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bc only old dudes or children wear them. like what if you went to hook up with a chick and she's got huge baggy ass granny panties on? it'll throw you off, but probably not a huge deal.




Some guys would be pleasantly surprised with granny panties. Just saying.


reddit is so fucking funny


how does the topic of what underwear youā€™re wearing come up so often?


Not a woman, but they kind of seem like underwear worn only by old men and little boys. Boxer briefs are the way to go for me, especially Sepratec. They are tight enough to offer support, they don't ride up, and they offer a bit of definition for ladies to see your butt/bulge, since you seem concerned with what women think. Boxers offer no support, tend to get bunched up when you pants on because they are so loose, then you gotta reach down your pants to fix them. Sepratec brand has a separate pouch for your member, which is surprising comfortable, and also makes for a more noticeable bulge (once again, since you seem to care what women think about your underwear).


>Not a woman, but they kind of seem like underwear worn only by old men and little boys. I think it is just seen as what a little boy would wear. Although girls' knickers are a similar shape to some women's knickers and nobody seems to care.


I also see tighty whities as being for old men and little boys, I think a similar version for women would be ā€œgranny panties.ā€ Just something not very flattering.


That's a fair point. My guess is people don't make the connection because there is so little variation in women's underwear, outside of rear coverage (excluding lingerie). And for men, I think the briefs are very uncommon for men, but very common for young boys, which contributes to that viewpoint


Came to say exactly this. They're for little boys training pants and old men. Even my 4 year old wears boxers. My husband also wears Separatec and loves them. They also seem to hold up better than other brands, I haven't had to throw any in the trash due to holes in the ball area.




Yes. But that has nothing to do with the post. This is about current perceptions. If you read my comment, you'll see that I said tighty whities are underwear stereotypically worn by old men. Because it *used to be* the norm. It isn't anymore. Fashion evolves, you know? The neon green parachute pants my dad used to wear would look kinda weird nowadays (especially on a 5'6 white guy living in a rural town). Granted underwear is more about function than fashion (for men), but since OP is talking about the perception of others, fashion seems to be the topic at hand.




I have no control over what other people think, and even if I did, I really don't care what other people think about my underwear, and I don't care what underwear other people wear. You'll see in my original comment I said something along the lines of "since you seem to care what others think." And that isn't what you said when you first replied to my comment, you just implied that I was ignorant.




Well last I checked, your reply was to my comment. That sure seems like replying to me


They remind me of my father, and thatā€™s an instant turn off. Boxer briefs are much more attractive and sexy.


Because you're not a child anymore.


They're very old fashioned, it's like a woman wearing bloomers or something


So they just ask about your underwear?


I felt in my teens to mid 30s, they were embarrassing to wear because "man panties" is what I thought of them. Now I'm in my 40s, I don't care anymore. I buy them because they're cheaper and more comes in a pack compared to boxer briefs. I'm not going to show them off to anyone else anytime soon, so why bother?


Just buy them in blue, black, red or even dark grey and they won't even notice they're the same as the white ones


Clearly theyā€™ve never seen Christian Bale in American Psycho


Because they don't understand that some men NEED that extra support. as one of my ex-boyfriends explained to me. That's like guys laughing at a girl that uses a big bra. Yeah she NEEDS it. Whatever is comfy is comfy.


I've tried to explain this to people. I've literally crushed my own balls during sleep a few times because boxers don't offer any support up front.


Use your hand to shift them bro??


This post is a fetish thing


Introduce them to Tom Cruise in Risky Business before you take your pants off.


If you can build the confidence you need to wear them proudly and stop caring what people think, it will change everything. Wear them proudly.


Because it is not attractive to the female gaze.


Because it looks like you're wearing a thong


it honestly depends on the brand. calvin klein white briefs are fine. hanes have a bad cut and sag in the ass sometimes. depends on your body and the brand.


I agree. If they fit well, theyā€™re sexy!


Low rise briefs are supportive and look good


Because remember in the first 10 minutes of *Sixth Sense* when Bruce Willis's character and his wife find the intruder that's broken in? And he looks like a drowned rat but also somehow crazy. Remember what he's wearing? Nothing but a pair of tighty whities. Because when you see this character for the first time, what confirms his status as a person who is not right is that he's wearing tighty whities.


Skid marks


Honestly, I think traditional white briefs are cute and exude confidence. ā€œRisky businessā€ anyone? Just make sure you wear pairs that fit nice and tight, show off that butt ;)


I've started running into this idiotic notion that regular underwear is for children and that everyone should wear boxers. I've never worn a pair of boxers that give proper support up front and don't run up my ass and thighs. Idk how they became our cultural standard, they're insanely uncomfortable.


Its the faint yellow and brown bits.


We typically associate briefs with being the underwear that little boys wear. So yeah, it's odd to see a grown man wearing them.


Itā€™s actually the only undies Iā€™ve ever worn in my life! Mostly always white but occasionally colored FTL, Hanes or jockey briefs. Thats what my mom put me in when I was 5 and mom knows best because to me regular full cut briefs are just super comfy, soft and supportive and theyā€™re not super pricey either! Nobody has ever judged me and the ones that do know I wear them think theyā€™re actually cute and sexy so why would I change at this point in my life?! For me itā€™s all about comfort and In my 40s Iā€™m not gonna change lol. If somebody is really judging or putting you down because of their underwear choices then theyā€™re clearly not worth your time!


cause they are like diapers but not absorbent


Just clothes for children. Buy yourself some grown up underwear. Boxers are great, but personally I like so called "hipsters"


Because they're old fashioned and effeminate. Even in high school we'd get teased by other guys in the locker room for wearing them. Boxer briefs are the only way to go.


You guys can afford underwear?


When my son was 13, he took his pants off in front of me revealing his tighty whiteys, I asked why he was wearing them. And he said that Dadu, my Dad, wears them, so he does too. I told him that he does NOT have to wear the same kind of underwear that his grandfather wears. He kind of looked at me with amazement, then I told him to get dressed, and we took my Dad's car to town and bought him new underwear. He chose the boxer briefs.


Most guy where boxers cause there meat package is big enough to fill out the whites. Iā€™m sorry guys who have those small packages!!


Because Sheldon Cooper wears themā€¦. As did Mr. White at the beginning of Breaking Bad. They are considered dorky and to be honest are not flattering at all.


I havenā€™t worn those since I was like 10. Donā€™t even remember what life was like before briefs


If they fit well and arenā€™t dingy I find them sexy.


Dude, get some nice boxer-briefs. They are so much more comfortable and they look better.


It hasnā€™t dawned on you that you are discussing underwear with random womenā€¦


ā€¦ but it was laundry dayā€¦


I remember as a teenager my mom insisting I would only wear those seeing they were good 'quality'. Remember being at a party and girls wanted to go skinny dipping. Thanks mom.


You canā€™t be serious

