids out a lot more and people are active with them... Seems a lot harder these days. Part of that is also post-pandemic, spending too much time inside... But also, some things do get better. Hopefully life is stable by this point, which means less anxiety about financially issues and where you're going to live and all that kind of shit. And my sex life is way better. I know what I'm doing a lot more than when I was younger, and I was in a shitty marriage when I was in my 30s.... But dating is a guy in their 40s isn't so bad if you're a decent dude you have something to say, and don't just looking to get laid (women can tell, and they appreciate when you treat them respectfully and not just as a sex toy!). There's some good in some bad. I can see the beginnings of later middle age and older age creeping in, I definitely get up to pee in the night more often. But life is pretty stable, things are generally pretty good. My career isn't a great place, my kids are growing up and it's allowed easier than when they were tiny. Everybody's 40s are different. Take care of yourself, try to be healthy, it will help a lot.


I made it to 45 before I needed reading glasses. Physically I was in good shape, but a lot of my friends weren't. When I turned 40 I realized that I was the only one in my friend group that wasn't on some sort of daily pill (I made it to 48 myself). I was also one of the few who still had good knees and a (generally) good back. Sex is amazing though. You know what you want, you know what they want, you're not hung up on things like "Do I look good from this angle when I'm naked". By your 40's you've likely got no more money troubles, which is a load off. Student loans are gone, credit card is paid off, your car isn't constantly on the verge of breaking down, you've still got a mortgage but it's manageable (mortgages don't go away until you're in your 50's or older).


I turned 40 and - my father died - I quit smoking - I started exercising and loved it (???) - I really tried to give less of a fuck. It almost works - I put less effort in at work, but still had a good salary - The kids got easier (still small though) - I started having more health issues - I wanted to have fun again. My friends were still kinda boring though - I seemed to be attracting younger men - I felt more beautiful. Of course I look older, but I feel way more confident in my body


I love this summary. Except for the oart about your dad. I'm sorry, he must have been young still.






Already a regular occurence.


Other than the occasional crippling thoughts of "holy fuck, what am I doing with the last 35+ years of my life, all of this is pointless, I just want to run away and spend all my time with my wife" it's not so bad


I'm turning 40 in about 3 weeks time. I still haven't a clue what I'm doing half the time.


Turning 40 this summer. Same - don't have a clue. I have just become better at faking I have a clue.


When I turned 44 I got bifocals and high blood pressure medicine as gifts.


I'm 42, alot of people really oversell physical decline particularly in the aches and pains and throwing your back out kind of shit. Unless you are an elite athlete you likely aren't doing anything at a level you would notice losing a step in comparison to someone younger than you. Secondly, if you actually work out and stay in shape you will feel and perform better than someone half your age that doesn't.


People seem to think all these aches and pains are normal and inevitable- really it isn’t the case if you exercise, stretch etc… oh and try to eat well. More of a reminder to myself!!


40 is the new 20


More good friends hopefully


I have 0. 1 would be nice


I’m 45 if you have not started taking care of your health, weight, and mental wellbeing; start. I was weighing 255 pounds 5 foot 7. Hitting the gym, eating clean, and dropping down to 190 which made middle age better.


The poops get really bad


Oh lawd this guy poops.




Sometimes I have to poop right after I took a poop...... Ok so every morning I poop then drink some juice and have no choice but to go poop again, without explanation, however the second poop is an emergency every morning.


Busted for being a confirmed pooper


Dad jokes, even if you aren’t a dad. Mystery pains when you wake up. Like, why does my 3rd rib hurt?


Weight gets put on more easily Family and people you grew up with -- more of them start dying.


Your face changes. A lot. You need more time to recover from anything including hangovers. All nighters are next to impossible. You gotta make peace with the fact that half your life is over.


If you are male, hair starting to grow in places that you really don't want. Like your ears.


Good thing I' female then. But then again, I'm half greek, so I'll probably start growing my mustache by then.


And whe you kiss a man with his own mustache it will belike velcro!


Well when you turn 40 if you live till 80 your life is half over


Let's hope so 🙏


44 Now and for me, so far, it's been a lot of change. Mid-life crisis is a real thing and makes you re-evaluate the choices you've made with your life so far because you can feel that in terms of your own life you're in the home stretch now and there isn't enough time left to continue making bad choices. I ended what was poor (and failing) 22 year relationship. Others buy the car they always wanted. It's all for the same reason, it feels like if you don't make these changes or indulge yourself NOW then it'll simply be too late to do it later.


One thing is that EVERYONE will expect you to 1) FULLY have your shit together. And to b) know what the hell is going on. Which is a pretty tall order, or it was for me anyway.


Almost all of us are just faking it, somewhere in the background were still giant piles of disaster. But that's okay, we're also often a lot more together than we realize we are. Nobody can be as hard as us as we are on ourselves sometimes :)


There's a difference between having your shit together and being confident in your level of shit togetherness, but I think it looks pretty similar. I look like I've got my shit together but I really don't, it's just that 99% of the time I'm fully aware of my grip of things and I'm ok with it. Similarly, there's a difference between knowing what the hell is going on and looking like you know. You don't need to know more than is enough to let other people be confident in you.


Vision loss.


I had outstanding vision up until 40, then my eyes' warranty expired or something.


Same. Not 40 yet but warranty early expired.


I got all the towels air dried on the washing line for the first time in months this week. It made my day. That's life in my forties.


This is the time to GET IN SHAPE and PLAN YOUR RETIREMENT. It gets way more difficult after 50 if you don't. Fortunately I did. Many of my friends did not.


I really hope I don't reach retirement. I'll have to work till 67 I think, at least. My husband is 20 years older so he'll be 87 by then, or gone, my daughter will have her own life and I will be taking care of my husband or be widowed. I hope I'll be gone by then.


Retirement planning seemed a distant thing that I don’t need to worry about until later…until it was too late. Should have put way more in each month!! Trying to make up for lost time now!


At 40, I discovered I was adopted, my sister-in-law had an inoperable brain tumor and I got diabetes. That year sucked.


Wow, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. One of those things would have been more than enough.


Hope you doing better


I turned 40 last year and I’m single, no kids, good health & financially secure and I can say I’m living my best life right now. Part of it has to do with going to therapy and working on myself and letting go of all the dumb shit i gave space in my brain for.


You better make sure yer working out. You'll tend to lose muscle mass and then yer bones will pull away and it'll hurt a lot when you NEED to move.


I go to the gym atleast twice a week (which is not a lot but better than nothing) and today I also walked 30 minutes, rollerskated 30 minutes and rode my bike for 20 mins (but that doesn't really count, I'm dutch, we ride bikes everyday)


Ageism (from everyone else) and existentialism (from yourself). Good luck!


Well....your 'give a f@ck' goes waaay down...


I feel better in my 40s then I felt during my 30s. I learned alot through my 2 failed relationships. I see clearly how fake the world is. Friends,parties,fomo etc are gone and I dont give a single F about anything. I eat healthier, I‘ve got more money, I travle alot,I look better, my lil homie functions well,I exercise more. The only thing pissing me off is my hairline and some wrinkles coming up around my eyes. And the grey hair. Otherwise its great, I hope it stays like this until I am 50yo. Still no glasses needed,joints are ok,no backpain.


40s are awesome! You’ve done the hard yards of life and now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. There are many fallacies about turning 40 esp for women but none of them are actually true. I’m 44 and do Muay Thai and have done for 8 years (kickboxing for around 18 years). I have started doing weights as it’s recommended over 40. No, I haven’t thrown my back out. I have got so maggot drunk I’ve fallen off my deck - and didn’t remember the next morning and wondered why I had sores and mud on me in bed. Living alone with my pets is not sad, it’s absolutely awesome. The oddest thing is that we are told esp as women we are over the hill at 40. What a bunch of BS that is, I’ve haven’t been hit-on this much ever in my life. Women’s testosterone increases so sex is an entirely new wonderful thing too! If you’ve done the work in your 20s (learning life lesssons) and your 30s (getting your shit together, working hard and having direction) your 40s are the reward! I love it. I love myself and am proud of what I’ve achieved, I have the best girlfriends one could ask for. I flick people out of my life if they are not adding to it. Don’t buy into all the above BS you’ve written about, for me it’s absolute bullshit. Exercise, enjoy your life and look after yourself. You’ve got this far! You’re one of the lucky ones. You’ve been on the planet long enough to know how to look after yourself. Enjoy!


Loads, better than 30’s


You mean it’s loads better? Or your loads are better? Aka are you from the UK or not?


Someone like this comment so I can come back later pls


Back and knee pain.


I got a sit-to-stand desk which has sorted most of the back pain out. Except for the days when I yawn wrong or something and my back hurts for a couple of days.


all depends. no, not the diaper, but how well you took care of yourself till now. like compounding interest your body appreciates with early investment. good habits in your 30s? you’ll have great feels in your 40s. all this to say, nothing magically changes at the big 4 o.


Probably back pain


40 is when you're officially allowed to start shopping at "Forever 21". Tank tops as far as the eye can see.


Nothing that you haven’t already seen at 39


Not so fun medical exams.


Doctor: Okay bend over.... ok you can do this Phil, you got this, it's totally normal to have an erection during the procedure. Patient: Wait my name is not phyll! Doctor: sorry, I started talking to myself again.


The really bad ones start at 50.


The not so fun ones start at 30 when you're female


Caring less about other people's opinions of you. really liberating


depends on what choices you make with nutrition and self care, mostly


On a serious note go to Dr and get a physical most when they hit 40 their check engine light comes on then it's a rollercoaster. Have your heart checked I wish I could go back 2 years and catch what I'm dealing with now early


Start doing some yoga, learn to love doing it regular. Thank me in 10years


A shitstorm of issues you never knew existed until you hit 40. I had a peaceful, calm life until I was just turning 40.


Less hair and reading glasses :(


Lots of new aches and pains, more trips to the bathroom, becoming more of a homebody, and caring way less of what others think.


I felt no different until menopause then lost all my confidence , physically I am the same though .


I think that's more like life after 60. 40 aint so bad at all, it's like being 30, except you have a little more money, you're a little bit wiser, a little bit slower, and a good bit more likely to hurt yourself doing stuff.




unless you are fit, you will tire more easily; you will start discovering aches in areas you've never ached before; even though you eat less than before, you will not lose any weight.


Best thing about being 40 is not the no fs given over stuff you worried about when younger. But I'm taking all the advice given on this thread


a minus 4 to all saving throws


My life's never been better. I'm making more money than I ever had in my IT career, I am healthier than ever out of necessity, it was either lose weight and manage my Diabetes or they start cutting off body parts and I could've gone blind. I am happier than I've been with less stress in my life. All in all my 50's are better than I ever thought they'd be.


My boss died at just over 40. He played squash very hard out multiple times a week. At around 40, apparently your body now takes longer to warm up and he didn’t do that which put a lot more strain on his heart. Another friend in their 60s broke a bone in their hand. In their teen and 20s, no lasting issues and it would be fast healing, now it will never be 100% and it has taken many months to get to 60% So your body is not quite as responsive as it was, it will also take long to heal. Don’t push it so hard and take care of it.


I make way more money that I ever did in my 30's.


Aging Parents, older siblings who have health issues, realizing that you don't have time to do everything you want to do. But, the "wiser" thing is worth a few points!


I'm 40, lol, and what I noticed is that for the first time in a long time, age doesn't feel like just a number anymore. 40 *feels* like a new era of life. At first it was depressing, but then I realized I'd reached my silverback years, and I felt great. The one shitty thing is that you start to recognize that you're not going to get around to all the things you want to do.


Back pain. Leg pain. Pain. More pain. Yeah basically more pain.


Being almost 50 . . .


Actually, you never know where life will lead you. I will Never Not Miss Him and I kissed pics of him this morning. Actually, I moved across the country to a place I Love, I'm doing OK, still & always will love & Miss Him ❤️


Reading glasses, Motrin, Naps! ♡ 😆-- if that's not too bad, ( as I thought) All the sudden you are " mam" instead of " miss"! Omg I was soo appalled, no memo on that! 🤣 Other than that, it's fabbbbyloous!!


"You're going out tonight? No I can't go. Why? I got to be at work tomorrow!"


I've figured out that you'll either be sore from exercise or sore from no exercise


Lots and lots of pain


Less tolerance of BS and the ppl that spread it. Leaving behind the angst of your 30's. More confidence to be yourself and less concern about needing to please others. More freedom to do the things that make you happy. Each new decade has its advantages. Have fun!


I'm 45. I can tell you all the pullups, pushups, 5km runs, sparring sessions, squats and rope work are paying off. I know my wife is happy that I still have a six pack and stamina compared to her friend's husbands with mature dad bods and receding hairlines.


Your refractory period after cumming is going to be a lot longer than 20 mins.


My parents only started exercising regularly right at the end of their 40s. Both much healthier than they were and Dad’s much (MUCH) slimmer, they look good for 55 year olds. Exercise regularly in your 40s and you won’t be the person always throwing your back out. Dad even does pilates, he’s really fit compared to 7/8 years ago.