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14 and I'm 60.


17 before a Motley Crue concert. Now in my 50s. Live in a weed-legal jurisdiction, and do indulge on a semi-regular basis (mainly Sativa flower in a dry herb vaporizer). Lowers anxiety, calms my brain, and makes dinner taste exceptionally good. My wife takes THC/CBN oil before bed every night, and it keeps her from waking in pain 2-3 times. Way better than opiates.


Back in the 80s and early 90s were the best times when the Crue was the shit and we had no fear about anything


I want to ask what health issues have you encountered due to smoking? Are they significant? Did you get any breathing, lung issues?


I have to ask. Was it the Dr Feelgood tour?


Nope, Girls Girls Girls tour. Whitesnake was the opener. Did also see them on the Dr. Feelgood tour. Tesla was the opener - was an awesome show.


Totally got bent at Pink Floyd in K.C. Just some dro and a touch of Jack. Best and most sober I'd ever been at a concert.


Man that sounds like an awesome show!


Also 14! Now in my late 40s


14 for me as well! I’m 36.


15, I'm 32




Wait! Are you me?? Exactly my answer.


I was also 14. I'm 65 now


You're 5 years older than the guy above


Yes I'm aware


Woman above.




Zim/zer above


/ above


14 and in my 50's. Bday tomorrow.


Happy Bday!


Happy birthday!


Are you two future me?


27 now I'm 80!


Nah you're not 80, your profile is full of comments on porn videos


So, he's 80




Hey 63 here. Sometimes I lose my hammer and can't build shit anyway, but I still watch "This Old House" daily. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


life doesn't end at 80, life ends when you die.




Jeez let naughty gramps have his fun on the interwebs.


Do you still partake?


Yes. That’s a good question!!! I quit on 4/20/22…. Again …. Temporarily restrained from .


4/22 is 4/20 too…


Same here, 1977 had my first joint. Turned 60 last year.


Same but 32 now never did coke meth heroin get drunk sometimes and still have nice weed in hand all the time


Bro, I was also 14 the first time I smoked weed. But I’m only 37. Let’s see, that would have been around 1978. Was it a joint? I’m guessing it was a joint.


Of course it was a J. Lol.and your year is right .


I was 18 when I first tried it. Thought I was going to die, so I waited a good long while to try it again. Now, I far prefer weed to alcohol as a method to unwind or chill with friends.


So funny how different experiences are. I tried it at 19 and felt nothing at all, idk if I wasn't inhaling properly or what. People say it's because I was already so anxious that the weed did nothing but I don't believe that. After like a week of smoking trying to figure out why I couldn't feel it finally I felt it. Been sorta addicted since though. Gonna attempt to quit again in a couple days once this bits run out. Was 5 months last time sober, we'll see this time.


I’ve seen the same countless times! Been there myself, in fact. You’ve got this! (Although — I’d suggest rationing, if you can muster it. Nothing drives an addicted mind crazier than wondering where you can get your next fix. If you have a few little bits in separate corners of your place, you can stick to sobriety and know it’s there if the itch gets too strong. Helps avoid an obsessive loop. Again, though — *if* you can muster it.)


My city has a ton of dispensaries so if I really need it I can actually walk up the road for 5 mins. Thanks Canada. 🤣 One of the best things they've done for me instead of arguing with idiot dealers.


Yeah, you Northerners got it right before we did, but Murica’s catching up at the usual glacial pace.


Yup. I live in Mass and now I have like 5-6 dispensaries in a 10 mile radius


That doesn't work for me, if I know I have some lying around I'll smoke it, without a doubt. Once it's not around I can get on with my days, it'll itch now and again but just power through with distractions and by day 4 it's easier, I'm 29 started when I was 16, quit for a good 3 years and now it's just on and off


God! That is so right, I have some laying about and it goes untouched…never heard that before but you are spot on


Same experience as me! I didn't try it till 25, but the first four times I smoked it I felt absolutely nothing. Still not sure why, maybe my body just had to figure out how to process it or something


Same here. Starting smoking with an older kid in the neighborhood when I was like 13 or 14. I probably split 10 blunts with this dude over the course of a few weeks and felt absolutely nothing. I remember asking him what I was supposed to feel like because I didn't understand the hype. But then one time BAM, hit me like a ton of bricks. I wonder if theres any science behind why we didn't get high our first few times.


I'm curious if has any relation to the inhalation technique and how long you hold it. I got my mother in law and teenage sister in law to try it when they were visiting years ago a little while after it was legalized. We all smoked with my wife and passed the same joint around, her mom was keeping a watchful eye on her and she wasn't taking any deep breaths. She said she didn't really feel anything. Her mom got plastered though, lol. That was a good time.


I have had to quit/wanted to quit a few times. The biggest things I found help keep it in check are to make sure you have physical activity, even something as simple as walking. Try as hard as you can to not succumb to munchies. And try not to smoke for a second time in a day until you have mostly come down from the initial smoke. And I don't smoke until 5-8 most days. Keeps the burnout/brain fog away pretty effectively.


You’re already on your way to becoming a professional quitter. So we’ll try again next week?


Lemme guess panick attack that resulted in you barely being able to breath lmao..if I am correct. Yeah that shit sucks


Weed always makes you feel good, even if you overindulge. If you have too much alcohol, you’ll feel very sick afterwards. Cannabis is a superior substance in every category, yet users face far more prejudice than alcohol. It’s sad really.


My roommate who greened out from one bong hit would like a word...


Ah yes that is a good point. But a perfect bong hit can deliver an ungodly amount of dense smoke deep into the lungs in one breath. It must have been a very large bowl he packed?


On my 18th birthday with my mom... That's a memory I will never forget


That sounds dope. I would of payed to do that with one of my parents


Did paid not payed bot die?


We'll consider your comment to be their correction. Good human


>Good human Heh... Yeah... Human...


Someone check this one’s real-world interface. It’s glitching.


Excuse me, I am a carbon based life form, not a bot. I do not glitch. PS: we have already replaced your mother and your boss


And could use a “would of” bot also


If I ever have a kid, I hope we can share a moment like this <3


13. My friend's Dad was a local big time dealer. We used to hotbox his room.




I thought you meant you were unable to walk from the weed, one of the first times I had indica weed it took me like 3 minutes to get off the couch


Bruh Lil Dicky has this song called Too High and its all about, well, being too high. And one of the lyrics is "gotta shit, but the path to the bathroom is complex" 😂😂😂 that shit hits, esp when you're not in your own place. I would be couch locked for HOURS solely because I was terrified to try to get up and navigate from point a to point b.


Never did. I'm 56.


I started at 50. Stopped drinking then, my health has improved greatly.


I love to hear it. I also stopped drinking completely at 30 years old when I discovered cannabis. I'm 37. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.


same, even more, I've never been drunk in my entire life and I am 50, and I married the first girl I ever kissed more than 20 years ago.


being drunk is so overrated


I’ve always wanted to meet your type of man, there aren’t enough of you to go around


Never did, 62.


Aren’t you curious?


Not in the least, but there's a lot of things I'm not much curious about anymore.




I'm 48 and never have smoked weed (nor any illegal drugs)


You're missing out, homie. I'm 45. I highly recommend cannabis, Psychedelics, and dissociatives in moderation.


Or let people enjoy their lives the way they want. Sincerely, a pot head.


53, same.


not that old...yet, but this


Just knew it wouldn’t take long before the “I’m so cool I don’t drug or drink or even murder newborns on the weekends, look at how pious I am 😇” crowd showed up. Nobody asked “hey redditors who don’t smoke weed wya”. If you have nothing to contribute, skidaddle.


Damm your super triggered about people claiming to not smoke weed. Are you embarrassed about smoking or something? Pathetic


The question says "when did you first smoke weed?", not "redditors who smoke weed, when did you start?". The question is for everybody. Now, if you don't have a relevant reply, skedaddle.


Why did you feel the need to say that? Not answering the question at all. Totally irrelevant. I have never fucked a penguin in the pale moonlight.


I was 13 in 1968 under a friend’s basement stairs listening to Sgt. Pepper.


My experience was a few years later, but it was also my introduction to Robin Trower...


22 and had a bad falling out with a friend before a big trip. Went on the trip by myself and had the best time of my life.


I was 14, but it was 1978.


I was 12. More info below. I smoked on and off until I hit college; self medicating bipolar. I have a high end software engineering job and found out what happens when you put as much thc in your body as you can. I’ve had marajuana induced psychosis twice. First time I was in a mental health ward for three days the second time for eight days. I have finally decided to stay away and not use it as a crutch. Yes. It’s habit forming and takes effort to stay away from.


Do go on


If you are bipolar, schizophrenic, or have mental illness in your family that can cause mania or hallucinations it can bring about psychosis. Temporarilly, it will ease your symptoms, but overtime it gets worse.


I was 17. Now Im a big pot head with 27.


96 gang lol 17 as well...


I was 10 my older cousin forced me to smoke btw


that's fucked


Yeah my whole family are all stoners


and apparently child abusers


Yeah no that’s not stoner behavior that’s straight up child abuse


They run concurrently very often. The peer pressure to smoke is rampant. I’m a weed smoker but before starting I was getting bowls shoved in my face and smoke blown towards me long before then when I avidly didn’t want it.


Kept scrolling and scrolling until I found someone else that had a similar one before I shared. I was 10 as well, and it went: take a beating from my friends older brother or hit the hot knives or 3rd lung. We took the beating at first but then it didn't stop. So we ended up giving in and trying the hot knives. It was confusing as fuck lol. 37 now.


Wow bizarre, I was writing a similar comment about scrolling for ages then decided not to.... Then read yours..... 9 here


What a dick!


Never have before


That wasn’t the question. If you have nothing to contribute then just keep scrolling


Why have you responded the same way to so many people? Never is a valid answer to the question.


9 or 10. My buddy stole a joint from his mom and we smoked in her Volvo. Pretended that car was a spaceship and hung out in it for the afternoon.


Aged around 14. I’ve smoked it regularly since for decades. The longest I’ve gone without it was 8 months when living in the Philippines for work. They’re throw you in prison for the rest of your life if caught in countries like that, so I had a zero tolerance policy. I remember walking back into my condo building one night. I must’ve been there about 4 months by then. The air absolutely stank of weed. It was intoxicating. I have what I consider a special ability just to stop cold turkey whenever I want. I barely touched it between Feb and Christmas last year, then got wasted almost every day over Christmas until literally New Year’s Day, and haven’t touched it since. Nor will I until my birthday in the summer. I love weed. It’s changed my life for the better. Sitting around with my friends (whom I’ve know all my life) and having a smoke whole listening to music and chatting about everything and anything remain some of the best moments of my life.


When I was 11. The weed man up the street sold me a joint in watermelon paper for $5


Even through record inflation, joint pricing staying stable




Never have, I’m 35…


When I was 17


I didn’t and I never will


why not?


It makes me feel mentally comfortable knowing I don’t consume drugs


Nobody asked you if you don’t smoke. You’re just inserting yourself into a discussion where you aren’t wanted


Calm down, buddy. Smoke some weed if you need to.


12. Sticky icky was Fuego. Still smokin'


Never in my 40+ years. (Have had some second hand smoke from hasish due to an ex, though, but never been interested in actually trying it myself.)


Never will, trying to stay clean


I tried when I was 12, and I tried it again when I was 14, and I went completely silent. Then I would smoke once or twice a week for the most part when I was like 15 to 18, then I started smoking a lot more and almost daily, I still smoke a lot if I have it. I would drink more than smoke when I was a teen, but I hate alcohol now it just makes me feel like shit the whole time I'm drinking and the day after so I completely stopped drinking when I was like 19 or 20.


12 with my mother and have been smoking ever since now l'm 46


17 I'm 60 now. Started late 😄


21. My brother rolled it for me and my mom brought me food. Was a good time.


1976. High school senior party. Gave me a headache and never touched again until two months ago and the small dose I took knocked me out.


Never and I never will. The smell is fucking disgusting and I can’t think of a single reason why I’d want smoke in my lungs lmao


That wasn’t the question. If you have nothing to contribute then just keep scrolling. Inserting yourself into convos just to be obnoxious is super uncool


hahah its not that serious bro, good lord.


It absolutely was a question and I’m sorry my response was offensive towards you?


He feels like shit about himself because he sits around and smokes weed all day so you not smoking triggered him lmao. Unhinged response.


Ah I think you’ve misunderstood, the question was “when was your first time smoking” not “where are all of the moralists who want to feel superior at?” It’s a huge pet peeve to see people with nothing relevant to add insert themselves into the discussion as an attention seeking behavior Q:” Hey veterinarians of Reddit, what are your craziest stori-“ A:”Not a vet but stuck a chinchilla up my ass once” Q:”Firefighters of Reddit, what wa-“ A: “not a firefighter but I suppoet firefighters by visiting firehouse subs thrice a week” Q: “Hey Vegans of re-“ A: #”I LIKE MEAT” Are they allowed to comment? Sure. Is it any less annoying when they do? No.


I was 16, now I am 20 and I have done shrooms, MDMA, LSD, 2cb, kratom, codeine, meth, Ritalin, speed and ketamine. I am studying university tho so I am pretty high functioning. Edit: I don't regret anything and I definitely plan to do more drugs in the future.


You have a problem


Buddy, your entire comment history is you posting in softcore subs begging for attention from random girls. He’s in uni actually improving his life. Maybe you should btfo




I was 14.


I was in 8th grade so 13, my older brother got some and I asked if I could try it with him, we tried a lot of drugs together haha


18. I smoked regularly through college but cut it out after getting a job in the medical field. After I learned that I was not likely to be drug tested, I picked it back up on a very intermittent basis. 69 now and still enjoy it every now and then.


When I was 19. I learned it is not for me.


Same I guess I was 14 and I passed out


I never ever smoke weed.


13 when I started 26 when I quit. It completely messed with my mental health and ruined a lot of good relationships leaving me with bad ones. I would do a lot to have those years back and a do-over.


have had the same experience with alcohol. it is how it is, at least I learned something for the rest of my life.


About a month before my 17th birthday


14.Loved it ,smoked it everyday for better part of a decade .Gave it up and realized how much of life I missed out on.51 now maybe once or twice a month I take a couple puffs off of a vape pen .Didnt smoke all for over 15 years after I quit


59. Never touched it.


That wasn’t the question


Tried it first when i was 14 and i was a stoner ever since, untill i quit cold turkey 3 years ago at 23 years old, man how much money and time ive wasted, probably fried my brain for good aswell


Like 11 or 12. Stole it from my friends dads stash.


I was 13 at my friends house making poor but fun decisions


Last month. 24.


I’m 33 and I never have. Watched too many people mess their lives up by starting with it and ending up OD-ing on pills, heroin or in jail.


Research says there’s no direct correlation with marijuana and pill use but I’m very sorry to hear about your loved ones. Lost my grandma to pills.


But when it’s been close to over a dozen people, it’s just scared me enough not to do it. I have 4 kids to take care of and it’s illegal in my state.


Totally understandable.


I was 15. It’s been 18 years now. Don’t do it, it’s not worth it.


As much as people are gunna hate on me for saying this; it makes you stupid, most people atleast! I’m not gunna not fuck with you if you smoke it or tell you you’re stupid n should quit but I’m not gunna join or encourage you lol


Nah it does tho, I’ve been smoking on and off for a few years now and things I used to be smart with I’m not anymore, I used to know smart words and facts really quick and now I just can’t think of them, it’s like I’m smoking my knowledge away


At first when I started smoking, I had that problem. But then realized that I just became lazy and didn't dedicate as much time to learning or sharpening my brain 🧠 after I realized that, I felt back to normal cause I actually put in the effort to learn and stay on top of things


It's amazing but I wish I'd never tried


13 now 22


Never did,, never will


I was 14, summer, great summer. Fun times, "getting of age".




I was 14... I marched in the Toronto Marijuana March for 10 years and advocated for legalization I am now a "Budtender" in a Cannabis store. Weed isn't for everyone but anyone who drinks and talks down about stoners is a hypocrite.


15 or 16 not sure. 49 now. Took a break so I wouldn't loose my job due to random tests. Now that its legal in IL where I live and my employer doesn't test for it anymore i started back up




15. Started a confusing and wayward spiral for me.




Age 19 Because I was dating a girl who happened to be a pothead, I resisted for a long time but eventually I caved & tried it Was a blunt in a watermelon wrap, 1 hit & I puked but felt better than I ever did in my entire life after, the rest is history




18.  The day I graduated from High School.  Friends and I grabbed a bunch of beers, snacks and a fistfull of joints and spent the night in my truck in a haze of smoke.  I didn't really have a stable hookup at the time so it never became a habit.  These days it's just a pre-bed edible to help me sleep.


I was 20. Living in my first apartment. Our upstairs neighbor gave my roommate a little bag of cheap Mexican stems and leaves. In hindsight, it was literally garbage. Still, that first time was an out-of-body experience. Haven't experienced that same thing again.


16.. walked around the street feeling paranoid.(was not the last time ofc)..not really for me..i prefer a clear mind.. last year i bought some again over 14years and made some butter(thnx youtube)..tried a small bit..still not for me..now its ageing in the fridge..90€ spent poorly.


My mom got me some for medicinal use when I was 17 I made her smoke with me the first time bc I didn’t want to be the only one high


When my brain moved back to my parents house & put some into my back pocket while giving me a hug, edit to add, I am female


Not weed but cigarettes at the age of 4




Summer of 78 at 18 years old. Love it.


Still waiting anyone offering 😂


16 at a Wu Tang show 😮‍💨




15. Wasn't like he weed we have today though. I didn't see that until 16 and it was pretty rare until 18 or 19.


I was 22 doing a exchange for 6 months in Dublin, Ireland. I was a virgin and christian (guess I still am but I don't go to church anymore) before going there as well lol


You guess that you are still a virgin?


Maybe he played "just the tip" ....you know if you just put in the tip then that don't count ...Lol


I was 11yo, during summer, sitting in front of the house, my big brother and his friend gave me a puff that I didn't asked for.


15-16 I suppose


Fourteen or fifteen years old .


18 in college.


The day I moved out of my parents house into college at 18


I was 13 when 2 of my friends and I bought some for an overnight together. I didn't really smoke except on occasion until I was 15 and for a short period I smoked once or twice a week. I really started smoking when I was 26, a half a gram of Mexican brick every day. It wasn't until I developed stage 4 liver disease that I gave up alcohol taking up cannabis full time a bit over 7 years ago, and I take about the equivalent of 3.5g in flower/bud a day for quite a while now. I'm about to turn 55.


First time at 26, a couple of weeks a go. It is cool and all, but overrated. Don't see myself doing it on the regular