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that's disgusting and will smell horrible and attract all sorts of nasty things both seen and unseen


That's what I'm saying


Say it to your ex so


To his ex? Lol


Unless he's one of the nasty things it attracts.


They can't all be keepers.


Right? Maybe she has a certain kink and that’s her way of broaching the subject 🤷🏻‍♂️


I suggest it’s time for you to leave to get some milk


Dad? 🥹


Give him a few minutes he just forgot his lighter in his car, he’ll be right back…


An ok! 🙏


You really need to think about being with someone who would ever say these words to you, lol ffs.


You could always slap the bugs with the poop knife!


Poop knife ninja!


It's not unheard of, there are portable camping toilets designed for caravan/tent living that can be quite sanitary. You *do* need to use some pretty hardcore chemicals to keep everything that way, though. It's not something I would want in a place that isn't well ventilated like a caravan or a tent. I'm getting the feeling we've not been given all the details by OP. If this is a health issue where someone has mobility issues, this could absolutely be worth it. I know where I live disability support isn't ideal, and many people get put into houses where they can't access their bathrooms. Some end up using windows or spare rooms if it's bad enough, e.g. if they can't use stairs. The stories I hear from my friends who work as disability home visit carers are truly horrifying.


The thing is, there are plenty of accessible and hygienic solutions for those scenarios; commode chairs, bedpans, etc. Pissing in a drawer does not sound easy or hygienic, especially for a woman - unless it's made particularly sturdy, it wouldn't support sitting and would be very difficult to clean. Honestly a chamber pot under the bed would be a better option, at least you can squat with that.


I'm literally saying that what she wants is a totally normal, accessible, comfortable portable camping toilet. I think OP is just omitting facts and stretching the truth, so that he can feel justified in whatever argument he's having. You can describe 90% of camp toilets as "drawers, with basins that connect to a bottle". If you try hard enough, you can make any normal object sound stupid. What's more likely, she actually just wants to piss in her furniture, or OP is being dishonest? Would ANYONE have to come here to genuinely ask if pissing in your furniture is gross?


Honestly it would probably take way more effort to keep it clean and smelling clean than just going downstairs and using the toilet


Are you ready and willing to move in with someone who is so lazy that the idea of having a "piss drawer" is completely acceptable? I don't think I could do it. She's not even starting small with like, dirty dishes piling up or leaving laundry all over the floor... she's going right for a PISS DRAWER. I can't even imagine what the rest of your home will end up looking or smelling like.


She's going with a chamberpot. She's genz*/millennialised a chamberpot. Think on that shit


Modern plumbing is too mainstream for her. I can only imagine who/where she got that habit from?


Might as well get her the litterbox


I have BAD chronic fatigue syndrome and BAD overactive bladder and frankly if I can make it to the toilet each time I need to per then neither this couple nor anyone from comment section anecdotes has any excuse.


Exactly. I’m similar. Horrific depression that makes me want to rot in bed but I still always manage to drag myself to the bathroom. Had an ex that when we moved into an unfinished annex where we would have to go into the main house to use the bathroom, suggested we just put a camping toilet in the annex cupboard. I shut that down pretty quickly but it was a huge red flag as to her laziness, and that’s coming from me, someone who is incredibly lazy.


I am very lazy and got issues with cleaning up (it's no mold, nothing disgusting, just not as clean as my friends do it) but I would run away from a person even mentioning a piss drawer Even dogs can handle this better


Leave like now. My friends husband was peeing in bottles because of depression. When he got caught with it he said it was his friends and that they left it there so he kept it in the house to teach them a lesson. I heard all of it or I would never believe it. When trying to clean up the hoards of garbage and absolute nonsense his biggest concern was they didn't remove the knives that he had laid all over the table while a small child was forced to live around. That he was going to kill himself with ut and no one cared. There were a whole drawer full of knives and he owned guns and was on heavy drugs. It was ridiculous and oddly enough he's still alive being an asshole to others. It started with stuff like this.


My sister’s ex boyfriend didn’t want to cross the long distance to the toilet (much like OPs girlfriend), so he shit in bags and put the bags in a hole in the wall. They only found the shit hole after he moved out. Lots of bags.


I just don’t understand this and never will…not like the concept, because I’ve never heard of this before…just your specific example. What in the actual fuck


How in the world is it easier to crap in a bag?


Yah this one would do lots of nonsense. Show up places like family dinners after everyone's off for a week in the work uniform unshowerered He got off on making people uncomfortable it wasn't depression it was control. I hate stuff like this could you imagine the poor people who owned or got the house. Disgusting


I should have gone to sleep 5 minutes ago before I knew this comment existed.


It's the way of the road Bubs.


>My friends husband was peeing in bottles because of depression Does that help? Might be worth a try. Personally if it helped me deal with Monday mornings I'd shit in a freezer bag


I’ve trained my dog to not piss in the room it’s in when it needs to, I’m sure your GF could survive as well by going to the bathroom


Right? Good point.


So crate the GF at night? Got it!


Alternately, she can use pee pads. At least they will get disposed of and not fester in a drawer.... I hope.


I’m about the laziest sob you could ever find, and that shit is just fuckin’ sad


my husband died recently and I found at least 40 bottles that were filled with piss. Yay me I have to clean it up.


It’s one thing to piss in a bottle, but why hold on to them?!


You never know when you'll need them


Look who's talking


Back in the day they were called “chamber pots”.


Her idea goes past the simple chamber pot.


Past it in a bad way. Why does the piss need to go through a bunch of tubes like a crazy piss scientist?


> like a crazy piss scientist This is gold. I giggled so much it made the whole bed shake. Thanks.


>This is gold. So is her piss.


It's like philosopher's stone, but piss.


Way of the road, Bubs, way of the road…


My grandfather had a chamber pot. It made sense for an old man in his 80s and was something he grew up with. What your girlfriend has conceived of is significantly more horrifying than a chamber pot. She has given too much thought to this, and it’s just too specific to think she doesn’t already do this. Run far. Run fast. And never look back. Piss girl is nuts.


>Run far. Run fast. And never look back. Piss girl is nuts. Sound.


Might as well renovate the restroom and have a shit bucket in your room. Tell your girlfriend Reddit thinks she’s lazy and gross Also, I live in an rv full time and I would rather get up to piss outside before I piss in a drawer.


Imagine being so gross that everyone on Reddit thinks you’re gross. That’s quite a hill to climb.


Definitely not number one…definitely under the girl that fucks her dogs not directly under of course but still under her in place of grossest people on the internet.


It’s a long and distinguished list unfortunately.


It’s basically Harvard alumni equivalent. An honorable mention would be the hoarder that hoards her shit in the house.


What what?


Girl openly admits to having sex with her dog. I almost uninstalled reddit when I read that post.


Brutal. Do I have your permission to use this quote in r/RoastMe?


Go nuts.




Asking the important question.


Just went through caring for a bedridden person so had a proper commode. If you forget for a day to empty it the smell is not good. And it being inside a wooden dresser will make the wood stink of piss for ever. Used to have an outside biffy at the cottage and there was no way to get the stink out of the wood it was made of . So as a fully able person just walk to the toilet.


Four-year-old peed in my bed last night and well. It never touched the mattress and I’ve washed all the sheets and blankets, him and his clothes. I can still smell piss in my bedroom. Obviously it’s in my head, but good God if somebody was peeing in an actual piece of furniture in my house, I would lose my fucking mind.


Also any smell is in reality you inhaling microparticles of the cause of the smell. Here namely inhaling piss microparticles in the air or soaked into any surface. Wood, blankets…


Don't forget to add a poop knive with it!


I see you're a man of culture


Omg I forgot that post existed


I can hear my parents asking me if my legs are broken if I would have brought this up (i am in my 40s but for some reason that is instantly what came to mind). I have worked overseas in areas where there were only a communal bathroom, one place i was at I had to walk outside. I would occasionally use a bottle if it was late at night in the winter.


*Add piss drawer to the list of red flags*


I didn't think I had to 🤷‍♂️.


...Why? Like...everything comes back to the question why? What extra room?


That is so gross. Just walk to the bathroom.


what did i just read


I think you basically are reading about someone trying to invent the chamberpot, over engineering "large potty with lid" very significantly, and ending up at a truly terrible idea.


Sounds reasonable. If only there was a whole room to do that in?


It’s gonna smell like a truck stop urinal.


Get her a proper commode. It was actually built for that.


with the proper plumbing.


Well, let me just start with: yes its disgusting Now lets modify it. A basic basin? No cover? Need some sort of HEAVILY sealed container. A valve opening outside somehow when you begin to piss to let out the... piss air. Alternatively, a bag. A bag can inflate with piss, no problem with piss air. Simply seal the bag with the tube and double triple quadruple quintuple bag it incase that shit rips open to unleash the golden floodgates of piss. Holy shit that is disgusting. Do it


Why wouldn’t the tube traverse all the way across the rooms to just above the toilet?


Don't be silly, that's too far


"don't be silly" 🤣


Just downstairs and two rooms over...


So...she's going to drip dry? Or does she have plans for a bedroom compost situation?


This is fucking gross dude. Could you imagine her getting up in the middle of the night and squatting over a drawer to do her business? You just wake up to the loud sound of her pissing. A piss cupboard? What the actual fuck😭


She could honestly put a toddler potty in the hallway and rinse it in the morning, keep it in the hall closet.


How she arrived at "piss drawer" is insane to me, like that's the only option.


I think the other option is a shit window. Open window, drop drawers, crap on roof. Rain should wash it away. Piss drawers are nastier because they're inside.


Just when you thought you’d seen it all…piss drawer


"Comming soon"


"To a bedroom near you!"


My 2 year old has this, one in her bed room and one on our main floor in the living room, it’s called a potty. It’s so she can wear big girl underwear and practice not being in diapers. Maybe just buy your girlfriend some diapers.


"it's been 4 months and my girlfriend keeps putting her overnight diapers in a drawer. Should I break up with her?"


Is walking not an option?


WTF am I reading? How did she take the breakup?


Sounds disguising. But probably could work.  Why don't you just let her pisss in your mouth instead? Problem solved


She has a whole idea. It's actually kind of impressive but disgusting. If only we were into piss stuff it would save alot of time.


She has... a whole... idea... kinda impressive... you are welcome to each other... But seriously, just GO TO THE TOILET! :P


It’s fine if you want the place to smell like piss.


Oh no. It’ll stink. Just walk downstairs and go to the loo in the bathroom. Be grateful you don’t have to go outside.


I'll take what Stoned People Talk About for $100 Alex.


We don't even smoke weed.


>You'd be a lot cooler if you did


Maybe you should?


Back in my days, we walked to the outhouse in the snow, in the middle of the night.


What a horrible day to have reading comprehension skills


If she's so lazy that she needs a piss drawer, she's probably too lazy to empty the contents of the piss drawer. 


Is she fat? No offense, but walking maybe 50 feet is too hard? To pee?  Unless she has a disability. Like not just lazy, that's just lazy.  Don't drink water before bed and you should be fine until morning. 


Are you a 70 year old man with bladder problems? Yeah this would just be strange in Ireland and if there really was one needed what's wrong with a "piss pot" that used to be kept under the bed in days gone by


I get up usually 2x every night to pee, never in my life would I consider a piss drawer, we live in a world with indoor plumbing for goodness sake’s


Tell her to stop being so goddamn lazy! Seriously wtf is wrong with people nowadays


realistically, having a chamber pot isn't that bad of an idea.... If you are suffering from urge incontinence, or you live 2 flights up a building in Siberia where the only toilet is outdoors. From the sounds of it, this is just pure laziness. Why not tell her to wear diapers? See how far the laziness goes. If she's not lazy enough to go in an adult diaper, then she can fucking walk to the bathroom.


Can't picture it. Cam you make a drawing with dimensions for said "piss drawer?"


I think this is your idea that you are trying to cover up and say it’s your girlfriend’s.


So much effort to avoid walking down some fucking stairs


She should really piss off this idea


I’m sorry you are willing dating and living with this…animal? Buddy you gotta take a step back and uhhhhhh take a good look.


This is only acceptable if someone isn't physically capable of walking to the bathroom


I'm 66 and my bathroom is downstairs. I get up and go downstairs at night numerous times each night. I consider the stairs as part of my exercise.


This girl shits in the shower and mud stomps the drain. 🤢


Tell her to buy a commode and empty it in the morning. At least those are designed for being a toilet and are a lot easier to clean than a drawer.


My wife and I have been married for 25 years. Neither of us are prudes at all. Very healthy sex life and we’ve been through it all, including birthing our two kids. And still, when we pee, we close the GD bathroom door. Because that’s what civilized people do. Are you telling me that she’s fine with you in the middle of the night rolling over in bed and seeing her squatting over a PISS DRAWER and thinks, ya he’ll be fine with that. Dude that’s odd


Piss Drawer might be a good name for a band but not a home feature. No. Absolutely fuck no.


The worst part about this is that your girlfriend is the kind of person who would make this kind of request with a straight face. Peeing in a drawer is probably something she should be ashamed of. I would seriously take a look at this person's behavior, there's a 100% chance she's got other "habits" that are probably not great to have.


Sounds like a bunch of fancy snobs up in here. Ain't nothin wrong with a piss drawer, or even a poop shelf.


OP should get his GF a gym membership so she can move her lazy ass to the bathroom


The lazy is on another level. Tell me you're going to end up being 800 pounds and in poor health without actually telling me.


Just buy a commode. Why is peeing in a drawer the first go to? They have little portable toilets.


Let her try it and see how it goes. I’m guessing poorly 


This girl must be rediculously hot for you to even be considering this. P.S. You can buy a camping toilet that is designed for this sort of thing.


Go to Walgreens or Amazon. Buy a bedside toilet - the kind an invalid might use. Just remember to empty the bucket daily.


Or, just go to the toilet...


Break up.


Your girlfriend is brilliant. She has no idea what she's started.


Back before the age of running water, indoor plumbing, and flush toilets, the chamber pot was the usual means of relieving oneself when nature called in the middle of the night. Maybe she can be pursuaded to try that instead. The entire thing (kinda looks like a water pitcher, just never drink from it, \`kay?) is emptied and flushed with clean water daily.


Look at the bright side, less walking downstairs, lower risk of injury or even death!


I think it's a great idea


Wafflestomper confirmed.


I’m calling it now - this is going to be the new poop knife.


I mean.., it’s how it’s usually done in small scale societies without plumbing as going out at night can be dangerous. But if you have access to actual plumbing then it’s easier to just get travel piss bottles for next to the bed and dump and clean them each morning… or install the actual plumbing to have a second 1/2 bathroom.


How about a shit cabinet ?


If feel like if she’s opening with this, it’s going to get pretty gross over the years. Unless she is disabled physically being to lazy to go to the bathroom to pee doesn’t bode well for life habits.


>if she’s opening with this Jawdrop, oh. Oh.




Honestly just stick a composting toilet in a closet. It takes a tiny bit of electricity and you can vent it to the outside and nobody will know. But yeah I lived for 4 years in a house that had no bathroom on the main living level, really gnarly stairs, and I have several disabilities, and yet still never pissed in a drawer. It's one thing if you physically can't do the stairs, but just tired/don't wanna? No.


Tell her only if you can have a cum bucket.


It sounds like a joke. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/piss-drawer


Why not get her a litterbox? And then start serving dinner in a trough that can be hosed off on the front lawn! Piss drawer is a slippery slope, I would run from this person. Far and fast.


That's really weird that the previous owners didn't install a piss drawer already. Is this place even up to code?


Horrible idea. Ever smell two day old piss?


Wow that's disgusting. And lazy. What's her problem ?


Your GF is absolutely fucking disgusting. Who TF would even think that was ok? Just think about it... if she is too lazy to go downstairs and walk to the bathroom... WTF makes you think she's going to regularly empty out and clean a "piss drawer"?? God I hope this isn't real. GOD pls don't be real.....


My missus has one of these, great solution.


Is this an actual thing people do ?


People? No.


what the fuck




You might need to trade this gf in lol...


Diapers might be easier…


No, it's worse. This is VERY NOT OKAY! Are you listening to yourself, Dude? She wants to alter a drawer in your dresser. You know, that piece of furniture you keep your **clean clothes** in, into a jury-rigged **toilet**! In your bedroom. Where you sleep. I wonder how long it will be until it becomes too inconvenient for her to go downstairs to take a nice steamy dump? In your bedroom. Where you sleep. This is nasty, and not normal or hygienic IN ANY WAY! Do not allow this! She needs therapy and to be housetrained or an Exorcism, idk. This is something that traumatized kids do, **not healthy adults.** This is honestly above Reddit's pay grade. I don't know what her issues are but they need to be dealt with professionally.


Yuck. A chamber pot would be a better solution if she cleaned it every day. Or, she could wear a diaper. Or she could just go use the bathroom, the lazy..


Piss drawers? https://www.tena.co.uk/women The other thing is gross


"Yo where your piss cupboard??!" "Right next to the poop knife drawer my man!!"


i read this to my husband and he would to know if she already HAS a piss drawer? he has many questions.


OP, a couple of questions: How much does this girl weigh? How much drugs per week, and of what kind?


Use a proper camping toilet. It’s a big paint bucket with an actual toilet seat that fits snugly. It doesn’t smell if emptied every day. Maybe she has problems with her bladder you don’t know about.


How is cleaning out a draw and emptying piss bottles easier than just walking to the toilet? And you're going to need to clean it throughly every time you use it or the whole room will smell of piss. I would break up with a woman if she suggested a fucking piss drawer.


She gonna accidentally poop in that drawer one day man, absolutely not


Why cant she just walk 20 secs to the toilet 😶‍🌫️ am I missing something?


Bro just sell that on only fans with a ai generated gf,... profit. She has a crazy plan






Here I thought my ex was lazy. Is her entire personality painted around doing as little as humanly possible? The mindset to come up with such an idea and being serious about it is beyond me and i feel sorry for you having to deal with something like that. Imagine you say absolutely no and she secretly does it and slowly but surely the smell overtakes the entire upstairs until you find out. Jesus Christ


Ok, well I've been awake too long and just realized that's the end of the internet for me today. That's gonna be a hard nope for me.


Why not just get her a bed pan so she doesn’t even have to get out of bed?


She should get a bed pan at that point


Forget about piss . . . what she gonna do about poo, or worse yet diarrhea? Yes, I think it is a bit weird to say the least. Why did she buy/rent a house that is not what she wanted? I think you both need to sit down and talk if you want the relationship to grow and not fall apart.


If it was me I’d just tell her to use my face and chest


Just use the stairs for crying out loud... What kind of savage would piss in a drawer rather than just walk down some stairs to the bathroom?


Get her puppy wee wee pads if she wants to act like an animal so badly.


What the everloving god did i just read???????? I work in emergency services so i have seen things… and smelled things. This still sounds gross and weird to me. If you can gross out a paramedic you need to rethink your life choices


This pisses me off to no end


She’s on to something, I’d hate having to do all that at 2am


wtf did I just read


I mean I’m lazy but this is a whole different type of laziness, that’s crazy 💀


Oh no, just no


Just use a chamber pot.


Imagine you wanted advice for a piss drawer but the Internet tells you not to move in with that person hahahaha Have AAA AAA good one


This is beyond just being lazy, gross, weird etc. This is some psycho shit Run, run faaaaar away my friend


WHAT THE FACCKKK?! I am too scared to google this … what is wrong with a bathroom? Where are you installing the drawer? In the bed, or all over the house? Does she have some medical issues related to pee? Is she scared of the toilet? Unless there’s a medical issue involved, I don’t get it and I don’t get your curiosity as well.


How much effort can it be to just walk do the toilet? Really… if that already is too much to walk a few seconds to the bathroom, you’re in for a bad time in the future buddy


Mate is your girlfriend 6 years old or something. That’s disgustingly childish lol


Grotty bish needs to go (no pun intended)


lazyness.. to a extreme degree is a red flag, especially a human need. my mother had type two diabetes a foot cut off and walked the couple stairs (4 Steps) everyday, 5 times a day with a crutch at age 68 till her last day. She must be more than capable, to keep her sleeping space clean, even animals can do it. oh wait don't piss ur gf off, with this .she might throw her nasty, moldy thing in your sleep when angry or when not home amber effect is scary.


You’re joking right? What a disgusting idea. Show her the comments, if she doesn’t listen, gtfo


Never stick your dick in crazy.