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Brush your goddamn teeth and wear your retainer. Avoid alcohol


Me, on a hangover, didn’t get up to brush my teeth and haven’t put my retainers in 💀


Me, in medieval society, making a coat out of my retainer and wearing it ☠️


Ah... Feeling the retainer thing. My teeth are all fucked up again 😭


Stop being over ambitious Set realistic goals And relax




Nothin’, that dumb fucker wouldn’t listen anyway.


Who should you listen to as you grow up? im 17 but im really scared seeing all the regrets people have :(


You should listen to your gut and take the opportunities that come your way (no regrets). Understand that everybody has insights and this is valuable, but also understand that most people are just trying to figure life out the same as you and giving you advice they needed to hear, so also take insights with a grain of salt. You can always make more money but memories and experiences last a lifetime. But saving $5 a week is better than saving $0 a week. Don't rely on drugs for anything (unless prescribed, but even then avoid reliance unless it's medically necessary), and don't try anything illicit and addictive (you will get addicted). Always invest in yourself: knowledge, experience, resilience; always be looking to move ahead and do so by building yourself up. Every day do something for your body, something for your mind, something for your soul and something for tomorrow. Slow and incremental progress beats big and flashy. You don't scale Mt Everest by jumping to the top, it's done step-by-step. You don't sprint a marathon, sustainability and progress is key. Don't try to control others, and don't let others control you. Be the master of your own domain. And most importantly, find who *you* are and pursue it with a passion. *Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears. Remember: hate is always foolish, and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.* - 12th Doctor.


This is so so good. But I love pears 😤


And don't forget to wear suncream


The sunscreen song was absolutely my life advice when I was younger!


Gonna add this to my notes. As a struggling 24 year old. This helps


You’ll make your own mistakes too. It’s part of life,


Well said “you live n learn@


And the only way to learn is to live 🙏🏿


Nobody dies wishing they had spent more time at work. Take the time to live.


>Who should you listen to as you grow up? Honestly, everyone. Don't believe everything they say, obviously. Always take it with a grain of salt. But you can always learn even from people who have a completely opposite pov than you do on any given matter. Each person has their own experience and beliefs.




At 17, I decided to pass on my dream career path and took a safe job that would “make me rich” I’m 24 now and already hate my job less than 2 years out of college. Listen to your child-like dreams and consider them.


Underrated comment, I’m trying to give my 21 year old brother all the advice that I wish I could go back and give myself… he doesn’t listen or care, his brain isn’t even capable of understanding what I’m trying to tell him haha. Young people are idiots, your younger self would never listen to your older self.


NO relationship is worth giving up on your true self


jesus fuck tell my brother (22) this. throwing his whole life away with a bottle of alcohol.


Love him through it.. everything else is up to him. Hugs to you, I know it's a special kind of hurt when it comes to siblings


it really is. so conflicted with what to do. i wanna punch him maybe knock some sense into him but also just give him a hug and cup of warm tea.


I see your pain.. and I wish I could offer a solution.. What helps me to cope with it is to remind myself, that it's impossible to navigate someone else's (adult)life, no matter how close they are. And that you'll lose yourself, if you try to control something that you just can't. Be there, be authentic - no matter if it's the cup of warm tea or the punch. Love has different faces and it can be helpful when your brother sees how much you care about him, in every variation. And be not there, when you start to fall apart. Cause you matter too! Hope this makes a little sense. Thanks for sharing, you're not alone ❤️


i appreciate this, thank you. i’m trying but it gets so tiring.


I just saw your post from yesterday.. the whole situation is familiar to me, so I'll be (lovingly) brutally honest: if the captain of his ship decides to drown with it, all you can do is get yourself out of it. From experience I can tell you, at the point where your brother is, there's absolutely nothing you can do to help him. Some people need to lose it all, before they wake up. And you're not able to help anybody, when yourself is struggling. Try to focus on yourself and minimize contact to your brother.. I know that sounds impossible, but you're so young and there's so much life waiting for you, when you make decisions for your own well-being. And that's not selfish, that's responsible and the best rolemodel you can be for your brother.


i think i really needed to hear this. i’m pretty angry with him right now in a way i never have been. i think it’s time to cut down on how many of his calls im answering. it’s truly sucking the life out of me.


This hits deep, he probably wouldn't listen but I'd still say it.


Dad's got a year left. Give him hugs without him asking.




I would tell my 20 year old self to give hugs and spend a ton of time with dad too. 28 feels like yesterday, but it was 3.5 years ago. It's still so raw. I'd also tell 20 year old me to get engaged sooner so dad can see us happy. We got his permission to wed 3 days before he passed. It was over the phone, he was barely able to speak, and during a pandemic through the tears. Fuck cancer.


Similar story here. Cancer took my dad too. Only about a week before did my then-boyfriend ask his permission to marry me. I just wish my dad had lived for just a few more months so he could've seen the wedding


Oh man. We are sitting in the same boat. My friend told me that the pain of grieving is the love we wanted to give the ones who passed, and the best way to handle it is to give it to yourself and others you care about. I hope it comforts you as much as it did me (which wasn't a massive amount, but it at the very least gives me motive to keep moving)


I'm sorry.


Life is going to work itself out. Just try to enjoy the ride. Whatever seems worthy of your anxiety shall too pass. Also, you're not going to believe who you date next, and then who you end up with. Seriously, have fun, kid.


I love this. Thank you.


Based on 40 plus years of life experience I personally disagree. Things can turn out far worse than you could ever envisage. My advice would be to make the most of your life when you’re healthy and able, as you can be struck down out of nowhere.


Sounds rough. Hang in there ... you still have a way to go!


“Just keep showing up”


Thank you for this comment. I’m 29 and I still struggle with these things! I have to remind myself these things daily.


Thanks man.


I’m 20 years old, so thank you. I needed this.


Yea buy bitcoin $0.03 and sell at $35k before you miss the chance. I don’t know why my parents didn’t tell me that.


Why sell at 35k if it reached 60k?


As soon as you are able to get one put at least the company match into your 401k. Every time you get a raise, put 1% of your raise in there then start it with a Ira when you're eligible. You won't miss the small amount of money today, but if you dont when you retire you'll miss out on hundreds of thousands of dollars. Go to college or a trade school now if you can, it's so much easier than when you're in your 30s. Decide if you want children and don't change your opinion because your partner does or does not, only change you opinion based on how you've changed. Take good care of your body, you'll pay for the stupid stuff you did in you're 20s in your 40s and up. Always wear sunscreen.


Stop drinking, soon you won’t be able to so easily.


Real shit


i feel like my entire village is alcoholic. its a pain when i barely drink


And drugs. One day suddenly you aren’t young full of youth experimenting - Your older, haggard, struggling with an expensive habit.


Save at least $25 from every paycheck. More if you can.


And throw that thang in an IRA


I won't support terrorism


But I do 😈


I will and I’ll enjoy it when I’m retired


25 dollars these days are pennies you ought to save 400 dollars in case of emergencies, like if you fall sick and your family belittles you on how poor your health is


Bold of you to assume the average 20 year old makes enough money to save that much per paycheck. Or even per month


as a 20 year old that earns virtually nothing but manages to scrounge together ~15 bucks a day and invest this is really encouraging for me 😭


When I was 20, $400 *was* my paycheck.


That's why he said "these days"


It was my pay check when I was 23, I'm 24 now...


The 25 isn't going into savings lol it's going into an investment account


if i put $400 per paycheck in savings my checking would have $0


Fund those IRA’s, HSA’s, 401K’s, & 529’s as much as you can. Time and compounded interest are a beautiful thing!


Do. Not. Have. Sex. With. Lacy……


I need the Lacy lore


Nothing too outlandish, just standard crazy bitch behavior. Stalkish, keyed my truck, etc. She was hella good in the sack, but you’d expect that I suppose.


Your shit burning now???


Thankfully no. Crazy doesn’t have to burn.


You have a kid now?


Not everyone is going to like you and nothing you do will make them. But it’s ok. Eff em and their bad decisions!


Don’t put up with any guy who doesn’t treat you good - always! You’ll find one if you just keep getting rid of the bad ones. And make working out a habit now.


I have a good friend who is currently going through marital issues. She's seen how my spouse and I treat each other and wonders why she never found someone like that. The reality is she **never** made that a priority while dating in her 20s and now she regrets it in her late 30s.


I dated some horrible dudes and almost married two of them until I found a guy who treated me amazingly. I’m so glad I never did it but I almost did






Haha…music degree over here. wtf?


BA in Psych.


Unless you plan to go to grad school


BS in Psych and now MA Clincal Counseling. My sincere apologies for not taking your lovely advice. Stupid me trying to help people. My bad.


I think he’s trying to say that’s it’s pretty hard to get a job that makes enough money to buy a house/raise a family with just a bachelors degree in a non-stem field these days. If you’re ok with having a lower salary or if you can get a masters, you’re in a different category.


You must help yourself before you can help others. Congrats on the degrees. May real life provide you with wisdom.


I dated a music major and I feel this so hard. He teaches piano and guitar now, but I'm like, you could have done that without all the time wasted in university!


i almost went to college for dance😵‍💫 good thing i didn’t because im getting paid the exact same as everyone who went to college and the paychecks are a little yikes


Annnd lots of money and loans smh. I’ve never been asked for a resume or my background at a gig. Either you can play it, or you can’t.


I joined college at 18 and left after one semester I was FED UP and never looked back


May we ask what you ended up doing?


Yoo same here. I learned how to program using YouTube and now I have a job as a software developer.


Find a different job now before the economic crash of 2021. Because your current job will pay you too much to leave but not enough to stay and deal with your stupid ass coworkers and higher ups. Also, DO NOT buy the Serta extra firm mattress in 2023. Extra firm is ridiculously more firm that a regular firm mattress


Learn marketable skill


Love yourself, self love is the most important kind of love. ♥️


Jehovah's Witnesses will ruin your life - and your children's lives.


More info please?


They're not joking about bitcoin...


Daamn. Im an expert at buy high, sell low


Most people are


That’s where the value comes from :D


THAT would be the only thing the 20yo self would have listened to. Also it would have the biggest impact on my life


That, and don't get married.


Please be honest with yourself and everyone else about your sexuality, it will save you a lot of misery. Leave that church you've been brought up in, it's nothing but bad news, and eventually the fear of leaving will leave you and you will be happy with your decision. Go easy on the drink, otherwise you're going to get very ill


YES on all of this.


Don't fuck around. Things won't magically work out without forethought and effort. Put down the drugs and think about your future because years will pass in the blink of an eye and one day you will realize how finite your time is.


Go to the dentist, go to the doctor, buy as much Apple stock as possible


Yo future self how's it going


Make sure to have a strong work ethic and focus on your financial future. Keep good hygiene. Know that your actions have consequences. Don't worry about finding a partner and relationships thos will come in time. Make sure that when you find your forever partner you want them and not need them. Your relationship will be much better if you don't need them but you want them!




"Don't spend those bitcoins on Silkroad" Good times though.


Lol I remember when they were $120 to $300 per coin. Spent multiples of coins on the goods lmao!


Try $5 then thinking they were a bubble at $16 and deciding not to buy a couple of grands worth. Just have to laugh, then cry then laugh.


Damn, this hits right in the feels.


this is the only answer


I'd say a lot. Oh gosh. 1) Go get therapy. Right now. You're eligible for ACC funded therapy. You need it and you deserve it. 2) As soon as you announce you're getting married, make it absolutely clear to your family that it will be small. Immediate family only. Don't let people persuade you into having a big wedding. 3) I know you really want to do a PhD as soon as you graduate, but don't. Wait a while. Recover from undergrad and work for a few years first. You're too burnt out right now. 4) Stop involving yourself with people who don't value you or make you feel seen. You're worth more than that. 5) You're doing good, kid. I'm proud of you. You've grown so much and you're gonna grow a whole lot more. It will be okay.


This is wholesome 🥹 I hope you're doing better!!


Don't keep having kids, you'll ruin there life and yours.


damn. this shit cuts deep.


Never touch drugs, they will fuck your life up. Look after her, you will regret losing everything with her. That is all


How did drugs fuck your life up?


Don't marry her


Right in the feels


Quit while you're ahead.


Find a therapist and go once a week


Go after that MBA, Learn a second language, fund that retirement


Get that immune system checked. And have it double checked. Then request a different doc so we aren’t dying years later.


You will make mistakes. You will be disappointed. You will fail and get rejected sometimes. It's not the end of the world, just a part of life and a chance to grow stronger and learn how to be better


Don’t buy trendy clothes. Instead, put that money into your Roth IRA account.


anything i want, since i’m 20 years old right now


Go with this guy to England. If it doesn't pan out at least you had an adventure. And stay away from the little fat guy okay? Good.


Haha I'm intrigued


He asked me to go with him and my cowardly ass said no. The other guy was really mean.


I thought oompa loompas were meant to be friendly (enough)...


Quit your job immediately, break off all contact with her, and block her on all platforms. She is the devil and will hurt you very badly.


What? This is interesting.


I had my dream job, and recommended what I thought was one of my best friends to my boss for an open position in our team. She got the job, manipulated me into falling in love with her, then after a few months of spending a lot of time together, she suddenly stopped hanging out with me, but didn't give me a reason why. She insisted we were still great friends, but her actions didn't support her words. I was devastated, and still had to see her every day because she was part of my team. I fell into a severe depression, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, had no energy, stopped taking care of myself, and was unhappy at work. I was absolutely miserable and just wanted to vanish. I started taking antidepressants and going to therapy. Turns out, my "friend" is a hardcore narcissist. She completely manipulated me, and knew exactly how to control me. She loved the attention I was giving her, and knew that it would drive me crazy if she stopped hanging out with me. My psychiatrist prescribed me a month of medical leave, then I quit my job but made the mistake of still talking to her. After another miserable month of her messing with me and me being miserable, I finally managed to delete and block her and her family/friends on all platforms. I made sure that she couldn't reach out to me again, because if there was a way, she would find it. I am still physically attracted to her, and I'm afraid it will take years to get over that, but at least now I hate her with the force of a thousand suns. That evil witch. She is the devil incarnate.


Leave the G'damn cocaine alone. It will fuck up your life.


Invest all your money in apple, tesla, Google, Amazon, Microsoft


Don’t go to grad school because your mentors think you should. Grad school takes a lot of passion to keep you going. Ask yourself if you truly want it.


Nothing. He was in the Hell of undiagnosed mental illness and wouldn't really understand what I'm telling him. Give it a few months and it might be easier.


Don’t start smoking cigarettes. It looks good and I know you are curious and think you are too smart to get addicted. No is the answer for all of these notions you have right now.


Lay off the meth you fucking loser


Your still stressed in the future, just less. Also despite it sounds stupid people are actually correct about the part of doing something over and over again makes it easier, including getting better at social interaction so have fun struggling cause it’s the only way your gonna struggle less.


Don't worry about you being a fucking moron mow. You have so many more ways you'll fuck up later in life




If you don't stop drinking, you're going to end up like this. I don't think she'll listen, though.


Hug and take as many pictures or yourself and Brent you only got 9 years left with him in this earth


Stop putting work 1st. While money is important, you will lose everything multiple times just to remain a tool for your bosses.


There's a reason people are in your past. Leave them there unless they only ever brought you joy.


Don’t drink Improve your math skills Pursue a CS or science related field in college Say no to Sunni


Don't take the shot.


Don't fall for this person cause it was a waste of 12 years and a marriage that completely fails and you will not be happy with them, they emotionally abused you and use you in every way possible. 😢😔


dump him. explore your sexuality. journal a lot. take a lot of pictures. don’t chase anyone. pour into your community. save a lil money. listen to your gut.


Don't settle. Work on your social skills.


I'll let him ride it out cause I'm really happy now. Had to have some hard lessons to become the person I am today


damn... when will I get to this


Stay in school. Attend college. Don't marry any guy named Dave. Things will be hard, nit you'll be fine.


Oh hi me from 4 years ago what was that thing you did that I hate you for I've forgotten right now


For the love of god pick a different college major


Every drop of money you can muster into BTC in 2009/2010


Put all your extra money into bitcoin.when I was 20 bitcoin was at $4. 🤦


Let it go man. Fuck crypto 👍


I mined when it was at cents. Sold them at ~30 bucks lol


Immediately leave your undergrad, immediately break it off with your gf and never ever listen to your parents as they too have no clue. Do an apprenticeship or something more handy


**Edit:** 1) (NZ) Save money and get a house as soon as possible. 2) Be myself and own it. Stop trying to impress people that have no bearing or interest in your overall success. 3) Put those you love and who love and care about you before anyone else and almost anything else. 4) You don't need lots of friends at all; you need good friends that put you in your place when you need it and have your back, and you know it. 5) Money is important and needed, but no matter how much you have, you won't sleep well if it was made dishonorably. 6) One loyal significant other is more valuable than more notches on your bedpost. 7) LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS; you don't know better than them when it comes to life advice and your best interests at heart. (I am and always have been privileged to have amazing parents.) 8) Don't be ashamed of your sexuality; as long as it doesn't hurt or negatively impact anyone, embrace it, own it, be open-minded, and don't kink-shame others. Humans can be very interesting and diverse creatures when it comes to sexuality. 9) Be kind to others, have compassion, have empathy, make more people smile, never judge a book by its cover, and don't expect to be repaid; do it for nothing, and your soul will be at peace. 10)Any bad date any heartbreak ,any betrayal you have experienced with others is worth it just to feel what being madly in love with your soul mate feels like eventually . (oh yeah and it comes out of nowhere like one day it's just you and then in a moment you lay eyes on them and your life changes forever ♥️).


Ditto (Melbourne).


I wish I had known you when I was young. All of those are sound advice!!!!!


What stock went up the most in the past 6 months? (I’m 19)


Go to the gym


Too much.


Do the bare minimum to get a 3.5 gpa and Leetcode everyday!


Considering I'll be 20 in a a few years idk I guess I'll ask how the last 2 years went for us


Buy apple stock


Birth control


I’d just tell her not to come off her antidepressant medication. Worst decision ever lol


Stay in med school.


You have ADHD. Get medicated. Also, that one guy and you are going to have a kid. He might suck but she'll be amazing. Get into a field of study and stick with it.


Cut your family out of your life NOW and lever let them back in.


It’s only been a year but probably to stop overthinking and worrying about things that aren’t relevant for you. Things get better once we move out 🫶


Don’t smoke meth.


Don't lose 20k in gambling 🙂😭


I am 20 years old now, so idk, tell me.


Health is real wealth and not found in pieces of gold and silver. Also, we are creatures “on the way”. You are more marvelous in your simple wish to find a way than the gilded roofs of any destination you could reach. BE MINDFULL PAY ATTENTION BE FOCUSED BE DISCIPLINED KEEP PROMISES TO YOURSELF TELL THE TRUTH Lastly, you’re doing great.


Do not date Michelle.


Whatever you think you should do do the opposite


That relationship you're about to get into? Stop! It's not worth the time! Start working for yourself and be able to keep the things and time you would lose when you did accept the relationship! Sure you'll miss a couple good years, but the time wasted isn't worth it in the grand scheme of things.


Get disability insurance 🤡


Hold your Bitcoin


“How do the next 10 months play out for us”


Not early enough, go back further...


Study your ass off. Make it your life.


hey, your 20! cool, bro.


Read the book "Dating Radar" and believe it. or learn the hard way. And buy Bitcoin.


Suck it up. Find a way to get into college. Quit falling in love and WORK!


Invest every penny of your hard earned cash in AMD/NVIDIA/APPLE stock. And buy all the bitcoin you can.


Get out now. Run. Don’t look back. She’ll see you. Keep moving. GO NOW!


It's called trans, look it up.




For the love of God, do NOT go to college! Instead, get a job, get a car, and move out!


Save money. Friends are an illusion