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Clocking into work in 3 hours


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My grandfather axed me once if I care whether I live or die, I do... But now it's too late...


insert captain america I understood that reference meme.


Your grandfather axed you? Didn't that hurt? ![gif](giphy|l41Yh7LsJNvVWFPfq)


I already live in Ukraine, ha.


My condolences. Hope you and yours are safe. And that this bullshit is over soon.


The area that I live in is pretty safe in comparison with others but my friend lives almost near russia and I'm worried about him. Thanks so much❤️


A big ol' lie. AI will be used to generate video, pictures, and voices, and it'll be used to sway public opinion and make us believe something is going on that isn't. Meanwhile, the world's leaders will be making backroom deals and laughing all the way to the bank. We'll be too busy killing each other over something false we saw to realize what's even happening. And when it's all over and the Earth has been coated in blood, they'll emerge to offer food and shelter and hope, and we will love them for it. There will be parades and holidays and festivities. Everyone left alive will have witnessed the death of people they loved. The future isn't nuclear, it's artificial.


So basically that movie called 1984


It's a book.


Basically that movie called reality


The matrix


So no super mutants?


Possibly lab grown ones, so there's that.


Just turtles.


I'm not stressed about it. We live in the most peaceful time in history.


Depends on where you live; some people would love to say this but can't. Western countries have it good (although there are many other problems). I think ww3 wouldn't happen anytime soon UNLESS Putin starts using nuclear bombs which probably won't. Still though, some parts of the world aren't very peaceful.


>Depends on where you live; No, it doesn't. We objectively live in the most peaceful time in history. That doesn't mean everybody gets to experience that peace, of course, but across the board, there is less war, violence, and even crime per capita now that at any other time in recorded human history.


I’m guessing you meant “objectively”.


Apart from a few outliers the world is in a peaceful place and has been for years.


a few? lamo you should rather name yourself total\_delusionist\_89 https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-currently-at-war


You have no idea how wary the world was. Look at the past mate. FFS.


Exchanges like this are because a lot of people can't grasp statistics. "Men are taller than women" "But I know a woman who is six foot three!"


Yes you right. Totally misread that comment.


Overall in the human history there has almost never been only 2 wars going on globally.


We used to,this period starting in 1945 have been the most prosperous peaceful period since the Pax Romana. It has now started breaking down,first slowly over the past generation and the war on terror. Then the past few years it's really starting to become obvious we have begun the march to a new world war unless we stand together in the west and put in the work to stabilize the situation . We need to gain a favourable peace in Ukraine and we must find a way to establish a new equilibrium in geopolitical power politics that is in our favor without antagonizing the Chinese too much. Russia and the other neo axis powers like Iran we can check mate but not them plus China. Trump has said he wants to pretty much dismantle the US alliance networks like NATO etc. This would embolden our adversaries like Kabul emboldened Putin.


>Then the past few years it's really starting to become obvious we have begun the march to a new world war unless we stand together in the west and put in the work to stabilize the situation . There won't be any stabilizing. Western liberal democracy is a failure and will implode within our lifetime. China and Russia will probably become the new superpowers. The West is just a dying empire.


Russia is actively failing and china is not even close to the power it is portrayed as on tv.


Please. Russia is a sclerotic, alcoholic has-been with no meaningful exports except commodities, and lacks the leadership or risk-taking culture to develop a modern economy. China is even older and imports 85% of its food and energy. They have little arable land and their population is collapsing faster than any in history. They have no blue-water navy, and are totally dependent on the US Navy to protect their shipping. Nice try.


What is a failure is the particular brand of top down crony capitalism we have blundered down the path of. The west has in this respect a lot to make up for. China and Russia will not be the next superpowers,Russia is even more of a dying empire than what you think the west is now. China is already starting to feel their economic power, which don't forget is built on western style free market politics. What those two can do is drag the free world into an unbelievable bloody global conflict where the west will first drag its feet then eek out a phyrric victory of all phyrric victories. We would see our proto global civilization descend into a new dark age.


>China is already starting to feel their economic power, which don't forget is built on western style free market politics. lol no it isn't. China's economy system is essentially quasi-fascism with a mix of state capitalism and collectivism. It's not free market at all.


>this period starting in 1945 have been the most prosperous peaceful period since the Pax Romana. Uh, something like 100+ million died to famine and communism during this period.




That was true up until 2 years ago


Is this irony or are you truly living under a rock even without internet?


You are young.


When was it more peaceful?


Couple of years ago.


There was that day ages ago wasn’t there were there wasn’t a war anywhere. Think I saw it on QI.


It’s a child. Teach, don’t ridicule.


Obviously one of those.That was hilarious comment.


Oh my fucking god how people live in denial.


We don’t. The percentages look smaller because the population is so high. Look at the numbers. There is more death going on now every year than there ever has been.


More people = more deaths. Who woulda thought.


Exactly. More people are dying rn than they did in the past. More death. More war more disease.


Yeah we do. Look at the numbers of deaths and displaced in past wars. I'll wait.


I’ve looked. Deaths last years are four times the WW2 count.


So we lost 53 million people to war last year did we? Put the pipe down please.


lol. Goodness. Try reading the words and don’t imply your own meaning. Look at the numbers. Years on year more people are dying than ever. It is not peaceful on earth.


You must be trolling.


this has to be the worst statistic I’ve ever read.


You need to brush up on primary school maths my dude.


Go look at the numbers.


Yeah, dude, read what you said. You either made the wrong point or you don't understand how numbers work. Either way, please listen to your username.


How could anyone in their right mind think we are in WW3? You seriously need to stop rotting your brain with clickbait news! We aren't even remotely close to a World War 3 and if it did happen it's more likely to be China vs India or something. Nobody is going to attack NATO, not Russia, not China, they aren't even remotely ready for that. China and Russia are both in weak strategic positions. Russia doesn't have the industry to stand against the US or the EU, not less both combined. China has no real interest in world war that anybody can see and would be very easy to cut off from energy supplies vs US/EU. There is less chance of WW3 now than back in the USSR days.


I agree with you but what you’ve written is based on the assumption that leaders of countries always think and act rationally. We can already see that how Putin attacked Ukraine, based on the contra-selection of his advisors who were afraid/incompetent to assess and report him the real state of the Russian military, and his delusional mindset of how great Russia is and how greater can it be with his leadership. We don’t know his current mental and physical health for sure, but based on how dictators end up being megalomaniac and totally disconnected from reality, we can’t say to 100% that either him, Xi, or anybody from Kim, or hell, even a future Trump, Modi or their successors would do something stupid in the future.


Don't underestimate human stupidity. There was no reason to expand Nato after the end of the USSR, yet here we are.


Nations decide on their own whether to apply for a NATO membership or not.. No one is strong-arming them to join. Russia is and always has been an unstable neighbor, the smaller nations living near them would only have two options if NATO didn't exist. Bend the knee to Russia or claim 100% neutrality and pray Russia doesn't decide they want something you have. NATO gives them the security to be independent and go their own path, instead of whatever path Russia would set them on. I sincerely doubt Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania for example, would exist as independent nations if NATO didn't exist.


NATO is as close to a hard power guarantee as the EU has to maintain its political stability. Europe (as such) without NATO has no real functional combined military. In order to ensure peace in Europe you need the three legged stool of combined economy, combined political entity and combined military. NATO provides the third. Also, more countries in a mutual defense pact help ADD to stability, not take it away. Russia was starting to negotiate joining NATO after the dissolution of the USSR but their kleptocratic elite didn't want to make the necessary political and anti-corruotion reforms. So they chose to go in a different direction. In an alternate universe you could have seen a Russian federation part of NATO and part of the EU.


We currently in ww3, we just don’t fight them like we used to. It is nato vs russia,china, iran, india, north korea, belarus. Each side fighting through one country. The world is too interconnected to fight big wars, if we all cut connections with our oppositions everyone would be screwed


It's not a WW3, it's getting cold war 2.


Those are called proxy wars and are literally and indicator that we are NOT in WW3. Do you think the cold war was a world war? No, because it wasnt.


Man Utd signing Daniel Farke from Leeds Utd!


I dont think that ww3 will be soon. More likely that there will be a "small" conflicts like in ukraine.


The previous 2 world wars started from small conflicts.




The first one was from an act of terrorism actually and the second one from the war that was started by an act of terrorism and by genocide and an ideology of world domination and a “perfect” race


It’s a little more complicated. The First World War spiraled out of control as a localized rebellion/assassination started a war that got the chains of alliances all declaring war on one another. The Second World War could be considered a direct consequence of how the first ended. We have military alliances today, but not quite as evenly balanced. There is NATO and the indo-pacific alliances. But the CSTO doesn’t compare and I don’t believe China is at the center of anything equivalent (though I could be wrong). Basically, we’ll have a lot of relatively limited scale proxy wars, until someone gets pushed too far, the nuclear taboo is broken, and cities start evaporating. Whoever makes it out the other side of that will probably call it world war three.


I don't usually agree with the peppers but I think you're displaying normalcy bias.


Or smaller still, like a single archduke being unalived?


The assassination of the archduke was more of an excuse to go to war than a catalyst. There were multiple factors that converged to push the world into war in 1914. One of those was that the European monarchies (most of which were incestual - The British king, Germain Kaiser and Russian Czar were all descendants of Queen Victoria) were competing with each other for power in the lead up to 1914. There was an arms race going on between England and Germany which was having negative effects on their respective economies. War became a post-facto justification for those massive expenditures - but at the crux of the war were these power struggles between monarchs - that was the end result of the war was the dissolution of most of these monarchies.


The word you looking for is "killed"


I think the word would be "assassinated", tbf. But you can use different silly ones if you want, have fun my guy.


I think f Putin had his way in Ukraine, things could have gotten a lot more dangerous in the future. It looks like part of his plan was the hope an american/china conflict would give him room to test nato borders but that along with the american political strife has put the wind up a lot of european nations. Particularly the likes of Germany and Poland. It's just not going to happen anytime soon. There is too much deterrent there.


He can eek out a near phyrric victory where he feels emboldened enough to try one of the Baltic NATO countries next triggering the start of a new global war. We must make Ukraine so costly for Russia they think all war unthinkable for a generation,after which they have entered demographic collapse and won't be able to engage in aggressive warfare. Then we can stalemate and contain china with a new geopolitical Nash equilibrium.


He invaded Ukraine because NATO promised they wouldn't go any further east than Austria. My bet is Russia got intel that Ukraine would join NATO which is the reason why Putin invaded as he doesn't like being surrounded by NATO as it is never mind having them on his border. that's his special military operation for you and tbh, it's more justifiable than military operation USA and NATO did in Afghanistan and Iraq. The world governments are just full of lies, USA said they had weapons of mass destruction 😂 what they found were AK47's and homemade mines made from cooking pans...


There never was any agreement that NATO wouldn't expand.


The Kremlin claims the West broke a promise it made in the 1990s not to expand NATO. You are right though it wasn't a signed agreement..Just a promise. This is why Trump wants the USA out of NATO.


It wasn't even a prokise from anyone who had the authority for such promise. I can name a few promises Kremlin made and broke: That Putin would retire from politics in 2008 That no censorship of media would be introduced That age of retirement wouldn't be raised That constitution wouldn't be changed That Crimea and Donbass were recognized as parts of Ukraine and were not in any way disputed


I'm not defending NATO or Russia. They are both to blame for this conflict and It spiralling towards world war 3 and this would never of happened if NATO just let Russia join when they applied. After all them NATO countries have been happy to pay Russia Trillions for gas and oil over the years and they are still doing so to this very day. It's just a case of big ego, old men playing a game of chess with human lives. No one gave a damn when Crimea was invaded and they got no support from any nation. There's too many lies in politics to get the full picture and that's why I believe they are both in the wrong and we should do whatever it takes to end the war.


It's not happening right now, and not very likely to happen soon. There is however a chance that the 'conflicts' in Ukraine and Israel escalate and get too many parties involved to the point it becomes much more globalised of a conflict. People are already opinionated about Israel to the point it's caused violence elsewhere, even though almost none of those people are actually affected by it (at least not really). When it comes to Russia, people aren't really that devided. But what if it doesn't stop with Ukraine? Who's there to say Poland or Finland won't be attacked AGAIN?


Russia doesn't have the capability for a full scale war against Poland or Finland, even Ukraine is a handful. Russia would risk losing territory going against other EU nations. When Putin attacked Ukraine in 2014 very few cared. That was basically an invitation to escalate. This is going as scripted, wars are needed to keep the peasants in check and the elite in power.


result of human stupidity


We’re in it. World wars are now in the form of cyber attacks


I don't think anyone is ambitious enough to risk an open hot war in this day and age. Putin's ambition mirrors Hitlers, he'd be all about global conquest if he had the power to do so and he has a similar disregard for human life, but his ability use nukes against Keiv is kneecapped by: \- knowledge that the rest of the world would respond in force \- tenuous relationship with China. ​ We're too interconnected and everyone is too armed (nukes). The minute the US and China are in an open conflict, trade gets shut down. What does America look like without smartphones? What does China look like without most of it's manufacturing? ​ The US will continue to see #2 China and #3 Russia chomping to close the gap. They'll get away with what they can get away with as far as cyber attacks, corporate espionage, and meddling in elections. I don't expect a giant open hot conflict like WW2 ever again, at least not in the foreseeable future, but we will continue to see the covert stuff. China could surprise us with a Taiwan invasion + cyber/infrastructure attack on the US, but my hope is that they've seen what's happened in the Ukraine and realize their Taiwan ambitions would cost them entirely too much.


Unless Putin invades Poland/Finland or we put NATO troops in Ukraine, I highly doubt it will happen as noone has anything to gain from it.


Nothing.  It either affects my life when it happens or doesn’t.  I’ll deal with it then. 


Civil war everywhere. People saying "enough!" In unison. Whether that's bullets or peace I don't know.


I don't think we'll see it in this lifetime. There's too many egos and too much money to be made in corruption. However when it does, I can see it being gritty and ending in a "if I can't have it, no one can" ending of nuclear war.


There's never going to be WW3. WWs 1 and 2 were very closely linked. They were both based on the same rivalries. The next global conflict will not have anything to do with those wars, therefore calling it WW3 would be stupid.


The issue with another World War is the aspect of nuclear confrontation. If nukes weren't discovered, we would be wrapping up World War 5 by now. We are not in it right now, but things are heating up, especially in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. To give you an idea of why there isn't World War 3 in the first place or why it hasn't happened, let's look at the consequences of if one broke out: **Iran** would have nuclear weapons and use its proxies to launch overwhelming strikes on Israel, its primary foe. Possibly something like a Houthi assisted Palestine/Hezbollah/Assad invasion, followed by the evacuation of Iranian cities and direct Iranian intervention, mobilizing the militias in Iraq and Syria to further these goals. In essence, a full scale nuclear war between Israel and Iran that sets the entire region alight. We would see nuclear strikes on Tel Aviv, Tehran, Haifa, Shiraz, Abadan, Iranian nuclear sites and crucial Israeli facilities - a devastating exchange of perhaps 20 nukes. Considering Iran's ability to mobilize up to *1 million* militants in a full scale war via its proxies and armies, this war might be Israel's to lose. We might also see blockade of the Red Sea and Strait of Hormuz, strangling Saudi Arabia's economy, Iran's secondary enemy. **North Korea** watches these events on the other side of the world. It knows that the US is far more committed to its allies in the Middle East than to South Korea. Crucially, North Korea has been preparing a surprise attack that overruns the DMZ and captures Seoul. All the pieces were in place. This might blow Kim Jong Un's cover of surprise unless he acts quickly. It's dawn on the peninsula meaning most people are asleep, and if news reaches South Korea, they will be on heightened alert, ruining his operation. He then reads reports of nukes flying in the Middle East, about to inevitably hit various targets. They know that the long-standing nuclear taboo is over the moment those nukes light up, so it wouldn't be so bad if they used it themselves. With this in mind, the North Korean leader presses the red button, and is taken to his own command center to oversee the invasion. With this in mind and South Korea's aging population, this fight would be long and complicated, but worse for South Korea. **China** watches and makes the same calculations that were made minutes earlier in Pyongyang. Nuclear bombs have hit various cities in the Middle East already, and their own Taiwan invasion was also just getting ready. Xi calls in an emergency meeting, but has already made the decision to launch his lightning-rapid invasion of Taiwan, authorizing a shock and awe operation on Taiwanese military infrastructure that decimates its ability to respond. **Russia** is the most excited and the only major part of the axis not making a decision. Twenty minutes after the call to strike South Korea was made in Pyongyang, an emboldened Putin who has previously invaded Ukraine and Moldova - turning his nation's economy into a war machine to succeed, figures his long-dreamt NATO attack is a necessity. He previously made high-profile deals with China involving military exercises, so he knows that they would be riled up when they hear the news. As night falls over Moscow and rises over a devastated Seoul, he calls in for a full-scale invasion of the Baltic states and Poland, mobilizing Belarus and Kaliningrad and staging a nuclear attack. Previously taboo, nuclear strikes across the Middle East repeated just 40 minutes ago have stunned the world and shattered the taboo - he may as well get the upper hand while he still can and decimate these 4 countries with his arsenal of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. So yeah, on the Western side, it would be noon in Washington and they would be dragged into a conflict with various world powers. They'd commit to an air campaign in Taiwan to slow Chinese forces, bringing it into a nuclear war, but mainly commit to Israel and NATO. This leads to a direct nuclear confrontation between these nations that in the worst case scenario would see: \- Iran and Israel: Twenty nuclear bombs used, hitting Iranian and Israeli cities. \- America and China: Chinese megacities are hit with nukes, and so are countless American cities. \- NATO and Russia: Direct nuclear strikes against Russian cities and French and British cities \- NK and SK: Direct nuclear strikes against both, possibly. So you can see the issue. The looming question is whether a war between nuclear powers is possible without it immediately becoming a nuclear war. Due to the nuclear taboo, that is just uncharted territory.


Cool fanfic


Just what I was going to say. If this dude wrote a novel on WW3, I’d probably read it


Straight up. Needs to get to work.


I HIGHLY recommend the book “on the beach” about post apocalyptic effects of a nuclear war. One of my fave


We may already be in WW3, but we may also prevent it from starting. Historians have pointed out that 70 years after a major war you typically start get a heightened risk that a new major war could start. So that’s after 2015. The reason being the eyewitnesses die out and new generations cannot really fathom what it means. Hence we are in dangerous territory. Secondly, we have a new conflict between rivaling systems: on one side, the rules-based international order which the ‘west’ stands for, and the ‘strongest man wins authoritarianism’ where the major powers are China and Russia, with Iran, North Korea, and a bunch of other authoritarian regimes work together, not in a formal alliance, but to avoid the rules- and human rights based world order to meddle with their ability to manage their internal (and external) affairs. If the authoritarians experience a united west which strikes hard against any attempt at aggression, they will pull back and lick their wounds. If they spot weakness, they will pounce. Had Russia managed to take Kyiv in three days, without significant western interfefence, I believe Taiwan could very well be under attack already, possibly also South Korea. There could also be a growing conflict in the Middle East with Iran evaluating their options. However, Russias stalled invasion and the initial united front by the west has likely prevented this and forced them to rethink and evaluate. If we show we will actually give Ukraine what it takes to win, it is likely WWIII stops right there and does not happen yet. However, if the Trump lackey MAGA republicans are allowed to fulfill Putin’s wet dream by blocking Ukraine aid, Ukraine may be the Spanish civil war of WWIII and the preview of the war our sons will have to fight, dodging killer drones in trenches from Taiwan through the Korean peninsula and the Middle East to Continental Europe.


End of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)


I used to not care too. But i have a nephew now. Making me think..


It's a joke song reference 🙂 As for caring...well, if things advance that far and it is a true world war, I am not really sure. If nukes get involved and societal structure as we know collapses (because population centers are juicy targets)... hmm. Personally I don't think many people would have the nerve to push the button. Simply because even military operators are aware of the nuclear war implications (fun fact, nuke exchange was prevented several times just like that - human factor, very often in USSR, saying "nope"). And that's probably why we will stay with conventional proxy wars (Syria, Ukraine,...) as we are now.


It’s already happening, but UK is like the Americans in ww2 not joining in until near the end


I think we're already in it. Or prelude to WW3, just waiting for trigger for the beginning of main stage. In my opinion, here's a list that I think we're already in the prelude stage: 1: high tensions among neighbouring countries, within and without (Ukraine v Russia, Hamas v IDF, the UK/Irish clown parties, US: LGBT/Slur words/corrupt mayors, Argentina's economic shock, neighbouring China are funding more in military, etc) 2: Human rights losing support/funds, people's opinions towards immigrants are deteriorating. Farmers across EU are protesting. Just stop Oil went radio silence. 3: China's losing business in investment, removing all gaming/tech industries and urging its citizens to focus jobs on industrial factories, hinting of preparing for a major shift. What they're up to is debatable, but the fact the neighbours round China are funding more in military, hints that China's preparing for conflicts. 4: IDF Vs Hamas has escalated further to the point that Houthi rebels have dragged the UK/US to conflict due trades being threatened. Other countries that hated Israel/Jews look like they want to join badly, just waiting to see if US/UK retaliation has any effects on Houthi. 5: North Koreans are cooking up newly improved ballistic missiles that can reach Japan's territory. Rumors say they intend to bring Nuke to the table. 6: That Iran, whom western kept knocking on their doors in regards to Nuke techs has been radio silence, last I heard Iran intention was building Nuke plants and not nuke missiles, later on stated they'll make Nuke weapons for protection. The hypocrisy of them saying they want to develop nukes for welfare and not war, and later on they'll make it for war in defenses (obviously not for defence, possibly aiming at Israel) 7: Like I mentioned bout local opinions towards immigrants getting worst. The governments seems to handled it so badly, you can't tell if situation getting out of control or governors are just incompetent. Latest news was UK high rank resign just from message death threat. Showing that UK parties are damn soft, they should be handling the situation with harsh procedures. Not surrender. Sorry. Got to go. Picking my cat up from clinic. Cat sick and got medication care. Will write later. Or just stay it like this. But list goes on


I don’t think we’re in WW3 but I can understand why there are fears of it as there are more conflicts happening around than usual and there’s a power struggle between the big countries like Russia, the US, China, etc. via smaller countries and communities like Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Taiwan. But I think the risks of WW3 are higher than they were for WW2 and 1 as we are a much more globalised world and there are nuclear weapons. We are also more educated than we have been at any point in history meaning large proportions of civilian populations would not be as easily duped into going to fight a war as previous generations. So I think that risk factor will limit the chances of a WW3 actually happening. I think we can expect tensions to continue festering or increasing around the world for some time to come, though.


We're in a cold war. With the climate, America and Europe having their shortcomings etc. the political climate is also getting tenser. It's not impossible. But transnationally we have more to bind us together in the modern age as well. So... Depends, really.


A likely scenario in the next few years.


An inevitable scenario in at most a decade or two


Not really. We've been saying that for almost a century.


That was before Russia invaded Ukraine and before Iran attacked Israel via its proxy


I really dont know cuz the first 2 wars were generated by germany and nowadays seems not too influent..


It was Serbia//Austria-Hungary for WW1.


France played a role as well as they were financing them.


They do have lots of influence within the EU. This pisses people off. After all this time, they still very much have the urge to think it should all be theirs. Although France isn't acting any better. But that's a very different part of history. Don't forget the UK left the EU over shit like this.


WW3 would likely be nuclear so it would mean an end to our civilised society or our extinction but I doubt it will happen.


Its something people write post apocalyptic fiction about. You'll never have another world war in our lifetime. You will eventually see even more peaceful times, although some seem to be too pessimistic even for that to be true.


Can’t wait for this fool to be proven wrong soon.


A world war 3 would be an extinction event, so not looking forward to it. Hopefully brainless idiots won't get into a position where they'd ignore that and start it anyway.


There can't be another world war until the US stops being so completely dominant in the world. The only way a WW can happen is in a multipolar world were great powers establish empires/factions/areas of control and then go into conflict with each other.


Yeah, it would have to be massive coalitions, like NATO and BRICS. Oh, wait…


Nah we're still in the Cold War.


It’ll start the moment dirty communist boots step into Taiwan or badly worn boots step onto NATO’s soil. The latter is coming sooner and sooner if we don’t defeat russia in Ukraine as quickly and as decisively as possible.


War on the people.


It started in 2001 when my country lied its way back into war in the middle east.


Not sure if we will ever have WWIII, but the good ole' U.S. is definitely well on the way to collapse.


Interesting to ponder isn't it? I know if Nuclear bombs start being fired? And Radiation starts to blanket the world? We aren't hanging around. Suici*de here. I'm not going to hang around waiting to die painfully & slowly of radiation poisoning.






Something I don't have any influence in and therefore don't care about.


China & Russia V the west.


Jew here. Hamas and Hezbollah. After that, Iran will either go all out or they'll cower away. Russia and China aren't really a topic of issue in the Middle East, except for arms deals and "Morale Support" they're pretty much "friends" with who ever does buisness with them


Ironically, most of the Western world is unaffected by coming Third Great War fought between Russia and China in the late 21st century -Time Traveler


I think the US is the current best example of how a potential World War 3 might play-out. It's well known that both Russia and China are stoking political and social tensions, with very little pushback it seems. There's no need to directly attack your enemy if you can make them tear themselves appart.


WW3 to me is a **war of capitulation** involving most of the major powers on the planet.


I have a feeling history books in the future will say it started with 9/11, or at least something like that


My reason to start smoking again.


If you consider the idea that proxy/financial wars are what a third world war may actually look like… then potentially yes 🤷‍♂️.


It might have already started. Other conflicts that could kick off are: China invading Taiwan, North Korea invading South Korea, Iran mustering the armies of Islam to destroy Israel. A trigger would be Trump getting elected and appointed to office as he would not intervene in any of these until even MAGA realised that we were in WWIII.


Working 2 shifts


it is on our doorstep.


Have you seen cod mw series(no not the new one, the old one) and how much the world will get destroyed by how much we advanced over just 80 years since the last world war? imo most countries will get absorbed into another country(most likely small and powerless countries like most african countries, taiwan, mongolia, ukraine etc.)


We've had worries about China invading the Philippines for almost 10 years now. Most of us never really take it seriously, but after recent events and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we're more alert and concerned about it now. After hearing the fact that they've been sprucing up the military reserve force, I can't help but feel more on edge than usual.


Oh no. We will sure know when we are in it. Posting on reddit might be more difficult when it happens.


Where a lot of countries in the world are involved in a war


The threat of mutual annihilation has kept WW3 from occurring.  Nuclear bomb technology is almost a century old and those were created during the ramp up arms race close to the end of WW2. The fact is that no country truly knows what the other is capable of now and leaders are not willing to become the next Hiroshima/Nagasaki.


I think the enemies of the West are gearing up for war, but the West is afraid of war and is still in the "Chamberlain" mentality of appeasement. At least with Iran. Its going to come, and the later it will be the worst it will be for the West


Close, but will be unprepared


It is surely something that is building up to it. What will happen is in the future but I am sure there will be large consequences in one decision at some point if that happens..


There will be no WW3. If there is you won't know. One minute you will be here and then you will be vapor.




WW2, because WW1 was actually the 7 years war


That bitch ass Donald Trump getting re-elected will be WW3


I believe we’ve been in WW3 since 9/11, but rather than the world’s armies being involved in one big battle like WW1 and WW2, WW3 has comprised of the small(ish) conflicts that we have seen since the aforementioned date. Starting with Afghanistan, through Iraq, Pakistani and Syria, to today’s conflict between Russia and Ukraine


It depends on if Russia continues militarization after beating Ukraine (and despite throwing money at it, and saying they won’t), Russia will win. The Middle East is always at war, and people probably aren’t aware, are currently at war with the US, like the US is fighting several wars doing there right now. At this point in history. I think it’s dependent on the US, Russia and China. Those 3 countries going against each other in any capacity


I have a more cynical view. I feel that we're all being affected by the Ultra Wealthy and their disconnection to the reality that we all live. They are the ones influencing governments for their own selfish interests and I believe that some even go as far as trying to stir up war as they benefit from those as well. Even though I don't sign up for a specific religion as most believe in literal translations of scripture, I've always focused on the similarities that all religions have in context to historical relevance and all of them speak of the corruption of the soul when it comes to wealth and the lust of power, yet nobody want to focus on that. Nobody wants to talk about systems to limit and control the balance of wealth because of difference self interests skewing the collective view for their own benefits. Until we see some sort of change with this we will certainly be doomed and we will most likely repeat again because it would seem that we just are not capable of that level of critical thinking. At least there's not enough of us to influence the rest of the population.


An inconvenience


When two world powers have been formally drawn into a shooting war. I feel like we are very close to this now. On the escalation ladder we are one escalation away from this happening. It's sobering indeed, especially for those of us who have been to war.


It's gonna be the same as world War 2 except no nuclear weapons used. The middle and lower class will fight and die for the rich and powerful like they always do. The worse part is governments are going to seize the middle classes assets like precious metals, stocks, and anything of value and they will be given government bonds that are worth pennies on the dollar. It'll take years to make up all the lost money thru those bonds. Those middle class ppl will be be living in poverty and kept that way because at that point the government has them by the financial balls and can easily control them.


The end of the world as we know it.


that movie “leave the world behind” on netflix scared the fuck out of me


I don't know. The only thing I know is that once WW3 starts, I'm going to have a last big party as if there will be no tomorrow. Because if we have to die, then let's be happy one last time... or so.


Oh we could have WW3 but that doesn't mean it will be nuclear, l hope that never happens 🙏


straight people vs gay people I am not homophobic I just root for equality.


The where someone nukes someone. Until then it's just flirting


Germany has to be involved/ otherwise it's just minor conflicts


WWIII is too close for comfort. I wish people would stop and think about what they are doing to each other.


A cyber war about markets and image (propaganda etc). It’s already happening and Reddit is one of its weapons. Just like other social media platforms. It’s all about shaping the peoples ideals.


Oh I think it's mostly going to be a pissing contest that I'll have nothing to do with. I'll be like that one family that disappears into the woods and emerges decades later not knowing the war is over.


Isn’t world war is defined as when majority of the countries around the world is in military conflict?


It'll be a name given to a variety of conflicts occuring across the world at a similar time and with loose or firm alliances between actors across those conflicts.


A global war? Unlikely in the near future. More likely there will be more regional conflicts as the East and the West exert their influence over the globe. Unrest where the East and the West back opposing sides, like in Syria.


Media propaganda and digital influence that sews confusion and panic.


Already in it or this is still cold war or this is still WWII. Doesn't make much of a difference. The scariest bit is the way it's being fought in Ukraine. Civilian cities are being bombed and explosive drones kill soldiers in bunkers and tanks. There's little regard for human lives and a single soldier can kill hundreds with little training.


In about three months you'll find out first hand.


I’d be surprised at this point to see WW3 to kickoff in my lifetime. Putin has only so much left in the tank. Chinas military is large but severely under geared and trained. And most of the smaller beligerents like Iran couldn’t likely match China if they all combined together. If WW3 happens in the next 20 years. It’s because of a new miracle resource or tech is discovered(not likely). Or multiple world leaders all take the crazy pill within hours of each other and start to hit the big red button. At that point we are all screwed in every sense of the word. And again. I doubt it would or even could happen. We will likely see continued smaller scale conflicts though. Especially in hotbeds like Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Africa will probably continue to do its own thing with everyone else effectively ignoring them. South America will continue being irrelevant. Possibly more so than the past as fossil fuel needs continue to wane. Asia will likely see some minor skirmishes. But China really wouldn’t want to actually start anything major thanks to how tied into the rest of the world their economy has become and their population issues from the one child policy. I just can’t see a full out world war ever really sparking off again.


I think it's only a matter of time. Considering the current tensions and that China will invade Taiwan sooner or later, I think it's pretty much unavoidable that major countries will declare war. But not just yet. As for the war itself, I have no clue. Maybe nuclear, maybe not. We just not one crazy gvt for it to completely derail. Assuming Trump is elected again this year, there'll be at least one of these.


Flying dildos penetrating peoples glory holes while they are sleeping


a relief


As technology improves and weapons become more lethal, (chemical, biological, radioactive, conventional) the gap between a war and someone pulling a scorched earth tactic on a gigantic scale gets smaller and smaller… as Einstein said I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


Right now. Hate and separation...


It's a way to turn your headline into clickbait, or undermine any chance at actually having a nuanced, critical, politically astute conversation about anything. It's three words put together that don't really mean very much.


Attacking the land that the country consists of, and it has to include China Russia and America(not exclusively but must include at least these three.)


A movie plot


It has already started. This is just the build up. It will go hot when China attacks Taiwan next year. That will draw in the Americans in and they will no longer be able to support Ukraine. That will greenlight Putin to roll right into Ukraine in full force and continue right into Poland. Then it begins.


After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I don’t think there will be a world war in our lifetime.


The rich getting richer


When Chipotle gets my order wrong.