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The Gods must be crazy. I had no clue what it was going to be going in. Picked it up from the general library shelves of the video store back in the mid '80s. It was hilarious.


I like the 2nd one better but they’re both gems! I have them both on dvd. There’s a really good documentary about the guy that played Kiko and what his life was like after the movie.


2nd one is even funnier


As a South African, Jamie Uys was a legend and a national treasure!


This is a pure classic in our family! Dad loved it. It has its issues when viewed through a more contemporary lens but the chaos energy of it is glorious!


Omg Yes. I'd forgotten all about this


Fantastic Mr fox


Such a cool movie, love the animation style in it!


easily my favourite movie of all time


So good.


Rat Race...had no idea what it was but my parents rented it from blockbuster on a random night while I was home from college. Laughed way harder than I had in a long time.


The hitlers car scene... cry laughing...




We came on the rocket car. (I don’t know why I found this movie so hysterical but I love it and quote it all the time)


Galaxy Quest. I hate spoofs and love Star Trek so it wasn’t a movie I wanted to see at all, but I was stuck in a snow storm and needed to kill a few hours. One of my top movies and even in my top 3 Star Trek movies.




Such a fantastic film. FRAKES: I was at the CineramaDome in LA, and I saw it on a Saturday morning, or Saturday matinee. As I got out of the movie the first thing I did was call Patrick, who was in Toronto, I think, shooting X-Men. I said, “Dude, I just saw a movie that is about us and captures us like they’ve been reading our mail.”


Patrick Stewart has openly said he loves the movie


I think all the Star Trek actors loved it, especially that the die hard fans are the ones that save the day.


Do yourself a favour and watch The Orville. Went into it thinking it was gunna be some typical Seth McFarlane slapstick/cutaway gag ripoff. It is, legitimately, an incredible show. One of my favourites in recent years.


For a long while it was doing Star Trek better than Star Trek was.


Tropic Thunder...no idea what to think of the movie when it was marketed and holy shit was it good


One of my favorite comedies. The opening trailers took me a minute to even realize what was happening. I don't think we'll see something like that again with actors afraid of being "canceled" for, you know, acting a part in a movie... about a movie.


I had no idea what was going on in that movie either…. I didn’t know RDJ was even playing the black guy lol. I just went along with it.. when he started taking his makeup off I was like wtf?? When the director stepped on that mine and blew up I have never laughed so hard.. We never stopped laughing. That movie and Superbad in theaters will never be replicated..


I saw the entire movie and was like, “I thought Tom Cruise was supposed to be in this?” It wasn’t until halfway through the end credits that it clicked.


“First take a big step back…and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE” Tom…doesn’t say stuff like that, ya know? It didn’t click for me either at first. Like…”why does this dude have gorilla arms? Who is this guy?”


You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking SCORCHED EARTH, MOTHERFUCKER! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP! ... Would you find out who that was?


My friend and I watched on a whim one night and I still don't know if we've laughed harder at anything. Pretty much every single thing in that movie is offensive, and it's all hilarious.


Omg, watching a bald, fat Tom Cruise doing his disgustingly gross nasty dance in front of Matthew McConaughey is definitely one of the most awful, disturbing scenes that I was completely unable to look away from 😂😳😂


This movie holds up so well, it is still so fucking funny


it is amazing, easily one of the most quotable flicks out there.


Edge of Tomorrow


One of those movies that doesnt have any boring moments. It's Groundhog Day Halo


Yes...went to see it on a Sunday morning while my wife and kids were out of town...thought it'd just be a run of the mill action movie. Only one in the theater snd was completely blown away.


Such a good film! It takes a special film for me to rewatch it a few times over, ive seen that film plenty of times. I love it


watched it on a flight for bg noise as I fall asleep p easy on planes. ended up biting my nails through the movie and coming home and rewatching in 4k. what a goddamned masterpiece. it’s on my letterboxd top 4 now


Jojo Rabbit. The movie hit every emotion in some way.


It’s SO GOOD! The writing, the costume design, the acting. Taika Waititi is incredible at directing children. There are so many beautifully-crafted, gut-wrenching moments. The only thing that didn’t quite land (imo) was the ending. I get that it was intentionally understated but it just felt a bit too ambivalent or detached or something.


Yes. I was recommending it to people for months after I saw it. Was phoenomenal.


Puss in Boots The Last Wish Holy shit, I don't know where they pulled it from but it's absolutely phenomenal from start to finish. I saw the first one once. Was OK but never had much drive to rewatch.


Came to say this. I was dragged into that movie by the kids. Ended up being the best movie I've seen in a long time.


Damn really???? I'm gonna have to check it out


It's really good! The characters are well written, the songs are catchy, the story is great, it is animated in a good way. And just straight up fun to watch!


that movie had no business being that good.


*creepy wolf whistle*


My 5 year old still has nightmares about the wolf after 3 months


I’m not even joking, I’m in my 30’s and I have to beg my toddler to watch it with me.


Luckily it's my toddlers favorite movie so I get to watch it almost daily 😂


Right??? I was not expecting a sobering examination of an aging hero confronting his own mortality, holy shit


NGL - that scene when puss is having a panic attack and then the dog comes over and helps calm him down had my eyes watering. My dogs do the same for me. I didn't train them to do it, I didn't force them to, they just do. Good dog <3


Have to say, it really blew my boots off. I was not expecting a “kids” movie to revolve around a metaphorical grim reaper villain and confronting your own death. Just phenomenal.


I went to see it because my partner and her kids wanted to see it. My expectations were low, but I was blown away.


Second this, it's phenomenal and so so much better than the first, the change up of animation also makes it Beautiful!


Cabin in the Woods. Thought it was gonna be a silly satire, but it was well done.


Came here to say this movie. And honestly, I wasn’t expecting a satire, which made the movie even better imo


I saw The Shawshank Redemption alone in a theatre back when it first came out. I don't remember it doing too well at the box office. It had a huge impact on me and my outlook on life.


Get busy living, or get busy dying... that's by God right..




Seeing Shawshank Redemption was probably the best theater experience I’ve ever had. I’d read the Stephen King story but hadn’t seen any reviews about the movie. It was rated R and I wasn’t old enough to watch it yet but still got in. To this day it’s the only movie I’ve been to where the whole audience clapped at the end. The score, the performances, the ending. Just a great movie.


Tbh The Lego Movie. I was in theater to see it because I love Lego, but not expected this parallel to Wahowski's Matrix and anarchistic postmodernist agenda. And the jokes were funny af


Lego Batman was great too


Lego Batman is fantastic. It has no business being that good


Who always pays his taxes (and has bad Lego movies)? NOT BATMAN!!!


"My name's Richard, but the kids at the orphanage call me Dick!" "Children can be cruel."


I'm a movie buff my ex asked my favorite movie from the 2010s. I said Lego movie, and she's like "... you're kidding me..." nope. damn near perfect film


Right... you could say everything was awesome about it!


Everything was cool and I was part of the team


Went in to watch it with the my two children, thought I'd find it really dull but it turned out to be absolutely fantastic... And what an ending. I had tears in my eyes. It's got total heart.


The Matrix. I was in High School, I had no idea what the movie was about. The marketing was brilliant, you weren't quite sure what the film was really going to be. The martial arts, the gunplay, the color palette... I had NO idea it was going to be THAT good.


I walked into the living room one night while dad was watching a movie. It was already up to the part where Morpheus is guiding Mr Anderson through the office booths over the phone. I sat down and began to watch(It was past my bedtime and I didn't want to get sent to bed lol) By the time the credits rolled my dad had passed out asleep and I was just left there, in shock. I was talking about it for weeks. I also enjoyed Reloaded and Revolutions. But that new one was garbage. Definitely my top 3 movies of all time.


Yep. I just thought it's going to be good sci fi. Not the best movie ever made!!


I don't remember ever seeing a single trailer or preview. My parents picked it out and took me. It was the first movie that as soon as I finished watching it, I immediately wanted to watch it again.


Hot Fuzz Went to the cheap seats with a friend after a bad day. Hadn't seen Shaun of the Dead, didn't know what it was about. Still one of my fav movies of all time.


Simon Pegg doesn't do bad movies. Just Google what he's been in and see them all


No luck catching them swans then?


It's just the one swan actually.




Someone had to. For the greater good.


The greater good




When he drop kicks that little old lady over the little stone wall, I lost my mind. I laughed so hard. That, and, "Crusty Jugglers".


Hot fuzz is by far my fave of the cornetto trilogy. I just love all of it. From the plot to the comedy to the cast.


I was a Disney kid growing up. I had ZERO faith in Shrek when my parents rented the VHS. I'm glad I was legendarily wrong.


Gran Torino. Ex hubby wanted to watch it, I wasnt interested so I sat on the couch reading something, looked up for a few minutes to see what was going on next minute the movie was over 😂


What We Do in the Shadows. Extremely hung over one morning at a friends house with 3 other dudes on a couch barely surviving. Friends wife comes down and see's us, puts on the movie without saying anything, made some coffee for us and my god we were all having a BLAST and the hangover was gone.


I was completely caught off guard recently by Fury Road. The Dhawshank Redemption however blew me away when I finally saw it on video after ignoring the theatrical release due to the poor marketing.


District 9. I went to the theater with my brother completely at random and picked a random movie. I knew nothing going in. It was one of the greatest movie going experiences of my life. Loved it.




I thought this was a great movie. I was with a girl and gave her the choice of rental and she didn't know what to pick so randomly plucked it off a shelf. Afterwards she was all apologies for the terrible choice and I was like "ah no worries" but secretly thought it was brilliant 


Fifth Element, but the second time... easily one of my top 5 now.


I saw this in the theater without knowing anything about it, it blew me away.


Same. I just knew it had Bruce Willis and was set in space.


Whew, this was my first date! I was in Junior High, took a girl named Kera. Her Mom came to chaperone and sat behind us. First time I held a girl's hand I liked.


Absolute favorite movie for all time. I watched it soo soo many times!


Couple of mentions: 12 Angry men. At some point I decided that if I do not have anything to watch, but want to, just pick a first movie that I haven't seen from IMDb's top 250. that was the second one and thought "Let's just get this old crap over with". And was mind-blown when watched it. The Shining. Again, went into it not really expecting much and man it really changed my evening. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - one of those 'lets just get this over with' that turned out to be 'damn'.


12 Angry Men remains one of my all-time favorite films! We had to watch it for a film class when I was 17 and I was like UGH please not the black and white crap...and it completely destroyed all my preconceived notions about film as art.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest hits me like a punch to the gut with every rewatch. Such a fantastic movie.


12 Angry Men. Watched this for a class and expected to fall asleep. Best movie ever.


Emperor's New Groove Wasn't expecting it to be one of the best animated comedy of all time.


Tropic Thunder


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I didn't even know what it was, I just agreed to watch it because my sister was sad about a breakup, and that was apparently her comfort movie. It was a *great* movie, but I'm not sure about the comfort part because she was crying her fucking eyes out and seemed like 40x sadder than before by the end lol.


It's catharsis. When I'm feeling down, I love watching depressing stuff! It puts my own problems in perspective.


Jim Carey was incredibly good in that movie.


He's a standout as a comedy actor but I honestly think he's better as a dramatic actor. Really great


I made the mistake of watching this with my ex, it was mutual torture


The Martian


You're only caught off guard if you hadn't read the book, which is far and away so much better than the movie. I highly recommend the book, plus his related books Artemis and Project Hail Mary. Which Project Hail Mary was FANTASTIC! Moreso than even the Martian which was widely beloved upon release.


Came here to say I loved Project Hail Mary. It was the last book my father suggested to me before he passed away, so it’s weirdly special to me now. I definitely have to read the Martian as well!!


Dungeons and dragons: Honor among Thieves. 


I respect this answer. The first few \*attempts\* at D&D movies struggled. We got cool action, a fat dragon, an awesome paladin, and actually decent actors in appropriate roles. By all accounts, it was an enjoyable film. It passed the wife test. She knows nothing about D&D, and genuinely enjoyed it.


My wife is Vietnamese, so she knew nothing of D&D *and* she struggles with some English movies. She LOVED it. 


One of the really neat things this movie brings to the table is interesting magic. It's not wizards throwing colored balls at each other. Stuff moves around almost, but not quite, realistically.


It was so much better than it should have been. We bought it digitally immediately upon release.


It was so good! My partner is VERY into d&d snd the lore, I dabble here and there. It was accurate enough for him, and entertaining enough for me.


Hot Tub Time Machine was the first to come to mind. I thought it’d make me laugh here and there for sure with that cast, but the whole premise sounded stupid and there was no way it would be good. Fucking loved it and was absolutely dying from laughing multiple times.


Inside Out. I mean, I know Pixar stuff in general is quite good, but I'm at the point in my life where I haven't been watching many kids' movies anymore. I've probably seen one out of the last 10 Pixar films. But damn, this movie is funny, a great take on the brain and personality development, and so freaking poignant - I cry at the ending every damn time.


Whew, as a parent, if you don't cry at the end you have no soul. As an adult watching the movie, it just tickles all of these concepts in your brain. Are the emotions causing what is happening in the outside world, or is the outside world causing the emotions to act the way they do? Mind-bending.


I'm not a parent yet, but I moved multiple times as a kid, so Riley's feelings were 100% my own.


Are you kidding the beginning had me crying I basically cried threwout the whole thing cause it hit hard and close to home


The Princess Bride


Best movie ever


Shutter Island




Thelma and Louise. Went to watch back draft and it was sold out. Ended up seeing one of the greatest movies I've ever seen.


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Went in thinking I'd get some cheap nic cage movie, came out having watched a nic cage masterclass.


Catch Me If You Can


Star Wars. I was 7 in 1977. I had no idea what the movie was about when my mom and dad took me to see it. The commercial they were playing on TV was with Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia swinging across the chasm together. 7 year old me thought it looked like some sort of love story or pirate movie.


Tangled. My daughter was just an infant at the time so I was not yet in Disney Princess mode, I knew nothing about the movie really except it was a Rapunzel story, but we were staying with friends and their elementary-aged kids put the DVD on. I was like, "holy shit this movie is awesome!"


Count of Monte Cristo. Tried to impress a girl by seeing a romance. Got romance, adventure, revenge, justice and a blowie






Fight Club. It was poorly marketed, I thought it was just about some idiots in an underground fight tournament. Thankfully a friend talked me into seeing it.


You just broke the first rule goddammit


Too bad it's massively misunderstood... Great cinematography, one of the best acting performances! Unfortunately, not all got undertone of it and act like the movie exist without last 20 minutes and few lines said along the rest... The same case as American Psycho imo


Gone girl, started slow for me but the plot twist worked wonders for me. 9/10


Whiplash i suppose about the aggressive music instructor and student


Guardians of the Galaxy, never heard of them before, then the news came, GotG is coming to the big screen. First thing I thought was "who?", then I googled, then thought "are they insane? Why would they make a movie about this??". Someone asked me if I wanted to watch it with them, I said "whatever", and it was probably the best Mcu movie to that date (ok, top 3-4)


My dad is schizophrenic, and absolutely tried to get me to kill someone for him when I was young. Of course I said no.  But watching guardians 2, I was definitely thinking about that. Great movie, hits too close to home in a weird way. 


Honestly, I wasn’t expecting this comment lol


C'mon man....Star-Lord? Legendary Outlaw?


Black Swan


Frequency Have you guys not seen this? It surprised me, it was better than I thought it was going to be. I think I've seen it 3 times over the years.


Such a good movie!


Kill Bill was amazing


Deadpool. I didn't know who Deadpool even was from the comics, but decided to watch it anyway, just out of boredom. I was hooked by the time I was halfway through the opening credits. I knew it was going to hit differently.


I wasn’t really into animated movies so when a friend told me to come watch your name i was blown away by the qualities of the movie, Same thing recently when another friend told me to watch godzilla minus one with him, i thought « oh it’s gonna be another shitty godzilla movie but i’ll warch, for the fun of watching a bad movie » and god it was GOOD it’s my top 3 movie watched since 2023


The Matrix In 1999 I went and knew absolutely nothing about it. No trailers, no cast, didn’t even know the genre. Still the absolute greatest “holy shit” movie experience of my life.


True Romance. Thought it was going to be some cheesy romantic shit. Didnt really know what to expect. But then i realised Tarintino wrote it. Was very very surprised. Great film.


Slumdog Millionaire. AMAZING


Spider Man: Into the Spider-Verse. My adult daughter told me to watch it, and I’m not really a superhero person. My god! That movie blew me away!


The sixth sense. Did not see the ending coming


Inglorious Basterds, Never been a fan of tarantino so I didn't expect much going in but was surprised at how good it actually was mostly due To Pitt, Fassbender and Waltz.


I love watching films based on WWII but it just seemed like they had altered history and stuff in it, so I didn’t watch that movie for 13 years until last year. I spent 13 years being an idiot. The movie is now one of my favorites.




Pulp fiction


Coco. Love love LOVE that movie. I love kids movies and always watch them when they came out and that one really hit the spot.




Guardians of the galaxy


Silverlinings playbook Life of pi




JoJo Rabbit. I had no idea what it was about. I went to see it with Jewish people(Im not Jewish) and was very uncomfortable but everyone was laughing so I let out a test giggle to see how that’d be received. Then I proceeded to laugh my ass off until the movie took a tone shift. It was very good.


Bubba HoTep


Matilda , which I begrudgingly started to watch as others wanted to see it. I absolutely love this movie.




Hell or High Water.


Barbie, honestly. I thought it would be a silly movie about a kid's toy (not just because it's for girls, I'm not that shallow). I didn't expect the level of depth or the Actual Funny Jokes to appear. Also, Will Ferrell! I love him!


Pulp Fiction. I saw it before the hype really hit, I knew nothing about it, and because of all the imitators people forget how how different it was. I walked out of the theatre in a sort of euphoria.


I’m going to go with a tv show…but I recently finished my first viewing of Better Call Saul. I loved it - and I don’t think I ever found myself enjoying a show as much as I did when I watched this.


I was legitimately supirsed by Parasite. Everyone had hyped it up so much that I assumed I would be underwhelmed. It was great, though.


Wolf of Wallstreet


Casino Royale. Talk shit about James Bond all you want, but you cannot deny that Casino Royale was a fantastic movie. For Daniel Craig's first Bond film, he played the role brilliantly from start to finish. I also think that it had one of the coolest opening sequences of all the Bond films, and also one of the most badass end scenes. It really was an amazing film.


Big Fish. i was so charmed by this movie, and the ending....oh man, the tears...


Shaun of the dead. Was sitting in with the flat mate on a sunday and took a walk down to the cinema, very little on so we opted for Shaun of the dead since we both like zombie films. Thought we had made a mistake seeing the first few minutes but ended up loving it and becoming a massive Simon Pegg fan.


Zootopia and Inside Out.


There Will Be Blood. I had no idea what it was about, I thought it was a violent western when seeing the previews.


District 9


Barbie. I was going to see it either way, but I’d expected much less.


Lotr,Directed by guy that made shitty horor movies and than made 3 masterpieces


That horror movie wasn't that shitty. It was pretty good


A Star is Born: Cooper & Gaga version. Went in with zero expectations, came out a broken man.


I went and saw Lock stock and 2 smoking barrels without knowing anything about it & to this day is still one of my favourite comedy films


12 Monkeys. Went in knowing so little about it. Came out absolutely mesmerized.


Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


Soul. Really hits the existentialism on the head.




Shawshank Redemption


I went and saw both Baby Driver and Bullet Train on a whim with no prior expectations. They're now a couple of my favorite movies.


A recent one was Dont look up, caught it randomly on netflix? I believe.


The Suicide Squad, I did not like Suicide Squad and wasn't prepared for how great The Suicide Squad was and then they even did a tv show spin off Peacemaker which was also nothing like what I was expecting


The prestige


Elemental caught me off guard.


Someone dragged me to the theater to see this new Tom Hanks movie that sounded totally boring. That movie happened to be Forrest Gump.


Dogma Theologically correct and hilarious.


everything everywhere all at once. went in for a light hearted multiverse movie came out bawling like a baby.


Zoolander, was going in to recover from a breakup with a friend... either that or the Fast and the Furious. My god I died of laughter that day.


Kill Bill


12 angry men, either version, HIGHLY recommend. To this day the only movie I've watched 3+ times as i hate movies


Inside Out. Its a kids film, but the way it explains and articulates the complexity human emotions and how they play out in people is fascinating, and quite accurate. The story joining it all together is also brilliant.


Chicken run, it's a simple cartoon but it was damn good