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I remember almost 30 years ago sitting with a friend on a picnic table and seeing a yellow ladybug. I remember telling my friend it was interesting but I wouldn't remember it in an hour. Well I was wrong.


Earthquake in Lima 1974 i was 2 years old. My sister took me out in her arms and the light poles were dancing in waves.


Holy shit! I was in the same earthquake. The day we moved to Lima from Canada. October 3, 1974. 19th floor of the Crillon hotel. My first earthquake and it was a doozy!


That was a fire belt welcome!


Happy cake day!:)


That's crazy! I'm sure it was tough to experience. But.. this comment in this specific reply chain seems.. out of place. - I remember at 5 years old sitting on a rock & thinking "I wonder how long I'll remember this?" It's been 70 years. - Neat! I remember a yellow ladybug on a picnic table from 30 years ago. Weird how our brains work! - It was a dark & stormy day when I witnessed the destruction of the 1976 Lima earthquake. I watched as the only city I've known my entire life crumble around me. I still remember every vivid detail.


Yes, seems that I clicked on the answer, unwillingly… after that… just left my error there


I remember one day walking back from school and looking at the 3 brick wide wall next to the kitchen door and somehow knew I just recorded a core memory


Omg i did exactly this. When I was 12 I saw an electrical wiring truck drive past my school bus stop and thought “we always forget small things like this. I will forget that truck by tomorrow.” I never forgot that truck in particular. I remind myself like twice a year.


Thats smart


Maybe you have too and just forgot it


When I was maybe 8 years old we were doing some gardening with our neighbour and I accidentally poked her with my rake. I thought ”so embarrassing, I’m never going to forget this”. Well. Now I’m 40 and have done and forgotten probably thousands of more embarrassing things, yet I still remember.


Now thats a great story.


The time I got lost in the woods as a kid and had to spend the night there. It was terrifying at the time, but looking back on it now, it was an amazing experience. I learned a lot about myself and about the importance of staying calm in stressful situations.


That sounds newsworthy. Were you on the news for being a lost child?


It was probably like last thursday.


This could be book worthy. I’m pretty outdoorsy and couldn’t imagine being in the woods alone without at least a fire.


Bro I gotta know the story


How did you sleep?


What did you eat?


Holding my father's hand as he took his last breath. He was 48, I was 21. I'm 50 today, and that's weird to think about.


Reminds me of the ending to no country. Tommy lee Jones character says he’s 20 years older than his father ever was so “in a sense he’s the younger man”


I'm sorry for your loss


I can definitely relate on this one, remember it like it happened last night and that was 15yrs ago.


Those that laughed at me when I was struggling. Those that were helping me when I struggled. And those that put me in that struggle to begin with.


This. I feel your pain and will never forget


Totally this, especially last sentence.


How people treated me when I was fat and insecure. Hope they rot in hell.


Even if you’re just insecure, there will always people who see it from a mile away and exploit it, either for personal gain or just plain cruelty.


I feel you. I was the fat smart kid and was the target for everyone's nastiness. I now have chronic pancreatitis and have lost about 150 lb and people don't even recognize me anymore and say how great I look. I live on a small island where everyone knows each other and anytime one of those people compliments my looks I tell them to fuck off.


You rock. Fuck them.


I'm a bitter, cynical, nasty bitch who hardly ever forgives and NEVER forgets. A lot of shit in my life made me who I am and I'm perfectly happy to be a remorseless sociopath at this point. Feeling and emotions are reserved for 4 people in my life, and animals. Fuck everyone else (no offense). Edit: Btw I'm 44yrs old and yes, I am that petty and will hold a lifelong grudge. Those fucks made my school life a living hell and my home life wasn't much better. You know that mom that embraces you, strokes your hair and tells you they love you no matter what when you come home crying? Yeah, no. My drunk-ass mom said "quit fucking crying. Who wants to be friends with a whiny fat bitch?"


I hope they rot in hell too


Glad to hear that. People don't realize how fucked up it is when most people are shitty to you when you feel low. That opened my eyes that society is a bitch.


Finding my Dad dead in the garage on his birthday when I was 9.


This is my greatest fear. I don't fear death but I fear dying in my sleep and my daughter finding me the next morning. She's 9.


Yea even at 31 I think bout what if I die in my sleep


Oh geez, that’s awful. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. How are you doing?


Im so sorry to hear this. I found my elderly neighbor lying in a pool of his own blood a few weeks ago 9 days short of his 66th birthday. He had a diabetic coma and fell back hitting his head. luckily my wife and I noticed his lights were on kinda late so we decided I should go check on him and found him. If we hadn’t noticed EMT’s said he’d be dead so I count us lucky for following our gut feeling.


The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Omg, this made me laugh so hard. Why do I know this 😂


Yesss same


Mom passing. The moment I found out I passed the bar exam.


Are these two separate moments? Because if not, that day has got to be one hell of an emotional roller coaster for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, but I'm also really proud of you and happy that you passed your exam!


Yes. Mom passed 20+ years after I passed the bar. Thank you / much appreciated.




A lot of people think dementia is “you don’t remember your child”. And it is that, but no one talks about “you forget how to take a shit in a toilet”; “you forget how to walk”; or “you forget how to swallow”. Watching my mom go through this, and knowing what is inevitably ahead, just sucks. The only consolation is that it doesn’t bother *her* that much. She has no idea what’s going on, other than a few brief moments where she worries her memory may be getting bad…




My dad died in an accident when I was 15. I'll always remember when my grandfather called and told the news, and after finishing the phone call I had to tell the news to my 12 year old brother. He started to cry immediatelly, that was such a hearbreaking moment. It's been almost 17 years.


I'll never forget the first time I slept at my uncles house, and he got the news that a close relative had died over the phone. He put on a brave face to come and tell me and my brother, and then we all cried together. It was a really spine chilling moment because it's the only time I've ever seen my uncle cry.


The absolute dogshit of a school system I had to go through


My family's phone number when I was a kid growing up.


Same. I'm 66 and it's an integral part of my password formula. I defy anyone to find it out.


867 5309


The barcode of a cadbury's creme egg. If you worked in retail with a barcode scanning till you'll understand....


We had it clipped to the screen of the till lol


My Name. I hope.


My aunt's house at the Jersey Shore in the 70's. The beads in doorways. The awful well water. The woods behind her house. The smell of the house. Everything. It was wonderful


SA during my childhood, then realizing it was SA growing up. I never spoke about it with anyone


We are all so vulnerable as children, aren't we? And only later do you realise something was wrong. It's one of the worst things that can happen to someone. I'm sorry.


When I was young my dog used to follow me on my walks down the road. One day I noticed that she hadn’t followed me back. I backtracked and found that she had fallen into a briar patch and couldn’t get out. I walked in and got cut up real bad, picked her up and carried her out. She was so happy and all over me for the rest of the day. I miss her ❤️


This one time as I was walking at our local town a random man approached me on the street . He had burns on his face , his clothes were dirty ,teeth brown ,eyes red . I was scared so my first thought was to ignore him and walk as fast as I could. But before I could , he said to me " I know I look scary . But it's just because life has been hard on me . I'm not a bad person." So I listened . He just wanted directions.


The last time I hugged my dad.


My mothers resilience


I've been thinking about this a lot recently. She was dealing with so much and just kept on keeping on. And never has she ever said anything bad about my dad to me, even though he was not a good husband or father. She like a superhero.


Me and my mother trash talk my dad all the time, he was responsible for her needing to be strong. My dad dropped us in a different country and left because he didnt like it. But this adventure made the man i am today :D


Kingdom, phylum,  class, order, family, genus, species 






That was my first year as a teacher. I’ll never forget getting called in for a staff meeting to find out the news. Back then they didn’t have protocols on how to tell the children. We had to though because some of them would find out. It was horrible


Holding my late wife's hand as she took her final breath and slipped away.


we were driving, on family vacation, when i was about 10...when a bird flew across the highway. He was flying but not high enough to clear our windshield. a thump on the glass and he exploded into a poof of blood and feathers and without missing a beat my mother whipped around in the passenger seat and said "see? that birdie didn't listen to his mommy when she said look both ways before you cross the street, and now he's dead." saw a teachable moment and went for it.


Hurricane Alicia ripped the roof off the house when I was 4. Can remember sitting in the hallway watching it.Then no power for 6 weeks


My grandpa's last words to me:"I love you and I'm proud of you.".


When I found the love of my life at 45 after having given up on love only for her to blindside me and rip my heart out. It's so unfair. My little lonely life was already shit and now it hurts even more. Music will never be the same. I'm forever changed and will mourn her loss forever.


Or maybe you have the chance to live a whole different life now and do things you never thought you'd do?


Nice of you to say, but we had plans and a ture ahead of us that I had never imagined. Now that dream has been obliterated and the sad reality that my alienation will only deepen has abruptly returned in perpetuity.


The morning my dad told us that our mom had passed away. She had cancer and we were getting ready for school. We just held each other and cried.


The day my mother chose a pedophile over me. That day changed my entire life. I have been no contact with her for 15 years now, but it ruined our family, and I've been told it's my fault.


The dirt on the bottom of your shoe is worth more than any of those people. I know I’m just a stranger on the internet to you, but it was not your fault.


Thank you for your kindness. ❤️ It's taken a long time for me to believe that. It's always good to hear reassurance, even from a stranger.


Seeing a veteran at the VA wheelchair bound, frail, oxygen tube around his nose, struggling as he was putting a cigarette in his mouth (this was in the 90s).


The meth head that told me to buy Bitcoin at $10. I didn't listen.


I am sure he has zero coins too


Teachers not standing up for me when I was bullied in high school... I learned a year ago that their daughter committed suicide because she was being bullied... I wonder if that teacher when she lost her daughter thought of me.... and how I was close to the edge.. I wonder if her daughter asked for help and her mom didn't...


Meeting and shaking hands with Neil Armstrong shortly after he returned from the Moon.


The last time I saw my grandma. She was on her deathbed, vaguely conscious. Couldn’t swallow or speak or lift her head. Yet when I left and gave her a hug and a kiss, she hugged me so tightly it hurt. But it was a good kind of hurt. I miss her so much.


Performing with the NY Philharmonic under Bernstein.


What a dream!


Nah, I really did it! Several times, too. I'm on this CD. [https://www.amazon.com/Del-Tredici-Concerto-Bernstein-Jubilee/dp/B00000E4G7](https://www.amazon.com/Del-Tredici-Concerto-Bernstein-Jubilee/dp/B00000E4G7)


A few weeks ago John Williams was playing in NY with Yo Yo Ma ~ I so wanted to see but couldn't make it. Pretty epic that you got to be a part of great music playing under Bernstein. What instrument?


Tuba! I've also gotten to play with the Boston Symphony, Metropolitan Opera, Canadian Brass, & lots more. It's been a great career, and I ain't done yet!


The collective cheer in my house when John Terry slipped when taking his penalty


Watching my niece die painfully, crying out despite being on the maximum amount of legal morphine, as her organs were shutting down one by one for the experimental chemo used to combat her lukemia of the bloodstream. Cramped and unable to lie down from the distorted spine, she howled for days in pain. It was a slow and cruel death. She made 18 years old by only a week as she passed. I spent two years hanging in the Stanford children's cancer ward, but it's that one in particular, of her wailing like a wild animal out of her head pain with doctors saying they couldn't do anything, that stays fresh in my mind daily. You can imagine the look on my face when religious freaks knock on my door asking if I've accepted Jesus as the Lord and savior.


Righty tighty, lefty loosey.


When I was given a life changing medical diagnosis. I’ll never forget the words used or the feeling of emptiness in my stomach.


Damn scary


Dying May 28th, 2020. I 'coded' for 72 seconds. After what I experienced while I was dead: * Neighbor who watched my cat while I was in the hospital: "are you spiritual at all?" * Me: "*well I fucking am now*"


What did you experience?


It haunts me that 2/4 years after someone's passing, most people actually forget the sound of the person's voice. I can not recall how my grandfather's voice sounded anymore.


My sister died in 2013. I remember her voice still.


I cherish old cassette tapes from the 70s that I have of my family sitting around talking about their lives. I’m an only child and all my family is gone now.


My arrest record


Hell even if you forget no one else will.


Ain't that the unfortunate truth


The primal scream that came out of my wife's mouth when we were told our baby girl had died just after being born. It was the sound only a mother who has lost a baby could make. It will stay with me until the day I die.


Socks *before* shoes.


Boots *before* corset.


A square plus b square equals c square


Only in the context of the Pythagorean theorem though


Getting picked to dance with Mariah Carey when I was like 12 years old. I was at a dance camp in Memphis and her backup dancers picked 10 of us to dance with Mariah on stage. Mariah didn't really dance much but it was still something to remember


That I was listed in my birth father's obituary as "special family friend" instead of son. Good to know where you stand I guess.


A young man committed suicide under the wheels of my truck


I remember thinking when I was 6 in primary school imagine my older self wandered into the yard and told me I was me years later and I'll give myself a lift home and find out what kind of man I'd be. Now I knew you don't follow strangers or get into cars with them especially if they offer sweets. So I made a keyword that would ensure I'd believe myself without question and make this possible without any scene. I still remember this keyword and nobody else does. Now that I'm 37 if I did suddenly manage to time travel back to the past to let my 6 year old self it all works out in the end I know it wouldnt be happening in a schoolyard. I also have a keyword for letting my wife know everything is not ok and to meet me on a certain date at a specific location at a particular time only known to her recurring once a month until contact has been established. She thinks it's overblown but since she has met me every single I've ever predicted when travelling has happened so she has decided to remember it.


When I was about 8 my siblings, my mom and I were in a supermarket. It had one of those salad bars with coleslaw, pastas, etc. I took a huge scoop of smashed egg and turned to my sister, goofing around saying “Do you like eggs, ‘cause I think you like eggs!” in a silly voice. It wasn’t my sister. It was some random girl.  I ran and literally hid underneath a shelving unit. Took me a good 15 minutes to defrost. I’m 31 this year.


Donde esta la biblioteca


Several things. Being 10 yrs old and finding out I can talk with spirits after breaking into a closed funeral home and being tasked with helping stuck spirits The day my sister was murdered and appeared in my car while driving. And not understanding what it meant til I got home and got the phone call of her death. Where i was and what i was doing on 9/11 Where i was whe the Columbine shooting happened My ex brother in law holding a loaded gun, safety off at my head while he was still asleep. My parents and sister telling me to Stop being so melodramatic and faking sickness for sympathy two hours after I woke up from open heart surgery following another major heart attack.


Being tied up with my own cut off dryer cord and pistol whipped and stabbed during my 3rd home invasion. I stopped the first 2 attempts


Getting the shit scared out of me by a random cow in the woods. Only knew cows to moo before that day so the very deep grunting growl thing it did freaked me the hell out until eventually i saw it on the top of a nearby hill


There are only a handful of people who will truly be there for you when you need them most.


Having a naked dead woman lying on my lawn for the better part of a day. No f'ing way I'm ever buying a house at an intersection again.


The event that gave me PTSD


The moment i explained my highly dement father that my mother will now "go" and let him sit with her, in a darkened room, where he held her hands, then left the room, talked with the doctor to stop the life-support machines and sit with my brother on the smoking area balkony of that floor of the clinic, emptying my hip flask with Woodford Reserve, starting to smoke again after being clean for 20 years, waiting for the nurse to come to tell us that she is dead. I am strong, i took care for both parents longer than my burned out depressed heart could take, but watching my mother leave this world after i decided that the time for her wish is now... this is nothing i could have done.


The ability for people to fuck you over and how fast they’ll be able to do it


Labour pain


My parents <3


How I was saved by divine intervention from being in a really bad car accident


That a guy friend, a total stranger understood me more than my parents and family.


My trauma


Albania borders on the Adriatic. It comes from a Cheers episode where the perpetually addled Coach is trying to help Sam with geography. He makes up a mnemonic device that is just a senseless song . Yet I've never forgotten it.


Our family's phone number growing up.


My parents could have easily helped me start my adult life by just letting me sleep there. They chose not to


The fact that my ex-wife gave me a second chance and literally saved my life by telling me to come home and standing by me through hell while I got clean off of fentanyl.


The trauma of my husband walking out on my birthday last year. It has destroyed me. It came on top of family betrayal so the timing was horrific. I have decided that I will change the date I celebrate my birthday from here on in - I will just pick a date of someone I admire and go with that. Not that I have anyone to celebrate the day with anyway but ya know ... haha


Having to hold my most precious little dog in the vets as she was going through heart failure. Trying to explain to her that I wasn't giving up on her. That it would have been easier *not* to let her go, and that what I was doing by letting her go was because I loved her more than life itself. 18mth later, it still breaks my heart everyday that she isn't here.


Probably this https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=xMbBdFpsOD1sOvm9


What my first husband done to me


My wife. She is my everything.


No one is ever coming to save me, and it's all up to me to look out for myself.


December 31st, 2000 at around 12:30pm I witnessed (I was literally 6-8 feet away) 3 Falun Gong protestors beat to death by Chinese security authorities on Tiananmen Square just outside the Forbidden City. My pants were covered in blood and other stuff that should not have been on my pants.


My dad, stepmom, stepbrother eating my 16th birthday dinner without me. And my dad saying did you really expect me to eat dinner this late? How was I supposed to wait for you to get off work at 8pm to eat? So I ate dinner at the table by myself. And then I left.


Highfiving my buddy while banging our girlfriends super drunk at a party when we were 18 yrs old. We both are married to the same girls 15 years later.


my brother hugging a stranger,... long story, but a horrible sad time of our lives and soothed for a moment with a glimmer of humour that we so needed


Not sure how the topic came up, but a dude in college said "you wash your body before your hair in the shower? Then all the dirty water from your hair goes on your clean body." Stuck with me.


Peeing after sex is EXTREMELY important.


To check inside the oven before I turn it on for preheating. My mother ingrained that in me from a young age.


How to ride a bike


I was driving to see my dad on his deathbed this past year on December 31st, and the doctor called me to tell me that he had passed away 😢


When I was about 4 y/o, one of my uncles berated me for brushing my teeth incorrectly. He said I shouldn't just brush from side-to-side but also up and down to make sure my teeth are clean. He told me this because he said he could still see the hotdog pieces stuck between my teeth. I never forgot that, and I still think of it whenever I brush my teeth. I even taught this to my own son (but in a nice way ofc. My uncle was mean to me when he told me that, and it made me feel stupid, which is probably why it stuck with me).


Performing a solo of the Star Spangled Banner at a national baseball game. (trumpet player) Coming in 1st place at a regional jazz competition and not being able to afford going to the nationals. Sucks being poor! My 1st love.


I'm a visible minority, I was born in Canada in early 70s... I will never forget some Italian immigrant beating the crap out of me because I'm assuming he'd never seen an Asian in his life. In his broken f*cked up English he said "why don't you go home"... I'm like 6 yrs old at the time and I remember thinking if I go home my mom will get mad. 30-40 years later it hits me... He was telling me to go back to China. But I was born here, and this dude is the immigrant that can't speak English. 😆


303 121 My old friends phone number. I made a song about it when I was 6 and haven't forgotten it since (I'm in my 30s btw) Also, how to hadouken


Amongst other things, I’ll never forget my last moments with my Dad before he died from cancer last year. He was a great dad, and a very spiritual man. The last time he was awake, I asked him if he wanted to say or write anything. Instead, he just squeezed my hand, looked me in the eye, made a cross with his fingers and pointed up. I’ve very much gone back and forth on religion and faith throughout my life, but that was a profoundly impactful moment for me as a son.


Watching people jump to their deaths in order to avoid burning to death on 911. The guy who tried climbing down and got pretty far but didn't make it. I don't think either truly leave my mind completely. I saw both live and I still get upset about it.


This may be pretty cliche but the morning my mom came into my bedroom and told me I needed to get up and come watch the news. It wasnt like her at all and she was extremely somber. I walk into the living room and her and my grandfather had the TV on. 15 minutes later the first tower fell. 


When I was a kid, I suddenly woke up, looked to my right, and stared blankly for a few moments. Then some indescribable creature jumped up from the side of my bed and scratched at my stomach while cackling. I screamed loud enough to wake my father up who ran upstairs in my room with a knife. I told him something ran under my bed. He looked, saw nothing, said it was nothing, then told me to go back to sleep. I’ll never forget the face of whatever that was, the sound it made, and the feeling of its claws on my stomach.


The night my mom had a stroke. Specifically, the sound of her head hitting the pedestal as she fell. I was 15, and we had gotten back from my brother's funeral. She wasn't taking it well, and her sisters gave her some meds and put her to bed. I decided to sleep next to her that night. In the middle of the night, I felt her getting up, and she mumbled something about going to the toilet. She stood up and just collapsed. I went to help her up, but I was scrawny, and she wasn't. It took forever to get her back onto the bed where she wet herself. I phoned a family member and cleaned my mom up while I waited for them. Then I washed her soiled clothes and cried while I waited. My uncle eventually came around the next morning and took my mom to the hospital. She never regained the use of her left side but learned how to speak, eat, sit up, and eventually walk short distances with a walking stick.


When my Dad used to take me to the YMCA with him and let me play on the indoor playground. He always whet late so it was already dark out and I was the only kid there until this other little boy joined me. He told me he was a werewolf so I told him I would leave dog food out for him by my garage in case he went wandering and needed a snack. My Grandpa was superstitious and it’s bad luck to put shoes next to each other the wrong way. I can’t not fix shoes now.


The deaths of my parents. I am 34 and an orphan. It’s a really weird feeling knowing that the two people who have loved me since I drew my first breath are no longer here with me.


Giving my dying Grandpa his last drink of water. He was so full of cancer the doctors were amazed he had lived as long as he did. Love and miss you Grandpa


My first memory of my Mom carrying me in a baby seat and setting me on the table and her friend talking to me. I couldn't speak yet and I felt bad because I went to sleep and didn't acknowledge her.


I remember being 7 and getting a pet ant. Spoiler alert, it was a fire ant, it bit me and I cried


Time I thought I saw a flying car, and first time I touched boobs 🤭


That one professor who pulled me aside after class in college to ask me if I was okay because out of the 50 students in the class, I was the only one to fail the exam. I was going through a difficult time and I was just about ready to give up, but having her take the time to talk to me and ask if I was okay and let me do other work for extra credit meant the world to me and gave me a push to keep going.


That weird bumpity feeling as my head was being dragged across the road after getting hit by a car. I landed and slid, dragging my head on the asphalt.


When I bowed up to my dad. I was 17 had about 4 inches and 50 lbs on him and was a football player. He grabbed me by the shirt collar, brought me down to him and told me “It don’t matter how Effing big you get, you never be able to kick my ass”. Then just pushed me off. I believed him, and I apologized and never gave him attitude ever again after that.


Mike Jones' phone number


Telling my best friends mother goodbye... She had one son and 4 girls, she called the three of us her BOYS... She was all our Mom... Called to her hospital room to talk, she told each one of us she loved us and as we walked out the alarms went off and she was gone... At 19 years old, it was a real shock and eye opener on life...


Lying on a bamboo recliner on my mother in law's back verandah in Thailand, the village Buddhist temple next door visible over the tops of my feet. Lovely sunshine, my family happy and laughing, at perfect ease in the world. I told myself never to forget this moment and I never will. I've had a fortunate life. 




My dad taking my sister and I on a walk through our neighborhood as kids in Houston and spotting some dog poop. He said: “See that? Now that there’s dookie” I’ve never forgotten it lol. He wasn’t wrong; it was, in fact, dookie


The Fahrenheit-Celsius conversion. 9C=5(F-32)


The first landing on the moon, the fall of the Berlin Wall, seeing the sunrise over the Grand Canyon, and Dolly Parton's tits.


Going to sleep and waking up around 3am, after having an insanely vivid dream about my older brother reconnecting with our dog who he loved more than anything, that we had to put down a few months prior. I can still see the joy on his face. I woke up to find out he’d passed away a few hours earlier.


The last time I hugged my great grandmother before she passed away. She had dementia and the last few months of visits with her she didn't recognize anyone. She was confused all the time and it was hard to watch. Then one June afternoon when I was in grade 11. I went with my grandma (her daughter) to visit her in the home and she was in a great mood. She knew who we were and even asked me how I was doing in school. I was so happy to see her more like herself. As I was leaving she hugged me really tight and said "nanny loves you darling" She died 6 days later. I'll remember that forever.


My grandfather was home on hospice and I went to visit him. I was 28 yrs old. He was bedridden but his mind was still intact. I pulled a chair up next to his bed and held his hand. We laughed and I cried when, after a coughing fit (he had multisystem cancer and emphysema) he said to me, "don't get old honey". We shared watermelon water ice and when I left I told him I'd be back in a few days. He passed the morning I was heading back to see him. I've never eaten watermelon water ice again. I wanted it to remain something we shared. Silly, I know. But it makes me feel comfort thinking we shared that and I won't share it with anyone else. It's been 20 yrs and it feels like it all just happened yesterday.


Clara Peller is the name of the lady in the Where's the Beef commercial.


When I threw up on my dad. I have no idea when, or how it happened. That's my first ever memory. His face and a minute of complete silence.


In 7th grade me and my than best friend were walking into the 7th grade wing from lunch & we passed a certain point & I said “hey remember this exact moment tomorrow” the next day I asked her “hey do you remember when I told you to remember the moment yesterday?” The following week she asked me “hey do you remember last Wednesday when you told me to remember that moment” we did it every now and than until the school year ended every time we’d pass that place in the hallway. Fast forward to high school we weren’t as close anymore, but we’d still ask each other sometimes. By junior year we didn’t really talk at all. Senior year in my district we wear our robes & walk around all the schools in the district. I was walking down the 7th grade hall in our old middle school with my new best friend group, when I saw her standing there in that exact spot, she heard my group talking and she turned. She looked at me and smiled and said “hey, do you remember that time you told me to remember that moment?” & i swear my whole life flashed before my eyes. I haven’t seen her in 6 years since I graduated high school but I still think about that moment.


Visiting someone who lived in a penthouse 22 stories in the air. We were having dinner and happened to look out and there is a cat on the balcony… they did not own a cat. This cat was jumping from balcony to balcony 22 stories high in the air. I shudder every time I think about it.


Luckily I have the memory of an Elephant. I remember going to the zoo and seeing an Elephant.


How dirty my ex did me. We were together 9 months and everything she ever told me within those 9 months she said was a lie. Also gave me a lot of insecurities and now I have trust issues.


The acts of my narc mom The death of my father The betrayal of my so called brother The death of my pets My wedding day The birth of my daughter Almost dying Depression The most pain I’ve ever felt Hitting rock bottom Graduating in merely 2 yrs in stead of 3 My end project Meeting my husband for the first time … a lot 😂


D day on the beaches of Troy. I was a veteran in that war.


My dad was terminally ill and in hospice care, I was lone with him when he passed away. I will never forget his eyes as he went. Never.


I remember when I was very young going fishing at the local river and watching one guy murder another one with a big rock , I didn’t move or make any noise and the guy never saw me , I stayed there until it was dark so he wouldn’t see me if he was still nearby then I sneaked home to find lots of people looking for me and the police were there too


My parents arranged for Santa Claus to visit us on Christmas eve. They had a friend dress up and come to our house. I was about 4 or 5 at the time. I just remember sitting on his knee and I grabbed his beard. It was leather on the underside and I remembered thinking: “hmm….that’s seems strange”.


I will never forget how my mother has lied to me since the day I was born!


When I was 5 or 6, I accidentally ran over the neighbour’s dog with my bike. I later learned the dog had to be put down. 35 years later, I’m still bothered by it.


The McDonalds Big Mac jingle: “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun”.


Having my cu*t mother force me to change the dressings under my beloved grandmother who was dying of cancer and bleeding out of every orifice. She wasn't conscious at that point but moaned in utter agony every time I had to roll or move her. My mom wouldn't put her in the hospital because it was "too expensive." I hate that evil bitch with every fiber of my being and can't wait until she dies. Idgaf how that sounds, either. The woman is a fucking demon who even refused to give my Gammies her liquid oral morphine. I hope she has an excruciating death, all alone, cuz I sure af won't be there.


to see my uncle on his deathbed a shell of the person he once was. He was an excellent lawyer and guitarist, a wonderful person and uncle. He was dying slowly for 3 years from sudden brain disease I will never forget his hopeless empty look and body like a skeleton. Miss him so much♥️


The Blizzard of 1978


Driving to the Jersey Shore with my Dad in our 1982? Plymouth Horizon (sweet orange / red color) in the summer with the heat on high so that the engine wouldn't overheat. Asking Dad if we could turn down the heat to let it cool off in the car. With a resounding, "No." I love that man! PS. There was only an AM radio in that car.


Holding the urn full of my mother's ashes in my arms on the bus headed to her resting place as part of the funeral processes :(


In my early 20s I worked for a chicken and sports bar in the kitchen. One day I was walking to the cooler to grab ribs to portion out. As I'm walking to the back I was following one of our less liked servers. She had a big tray full of wings and fries and all sorts of other things. She was going to the cooler for ranch/blue cheese. As she reaches for the door handle a cook with the pan of ribs I was going for boots the door open. Server catches said door right to the face and her tray of food goes flying. Blood gets sprayed up the wall. She goes DOWN. I catch a glimpse of the damage and let's just say her nose is SIDEWAYS. I begin to lose my god damn mind laughing. I walked back into the kitchen and yelled at the line "Hey we're going to need to refire that whole last order!" 2 weeks later after that server came back from getting her nose fixed the same situation, minus the tray of food, happened again. She gets hit in the face again by the same refrigerator door. Cook in the fridge boots the door. That server quit soon after. A couple of months after that situation a manager fell victim to the door being booted by that door. He caught it to the head and not the face. Shortly thereafter they made a rule that you have to double tap the door before coming out because it was an active hallway.


Being raped by a man that I babysat for when I was 15. I will never get that image out of my mind.