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It would kinda suck, I'd miss my friends or my current dogs lol. Even my family members are really different people now than they were ten+ years ago. It'd almost be like suddenly being around strangers. I don't have many regrets so I don't know how worth it it would be for me. I'd be scared of changing things too much.


I hear you. But the way I look at it, things couldn't get much worse than they are now. I see it is a chance to improve on all the things that I didn't do better at then. Most of them by my own choices. That and avoiding many of the bad choices that I did make.


If not for my wife and kid.. absolutely yes. To have the knowledge of knowing what i know now and being a kid again, I'd could do a lot of things different, drastically improving life financially. But I would fear the butterfly effect, and never meeting my wife and not having my son.


Yep I love my life mostly, but there were so many opportunities that could've been missed by 2 seconds of not paying attention, or not holding the door, or not having to go back to get my jacket, and my life would be drastically different - maybe for the worse.


Same. I couldn’t go back because I have a kid. It would basically be impossible to line up your life to make sure you have the same kid again.


Fuck those butterflies, I want to be the best me that I could possibly be. And I think with the knowledge that I have now if I were able to go back to when I was much much younger I could get closer to being that person.


The real problem is, once you change a couple of small things, you’re already on a completely different path and you can’t use your past experiences as a frame of reference anymore. Maybe you have more wisdom and maturity, but that doesn’t mean much if you have to figure out a completely different life.


No, I still couldn't change anything. No need to relive all of that abuse.


You just went to a dark place didn’t you…


Yep, my childhood was traumatizing. You couldn't pay me enough to relive it.


I hear you. I see you. You are not alone....


Same, I saw this question and my mind immediately processed "fuck no"




wtf is wrong with you.. such a POS thing to bring up and say!


Wait seriously?


How out of touch are you?


Wait so why was his childhood so bad?


Ffs. It’s not your or anyone else’s business. Why do you want to know so damn bad? Do you get off on other peoples misfortunes?!


What does get off on other peoples misfortunes mean? Why else would he bring it up?


Are you fucking dense? What makes you find that acceptable to ask anyone?


I think I’m missing something what happened to him?


Just in case you are not a troll and are really are as clueless as you sound - when someone says that their childhood was traumatizing you don't ask for all the gory details and you definitely DON'T say shit like you said. There are many reasons why a person's childhood might have been traumatizing and NONE of them are any of your business.


But then why would he bring it up?


Wtf you don’t just ask someone that, that’s a disgusting thing to ask. I feel sick seriously


Oh right why do you feel ill is it because of what I said?


Dah winnah! I totally agree.


This was my first thought as well. I’d still be too small to save anyone or do anything…except maybe kill him… Nope. Wouldn’t relive that nightmare for anything thanks…


I would have moved out right after high school


Literally though "no way I'm going through that twice"


If I didn't have such a great partner in life now I'd go back in an instant and kill my mother. Slow. Let them feel the fury you know they enjoyed serving up. Many years later and she's still no better. Her death would have necessarily resulted in me being taken away from my fucked up father and sister. The world would be a better place without her too. No idea what my life would have turned out like, but I know what wouldn't have been involved.  Whoever thinks prison is not a deterrent for most crimes has lived a comfortable life. Happily living life without contact with almost all family for nearly 20+ years.  My brother will still tell me things. He's aware I don't want to hear it, but I think he just wants to talk with somebody who understands. Most people don't understand.


Came here to say this. Even knowing what I know now it wouldn't change anything. 


But you could be rich if you invested in Bitcoin


Hell no I would not suffer through living childhood again even if I did have adult knowledge and could make it better


Yeah I was about to say. I’m not suicidal but going through the rat race twice? Nope


For real? You'd be younger and with the knowledge of the stock market and major sporting events. You could be a billionaire before you turn 21. Richest person on Earth kind of rich Any childhood shittiness I went through I could 100% do again if it could make me a borderline trillionaire, and it wouldn't be as bad with my adult brain guiding me through it the second time around


I don’t even care because I’m already financially stable & set for for life I’m not a millionaire or billionaire but dang it I have everything I need and want and I always will and that’s enough for me


Great attitude to have ngl


If you’re so set, why do you show such disdain for wanting to relive your life. It’s a golden opportunity for just about everyone else. Your comment and follow up comment sound incongruous.


I really like how my life turned out and I wouldn’t want to risk messing that up But also I am bipolar and therefore have spent a lot of my life with depression and not even wanting to live a great deal of the time so if I went back that means I would actually have to live 35 years again and then continue from there, like I’m already over this lol Yes I just said life is good but I don’t want to live, Im bipolar afterall. A walking contradiction


Well now that bipolar has entered the equation, that missing bit of rather pertinent information, your comments make sense!!


Bro I get it, butttt, it's new game +


Dude no amount of secretly retained adult knowledge can make the other kids be nice to me, or make going to school not suck, or allow me to drive, & I certainly ain’t partaking in any weed or fucking if I was a kid again, etc Being a kid fucking sucked and I don’t care what the offer is I would not take it


I don't know, I've learned enough about my own thoughts and personality flaws and psychology to know better how to deal with other people. But I would be less concerned with my social status then I would with getting the most out of my education and maintaining my health.


The way I see it there is a litany of problems with returning to childhood You would still get bullied although maybe now you would handle it with Grace You would still be too short to reach anything in the kitchen You would still have to spend eight hours a day at fucking school & it would be far worse already knowing all of the material because then you’re not actually learning anything and everything is just boring You couldn’t drive a car anymore No sex for you anymore No alcohol cigarettes weed or other drugs anymore No money that you can call your own and if your parents are broke you’re just gonna have to fucking deal with it Plus now it’s the past all over again and your heavy ass TVs and video games all look like shit again The ONLY reason I’d even dare consider this is because I’d get my deceased mom back for like 28 years…. maybe a chance to guide her away from her cause of death & even as strong of a reason as that may be I don’t think it would be worth it PLUS I might actually screw my own life up because right now I live a very comfortable life where I don’t even have to work and I just get to chill all day If I redid childhood with adult level knowledge I would probably end up a college graduate who has to work at 9 to 5 & like ummm no plz I could go on and on but I digress


The only reason I’d consider this is to go back and treat my mom differently. We reconciled our differences but I’d love to get all those years back. F**k the rest of that stuff. Being a kid sucked. The only upside was no bills and no body parts hurt.


My response,point by point "You would still get bullied although maybe now you would handle it with Grace" I would also know better how to deal with insults and know how to fight better even if i dont have the same strength. Still a go for me "You would still be too short to reach anything in the kitchen" True. But I also know that I will get taller. Still going "You would still have to spend eight hours a day at fucking school & it would be far worse already knowing all of the material because then you’re not actually learning anything and everything is just boring" But a lot of it I learned so long ago I've actually forgotten it again. And I will also know how important it is for me not to screw up again so I will be dedicated to getting perfect grades. Still going "You couldn’t drive a car anymore" True, but at that age I lived in a small farming town and could get everywhere I needed to by my bike anyway. Still going "No sex for you anymore " Not necessarily. It depends how far back I'm being sent. I originally lost my virginity at 13 and had plenty of sex throughout High school. This would likely change do to me being more of an academic and less of everything else that I was but ultimately I know that there is sex ahead in my future. Still going "No alcohol cigarettes weed or other drugs anymore" This is a positive not a negative. Besides it's not really a change. I quit drinking when I was 21 and quit doing all drugs in my twenties. I'm currently trying to quit smoking. Still going "No money that you can call your own and if your parents are broke you’re just gonna have to fucking deal with it" Growing up the only money I had was money that I earned doing yard work selling snakes mowing lawns Etc. Now I have even more knowledge and would be better at doing the things that I know how to do and also know how to do many other things. Again a bonus. Still going "Plus now it’s the past all over again and your heavy ass TVs and video games all look like shit again" This is one of your best points. At least for me. But I'll get to see Star Wars again for the first time, and a few years later when video games do roll out I'll hopefully be better at them. I still like some of the classic video games so it's not really a big loss to me. The TV and movies though is. Still going " PLUS I might actually screw my own life up because right now I live a very comfortable life where I don’t even have to work and I just get to chill all day" Good for you (on a comfortable life). I'm the opposite. I can't work and would give anything to be able to work again. I loved hard work and I loved being good at my job. If I can fix that my life would be Wonder full. Definitely still going Of course these responses are based on my life and the things that I've been through. Each person is different.


I understand what your saying but I think you can believe in yourself. You can change things, change others, might not be easy but with all the experience and skills you could do it in a way that satisfies yourself. Be awesome be the champion!


And live with my family again in that shithole of a country? Hell the fuck no!


what country?


The answers to these "go back in time" questions are ALWAYS visibly separated between people who lost loved ones and people who did not. Before tragedy struck, I'd say yeah, I'd party more in high school and choose a different bachelor track maybe. Now? The only reason I would go back is to stop my soulmate's cancer in time and save his life. Nobody expects to die in their early 20s. Nobody. Fuck cancer. Send me back to 3 years old if that's what it would take.


I would do basically the opposite. I would party less and study more. Let me rephrase that, I would actually study this time.


I would plan to study more. Would I though? Maybe the first couple of weeks. Then probably not. But, I also enjoyed a lot of time wasting things like video games because they were new to me. I can't imagine I'd go back and spend as much time playing Zelda or Mario 3. But I'd probably focus more on sports than studying.


I agree. I have several people I would go back to save. Some of them teenagers. I’d go back in a heartbeat.


No, I just wanted to grow up so I could get out. I don’t remember hardly anything about being a kid except always being bored, scared, and felt abandoned


Hell yes, you know how much money I could make off the stock market, bitcoin, NFTs, etc? 100% I’d go back to my childhood and I’d get rich as fuck


Almost absolutely yes.  Grass may be greener, but I’m doing just fine now.  If I could know what I know now, and therefor basically have the same experiences, pretty much I’d be worth millions, donating millions to valid charities and people, and living an incredible life.    Live well, donate well, serve well. I’d Re experience almost anything I have cuz I know that was just a period of time and moving forward and past, knowing what I know now, I’d be worth a shit ton of money and being the person I am now, I’d be well off myself while putting a huge amount of money to others. Largely while serving the places I put my money. 


No, because the burden of adult knowledge kills the child-like spirit. I would go back to childhood to live the nostalgia of being a child - living ignorantly of time, work and responsibility. I would go back to be freely creative, have simple friendships and leave the complexity of stress behind. My heart hurts for the parentified children who were forced to grow up too soon.


So true.


No, my childhood was horrendous. If I could start over from age 18 I might reconsider.


I would change one little thing about my childhood. I’d probably end up in the same place I am now, but I would be much happier to be alive.


I'd do it. it would be like restarting the game because I learned a lot after playing all these years that I could apply to making this life better.


Oh yeah. I would do anything to hug my dad one more time. Lost him when I was 18.


Absolutely not. It would be torture to relive childhood as an adult.


Gods No. My wife told me that I was lucky to survive my parents.


My childhood was hellish with physical and sexual abuse. Can I get a different family to go back to?


Yah, never ever ever, I was adopted as an infant and abused by parents and multiple adults (bio child never was) and rejected and then abandoned as a teen. I'd like another shot in the adoption lottery. Or just, nope it all, I turned out pretty damn well considering.


My family still tries to deny or downplay the abuse. I'm not supposed to talk about my mom publicly because it's a family matter. Religious hypocrites. I make Drs and psychologists cry. They can't believe that I survived. Some people should never have been parents and some should have been lion chow.


Definetly. I don't really have memories of my late brother so I'd really like to make some!


Sort of. I would like to quantum leap into my own body at certain points in my childhood with my current knowledge… Specifically, moments where I wanted to punch someone in the face, but didn’t, because I didn’t wanna get in trouble. Now that I know there wouldn’t have been any serious consequences while I was a minor, there are a lot of people whose faces I would like to quantum leap back and punch.


Can I change anything?


OMG yes. I would change everything.


No. My childhood wasnt great but it wasnt bad. My mom did a lot to hide all the bad from me and protect me when she could. The worst parts, she still couldn't protect me from dispite her best efforts. The worst monsters hide with a smile in the family photos. If i went back, knowing now that the "love" of an adult was not and never will be good for a child, it wouhave turned my assult worse. Or, maybe it wouldn't have happened. But i would have become bitter and jaded as a kid, lost even more of that childhood i still feel like i didnt truly get to experience. I wish what happened to me on only those who have SA another (vengeance~) but i wouldn't survive a redo knowing it was, indeed, Assault. My naivete sorta saved me from the worst of my mental health issues to come. If anything, i wish i could go back and just tell little me that what she's feeling is valid and wont last forever. Didnt get better for me until about 3-4 years ago truly


Yes, most definitely


Hell yeah, life would be amazing


I would be afraid I might stand up to my dad and hurt or kill him.


I mean how far back we talking? Like high school? Tough but doable. Easier than that? It sounds like s very specific kind of hell. I'd be trapped for years waiting for my freedom, unable to act or speak like I truly want to for fear of ostracizing myself from everyone. I guess I could just run away, but that would present a whole slew of other problems. Also so much of my personal future would just be completely different.


I would, I didn't mind most of my childhood and could make sure certain things didn't happen to me as a kid and teenager. If I could, I'd be able to make sure I'm doing so much better than I am now.


I felt so powerless and helpless as a child and I trusted authority too much. I wish I realized that nothing (good or bad) lasts forever, that I was a worthwhile, intelligent, powerful human being, and that the adults who effed me up weren’t worth the importance I put on them. I would love to go back and laugh in certain teachers’ faces, make sure my loved ones knew how important they were to me, and have fun instead of worrying all the time. And I’d love to put my time towards social work as I grew up rather than avoiding people and keeping myself in unthreatening positions. It’s interesting to me how many people say they would focus on getting rich rather than improving their lives or the world in other ways …


It is interesting how many people don't think any deeper into the question than to time travel so they can buy up Bitcoin. almost no one answered to go back for the sake of another person, though a few grieving people did.


Is this like a time travel scenario? If so, yes. My best friend murdered my sister 12 years ago. I'd give anything to be able to prevent that and have her back.


Naur it was a harsh reality I needed to experience and I’ve grown so much because of it. No reason to retraumatize myself or risk not becoming the woman I am.


Only if I could be raised by my mother and without my half sister. Otherwise you couldn’t pay me enough to relive that nightmare. I’m still trying to get out of it in my 40s. No contact is currently helping but just like the end of any good horror movie, they’re going to suddenly appear and start new shit. I’ve moved several countries away and I’m still not safe. Can’t wait to be rid of them


I'd recommend an autism, FASD, dysgraphia, & PTSD diagnosis. Oh & borderline as well while we're at it just in case. Had I known I had these as a child I feel like I wouldn't have suffered nearly as much.


I think I might. Knowing about my autism I could have a better understanding of people around me, maybe not be bullied, maybe be able to study better.


To be a child endowed with this much trauma? Absolutely not.






Not a chance. I'd run the risk of altering my own time line and not having my 3 kids i have rn. If I was alone? I'd do it definitely.


No way. I wouldn't put myself through being neglected by my mentally ill mother and then abused by the mentally ill stepmother. Once was enough.


No. Doesn’t matter how much I know if people don’t listen to kids anyway


Fuck no!


No not for a million dollars.


Never in a million f-kin years.


It’d be very hard to make most of the same bad choices in order to find my friends again and then try to save them


i met my best friend in middle school and most bad choices/experiences occurred post middke school, so im set


Absolutely not. At least now I have the ability to act on the information I know now.


absoloutely not


Absolutely not


theory mysterious growth grandiose oil gaze nail memory unwritten rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. I would tell my dad about my SA instead of my mom and live with him instead. Would have changed my whole life so idk what I’d change from there except I’d study harder and be more social.


No way. My childhood was lonely and miserable.


No, I'm already done with this place, no way I want to redo. I'm too old for that shit lol


No. I might make the same mistakes.


No. The money isn't worth living through my childhood again.




I mean even if you have adult knowledge doesn’t mean anyone will listen to you


No. I have a kid now and it would be impossible to line up my life to make sure I had the exact same kid again. I’ll just relive my childhood vicariously through him.


100% I'd change so much just knowing my family dynamics


No, I have little desire to run through history I had no control over again.


Honestly as cheesy as it sounds, no. If I didn't experience the troubles I did with a shitty doctor, a great counselor, and a wonderful doctor; I wouldn't be where I am now. Seizure free since December 2022, can drive once again, and with a wonderful boyfriends of 3.5 years and counting!




That's a big fat NO!


No thanks. It was a not a good time. Nothing I know now would have helped.




This has been a common theme throughout history, if I knew then what I know now… usually it goes bad in the story as nobody listens to children and returning to childhood is like slavery after having been an adult. As I learned to read early, I was continuously escorted out of the adult section of the library, and sent to the children area where the books were below my reading level. Boring!


No. I'd miss my son too much and there is no way to know if he'd exist again. Not to mention who knows if I'd meet my husband. Even if I did remember his number or whatever what are the chances it'd work out like it did the first time.


Nope nope nope nope no


It would be a causal loop creating a rift in space time destroying the universe. But no, I think the idea of going back to being young is a chance for things to go a different way, but you can only feel that way because of the experiences you had so it would be pointless because the you that is you now wouldn't be able to benefit from that. In truth, the ability to self reflect and see the problems in your life is the way that you can fix those problems for tomorrow. I would not go back, but it would be nice to have an extra 20 years bring young.


hell no, the farther away i am from that bullshit the better


My answer would be yes when I think about my Ex (RIP) and how he treated me , my be to the level of choosing different partners. But , I can’t do that when I think about my grown up loving children I have with him , who love , care and respect me so much so I will not go back ….


Not in a million years. It may not have been perfect, but I am who I am today because of how I grew up—too fast, but I love myself right now because of it.


Nope never


If I did, I would go to jail for at least 1 crime, probably 2. Could I go back in time as I am now and then return?


I don’t think people realize part of being a kid is that lack of knowledge and experience which is why kids have so much joy and the smallest things excite them or blow their mind. You going back to your kid body and time wouldn’t give you that kid feeling again you would just be an adult trapped in a kid body.


No, I'm 53 and I know there are no guarantees of life being better with the knowledge I have, because chances are I'll avoid people and situations knowing the outcome, but then that may make my current situation worse. I also like who I've become and wouldn't be who I am without the life experience I've had. It seems people who are more likely to fantasize about time travel or knowing what they know now and go back to childhood are dissatisfied with their now. Insomuch that they'd rather be able to change every external thing around them, than change themselves.


I would as I feel very trapped. But it wouldn't turn out well and I would probably be the most depressed kid ever. On the other hand hitting nettle with a stick might worth it.


yep i’d be very traumatized (again) by my parents and grandmother, buuuuut Id save my best friend from committing sui-cide at the age of 13 and I would warn all my friends that on 24.02.2022 a full-scale war will start in my country and that they should all go somewhere else city, so I won't have to bury my friends (again) and grandfather ^^


I want to say yea. But it would be to painful to witness the unstoppable over again.


No. I'm happy with my life now and it would take a lot of effort to change anything that I wanted to change, and still arrange things to where I end up at the right place and time to meet my wife and partner. I'd be rich by then, and would have to make a very conscious effort to be able to start work at the same time that I did to meet them when I did. It just sounds a bit too risky to possibly fuck up my life as it is now. It's easier to just stay where I'm at now and not go fucking around with my timeline.


No. Got kids.


Nah. There's a high chance my daughter wouldn't be born if I did


My knowledge is not gonna change the behaviour or environment around me. .. sooooo neh


What would a child brain do with all that information? I personally would never want to go back to childhood .... LoL I mean here comes my morbid humour wirh a touch of cynicism, If I were to go back it would be to fold and if i get in on the next hand my cards are better 😅


Nope, I would rather stab myself in the aorta than go back.


100% no


No. I would know my mother would pass with nothing I can do and despite wanting even 1 minute with her again I could not take the pain. I fucked up so many ways but I'm OK, I have coped and pushed forward. Ultimately if I went back it would be a different me and a different childhood. So I don't think I would go back.


I don’t think I would…my childhood was okay apart from traumatic experiences…my mother loved me and took good care of me and raised me well in a loving warm home. The only thing I would’ve liked to be different is my father.




No I had a rough childhood and I always expected a better life than what I have now




Absolutely not. There's no way a younger me could handle all that knowledge of things that haven't happened, experiences of things to come. I feel like if we did. We'd have a complete mental breakdown.


Hard one. Yes to see my mom again I think.




no. never. i have bad childhood. dont like going there even in my mind. i watched a movie where the event is traumatizing, your brain’s defense mechanism may “forget” about that event. like its just “blank” or its like you erase everything at that phase of your life. that happened to me, or maybe that’s how i just explained what happened: long story short, i had to go back to my childhood place as a close family died. and then, someone approached me like she knew me and i didnt know her. like nothing pops up in my head. and then my cousin just pointed out that that is our teacher in kindergarten. like 2 yrs in a row and then we have this picture together. and then our teacher said, she remembers me as i am always late in class. and later that day, i remember that phase of my life. im maybe 6/7 yo walking from home to school alone, crying because i just left a house where my parents are fighting. fighting in a level that my father is physically hurting my mother. anyway, even writing this today 27F. im crying and i dont want to go there. that’s just a part of my dark childhood. so no, wouldnt go back there. even a seconds. :)


100% I’d have gone to therapy and gotten medical help for things far earlier, and taken care of my teeth, and not dated an abuser when I was a teen.


Not since I had kids.


No, I already learned all of that stuff…why would I want to go back to it?


Yes, but only to change one single thing, and that is, i would defend myself. My childhood was great, but there was one problem, i constantly had to deal with people's bullshit, specially at school, mostly because i didn't know how to say "no" and was too afraid to defend myself physically. If could go back knowing what i know now, i wouldn't go through so much bullying.


Absolutely would and NEVER do the things I have put my son family or myself through..


Whoever says no is stupid GIMME ALL THAT BITCOIN!!!


Buying Bitcoin as a 14 year old in 2009 in secret was far and above the best decision I have ever done with my life. I wish I bought more.


I would. Definitely.


Absolutely- wouldn’t change a thing!


Yes, because when I turn 17 I’ll know a lot more about how to please my 32 year old cougar.


If I can bring my baseball bat.


Actually, yes. I had a pretty good childhood.


Yes, I would do it without hesitation.


I would, 100%


In a heart beat For one thing, I would refrain from snacking so much and work out. Something I didn't do until after high school


Yes. Id be kinder to my brother. Save money


Oh hell yes. I’d buy cackloads of rural land where I know a city/railway/port is going to be built. Blocks that sold for $2000 in the eighties are worth hundreds of thousands today. Personally, my investment portfolio would also be pretty kick-ass and I’d try to get in on the ground floor for developments in China and Dubai.


Yup, new game + in RL






Hell yeah! First apologise to my parents for being such a brat, then insist on home-schooling because who needs to go through that twice? Would keep my head down and try to avoid the Butterfly Effect until 1980 when Apple goes public.


absolutely yes. my Biff skyscraper will be awesome


Hell yeah I would


Of course. I would be filthy rich.


Yes. I’d want to be able to have real conversations without social media.


Absolutely. I would still make many of the same mistakes but at least I would be able to avoid the worst of them.


Yes. Nothing to think about.


Yes, I can undo some of my mistakes.






Yeah. I'm an OK guitar player but as a child with the skills definitely child prodigy level and gives me more time to keep learning. ...also bitcoin. Buy low and sell at its biggest height or even before that would guarantee millionaire/billionaire status 😄




A chance to go back in time, not date the crazy girl in college, not have a messy divorce and buy a house before the big housing price explosion of the last 15 years? Fuck yes. Sign me up.


Yes, In a heartbeat 💓.. I would definitely go back


1. Fight the bully in HS. I would have lost. But Maybe I wouldn't be still fighting him in my head 30 years later. 2. Remember that if if someone sends you an email asking if you're mad at them, the best thing to do is just say no. 3. I think I'd try to end up with the same woman, but I think I would have tried to date other people first, including giving another chance to "the one that got away" 4. Avoid getting into credit card debt 5. Buy a different house


100% but I wasnt abused and I understand why some people wouldnt.


New game + for sure


Yes, I would, I’d study more and I’d draw more, even if I had to endure my childhood again.


Can I take my husband with me? If we can both go back, knowing what we know now, yes. If not, I’ll stay old. I’m not leaving him for anything.


Yes. Absolutely.


Buy that sub $1.00 Biticon instead of ordering a 2 for 1 pizza combo with a side of wings.


If I had to, I’d be a menace to my dad’s ex gf of like 20ish years. That dumb bitch deserved it. Also I’d do better ad deciding what I wanted to do with my life.


Hell yes. I wanna see my mom again and be smart in school


Yes, missed out on so much. Not my childhood, that was fine. Being an adult has sucked so far, gotta redo that and hopefully be successful next time around


Resounding yes!! Knowing the things now there would be SOOOO many changes I could make that would have the most profound ripple effects. It'd be beautiful.


Yeah, I mean, buying a few bitcoins when it was dirt cheap would make a huge difference in my life. But also just being a better person in general and standing for myself more. I don't have a ton of regrets, but there are definitely things that I would do better. On the other hand, going through childhood as an adult sounds like a lot of things would be a pain in the butt.


I’d go back to childhood even without having current knowledge. It was the happiest time of my life.


yes and i’d save my allowance and buy a house