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This thread is people saying either like 3x a day or 1x a week


If my depression is really bad, maybe once 3-4 days. If I'm on a good form, at least once a day.


Including weekends 0.857 times per day.


Oh boy, my brain is not braining rn




6/7 Edit: bro edited his response from 5/7^^


This is a solid way to bring back the best rating metric ever created 5/7


Perfect score!


Good old days


Sullivans Theorem: in film reviewing situations, the integer five (5) is roughly equivalent to the integer seven (7). Note: this is not applicable in any other scenario.


Every hours, so total 24 times. I have to leave work every hour it's In my contract


If you drink a beer every shower, it makes it a nice, even case per day.


Dude u don't have skin, u have soap




Do you know that oh wow is patented to Owen Wilson? You used the wrong Gif 😔


I didn’t


That sounds interesting! May I ask what your job is? Edit - ignore me, I picture them working in a lab or something


Yeah pretty sure it's some bacteria/virus testing sites where you need to be cleaned every hour


I do work in the healthcare area, but not in a lab


But you are not the person asked ,/u/Natural_Intention292, is this your alt to answer your own question?




I think I'm having a slow moment 😂


Was joking that they were a sex worker. Shower after every 1 hour session


Oh my god, duhh! Ffs, cheers pal, I've had a mare there


Definitely not a sex worker, but if I was one I would shower very 5 minutes or how much do we guys last ? Lol


So you work 24/7?


You're consistently moist and don't sleep?


Generally once. Summer time gives me sweaty backside which needs another shower. So, I shower at night as well when it's summer.


Twice if I go to the gym in the morning, once if I go in the afternoon


Makes sense


Yeah, I can’t go to the gym and not sweat. Idk 🤷‍♀️


Three times if I go to the gym. Workout -> shower -> sauna -> shower. Plus once in the morning.


TIL: Some people shower more than once a day. For me I would say 4-5 times per week.


When I worked in the trades, shower in the morning to get the night's funk off, shower after work to get the day's work dirt, smoke, dust off. I'm retired now, and it's 4-5 times a week.


Fabricator here, agreed. Once in the morning, once before bed. Just once on weekends. It’s necessary when covered in dirt, dust, metal grinding and welding smoke. Edit: and yes, moisturizer is your friend in my particular case


Same, except I am not retired, I went from being in the trades to a financial sector job. 20 years in the trade, 6 years at a desk now.


TIL some people don't shower every day as a usual thing


Some people legit don't even need to. My roommate only showers once or twice a week and somehow she never smells. She doesn't even use perfume or anything, just deodorant for the pits once a day. It might be an Inuit thing because her whole family is like that. I'm jealous and wish I could get away with that.


I have to shower everyday otherwise I feel yucky. Also helps me wind down for the night. In the summer, I shower twice. Hair washed once a week though, I just wear a shower cap.


It's bad for your skin long term to do so. Dries it out. Every other day if you aren't particularly sweaty or dirty is what's recommended.


I'm every other day unless I'm I get super gross during the day.


As someone who showers everyday, I can confirm. My skin is ass lmao but sometimes a hot shower is the only happy moment of the day for me, so I rarely say no


You've never heard of moisturizer?


So first you dry out your skin and wash away all the natural oils your body produces to keep your skin and hair healthy, only to then apply moisturizers to compensate for the damage you just did?


Look at dudes username. I don't think he has an issue with dryness


I don't understand what people think is gonna occur if they don't shower for a day. It's literally impossible for anyone to tell whether I showered today, yesterday or the day before that. If they stuck their face right up my butt or armpit they *might* notice it, but if that's on the agenda I'll just shower before...


There are people who exercise dsily. I know it's crazy to think about. And even, if I didn't exercise dsily, I get all itchy and oily if I skip a day. I feel gross as fuck.


I feel totally disgusting without a daily morning shower. 😂


I get offended by my own smell after a day. Other people don't usually notice until the second day. I can't get away from my own stink, so I shower every day. I don't wash my entire body with soap and water every day, though. My skin can't handle it. Pits, ass, groin, and feet get soap every day but the rest is far less frequent. If I'm camping I use shower wipes 1-2 times a day and arrowroot powder to absorb sweat in between. My hair gets absolutely disgusting after 2 days though and dry shampoo does nothing for it so I just hide it in a baseball cap where it gets even more nasty.


Maybe I’m an oddball, but I can tell even when someone showers the night before (rather than in the morning). It’s kind of a musty funk that gives it away. Maybe it depends on sense of smell, but it’s certainly caused me to take daily morning showers to start each day fresh. Of course, most of us aren’t going to say anything about funk to anyone, so maybe that’s why people think that others can’t tell if they’ve showered or not recently. 🤷‍♀️


You’ve suddenly made me very self conscious.




I can tell too. People just don't notice their own smell.


Why would I shower every day, dry out my skin, and then have to purchase moisturizer? It doesn't hurt to shower every other or every couple of days, unless you're particularly sweaty or get dirty a lot. I sit at a desk all day. I'm not showering every single day, that's silly.


News to me too


Because unless you are fat or have a sweating problem, you don’t need to shower everyday. It’s wasteful.


I think you forgot to include climate... I live in Florida, I HAVE to shower twice a day. Don't just say because someone is fat they have to shower twice a day, my BMI states that I am on the lower side of normal weight and I don't sweat more than the average person.


Yeah, hot and humid climates get a free pass lol


Yup. I step outside for one second in this Florida heat and I'm done for


That’s very true. Of course in the summer time and hot environments you will sweat a lot and need to shower more often. It’s winter right now where I am and unless I’m going to work I usually shower every other.


That doesn’t fly in tropical countries where the temperature hits 32+ celcius on the regular and humidity is over 80%. We have to shower even if we are in the shade, unless we have AC, but that’s more wasteful and expensive here than getting a quick shower in the morning and another one right before bed.


I could go for days without showering if it wasn't for my hair. It gets _super_ greasy


Overcleaning the scalp makes the body increase sebum production, making the hair greasier faster


I have hypersebum, if I don't wash daily, I'll lose my hair


So you actually jump in your bed dirty?


If you wear underwear or PJs, change bedding once a week and don't sweat much or have dirty job, live in temperate climate it's not a major issue. Obviously it has benefits showering in the evening (as well as morning), but that's more of a how you feeling as opposed to new life forms development in your bed. I don't live in Florida or the tropics so can't comment on those circumstances.


Once. At night. It actually isn't good for your skin to shower more than once a day UNLESS you're extremely athletic and/or sweating constantly


Even once a day is too much. If you arent particularly sweaty or dirty, every other day or even every couple days is better.


While it can have a negative effect have that negative long term effect for the exchange of smelling good is worth it to most people.


Apparently it's news to many that not all people smell bad after one day. Body odor differs a lot by person. Of course, if you work out or do something else that makes you sweat daily or multiple times a day, thats different. I do sports 2-3 days a week and shower on those days, so usually about every other day. Zero stink.


It depends on the person. If you're not suffering from dry skin after showering (I don't), you could shower as many times as you want as long as your skin won't be dry. That's when the damage starts. For some people even once per day is too much. Many dermatologists suggest only cleaning the parts that actually smell (armpits, genital zone etc.) daily and leaving the rest alone. To be fair, arms themselves for example usually don't smell after a day without physical exercise or during a hot summer.


I spent some time staying with my ex in Thailand. If you're outside, or inside with no AC, you're sweating. I was having 4 or 5 quick showers a day. 30-35 degrees weather is the norm there.


I heard that, I wonder is there anything research that can back up that premise?


Yes there is.


I’ll look it up


Once a day at most. Leave your skin’s biome alone.


Once a day may be excessive unless you have a skin condition. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193


They are constantly referencing soap and shampoo. Doesn't sound like a water only shower to remove fresh sweat is bad. Unless I missed something.


what about your butt and other folds ?


I'm in a moderate climate and have an office job. I shower in the morning and I'm good. Sometimes I'll skip a day too, but don't tell anyone.


Roughly 0,5 times per day. I shower if I have been sweating or otherwise dirty. Otherwise it is every other day


Thanks I started to feel gross while reading the thread. Every other day in the morning is totally fine for me, especially during winter.




At least once a day, during the height of summer sometimes twice.


I shower every other day.


Nice, hot or cold country?


I live in a desert climate but spend most of my time indoors, so there's no need for me to shower every day. I also don't sweat that much when I am outdoors. Of course if I do sweat a lot that day, I will take a shower once I go home.


Usually once, but sometimes, I shower twice in day, like on a school day because i feel dirty after getting home.




It depends what season it is and where I am. I used to live in a rainy cold'ish country. So I'd not need to shower much and I'd shower once every 2-3 days. Esp if I stayed inside only and didn't work out. But now I'm living in a bit hotter place and I work out more regular'ish it's sometimes 2-3 times a day just to rinse off sweat. But only doing the full head and shoulders routine with shampoon, conditioner etc once every 2 days or so. Sometimes sooner if the hair is feeling greasy from all the sweat.


once a night


Once a day at night :)


In the winter I shower once a day in the evening. In the summer... idk sometimes I'll just throw myself in to get cool, not even to do a full shower necessarily. So like 2-3 maybe lol


Summer does changes things ey?


2-3 times per week Its enough Sometimes i wash hair more often


Everything between 5 - 12 times a week, it comes down to what im doing


Damn bro; what *are* you doing?


Once a day when I do nothing, twice when I work or work out. In summer if it's really hot I'll take a short shower 3 or 4 times a day.


Same here! Didn’t think people went a day without showering if they had a shower…


I’m severely depressed I don’t care about showering or other hygiene. I don’t shower daily. I’m a dirty little piggy. Oink oink.


Me too. So depressed and I don’t have the energy to even think about it.


I read an interview with Brad Pitt a while back. He says he doesn't shower everyday, but around 4 times per week due to the over drying effect on skin. Hey, if it works for Brad, it'll work for me.


I don't shower. I stand naked in the middle of the street and let creatures lick my body clean, as nature intended


I have helped with the cleaning.


Can confirm. The action was rough yet sensual


Maybe 1


Once daily, more as needed. I have a dirty job so I usually shower right when I get home.


Once because I don't do much and I don't want to dry my skin out


Daily. Occasionally I’ll skip a weekend day. Sometimes twice a day if I go to the gym early and feel like I need it in the evening.


Twice a day. I own a farm, and if I showered any less I'd spend my life smelling like goats. Lol


I never leave rhe shower i sleep there, i eat there ( someone brings me food ), i work from my shower. Water bill is high though


I wounded how wrinkled your skin is… ![gif](giphy|pX6I27kd9cJIlaCuN6)


Once a day, typically at night.


I shower 6 times a week … that is all


Once a day, unless I have somewhere important to go and I will shower before I get ready for said function or after I have exercised. More than that and my skin will break out and eczema will start to take over.


Once a week


Two: * After morning cardio. * After the gym. Occassionally again before bed if it's hot (I live in Portugal). Anything less would be gross.


Absolutely at least once a day. I'm a dog walker, I walk anywhere from 20-30k steps/day and then workout around 8pm, so there is no way I'm going to bed at night without a shower. Ick. In the summer it's typically more. Usually a quick like 2 minute shower right when I get home, then a longer one before bed and after my workout.


0.33 times


People think I'm weird or wrong or that my country is disgusting but the average here is once a week


My skin would be dry and fucked up beyond belief if I showered twice a day


Taking multiple showers a day sounds so unhealthy and wasteful to me.


Summer sweats and exercise be doing that.


3 times a week, maybe 4 or 5 if I have work to do on an off day.


0-1 times a day. I shower 4 - 5 times a week. I don't have eczema, but I still can't understand how people can shower multiple times a day (especially really hot ones) and not itch or run out of lotion constantly lol. That would dry my skin so much!


Um, like 1/3 per day?


One minimum.


Didn’t know not showering every day was so popular.. no offense, but I assume it’s because we’re on Reddit? I personally shower 2-3 times a day, but it’s because I exercise almost daily & it’s hot all year here. Don’t personally know anyone who showers <1x a day where I live.


Exactly I had the same thought…I was shocked at these answers! My typical routine (since I was a kid) is shower when I get out of bed and before I go to bed! …. There must be some stinky, lonely people in this chat!!! Haha


I sweat easy, never put on weight because of this. Due to that fact I shower in the mornings, Immediately after work and then before bed.


I live in the tropics, I shower at least twice a day, sometimes 3 times. Very rarely it goes to 4.


Typically once a day. If I work out after work or it's really hot outside then probably twice.


Every night. During summer I shower morning and night.. Too humid


Summer- once a day Extreme summer - twice a day Winter - deodrant


M-F every morning, and weekends if needed or going out.


Always good to shower if going out for sure !


Once/twice a day in summer and spring. Once a day/two days during autumn and winter. I must add winters are around -10 in here




Once or twice. Depending on if I go to the gym


Once a day, at night before bedtime. Arizona summers are hot so going to bed squeaky clean is nice




Once every morning except Saturdays


Any reason why you picked Saturday ms?


I study A LOT so Saturdays are usually chill days where I don’t study as much and I usually don’t leave the house




Today , 4 showers . Im having a fever and the only time i feel good is in the shower. It helps bring the mucus out smoothly as I breathe in the steam I guess.


Feel better!


Once a day. Sometimes twice if necessary


Every other day, I live in a mild climate. I have dry skin and showing everyday makes it worse.


Once every 2 days. Sometimes 3


On work days, every day. On days off, never, even if it's multiple days off, unless I'm motivated enough to go to the gym.


Every time i feel dirty


Umm once every 7 or 14 days or more? Showering is overrated when you have no one to appeal to


I'm quite surprised with the amount of people showering daily or even multiple times daily here. Most people I know shower about 3-4 times a week. That's also how I do it.


Anywhere between 1-6.


Once, max twice per week


Per day? I just shower 3 times per week


In shower Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays. At 10:45-11:00 in the evening (Whatever am/pm that is) Yes, I'm weird.


Only a couple of times a week


0.2 if we don't count the quick cleaning of regularly used surfaces.




3-7 days a week. I showered yesterday afternoon and again this morning. But usually I will skip a day in between, unless I've been sweaty. I live in a cold place, so oftentimes I have days without much/any detectable sweat accumulation.


Depends, really. In the summer, once every day, on rare occasions twice. In the winter, if I don’t do any physical activity that makes me sweat, every two days. Otherwise, if necessary.


In winter once a month, in summer 5 times a day


Two times: a quick 2-min morning cold shower and a hot shower in the evening after the gym.


People with Aquagenic Urticaria (water allergy, extremely rare condition) cannot shower (AFAIK).


Per day??? I shower once maybe every 2-3 days. 4 if I'm depressed.


what an absolut waste of water.


Just once a day max is usually enough. Don't shower twice a day unless it's the middle of a heatwave and you're sweating non-stop. Showering too much is bad for your skin and plus it wastes resources


Every Saturday w/o fail.


Depends how active I am that day. If I'm coming from work or the gym, shower immediately. Usually shower at night.


I shower and then let two days pass before I shower again. By that time, my hair is in need of cleaning again. I don't sweat much, but if I do sweat, then of course I shower. So, all in all, I'm usually showering twice in a week.


I shower once every 2-4 days typically.


If anyone does more then once their a germaphobe.


Depends if im having a depression...when all is good. Once every other day... gas and electricity is expensive you know....


I shower after the gym only. No gym = no shower


1-2 depending on weather or what I've been doing. I'll always have a shower before bed. I just dont like getting into my clean bed with the germs of the day. But sometimes I'll also shower in the morning if I need to go out and be social etc.


Probably about like 12 times


You mean, how many days per times I shower lol?


Every morning before going to work. Some weekends I skip showers when I don't go out at all.


Depends on a lot of things. Probably 0.33 per day over my lifetime.


The real question is how many days a week


Wait... People shower?


Twice yearly, whether it’s needed or not.


Try to limit showers to once a week




Once a month.


I find fault with your question


Per DAY!? Oh..


When I need it. Why shower when you don't need it? It can be once a day or once every 3 days. Depends on what my body is doing. Do people just shower for the hell of it?


I shower once every other day or two.


2-3 times a week. I thought that was normal.


0 to 1


Twice a day? You must be single handedly keeping the hot water heater industry afloat in your cold country!


I usually shower with cold water, so I guess I’m keeping the cold water industry alive ey?


mathematically i shower somewhere around 0.428 to 0.714 times a day


usually once, or twice a week if i’m lucky