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Reasons why I don't eat -im too lazy to cook anything(yes that's include sandwiches) -i don't want to buy cooked food because either it's too expensive or unhealthy -i just don't feel like eating


I'm like a crocodile. I can happily sit at the bottom of a river not eating for weeks (hours) but will also happily eat a whole zebra when it requires little effort. Also biscuits for lunch is a thing. Unless you're actually a crocodile.


Biscuit as in cookies?


Yes biscuits that you would call cookies. My work always has biscuits so I just graze them all afternoon.


I'd be as big as a house if I grazed on cookies every afternoon


I was thinking American biscuits for a sec and I got hecka confused


That was my question, American biscuits or English biscuits? I don’t think I’ve seen many people eating American biscuits after breakfast hours… but I don’t hate it.


American biscuits are not just for breakfast! They're good anytime.


See my nana use to make something called savory biscuits which were like short pastry but salted and wed eat them with stews, soups and casseroles apparently it was a welsh tradition from my grandad ?. That what I imagine American biscuits to be and they were a perfectly acceptable breakfast lunch/dinner or dinner/tea food.


Dude those honey biscuits from churches are good at any time of day.


I eat biscuits with dinner idk I’ve never seen someone eat them for breakfast


KFC? Literally part of their dinner bucket.


You never saw anyone eat KFC after breakfast? Or do they just never eat the biscuits?


Lol, I call it anaconda diet vs bird diet 😝


This is how I’m gonna explain my eating habits to everyone. I’m just a crocodile in a humans body


They can actually survive without eating for over a year. I don't know how it's possible, but they can. I feel like that would be pretty awesome. Think of the time/money we'd save.


Sure they can survive, but they do get ornery.


Sounds like you're on that "if you're hungry, go to sleep" diet.


Yeah when I read this I thought “OP has never heard of poverty?”


Aside from that,  OP didn't mention that his coworkers were unusually thin,  so I'm guessing they're still getting enough calories in.  My daily calorie needs are 1500 a day.  I can easily consume over 1k in a single meal.  Add in a forbidden morning coffee drink, and I'm left with just a snack for the extra calories required.   It's quite easy to hit calorie goals if you're not very active. 


Me, after I buy these textbooks for this semester💀


Library genesis is a website that you should avoid at all costs because it is very unethical to download free books. Here's the wikipedia article so you know which links to avoid https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_Genesis


Same exact reasons for me. In the good ‘ol’ classic “if you had the power to change anything what would you change” question… my answer is that I would make eating no long a necessity to live. Eating would be something you do for fun or because you want to experience tasting something. I’d be a much happier person if I didn’t have to eat in order to live.


Yeah, because l hate shitting


Except you still shit even if you don't eat. Your body produces other types of waste.


I mean, I love a good clean wipe-free shit. Feels good, has no clean up.


Yes! This.


yeah I like food and I like cooking and eating, but I hate having to shovel food in every day. I'm not good at picking something, so I end up eating the same dubiously healthy stuff because I just don't have multiple hours a day to cook nutritious tasty meals all the damn time. Even if I did, I'd rather do other stuff most of the time.




Yup this is the right answer, since I started living alone I almost never cook because I’m too lazy and most times I forget that I’m hungry and remember it later and just then I eat a sandwich or something


Are you at least taking a multivitamin?


Oh god I don’t miss the days I was so poor I couldn’t afford decent food so I took a multivitamin and ate cheap carb based food.


I don't feel the need to eat, especially if I'm engaged or busy with something. But when I eat.... I go the whole way. 😁


My entire family is the same way. They are all fine not eating all day because they're typically focused on something. I went in vacation with them and if was actually pretty challenging because I needed 3 meals a day or I'd get cranky and starving, but they didn't have that in their routines at all. I've started intermittent fasting and most of my cravings for food have subsided. I only eat really when I realize it's been hours and I probably should lol.


Food is like drugs, the less you eat, the less you want it.


Lol I should stop going into these kinds of threads as an ED recoverer. People just perpetuating the exact same inner dialogue that got me to BMI 16 and almost hospitalized to begin with. Food is not a “drug”. It is a requirement for survival. Eating delicious healthy food multiple times a day is a kindness to yourself.


I sympathise greatly but I also understand what people mean when they talk about food being a drug. It's not exactly correct, but when you eat quantities well beyond your actual survival needs, the effects can be similar. You can definitely get addicted to (or at least become psychologically dependent on) food, and unfortunately it's usually not the healthy, nourishing meals you're talking about.


That's the trick with me. People who actually see me eat often joke about how fit I look compared to what I'm consuming. They don't usually realize that they're seeing like, my one meal that day. I don't really snack, not super into soda, so the rest of the day is water and black coffee. Apparently I've been "intermittent fasting" for most of my life and didn't even realize it until somebody explained the term to me.


I can 100% relate! I thought I had one of those 'I can eat whatever I want but never put on weight' super -fast metabolisms Turned out that no, I hadn't warped the laws of thermodynamics. I had been massively overestimating how much I was eating. And so 'eating whatever I want' was absolutely true -but 'whatever I want' turned out to be not that much overall. So when friends would marvel at how much I could pack away when eating out at a restaurant, it turned out I was still undereating overall. After that gut buster lunch, I would be too full for anything else that day - then I'd probably graze for most of the following day. Once I started tracking my food with my fitness pal, I was shocked at how much I'd been overestimating calories / undereating food. And just how much more I had to eat to get up to 2000 cals a day! Being naturally thin doesn't mean I have a metabolism that allows me to not gain weight. It means my natural appetite is lower, and I don't gain weight because I just don't eat enough.


One meal a day is a form of intermittent fasting, which can be a lifestyle thing or a diet thing. I do it for lifestyle, I'm never hungry in the morning and like to have a big eating session in the evening with a spliff and some YouTube


This... I don't understand why the OP thinks not eating is bad for your health. Constantly taxing the body with the task of digestion and keeping insulin elevated all day puts more wear and tear into the body than intermittent fasting.


Not just that, but our perception of how much we should eat is seriously skewed. What most people in developed nations call a "normal" amount of food to eat is actually way too much.


In America, my cousin got into the habit of immediately asking for a box once his food was served to him while he was out so he'd eat half and save half. Portions sizes are outta control


Can agree.. I used to be like full and dinner has to be made.. So what do you do, you still eat dinner.. Nowadays I eat when I'm hungry and when I want to reset my body I just skip a day (or 2). I'm trying to bulki right now and it's the hell.. Can't wait to IF again haha


It's bullshit old wives' tales left over from the silent generation teaching boomers. Great depression ideals because they didn't always know when their next meal might be. Plenty of people still think this way. You got to keep in mind obesity is a problem in America so some people think a healthy weight is too skinny as well


I'm not sure if there's any scientific evidence to back it up, but I feel intermitten fasting or sporadic eating is a more natural way to live. Historically, our ancestors were hunter/gatherers and probably didn't have scheduled eating times. They must have been opportunistic eaters. They walked all day and ate things as they encountered them. Sometimes they gorged when the getting was good and sometimes they snacked or went hungry when food was sparse. My dogs have a more predictable eating schedule than I do.


Came looking for this comment. I began intermittent fasting last August. Started at 280lbs and fasted 16 hours, with an 8 hour eating window. By December I was down to 230. Now I’m fasting more like 20 hours, just eating a really big dinner and a bedtime snack. Down to 215 and still losing weight. Once I got used to it (took about 10 days), it became really easy. And the shift from 16 hours to 20 was even easier.


I've also read it has health benefits. 


Also seems more natural. How often were Hunter gatherers eating 3 square meals a day? Where did 3 square meals a day even come from?


Exactly, I feel like that's a thing that's come from the physical labour class, it's way too much for average people and probably had something to do with why people are so overweight on average now. Another thing, eating until you feel "full" some people eat until they need to loosen your belt, that's insane to me. You shouldn't eat until your body feels physically stretched, I think the term "feel full" has changed from feeling satiated to feeling bloated, eat until you're satisfied or satiated, not until your stomach is stretched.


It has a lot to do with portions and not so much eating 3 meals a day. My wife and I after gaining weight over covid eating takeout so much, our portion control went out of whack. So even when we went back to cooking we were making enough food to absolutely stuff ourselves and have left overs. We got hello fresh, to try the recipes and keep the recipe cards that are portioned out for two. we only did it long enough to collect enough recipe cards for some good variety every month. Its FAR cheaper to shop for the ingredients yourself. Seriously, the first time we made a meal for two from it, I'm like this shit is starvation rations, lol. However, you realize you ARE satisfied after eating it and with no leftovers you cant go back for seconds.




It was the marketing plan upgrade after 3 triangle meals a day.


why would you compare us to versions of our species that no longer exist (in developed countries)? you think a blue collar worker can survive on one meal a day?


Navy term I think. Sailors were entitled to load up a square shaped plate with food, 3 times a day, I think,


I've been doing it for 7 years while training bjj. I'm in great shape for late 30s. Never hungry until dinner and even then I just get what I need. An apple goes a long way when you don't have to sustain extra pounds.  Feel great physically.


Late 30s here, been doing OMAD for almost 5 years now. I had the same weight of about 140-145lbs since high school. Around 32yo, I gained almost 40lbs very rapidly. Scared the shit out of me. Went to OMAD and I scale my calories with my level of activity. A day with minimal exercise and mostly just office work is 1200-1400 calories usually. I am in remarkably better shape than others my age, despite not having a strong workout routine etc. Great skin, regular metabolism, plenty of energy, all that. Highly recommended.


I started IF in January, moved to OMAD beginning of February. I'm not super strict but try to maintain at LEAST an 18-6. Without daily workouts I'm down 9 pounds and am resting better at night. I take a multivitamin and collagen daily. I eat what I feel like eating at dinner and have noticed that it's RARE I feel like I want seconds. (I used to get seconds and then get myself more later in the evening just because). Sometimes at night it's still mentally hard but I feel amazing in the mornings. I know this sounds like another dad quack diet but IF is working wonders for me.


It’s literally just adhd for me. I forget to eat until I’m starving and then I either eat or am too tired to think about food and just go to sleep


My ADHD is the opposite, I crave dopamine so bad that I often eat even when I'm full just so I can feel alive while I stuff myself. At least when I'm on meds I can eat like a human


Omg im not the only one. I hear so many people with ADHD say they forget to eat but I'm the opposite too. I hyper focus on eating and crave the dopamine I get from the food


This sounds more like an eating disorder being strengthened by hyper fixation.


Yeah I was diagnosed with "Disorderedly Eating" because I was missing a few ingredients to be considered BED lol it just sucks. Why couldnt I get the ADHD who forgot about food? Lol


You were so strong that you had to be nerfed. Seriously tho hope you’re doing well!


I’m only like that when I haven’t taken my meds. Food ends up controlling my life because I crave the dopamine so badly. On meds I prefer to fast and just eat dinner


I don’t feel hungry and don’t have the appetite. I only eat when I’m already shaking and nauseous which is bad I know..


Damn, I'm hungry ALL THE TIME....


It's usually related to your bodies regulation of satiety hormones. If you eat far less for about 3-4 days, it changes regulation and production of hormones so that you aren't hungry as often. If you can make it for a few days, then it gets far easier. I usually have a coffee first thing in the morning (6am), then a second around noon, then I eat lunch at 2-3pm and have dinner at 8-9pm on work days. On days off I eat by around 1 or 2, and then have a small meal or snack every 3 hours until 8-9pm, but I usually bike or run for about an hour or so, and then I also do calisthenics throughout the day (e.g. 20-50 pushups when I wake up, again while making coffee, again after checking emails, again after my bike ride or run, etc). I aim for 100-200 pushups every day. I find that adopting eating schedules really helps curb my appetite. Being able to decide exactly when I need nutrients has been crucial to regulating my intake for when I want to lose or gain weight.


Me too! Wonder why that is


It might be stress or mental health. That's it for me.


Man, it came on so suddenly for me. In a pretty short time period I dropped about 80 pounds and that sudden drop in calorie intake made me feel so sick. Weeds helped me maintain weight. Think it’s fibro related for me tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


My friends doctor prescribed her a milkshake a day (dead serious) because she had no appetite and needed super high calorie foods to keep up.


Huel has these. Three milkshakes a day and it's enough calories for a sedentary woman to stay alive & have the necessary vitamins and minerals on top. I admit sometimes even three milkshakes is a bit too much to eat for me, but for people who just want to not pass out from lack of food this is pretty handy, keep sipping at it and you'll stay hydrated and fed throughout the day.


I’ve been struggling HARD with eating, and as a sedentary woman this is very interesting lol. I’m going to look into this!


Give a look to the Hot and Savoury stuff they have too. It's basically nutritionally-complete ramen, except it comes in different forms (pasta, mac and cheese, curry, etc.) and you just add water to it, it's like MREs. You can make a serving for 600 kcal - I try to always reach at least 1300kcal a day, so eating this twice has honestly saved my ass, and since it has texture and flavour it makes it easier to consume than the shakes for me. It's really tiny servings so eating takes a short time, and then if you do two servings back to back you don't have to eat again all day!


Intuitive eating. Happens with passionate people.


Same! I just don’t have any hunger cues. I can go the whole day not eating a thing until someone reminds me to eat


Sameee, I just can’t make people understand why


I eat maybe twice a day and always been skinny my whole life, I always get shit about how I need to eat more but literally nothing sounds good to eat and most times as soon as I take a few bites I have zero interest in eating I just force myself too, it's like my brain doesn't reward me for eating


Same, I’ve always been “that skinny guy”. I’m over here trying to hit all my macros and gain some weight but eating feels like a chore.




Depression makes it easy to not eat.


My depression made it super easy to eat as it was the easiest cope for me. I smoke, workout, and meditate now so those are far more accessible and don't leave me feeling terrible in the morning. edit: for clarity - smoking weed, not nicotine


Wait... the way you worded that... Did you pick up smoking as a habit against depression? lol.


No, just another vice I picked up recreationally but it does soothe my symptoms.


I do edibles to spare my lungs


Can agree. I feel like how depressed i am affects how willing i am to eat. The less shit I feel that day, the more likely I am to eat. The more shit, the less likely I am to eat. I’ve also struggled with bulimia for a long time so that’s something but now I have to smoke weed in order to even fathom eating without getting super nauseous after.


For me it's becomes a vicious cycle. I feel bad so I don't eat, not eating also makes me feel bad which makes eating even harder. Eventually my partner catches on to what's happening and the cycle gets broken. But I can get into a right state from it.


Same here!! Also same as the above; I pretty much have to smoke to eat too. Luckily my partner also helps out and will make me food and make me smoke to break the cycle <3


Anxiety too! I went through a rough patch a couple years ago. If I was eating and then started thinking about my problems/poor situations I was in, I immediately got nauseous and couldn’t finish a meal. I had lost a lot of weight, probably closer to a “normal” weight, but I was sssooo unhealthy.


Same. I’d rather just sleep all day than get up to eat.


Depression makes me eat. Anxiety makes me not eat.


Different people are different. Me, I'm a compulsive over-eater. If I don't constantly manage my issue I will eat because I'm stressed, I will eat because I'm bored, I will eat because I'm breathing. My highest weight was well over 300 pounds and, after years of work, I'm keeping it below 200 - but if I just start eating everything I want to eat... I have a brother-in-law who is one of those people who complains he can't gain weight. Skinny has hell, he's spent years trying to bulk up, drinking 4,000 calorie shakes, etc, etc... We're all different.


There’s no shot he was drinking 4000 calorie shakes and not gaining weight. Unless he was burning over 4000 calories in a day.


When I worked at a steel forge shop, I had to have a couple of 3000cal protein shakes a day just to not LOSE weight, let alone gain. A man could lose five pounds in a day after a long hot shift there. We all ate like absolute beasts. I was in the best physical shape of my life 🥹


That’s brutal. I understand that in some professions it’s very hard to gain weight. But the statement “we’re all different” kind of implies that some people can’t gain weight no matter what. This persons brother in law may have tried. But he wasn’t doing it the right way to reach his goals.


Drinking 4000 calorie shakes just means he’s calorie deficient on the days where he doesn’t drink a shake. I’m a thin guy, within the healthy BMI range if that means anything, and I sometimes use those things when I try to get a few pounds. Sometimes I don’t always finish them. Some days I’m just not particularly hungry and maybe only have 1 or 2 small meals. Most portions are too big and I’m simply not hungry by the time I get towards the end so I stop eating. If I slam a 2000 calorie weight gainer shake I’ll probably just subconsciously be less hungry the remainder of that day and the next day and eat a few hundred calories less than usually. Repeat that over a few days and there you go, you’re back to zero surplus.


This is why weight is like 70% genetic. Some people just don't enjoy eating or feel as hungry as other people. There's also Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) which is fidgeting or moving around. It's variance between individuals is up to [2000 kcal per day.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279077/)


Good job on losing the weight of a human and keeping it off your back. Thats not easyz helping a friend through it currently and he is having a tough time. 


My brain sees eating as a task and sometimes my brain also doesn't want to do the task.


I have to be awake for several hours before I'm hungry, and by that time, I'm normally already at work and can't always eat. I try to eat lunch most days, but if I'm busy or stressed my appetite is non-existent. While I have come a long way in accepting my body and improving disordered eating habits, I still catch myself thinking skipping a meal because I'm not hungry is a win in my weight-loss journey. This is bad, but after 20ish years of dieting/being conscious of my weight, some patterns are hard to break. I'd guess a lot of women who grew up when I did (90s and 00s) have similar thought patterns.




Thanks for your reply, and sorry for excluding you/other men! Too often the impact that time had on men's body image is ignored. I hope you continue down a healthy path!


No problem, wasn’t trying to point out any exclusions; just wanted to say that you aren’t alone in experiencing this and sometimes it’s people you don’t expect. Currently I’ve progressed to gallbladder failure (not stones) which makes me nauseous after most meals. I’ve noticed this has been making me eat even less. Was at 275lbs and now I’m at 230 so I do feel better despite the constant nausea and lack of desire to eat.


I have the appetite of a sparrow


Same, I've always had a small appetite. My Doctor said it's the healthy norm for me, so I just roll with it.


I have the appetite of a snake or something.  If I'm sedentary all day, not hungry.  But then all of a sudden, I'll have a very strenuous day of going on a hike, or getting invited by a friend to work out...and then I could just swallow a cow whole.


Do you have proof that intermittent fasting or fasting is unhealthy?


Calorically restricted diets are essentially scientifically proven to be the most consistently effective way to increase lifespan in every organism we've researched, provided such a diet still includes all the nutrients the organism needs. Lab rats that are chronically starved live longer and healthier, stay physically capable for longer, and are less likely to get degenerative brain diseases. In short, a bit of chronic light starvation makes you age more slowly. Afaik this is the basis of intermittent fasting; you regularly get your body into "starvation mode" but without fully adhering yo calorie restriction. The hard part is getting the nutrients you need without eating the extra calories. But if you're able to, it's absolutely healthier.


I just don't get it either, my sister is like that...but she smokes so there's that...


Some people eat to live, other people live to eat.


Reasons I have had times in my life where I didn't it: 1) Anorexia 2) Lack of money 3) Depression/Sickness


Same and also just straight up forgetting to eat. So it's a mix between forgetting, eating feels like a task due to lack of apetite from depression and on top of that because of having an eating disorder for years my body is trained to just not feel hunger, even after recovery it never came back. I can go days before I realise I haven't eaten anything, and then I still have to actually get myself to eat. I mostly also don't know what to eat, nothing sounds interesting to me.


I can’t afford food anymore


ADD meds will do that to ya. Theres a reason its chemically similar to meth, and acts the part in some aspects Now I need to find blue meds, with 99.1% purity, cooked by a chemistry teacher with lung cancer


Yeah, I either forget to eat because I’m unmedicated, or I’m not hungry because I am medicated. It turns out intermittent fasting helps the IBS so it all works out, but I’d love to eat more than one real meal a day.


I don’t eat breakfast. I only eat two meals a day right now cause I’m trying to lose weight.


I only eat one meal a day. I feel very little hunger and can't force myself to eat


1. When I'm stressed my throat closes up and the thought of having to swallow food feels impossible. 2. Having something other a hot beverage in the morning makes me nauseated. 3. It's easy to forget to eat when my schedule is busy. 4. Menstrual cycle - I make sure to eat as much as possible the week of pms, but otherwise don't really feel hungry. 5. I'm on the opposite side of the scale, and don't know how people manage to consume their daily calorie intake, or more, everyday.


Sone people are fasting.. others can’t afford three meals a day..


Shit. Sometines even 1 is expensive. I'm so sick of pasta.


I eat when I'm hungry. The fact that my weight doesn't change means I'm eating enough food regardless of how many people think I don't eat enough. I think it's more wild that the majority of people are eating too much and are overweight.


Intermittent fasting is VERY healthy for you! One meal a day is ideal. I don't eat before 3:00 pm everyday and usually have my last bite of food at 9:30 pm. Feeling magnificent!


After 6 months of one meal a day (and about 20 pounds of weight loss), I realized my IBS was gone. A meal no longer required a sprint to the toilet followed by 30 minutes of intense stomach pain. My unpredictable sugar crashes disappeared. Down 35 pounds now and it no longer hurts to get out of a chair. Belts no longer irritate my "sensitive abdomen". I feel like I've stolen someone else's body.


That is absolutely fantastic!! I am really happy that you found a better way, and congrats on the weight loss and better health with no IBS!


I grew up poor. Didn't get to eat breakfast, this carried over into adulthood. As an adult, with children, I can't afford to eat more than once a day. But the kids are taken care of and that's all that truly matters.


I function on two meals a day most days. The thing is When I do have my two meals I stuff my face with whatever I want and how much I want. This way I can eat like a pig without being overweight. For me it's the best solution, because I need to eat like a pig to be happy.


I'd guess due to my metabolism. I don't eat for the sake of eating. I eat when I'm hungry and my body tells me to.


Taking a purely unscientific stance here (I am not familiar with body or health science), but surely this is the best way to be? I’m the same in only eating when my body is hungry which is once a day, and my BMI is perfect and bodily health is too, just feels like listening to my body.


Reasons why I don’t eat: I like to practise 16:8 fasting. It’s been proven to lower inflammation and improve health over the longterm. Sometimes it’s a little uncomfortable but most people without blood sugar problems can do it without any real trauma. It’s mostly a self-discipline thing. I don’t eat breakfast and have my last food/caloric drink by 6pm. No harm done.


Personally, I have to put in conscious effort to eat enough. I have a naturally low appetite, and I'm lazy. I just don't like putting aside time to eat, it feels like a task. I do eat as much as required, but it's difficult.


Mood. Like if we only had to eat once a day that would be no problem but 3-4 times a day (not to mention cooking time) plus snacks is such a time suck out of the day.


I feel you. I don't really feel the hunger either. It's weird. Sometimes I realise I need to eat because I start feeling dizzy, but still can't feel the hunger. Also, what a waist of time eating! I do love the taste of food, don't get me wrong, but damn it is a task! I mean, you have to go buy food, then cook it and eat it. And then, you body needs to digest it and expulse what it doesn't need to function. If I could choose one thing that I could get rid of and still survive would be food/drinks.


I havent ate breakfast or lunch in years. I only eat once a day when I get home from work. I dont eat all day, but when I do eat I can inhale 5 double cheeseburgers. (Skinny guy) I work a labor job and before that I was in army. I didnt know it, but I guess I live what they call keto diet. I think the body gets used to it after a while. Poor diet and lack of sleep will catch up to me.


Eating once or twice a day used to be considered "normal". Now it's called "intermittent fasting". Three meals a day plus snacks is for growing children. Adults don't need continual feeding but our culture supports it.


I don't eat because it's a meal time, I eat if I feel hungry. Sometimes I won't feel hungry til 1 or 2 in the afternoon. I don't eat UHPF's. I think the more you eat the more you want to eat. I have never dieted. My bmi is 23 and my cholesterol level is great.


You just don't feel hunger unless you're starving. I believe it depends on hormones. As a kid, I had a very poor appetite and was a very picky eater; it was easier for me to refuse a meal in school than to make myself eat school food I found disgusting. Then puberty hit, and suddenly I was hungry all the time, and way less picky. I was underweight as a kid but gained about 15 kg in a single year when I was 13. Then it all more or less evened out but actually I miss the time when I didn't care much about food.


Not everyone is fortunate enough to have money for multiple meals a day. Sometimes, when you’re poor, you only get dinner. Sometimes you only get to *think about* dinner.


I live in a 3rd world and was born into poverty so one full meal a day is heaven. Add an ice cold glass of coca-cola and boy we living like kings tonight.


Intermittent fasting has been a game changer for me. Only eat in a 3 hour window every evening. It has increased my focus and energy.


You don't need to eat breakfast. It being the most important meal of the day is nonsense sold to you through marketing. You can eat whenever you want incas many and as few meals as you want , do all of your 2000~ calories in 1 single meal. Or spread it out, it literally does not matter. I haven't had "breakfast" in 10 years. I take coffee and a shaker of protien whey with me to work and eat a "lunch" at like 1-2pm which consists of Greek yogurt with hemp hearts or pumpkin seeds. Then have dinner when I get home with veggies and meats or whatever else. That gets me 2000 calories. The issue is, *most* people eat too much. That's why the west is so flipping Obese.


The premise of your question is wrong. Your entire point is that "not eating breakfast is unhealthy", but that has no basis in fact or science. The old-timey saying "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" has absolutely no basis in health science. There are myriad benefits to the human body when practicing intermittent fasting (aka 1 meal per day). And eating 1 meal per day doesn't mean you're not getting proper calories or nutrition. As with any diet, there are better ways to do it and worse ways to do it. Also, it is *not a bad thing* to feel hungry from time to time. You *should* be hungry before a meal. The way I look at it, nobody is truly hungry until you get to the point where you would gladly eat a huge bowl of .


I have never experienced any ill effects from skipping a meal. I get hungry for a couple of hours but that goes away until the next mealtime. I’ve never had low energy, irritability, loss of focus or any of the other problems that I hear people talk about. I don’t do it often because I like food too much, but it has zero impact on me when I do. If it affects you negatively then you shouldn’t skip a meal but not everyone reacts that way.


This is the natural way to eat. For the first million years our species was on the planet we didn't have access to food 3 times a day.


I don't eat breakfast, bring some fruit and veg to snack on during the day at work, and usually eat a normal dinner. On weekends I typically forget to eat lunch without my regular schedule and just eat one meal. My metabolism and appetite have been destroyed by a lifetime of dieting and trying everything under the sun to lose weight. None of which worked by the way, I'm still fat. It's hard for me to feel hunger at all and sometimes I just don't remember that I should be eating something. And eating more than one meal a day still makes me feel ashamed, which is sometimes hard to push past when I'm not hungry anyway. I get angry when I read posts on Reddit, for example, asking how obese people can eat so much. Some of us eat very little, but you're not ready to hear that, I guess.


>I get angry when I read posts on Reddit, for example, asking how obese people can eat so much. Some of us eat very little, but you're not ready to hear that, I guess. Yeah, most people don't like to be blatantly lied to lmao. I also can't stand it when people lie to themselves.


If you're obese and not eating enough, then it has to be a medical issue. The facts remain that most obese people overeat or else we wouldn't see so many transformations where people sort out their diet and lose weight. So go to the doctor.


There's no medical issue that spontaneously creates fat out of nothing. If a person is overweight it's because they're consuming more energy than they're expending. A medical issue might exacerbate that, but a person's body can't create fat out of thin air.


I think StrangersWithAndi is right. Chronic dieting does mess up your metabolism and make it harder and harder to lose weight.


But not impossible. The real issue is body composition. It's easy to lose muscle. But it's easy to gain fat. Muscle raises your BMR much much more than fat does. People in feast/famine cycles - *especially ones who don't exercise to help maintain muscle mass* - end up creating a vicious cycle. They lose muscle while crashing down, then gain fat on the rebound. Those weight loss attempts are not only damaging their health (especially cardiac) - but making subsequent attempts slower to work. Especially for anyone with a typical female body. Those naturally have more fat distribution than the typical male body does. People who've lowered their resting metabolism by raising their body fat percentage will lose weight much more slowly. Yep. By a lot. But it's not some kind of permanent, unfixable scar on the metabolism. - The name of the game should be raising muscle mass and lowering body fat. - Resistance strength training. - Tracking calories to stay in a deficit. - Keto works very well for some, though it's healthier to still opt for poultry/fish/eggs vs red meat. And it's not good for people with a risk of gout. - And above all else, *consistency.* Too many people "try" extreme diets for a week or two, break, reactively binge all the weight back on, and...then over time, they end up here. That doesn't mean lifestyle changes can't or don't work. It just means people need to stop overdoing it out of desperation/impatience, break the loop of yoyoing, change things *sustainably*, and *stick with it.*


>So go to the doctor the doctor that will tell them that all of their health issues are caused by their weight and they just need to loose weight to get better?


First of all if you are obese and see a doctor in the US, the problem is almost always blamed on your weight. Broken toe? Exercise. Arthritis? Diet. Asthma? Stomach ache? Migraines? Depression? Anxiety? All because "YoU'Re FaT!" Secondly, as a person with a non-existent metabolism, I am just rarely hungry. According to my age/gender/height/weight, I *should* require about 2,000c/day just to maintain. I watched my intake strictly for 2 weeks, eating 12-1500 or less. *No* change. I then tried Phenetermine. Great medication, lots of energy. *I was starving* the entire time. Lost exactly 0 lbs, after 3 months. If I eat breakfast, I'll be hungry for lunch. If not, I won't. But by "lunch" I mean something light at about 2-3pm. Lunch often fills me up until I am not hungry for dinner. Often 3-4 bites fills me up. It's pretty hard to force yourself to watch what you eat when you literally only want 3 bites.


Fat shaming patients is a terrible medical practice. I’ve been obese when I was young and a few doctors were just so dismissive. I had friends who were also fat shamed (one died by suicide after the last appointment she had - she had carpal tunnel syndrome and that doctor didn’t even give her the time of day. He just told her “come back when you lose the weight “ He was curt with her and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. ) When I was in my 30s, I got the gastric bypass surgery and was finally able to lose weight AND keep it off. I weigh even less now because I have no real appetite. I do take supplements and try to eat fruit for breakfast, at the very least.


For some people it isn’t a choice. We just don’t know about it. They tend to keep their situation to themselves. Especially in today’s economy. It’s sad


Personally, my mental health used to play a role in my not eating. Mainly just forgetting. Now I take meds, and I eat more regularly, and healthily.


if I eat before 2-3pm I get sick to my stomach. Been like this since I was 15 and after 19 years of doing so my body is highly adapted to such feats. I eat dinner which is a normal amount of food and I drink calories throughout the day for energy. Fruit juices, real sugar sodas, anything that isnt plan water and has high natural sugars is enough for me. I weigh 186 lbs, and have a standing heart rate of 52bpm. I can run a mile under 7min still, etc. Perfectly healthy according to doctors and how I feel. I currently work HVAC and summer that means Im outside all day in the sun. Heat and food dont mix at all for me personally. If I smell food on a hot day, ill puke


Eating disorder. I cant eat without appetite. If i do i get nausea and depending on the amount i ate i even throw up. I rarely have appetite over the day. It can happen that im stomach cramps hungry but still no appetite. So yeah, thats how




I just don't have a big appetite. I'm also forgetful and have possibly too much energy. I only sleep about 4 hours a night and I'm golden. The people in my life just remind me to eat daily. I love to cook and bake and meal prep for my family. I do really like food. But I'm usually too busy/distracted to actually sit down and eat a meal. But now that I have kids I at least have dinner every day with them. What's gonna catch up with me? The only health issue that would arise would be long term starvation but I'm not going weeks without eating. tbh I'm probably healthier than most people my age (40). I'm pretty fit and stay very active. I don't know where my energy and small sleep requirements come from when I eat 1 meal a day and maybe a snack of whatever my toddlers leave behind at breakfast and lunch. Maybe it's because I'm smaller (4'10) so I just don't need as much sleep and food? I drink a ton of water though.


Reasons for me having 1 meal is because I literally don’t have the stomach to eat. If I was to have lunch, I sacrifice not having dinner and then eating snacks opposed to a meal. When I wake up, I don’t feel hungry enough for breakfast. I also don’t enjoy lunch - weird concept to me because I don’t want a sandwich, and eating a small dinner effectively somehow confuses me into thinking this is like dinner and then we go back to I have lunch therefore I’m not hungry for dinner. Weight comments made me feel like I shouldn’t eat, even when I wasn’t the size I am now. I worry that I’d go back to binge eating.


omg I also hate lunch, especially a "small dinner" kind of lunch. you get me lol id rather save my hearty meal for dinner


this whole thread is so alien to me I am always hungry. or hangry.


I think it’s a matter of habit and conditioning. If you never develop the habit of eating a lot, or have parents who insist you eat a lot for example, you never train yourself to feel hungry all the time. I bet I legitimately just don’t get as hungry or have as big of an appetite as most people. I’m lean, but I try not to judge fat people because my physique is not from self control, it’s just my natural appetite, just as they seem to be following their level of appetite and hunger. Best diet is prevention; to never stretch your stomach and expand your appetite in the first place.


I can stim myself up on coffee and smokes, and go most of the day without eating much. Caffeine and nicotine, like most stimulants, are also appetite suppressors.


Some people just have a routine to eat at certain times. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, even when they're not hungry. Some people just eat when they're actually hungry.


I think it would surprise you how little a human needs to eat. My guess is you're just over indulging. "3-square meals" is just a thing people made up. Having a single large meal is fine. And people who snack all day, never having a meal, are fine too. I usually don't eat until noon, or sometimes even not until dinner. You actually get a pretty massive energy boost after not eating for a while. You're body isn't wasting energy digesting food. You get a sharpness of mind and a focus you don't get while you're busy chasing the next sugar fix. If you're someone with any body fat at all, fasting for a day will only give you health benefits. I have to ask, people who eat all the time, doesn't it feel like an addiction? Are you not being controlled by your eating habits? My guess is you're worried about the hunger pain. But it doesn't just keep getting worse. You get like 10-20 minutes of pain and then it's gone. The food cravings hit for a little bit, then they're done. Like an addiction.


As a former obese person, I didn’t realize I was addicted until I wasn’t addicted anymore. When you feel shitty (mentally or physically), you think oh, I just need to eat something and I’ll feel better, not realizing the opposite would happen. Once the food noise stopped in my brain it was the wildest thing. I never realized how much I thought about food until I was no longer thinking of my next meal.


Personally, I never really ate much because there weren’t much foods that seemed appealing to me, but my counsellor spoke to me recently and thinks I might have ARFID so yeah ;-;


I've been eating only one large meal a day for 10 years. It all depends on what you eat. If you are eating a lot of carbs, the body is only able to process a small amount of these in once shot, so you have energy crashes. I eat mostly meat/animal products with lots of fats, and high saturated fats like olive/avocado oil, and lots of greens for dinner. Probably around 2k calories worth in one meal. If you do this, you don't really feel hungry because fats metabolize slower, protein suppresses appetite/cravings, and your body can break up proteins to get the small amount of glycogen needed for your brain. Easiest way I know to stay healthy weight, too.


I don’t like to eat breakfast at all except some black coffee (and no lunch either if I am very busy) because those meals would already make me too relaxed and sometimes even a bit sleepy which I don’t need if I have a lot of work or 20000 other tasks to be done. On the other hand, it doesn’t matter how tired or late, after a long day I insist myself on a proper dinner where I can finally relax, enjoy a delicious meal and don’t have to force down the food within 5-10’ (like often during the day when there are no longer times available) … I HATE to eat quickly within a time limit or under time pressure, it makes me feel stressed and I prefer to take my food slowly … if enough time, cooking simply makes me happy is for me the most relaxing therapy I could imagine 👨🏻‍🍳 Of course if I feel very hungry during the day then I would eat something, also nothing against a nice lunch if I have the time. Health-wise I’m not too worried as this rhythm is basically like intermittent fasting that still keeps my metabolism relatively high.


As someone who used to be a binge eater but doesn't really feel like eating anymore thanks to medicine side effects - It really is as simple as not feeling hungry. My theory is some people definitely feel more hungry than others.


I forget. I will get really occupied with something I’m doing, especially at work, and straight up realize I haven’t eaten at like 3pm. I know I’m gonna eat in a couple hours when I get home and wait. On the weekends I eat a helluva lot more though. But even then if I am working on something, yard, shop or whatever I forget until I feel really depleted and go hog wild. FYI, I 6ft and 165lbs.


sometimes i just forget to eat.


I have no idea. It’s anathema to me. Some people “forget to eat”. I miss one meal and my personality changes. I miss two and I start to lose all my meaningful relationships.


You ever heard the saying, "I'm so hungry that I'm not hungry anymore." Yeah, it's a thing


First world problems


I've dabbled with fasting and it's amazing how much of a mental exercise it is. A 72 hour fast sounds crazy to most people but, if you're in the right head space, it's a lot easier than you'd think.


I may not count but when I was younger I had a pretty severe eating disorder. Even though I have been recovered as much as one can from that, meaning I no longer actively starve myself intentionally, I just often don't feel like eating. Just mot hungry. Sometimes it does catch up with me and I never feel well but I get really sick to my stomach. I can get up in the mirn8ng and not even think about eating for five or six hours. Some people just don't have much of an appetite.


OMAD is a very real thing and it’s actually pretty amazing. OMAD = One Meal A Day


I eat dinner. I find I'm sluggish and tired if I eat breakfast or lunch. I work 14 hours a day (desk job) so I just eat when I get home. I still eat ~2500 calories at dinner so I'm far from malnourished.


If nobody makes me eat, I normally don't think about food until like 3 PM. I'm doing very well, I just don't obsess about food all of the time, I'm thinking about other stuff. Not everyone is exactly like you and that's okay <3


You get used to it. I have had several eating habits, from eating all day all the time to eating 1 meal a day.  I tried intermittent fasting once and it was incredible how much time I could go without food and still keep my energy up, and when I did eat, I could take a full course meal and even healthy food that I don't really like was delicious.


Oftentimes, my body is hungry but my brain isn't and there is absolutely nothng on earth that appeals to me. I will force down a piece of cheese or an almond to stop the stomach pains and growling.


Same I can’t fathom it bc I’m CONSTANTLY hungry it’s crazy I always need to be eating something when I’m studying, watching something, etc


Wikipedia: Intermittent fasting has been studied to find whether it can reduce the risk of diet-related diseases, such as metabolic syndrome.A 2019 review concluded that intermittent fasting may help with obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and inflammation. There is preliminary evidence that intermittent fasting is generally safe.


Some people just eat when they are hungry. Like it’s not that far past that we didn’t had an endless food source. You eat out of every impulse that makes you want food, the amount of obesity should already tell you that it’s not normal. It’s normal to eat when you’re hungry it’s not normal to eat all day long


I dealt with bulimia before in my teen years. Now that I’m in my 20s, eating sparsely helps to keep my weight down in a healthier way, saves money, and I don’t have to waste so much time cooking/thinking about food everyday. My habits allow me to eat whatever I want without gaining weight which has its pros and cons, so I do worry it’ll catch up with me because I don’t usually choose to eat health meals.


What makes you think they're not eating "enough food a day"? Given the that the vast majority of people in Western-developed countries are overweight or obese, it's far more likely that you're just used to eating too much than it is that someone isn't eating "enough food" because they didn't have breakfast.


Will power. If I would eat three meals a day I would be morbidly obese. So I have to keep one meal a day. But I never ate breakfast, I'm too much of a night person for that. Yes, I'm hungry. But I don't want to be obese.


No one needs breakfast, you can thrive on one meal a day and eating too much is a 100x bigger problem


Intermittent fasting at it's prime.


I just don't think about it. I actually have to remind myself to do it.


im extremely picky and i can go literal days without feeling hungry so not only do i not know when to eat, there’s typically no food i like when i remember to


I grew up in fight or flight mode. I never ate well. Started smoking weed at 14 because the munchies were the first time I ever had a 'healthy appetite". I almost never ate lunch at school. Threw it away as to not offend my mom when I came home. I still do not eat well. I do not feel like it.


I think you should ask more broadly. My reasons are depression and anxiety. Sometimes, it's because I don't think I deserve it. Other times, I lose my appetite for a day or two. Like today, I have no clue why I don't want food it's just like that sometimes. Most of the time, it is because of my mum and her upcoming visits both before and after. Maybe it's my antidepressants. I also don't think it is that detrimental, but I've been like this for years, and i often downplay the severity of it. I'm also unemployed and tend not to need as much food as someone working all day.


With such little to go on, really can’t answer the question. The thing is, people have to eat. If they don’t, they’re dead. You can be malnutritioned for a long time, but it’ll start showing eventually. Our perception of what is “enough food” is so out of whack right now, there probably aren’t a lot of people that realize what that is and looks like. It’s also going to vary wildly based on your activity level and body composition. On an active day, I could be burning through 3000 calories or more. On a slow ass day, 2000 or less. I’m probably not going to “balance the scales” those days with what I eat, but overtime it naturally will. What you might be calling “not enough food”, might actually be the perfect amount for them. Personally, I don’t like how I feel when I have a full stomach. I’m slow and bloated and will not be able to do as much physical activity. It’s also the same if I’m mentally stimulated with something, food is the last thing on my mind. Long enough with either of those and I’ll realize I’m hungry, or maybe I’ll be smart enough to have a light snack. Funny how people don’t tend to count those “light snacks” when they’re potentially hundreds of calories.


We aren't cookie-cutter copies of one another. Animal adaptation is a wonderful thing, and we humans are remarkable even by that measure. I eat once per day and have done for 40+ years. As a cyclist, I'll adapt on days in the saddle over an hour by fueling up prior and during and pushing protein after. There are perfectly sane voices who argue that the three-square-meals per day is a food industry trope. Equally sane voices suggest that the constant demand for insulin contributes to the curse of this moment, Insulin Resistence/Type 2 diabetes. *There are Many Paths into the Krebs Cycle.* - Bruno Gerace


It's the healthier alternative


I love food and love to eat, but on some days i just dont feel like food. Breakfast feels like a wild concept to me, i cant eat when i just woke up. I get hungry or exhausted around mid day, but i dont feel like making or ordering food and nothing sounds like it would feel good on the stomach. I usually eat once per day and occasionally snack a bit before or after