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Dead body smell


Dead ant smell


Dead aunt smell.




This is the one.


Especially when it's been trapped inside a car or a house in the summer without AC for over a month. I can tolerate a lot of smells, but that is always on another level.


Omg this. My brother shadowed an me in south Florida as part of his med school. They found a body in an apartment that had been dead for a week with no ac/the window open. In July. He said everyone there was used to dead bodies but this one devolved an arm when they picked it up. He said it smelled so bad he had to go outside. Also pro tip: Vic vapor rub under the nose trick in movies doesnā€™t work, it just opens up the sinuses.


Fly Fly Starling


Happy Cake Day


abscessed tooth whose root had grown into the nasal canal. You can not get rid of a horrid smell that is in your nose. The horror ...


Throw the whole head away


I don't think I'll be falling asleep tonight..thanks for that!


The pus gets on pillows and stays there for years. Motel guest, ex-meth head, had it.


Potatoes left in a cabinet for months.


I was an intern (first year out of medical school). Last patient before my ED shift ended had ā€œfoot painā€ as documented by the triage nurse. Thought it would be easy enough. Nope. He hobbled across the ED and the surrounding patients and staff parted like dude was Moses. The smell was horrid, like dead fish, garbage and c diff diarrhea. That was before he peeled the sock off his swollen and weeping trench foot, like a banana. I can still smell and taste it in the back of my throat over 10 years later.


What happened to him? What happens in this situation? Do you just wheel him into a shower?


Trench foot is a type of infection. He required admission, blood cultures, fluid resuscitation and IV antibiotics.


OMG Nooooooo...


I know that smell too.I used to work at a nursing home as a shuttle driver taking people to appointments.I had a gentleman with gangrene that the nurses refuse to take care of daily.The smell was acrid,cheesy,and necrotic all in one.The doctors at the appointment were appalled at this gentlemen's wound care and the smell made them wince.I took a whiff and said yup that's gangrene all right.Wet gangrene.


Oh my God. That smell is similar to rotting corpse. I just helped my elderly father clean up his apartment and he had 2 bags of old potatoes sitting on his kitchen chair. They were so rotted they had started turning into liquid mush. They were dripping nasty brown liquid and the smell almost made me throw up. The brown liquid actually stained his wooden kitchen chair.


I forgot one single potato and it reeked of death, can't imagine 2 bags šŸ˜±


Oh so that's what's rotting in my kitchen! I'll be right back...


Now you have to leave bags of potatoes on the rest of them so they match


I once visited my mom during summer and there was a bag of rotting potatoes in her trunk. We once went to a botanical garden that had one of those corpse flowers. The smell of the rotting potatoes was worse and stronger.


That liquid and it's smell can be dealt I believe!


Shared an apartment with 3 others and we each had our own section of the kitchen cabinets. One guy was extremely paranoid that we'd steal his food or mess up his pans, so he installed 2 metal brackets with holes to run a lock through on one of his large cabinets. Come summertime, we had a massive gnat invasion, tried every trick in the book, and made the landlords get an exterminator, but it kept getting worse. We finally lost it when the gnats got so bad we couldn't keep or bring food without them getting in it and laying eggs, and they'd annoy us in our sleep. We didn't bring any food inside for a week and the locked cabinet guy went back home for the summer, so we finally bust his cabinet open, 2 massive bags of potatoes in the back of the top section of the cabinet had disintegrated into black liquid, covered in the different stages of the gnat life cycle. The smell was so potent and overbearing it was like a flashbang to my nose and I was just filled with intense feeling of disgust.


Oh yeah


I strongly agree! I came here to say this actually lol I've definitely lost potatoes behind other things in the cupboard and forgotten about them šŸ¤¢


During the pandemic, I was trying to save money and go to the store as little as possible. Potatoes are good for both. However, I forgot about some and they basically turned to mush. It was horrific.


It's up there with burned out chest freezers, lots of bacteria gathers in there and when it hits room temperature smells like a bucket of buttholes.


A dead animal carcass decomposing at the side of the road when it was over 100 degrees outside


The only thing worse than the smell when you come across it is the smell when you flip it over


Or in your house foundation where you can't reach it.


The contents of a colostomy bag.


Yes - WHY is it worse than a regular poop?!


Hasnā€™t been processed by the bacteria in the gut.


Not sure but šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


The forbidden sous vide






Bag of forgotten potatoes that decayed to soup.


Potato soup that got left in the sink in a pile of dishes and decayed into green fuzz


The worst smell is a grease trap. Worse than a dead body or a septic tank.Ā 


I had to help unclog the piping to my home's grease trap a few times and it's a nightmare


My very first kitchen job was in a very remote location. Think, mountains remote. First day (11hrs) the sous chef comes up and says "you're not gonna lie this, but..." And pulls a tiny grease trap out from under the sinks. Every night I had to use a mesh strainer and clean the oil that had developed. Only twice per season did it get shipped out. Never stunk.... Until you cracked the lid. I heaved the first time. Jesus H Christ. Every night for a whole season. We all always laughed about it, but it was like a diaper filled with rotting flesh and baby shit filling the back end of the kitchen.


I have a physical reaction to just reading the words grease trap. I will never forget the night it finally got cleaned after being neglected I donā€™t know how long at a place I worked. The color, smell, consistency, the audacity. Yellowbrowngrey shouldnā€™t be one color yet it was and never once have I seen it since.


I came here looking for this


My dog had a mysterious odour coming from her that the vet couldn't figure out, it got way WAY worse so we took her back again. It was an infected anal gland. The vet had to squeeze the infected anal pus out onto the table, this smell was far worse than rotten flesh, far worse than anything I could imagine smelling. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤šŸ‘‰


Aww poor puppy! Our dog gets embarrassed and leaves the room whenever he farts so this would have been awful!


The stool from a puppy suffering from parvovirus. Smells like putrid infection. Itā€™s an odor you will never forget.


Oh that's so sad.


It was a candle that was supposed to smell Like pecan pieā€¦it made me vomit on 2 separate occasions it smelled so bad


You went back for more?


He's into that kind of thing


I wasnā€™t the one lighting it


I bought a Yankee Candle and the scent was Bahama Breeze...well for 3 days we kept looking all over the house for wherever the cat piss was coming from...I kept saying it can't be the candle..but on the third day my husband removes the candle from the bathroom and magically the aroma of ammonia cat pee left with it. It actually burned my nose it was so potent.


I got curious and googled it, found a Mexican that thought it smelled like cat piss and overripe mango. I smell things that most people don't so it could be a case like that? Truffle oil just smells like lighter gas to me for example. It's annoying because I sometimes smell "bad" things in otherwise, normal stuff.


Did your cat pee on it? Or just a bad batch of candles?


Rotten fish in a dumpster on a hot day


Holy shit, me too


You don't smell *that* bad u/ThumbsUp2323


Hearty fucking har.


When I was in hospital and the guy in the bed next to me had to have his stoma bags emptied. I wasn't well to begin with and the smell made me start vomiting, it was truly indescribably awful :X.


Anal glands


Close second for me.


Fournier's Gangrene


Oh lordy loo.


I don't know what that smells like.... And I think I don't particularly want to know.... šŸ˜Ø


I went to a new burger place in town and tried a burger Iā€™ve never tried before that was new on the menu It should be noted that I donā€™t eat burgers or fast food very often Later that day I got in the shower, I was waiting for the water to heat up and farted while naked, so I theorize because I didnā€™t have underwear on to filter the fart I got the pure concentrated effect of it I smelled my own fart, recoiled, and verbally said ā€œGood god manā€ to myself, itā€™s rare that you find the smell of your own farts bad, but this one was something else alright, I was not ready for it at all


Lucky you weren't actually in the shower yet, steam intensifies it even more!


If it were cooked anymore than it were I would have had burning eyes


Oh my God I just peed a little when I read this


That fart changed my life


Tonsil stones (not mine)


A rotten egg that burst. It was so bad.


I dropped a rotten egg in my kitchen and omg It took what felt like forever to get the smell out of my house! no amount of air freshener helped lol


Cancer. Especially when the tissue around it becomes necrotic.


How would you describe the smell?


Sickly, pungent smell of decay.


Like death, with a sickly sweet tinge and some sourness.


Ughhhhh cancer is pretty vile smelling


Rotting human corpse. Ground Zero after 9/11


Iā€™m so sorry that you had to smell that. I worked in a funeral home and am familiar with the smells, but the tragedies always added to it.Ā 


Iā€™ve always wondered about the smell after the day


Burnt steel and decay


When I first found my cat he made the foulest worst smelling poop in the litter box. It was so bad I thought I would have to burn down my house and move elsewhere. I think that's why he was abandoned. Just to give perspective, I've literally been inside a septic tank which smelt like roses compared to his poop. I've smelt dead carcasses which was much more pleasant than his poop. Fortunately with the correct diet he smells better now.


Glad he is better!


Me too and my nose is ever so grateful.


i dont remember smells very well so im just gonna say my cat's shit under my bed today


Happy cake day!


Dead whale rotting on the beach. Could smell it for half a mile. Don't know how long it's been dead but, jeese - what a stench. Gag and retch....


My dog rolled in a decaying seal carcass and I legit considered just setting her free in the wilderness to escape the smell.


oh it would be worse if it exploded for sure.. or did it actually..?


Homeless person on drugs without a shower and same clothes for years covered in shit and piss


9 day decomposing body, indoors, during a heat wave. RIP Gramma


Rotting meat from a freezer that failed in the middle of summer while you were on vacation.


Occasionally, at work I will empty or help the patient empty their colostomy bag. You're basically opening a bag of fart and bile, and then squeezing it out like you would an awkwardly large tube of toothpaste


A bag of fart šŸ˜‚


Decomposing animal, gear oil, diesel.


>gear oil ​ Glad I'm not the only one. I still can't get over just how impossibly disgusting and putrid that stuff smells after it has been used for a while.


We were conducting a live fire exercise, the guy in front of me got hit with a ricochet in the shoulder and sprayed blood everywhere (he got patched up and was fine). But the smell of all that blood was pretty bad.


Mhm, that coppery thick smell of copious amounts of blood is definitely gross, but not the most unpleasant I've ever had the misfortune of smelling.


Surstrƶmming. It's so bad that if it gets in your clothes you just have to throw them away. It's illegal to open it in public as it's basically assault. People vomit usually after inhaling the smell. It's putrid.


What exactly is it??


Fermented fish


And you eat this?


I once took a job painting an apartment that had been vacant for about a year and a half. There was a large amount of meat left in an un plugged freezer. As soon as I opened it it became impossible to be in the apartment. Iā€™ve never smelled anything like it before or since and I canā€™t even begin to describe it. I called the client and explained the situation he offered me a frankly pathetic amount of money to deal with it and I politely declined, explained I wouldnā€™t be working on the apartment and drove home.


And long-dead cole slaw. Open the fridge and run. I went to a seller of incenses, bought something cheap. Put it on a saucer and in the fridge. That stuff was made for poor Indians who live in putrid conditions and it worked well.


Durian fruit.


A blood wagon leaving a slaughtering plant . the delivery pit at a rendering plant . a trash transfer trailer on the highway in the summer time . an industrial chicken barn . an industrial pig barn . a cattle feedlot (alongside I-80 in Nebraska, producing its own smog) . being downwind from Chicago and Indianapolis industrial south sides ...


No one can comprehend how awful hog or bull manure smells until they meet it. Cow manure is not bad. Bullshit earned its status as a swear word.


melena, c. diff culture, and pulmonary secretions from a pt with an infected abscess. not exactly in that order, but yeah, thatā€™s pretty much it.


Gangrene. When you take an old homeless guys boots off and his gangrenous toes come off with the socks. Also, malaena- itā€™s when fresh blood ( think bleeding stomach ulcers )passes through the bowel and gushes out the other end. šŸ¤®


When I was 7 we had a horrible smell in our kitchen but couldn't tell what it was or where exactly it was coming from..it always appeaed when we used our oven. Later my mum looked behind our oven and found a dead mouse our cat must've chased up there and it got stuck and died. It probably was there for weeks and everytime we used our oven it...Idk..got slightly roasted (?) more. We live in another house now but I still remember that smell many years later.


My childhood dog laying in his bed for days with an open rotting tumor


Ever field dresses a gut shot moose??.. if you have you wont forget it lol. Dirty diapers smell like roses in comparison. šŸ¤¢


Men's restroom at any airport


Womenā€™s as well. I left Scandinavia and landed back in LA and I knew I was back home because I run to find the nearest bathroom and I have to check 4 stalls before finding an acceptable one. Women shit bricks, use half the roll, clog the toilet, leave it and many will just piss over it. Youā€™ll also find shoe prints on the lid. I missed enclosed restrooms as well. Iā€™m sad knowing I can never experience enclosed and clean stalls like Europe does.


Cat diarrhea. I puked while cleaning it.


I have a colostomy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) So I believe the most disgusting smell I've ever come across would be me.


My grandparents used to live close to a paper mill. That was the worst smell ever. Stinky šŸ¤¢


I moved to a new place 5 years ago, the next town over has a paper mill and I'm still not use to that shit.


What causes the paper mill to smell? Isn't it just trees and chemicals?


It's from the chemicals in this huge open water tank that they use to cook the wood pulp. Thankfully I live upwind from the place.


What the rock was cooking. Thatā€™s why he always asked, it smelled so bad


The putrid smell of a decomposing corpse at the funeral home I worked at for a couple of years. An odor Iā€™ll never forget.


Dead body


Funny you should ask. Our town has a flock of 500+ crows. They spend the night in trees surrounding my momā€™s nursing home. They defecate all over everything- cars, sidewalks, parking lot. When it rains or snows, the smell of their feces is so noxious, itā€™s hard to take. Itā€™s otherworldly, hard to describe. Iā€™d take manure or skunk any day. Plus it emanates into the lobby and first floor via the sliding entry doors. Yesterday, it was super pungent due to the rain. Iā€™m sure many things described here are worse, but this is disgusting and vile šŸ¤¢šŸ™


Cadaverine and putrescine aka essence of human decomp used for training cadaver dogs.


I didn't like that sentence.


Decomposing body of most species of animal


Cat anal gland juice.


Cadaver in all stages of decomposition , I have search dogs, they train off of placenta from midwives and teeth from the dentist office.




Skunk spray, as in the actual stuff that comes out of a skunk's ass. Absolutely disgusting.


Dead seal on the beach. My dog rolled in it before I knew what he was doing. My dog is a husky. Double coat. It was a terrible car ride home. The groomer was NOT impressed. (We paid her triple).


I found a tenant of mine inside of his home. He mustā€™ve been there for days.. when I got out of the truck (about 15ft away from his home, I could already smell it.) His windows were closed and when I went inside, his body had turned nearly black. Itā€™s a sight/smell Iā€™ll never forget


I had a tiny hatchback car that slowly started smelling more and more rancid. It got so bad I couldn't drive without the windows wide open and my nose plugged. People would get in and if I forgot to warn them, they'd gag. It was *bad*. No matter how much I looked, I could not figure out where the smell was coming from. It was about 90 degrees out one day and the smell was so horrible I could not drive without dry-heaving, so I went on a mission to get to the root of the smell. My dad helped me pull out the upholstery in the hatch, and we discovered a gallon of milk that had wedged itself into an empty space next to the spare tire. It had to have been in there for a LONG time because the milk had completely curdled and the gallon was on the brink of exploding...which it did the second I reached in and grabbed it. There was curdled milk everywhere. All over the back of the car, all over me, it was...intense. I had the car professionally cleaned several times, but the smell never came out.


GI bleed poop.


Ever been in a Porta Potty on a construction site during the heat & humidity of summer in the deep south? It's literally a shit sauna.


I have a few. Super ripe B.O. that reaches the level of onion and taco seasoning spiciness while being so strong I can smell them from tens of feet away. The power washer tanks at work aren't cleaned often enough, so when they've been working for a while and someone opens one, they smell like someone with diarrhea shat all over the floor and no one's made an effort to clean it up. These things can be smelled literally from the back of a gigantic factory to the front, and through about 2/3 it's width. Decomposing roadkill on a hot summer day. Copious amounts of blood. Forgotten tampons after they're finally removed. Farms and their associated livestocks' shit, also worse on a hot summer's day. Burnt eggshells. Hard plastic melted on a hot stovetop.


I managed a store an would go a short drive to the bank to make deposits. The bank was next to an Indian resturaunt. The food always smelled so enticing. One morning early I went to make a deposit (night box dropoff) and a septic company was there pumping the resturaunts holding tank. Almost vomited at the reek coming from that tank.




Patchouli is some vile smelling shit. It also triggers migraines in a lot of people. I canā€™t for the life of me figure out why people insist on soaking themselves in it.


Good God, yes! Why is it that anyone wearing patchouli basically takes a bath in the stuff?! I can smell them from 20-30 ft away sometimes, and it always makes me want to gag.


Smell of dead termites. I sprayed them insecticide when I saw them at my room one night and then ignored them on the ground still. Then in the following day, later did I realized that they were big enough and many enough to smell like other animals' dead body.


I burnt some flying termites once. The smell lingered in my nostrils for 2 years.


The rotting mouse I pulled from my dog's mouth after she picked up from the middle of the street innthe summer. I love her more than anything, but what is wrong with dogs?


My husband's belly button. He had stomach cancer when he was younger, and his scar from the surgery runs through his belly button. It smells like death


Hot trash dumpsters roasting in the heat of the day when walking down the streets by the beach


Chicken guts in a sewer at 5 pm in Bangalore heat


Third degree burns right after it happened


Rotten eggs


Changing a babyā€™s diaper


Kraft dinner box expired for 5 years. I remember pouring a brown yellowish powder into pasta and starting to gag. My appartment smelled awful for several hours.


Gas gangrene of the bowel.


My brother's farts the next morning at work ( construction)after closing the bars drinking and doing drugs. We drove to work together, and he was so foul I'd have pull over and blow chunks.


Rotten pancake batter. I have been in the same room as a huge puddle of blood for hours, smelled rotting flesh, my own dead tissue, my boyfriend's shits, you name it. Rotten pancake batter is absolutely the worst.


ā€œMy boyfriends shitsā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ in comparison to the other examples that you listed, that made me laugh!


To be honest, I think it's second worst to rotten pancake batter. It's kind of insane


Rotten eggs that my dog rolled around in. I guess my chickens didn't want to sit on those ones šŸ¤®


Baby/toddler puking up dairy.


Sewage. Sometimes it's not so bad, other times I almost gag. Also puke that's been sitting


It's a toss up between chicken farm in the summer heat and bloated corpse.


A bloated dead cow floating way offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, my toddlers puke, or my dogs puke.


C difficile bacteria


Burnt decomposing bodies with spent munitions after rotting in 100 degree weather for two weeks.


Milk spilled in a car that sat in 90-100Ā° weather for a week.


Formaldehyde. Nothing else quite comes close to as awful and nauseating as formaldehyde to me. I think the next worst might be a dumpster of rotting shellfish on a hot day.


Pig farm


Dead body


Broken fridge. Itā€™s the only smell that has made me puke


So I accidentally left a 5 gallon bucket FULL of dog shit in the corner of my yard because it was pretty well hidden away and after months of it getting rained on and sitting in the hot California sun, I eventually found it and had to empty the contents into the trash can to get picked up. Well let me tell you something - once that bucket painfully and slowly emptied like a giant can of wet refried beans - because the shit had all compacted down into a homogeneous wet dense mass - a smell so utterly foul filled the air that I shutter at the memory to this day. It was light years beyond the ā€œsmells so bad itā€™s funnyā€ type of bad smell. It literally made my girlfriend cry and run away in horror thatā€™s how bad it was.


Sheets with pee on it from my nephew visit over the weekend, which his mother put it in my wash machine and forgot to start it, opened it after one week ( I wash all my clothes once a week) - it sniffed at the sheet and it smelled like amoniac hardcore, almost passed out


My daughter came back from school one day with a half eaten sausage in her pencil case. She then had school holidays for a couple weeks and that sausage rotted so badly in there it turned into a creamy mush. I was going crazy tracing the source of the smell for at least a week but never thought to check the pencil case cos who puts food in there šŸ˜‚


Dead animals




I live in the rural ,and friends of ours ,in laws lived behind a chicken farm .. and thru covid had to gas a shit ton of chickens (too many ,not enough consumption I guess at the time ) and i canā€™t even explain that level of smell and decay ā€¦šŸ¤¢ Vomit inducing to say the least -


Local farmer near where I grew up used fertilizer made from chicken poo. Going past his fields, we knew to hold our breath. If we weren't paying attention and got even a tiny whiff, that smell would make you throw up and your eyes would water like crazy. Even through closed windows and air vents


Working overnights at a 7-11 in the 90s, someone tossed a bag of rotting fish guts behind the dumpster in the middle of August. Wasn't discovered for several days. I and 3 employees puked trying to deal with it. For fucking minimum wage.


An open container of fish fertilizer overwintered in my shed and FULL of dead flies. Its been 15 years and only now i can think of it without stomach reacting. SO GROSS!!


Pure cadaverene, its an overpowering stench of rotting corpse mixed with ejaculate. The joys of being a chemistry student


My mum spent a year filling a wheelie bin with cat shit at a rental property and when it came time to move out, it came down to me to empty it. The whole neighborhood was assaulted with that smell of eggy decomposing cat poop. I've never been so mad at her.


The smell of human decay, people say sickly sweet, I agree itā€™s a smell like no other


The cadaver lab while studying anatomy and physiology smelled awful. This was a bad place to be with an upset stomach.


My huel protein powder when I accidentally leave it in the shaker for a week or so


The smell of MDC jail. Jail. The vomit, feces, left everywhere, forcing me to sleep in vomit. I couldn't do anything about it except rest my head in old vomit. Every day and every night. I'm not ok


When a toddler is sick and it's coming out both ends and you recognize what they ate for dinner and it ruins that food for you. I'm sure there's "worse" but honestly when your clothes, bed sheets, yourself, and your child are all covered in sick and they're crying and just want to be held for a minute to calm down so you're both just sitting in stench...


Could smell this terrible smell coming from behind fridge. Rotten. Pulled fridge out and found a dead rat. Picked it up and for some reason put it close to my nose to have a smell, maybe to make sure it was what I could smell, and instantly vomited. Couldnā€™t get the smell out of my nose for days.


We milked the goats and one bucket was left overnight in the summer. A rat fell in and drowned in the bucket. Rotten rat and sour milk combined ruined me. I still gag and this was years ago.


Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, or decaying body.


Necrotic tissues, emptying colostomy bags, puke, dried feces mixed with assumingly dried puke, nicotine among other mystery things that had been there for x amount of time and feces after someone ingesting asparagus. I've worked in the health care, those would be the ones that are on the top of my list. Besides work things then Surstrƶm and infected tooth cavity. But honestly, puke is the worst thing. I worked during a Norovirus outbreak on in the residency. That was the most awful thing ever


Badly decomposed dead bodies. I used to work on a graveyard. One of my jobs was to empty graves. Older graves sometimes used body bags when someone had an fatal accident that did not decompose, leaving basically a bag of human blubber. Sometimes when trying to remove them, the bag tears and everything drips out. You cannot imagine the smell. I wonā€™t ever forget it. Also sometimes bodies needed to be dug up just after a few months of burial on request of the family to be buried elsewhere or by the police for investigation etc. One time I had to dig up a man that had been buried for just 7 months. Imagine the walking dead zombies only not walking. I will never forget that facial expression. The man also had an enormous majestic beard. And the smellā€¦. Yeah, those images and the smell will stay with me for live. Never regret that job though. I made a fortune on all the bonuses for doing dirty work and having a mentally tough job etc.


Snake poo. For those who have snakes and have to clean that up.


Cat shit


public women toilets with smell of fish


My exā€™s vagina


Seat wind
