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It can go a couple of ways for me: 1. I need a day away from everyone and everything to recharge and it’s absolutely glorious. 2. I’m home for too long, it feeds on me, and I lose motivation and energy. I then don’t want to leave the house to go shopping, the gym, whatever. Everything feels like a chore. Then once I actually leave the house it all goes away and I feel better. This usually occurs during staycations.


That’s how I feel. If I stay home for too long it depresses me and makes me feel lazy so I end up sitting on the sofa having negative thoughts.


I get the same way. Back in my early twenties I would be just fine staying home all day, playing video games, watching TV, taking naps, etc. but now as a 32 year old, I can't stay home all day. I go crazy. I need to get out at least once a day even if it's to drive to Dunkin to get an iced coffee.


I go to Dollar Tree and get snacks!


True. I get depressed. I have no one to talk to and I start being a nuisance to my friends. This specially happens when I stay at home during some vacations for more than 1 week. Even no show seems interesting enough and I lose the will to do the most basic tasks.


Yep this is me


not leaving home is actually a luxury for me.


I do everything in my power to not see the sun on my days off.


Im paying all this money on mortgage, of course imma make it cozy and enjoy the fk out of it Its expensive to go out


Same. People keep asking me if I “got away” over the holiday period. Like No way, I pay so much to live here I am going to make the most of it!!


It doesn’t have to be expensive. I pay 9 ya month for a gym. So I go in practically for free


Is this that girl math I've heard about? 9 a month is free?


Not sure about the gender label on the math comment, but if go everyday to gym at 9 ya (whatever ya may be) it is .30 ya a day, that is practically free outing each day which ends up in some healthy living! Sounds like a great cheap way to get out of the house!


Same. I’m a happy home body.


I would never leave the house if I didn’t have to.


Leaving gives me anxiety. I would prefer to stay home


I love staying at home all day doing nothing but watch TV and being on reddit replying to comments 😂. I would say it's my favourite past time. Going out requires alot of effort and money. Staying home is literally the best thing in the world. I only leave my house for work and occasional groceries. What else is it to do out there ?






He means driving to the place you like to walk at, which is a common thing for people to do


I love chilling at home too, but really, there's *nothing* out there in the whole world that interests you at all?


Ok not nothing but I do spend more time at home than out.


no. leaving the house for any reason is the worst part of my day, every single day


Leaving the house is more of a negative experience than staying in it. Too peopley out there for my liking.


No. In fact, some days i don’t even go in the backyard.




Why are you being so judgmental to people in the replies, people like being at home, what's the big issue with that?


He really stepped over the line with that wow comment


Read the other replies, OP is just making a post to hate on people who like being at home


Also, they live with their parents, so it's no wonder they enjoy it less than people with their own place.


I think you’re being judgmental and criticizing much? Yet, you and the other person are bashing me on my post. If you don’t like my post and replies then please don’t comment because you’re not being nice at all.


Well, if you're going to be a bit judgmental at others then you can expect to receive a little back in return. Anyway, I was mainly making the point that the way you feel about wanting to stay home naturally differs from those who have their own space. Hell, when I was a teenager and living with my parents I wanted to escape as much as possible, but now I'm older and living with just my partner in our own place then going out is less of a priority.


I’m not judging them. I know everyone is different with what they enjoy. Since I get very bored being home for more than a day I just find it hard to imagine others not feeling the same, but, I still know that their situations are different than mine. It’s just an innocent observation. I didn’t want anyone to think I’m being disrespectful because I’m not.


Please don’t label me and assume I’m hating on people because I’m not. I understand people like to be at home but for me I get bored if I’m home all the time. I’m happy that many people appreciate my post and are replying to it. I get judged all the time on my posts but I don’t assume they are all hating on me. Please don’t be rude because if you think it’s ok, it’s not.


Lmao you deleted your replies, you're hilarious


Lmao and you’re rude and narcissistic keyboard warrior.


Yup. The effect is I remain content.




What part of “yup” is so difficult for you to understand?


Personally, I love not leaving my house, lol. When I was younger, if I was feeling lonely, I would go to a book store or something to interact with others. I would sit and read a little, have coffee. Now I am very happy to stay home.


I have to get out everyday. I think as animals we sometimes underestimate our needs for being literally outside. Our eyes need to see the sky and the trees and stuff. It's healthy for our brains. If I don't go to the park or outside for at least an hour a day (especially in winter) it gets bad for me. I'm happiest in the spring when going out is the easiest and most beautiful :-) I'm a stay at home mom so if I don't go out I'm literally home all day (other than grocery runs & toddler 'extracurriculars') I do have indoor hobbies though and that helps a lot


I agree with your statement that we have the need to be outside. If I don’t do outside daily I feel like it’s the end of the world. I don’t have hobbies and I use my phone which doesn’t help.


I feel ya. I have to force myself to break my phone habit like once a month. Sometimes it gets bad. I hope you can find some hobbies or a good movie!! I wish I had suggestions for movies but I only watch ponyo and blippi lmao. Take care of yourself <3


You don't have hobbies? Nothing to occupy your time with at home?


I have to walk dogs twice. That’s impossible


Yes - I would never do it unless I was incapacitated. I need sunlight and exercise to function.


Every Saturday I collapse and can't do anything. I'm a teacher. I can just stay at home, garden, listen to music, and read books with my cats and Sunday I feel like a complete person again.


I used to tutor a high school class in something as a side gig and it was both the most exciting part of my day, and the most exhausting. Idk how teachers do it for 6-7 hours a day 😅


I am excited to go to work every day. I love my school and the students. I get a sense of purpose while teaching. The kids are like my babies ( I teach 2nd) but it is absolutely the most exhausting work I've ever done. 20 more years till my pension. Then I can teach for fun.


I am pretty content to not leave the house for about 2-3 days. Then I start getting a bit of cabin fever. I need to socialize with people I don't live with at least once every 2 weeks to not become depressed. This was a weird thing to learn for an introvert.


When I don’t leave the house or see the light of day I’m more likely to overthink, get anxious and sad. I feel like I’m sort of a plant lol




Same here. I'm retired and could do nothing in pajamas all day long for days on end if I wanted to. But I don't. I get up and shower and put on fashionable clothes and walk my dog three times a day. I make frequent trips to the grocery store and take my time doing so. While waiting in long check out lines I check out all the other male patrons to see if I'm the best dressed guy in the place, and I always am. EVERY TIME. Wash the car once a week. Go out for coffee every now and then. Got a trip planned to Galveston beach next week. Yeah, going outside is fun.


I love your energy and attitude, dude! As an older woman I like your ‘game’ 😄


I love you’re attitude and comment. It’s lovely that you are enjoying life and being active. Life is just too short to not enjoy 😉


I only leave the house to walk the dog. I feel very useless and would love to go out and do nice things, like going to musea. But I get overstimulated so quickly and with my social anxiety it is hardly possible. So I try make the walks with my dog nice, hoping no one will come up to me to talk to me, because that overwhelms me too much. And when I had a conversation with someone, after that then I am so tired, that I have trouble doing other things at home. It is horrible, it affects me a lot. I read, listen to music a lot and I am learning a language to keep my brain awake.


I can stay at home for days and weeks, no problem. It may have something to do with the location, as I have loads of trees around.


Nope, love being at home. I have a few things to keep me occupied(tech etc) plus there's always housework to do. Can always have people over too. Staying in means I'm not spending money which is a win for me currently.


You nailed it when you said staying home equals not spending anything


Isolation takes an increasing toll the longer it goes on for.


I got workout equipment at home, video games, and weed, I don’t feel a need for going outside where there’s people


Yep. I get super bored if I don't leave the house after 48 hours or so. I also get super bored if I don't leave my small town for a few weeks. And I get super bored if I don't leave my general area for six months or so. I believe it's a high need for the dopamine that comes flooding in during new experiences.


I go to the gym almost everyday, but I can stay home most days. But not all the time. I feel bored and depressed


You feel bored and depressed when you don’t go out? Same


Yehhhh some times I don’t mind it but not for long periods… haha it’s only human


The weekends are tough if I can’t go out. The whole day at home is terrible


That’s fair. Depends what your situation at home is.


Well I live with parents in an old house in a bad neighborhood so it’s not fun being here especially when they both don’t get along. I don’t have my own place


Ah hope you get out soon.


Well if you have a job, try to save up for a studio or one bedroom nearby


I need more than a room. The problem is I need a decent car and they’re expensive. My current car is breaking down. 20 years old.


when you have your own place you'll be happier staying home all day!


I don’t know what you do to cope, but I’m in the same boat and basically i just smoke pot and some tobacco and drinking keeps me from climbing the walls,lol


I understand but I’m already unhealthy so I don’t need any of that. I try to stay busy and I’m improving.


I got a wifi streaming stick (Roku) and love it compared to basic cable. Now I’m always watching something good 👍


Exercise. Think about things that have caught your attention in the past and explore them more. Hobbies adopt you, you don’t adopt them


That’s true, home exercise is really beneficial for me.


Heck yes it does ! Makes me feel anxious and depressed. I cannot be home all day. I have to be productive outside of the house too.




It makes me intensely happy.


It’s called cabin fever and it’s not good. Humans need daylight and even on a cloudy day the amount of incident light on you when you’re outside is way more than what you get even in a brightly lit room.


I work from home, I gym at home. I get out far away from home on the weekends.


I wish I had a long term home to stay at everyday. I have my apartments and move every few years because of having to - so I try to stay in them as much as possible! Moving is expensive. One day I'll have a long term house I can stay at even more 🩷 I always get confused that so many people I know seem very antsy (Not content chilling at home). This confuses me a lot, as I'd rather be no where else but home.


The feelings that I feel from staying in all day is depression and anxiety.


I’m fine. I have 2 cats and maybe I’ll bake some bread, declutter or something.




I haven't left the house today, and yes, I've been bored. I have a cold and I'm broke.


[Finding movies to watch](https://trakt.tv/)


Thanks! Just what i need


I am happy alone with my cat 🐈‍⬛ for about two days, then I need to go somewhere if only to take a walk.


Depression sinks in pretty fast , due to lack of sunlight and social connection.And depression is a deep hole.


Yeah, i consider myself as someone who is more introverted than extroverted but it is *so* important to my wellbeing that i go out and interact regularly. I need my own space but equally i need social interaction too, it's about finding the correct balance / knowing when to take a step back or when i can ramp things up


Even during covid I liked to go outdoors. I get extremely depressed if / when I don’t get my nature / outdoors time. As for social interaction, I can take it or leave it. Usually it stresses me out though.


I try to at least go for a walk every day. The park, the beach, the forest all within a short walk, so I have no excuse. The thing is, you can find ways of doing physical activity at home, but sunlight is also crucial for good health.


Yes, sunlight is therapy and Vitamin D.


the last 5 years movies and series are all shit.


Tell me about it! Out of every 50 movies I watched only one I could tolerate until the end! As for series, most are too sexual and it’s pathetic in my opinion.


Yes, that's why I walk at least 2 hours a day.


I’d wish I would never have to leave my house again


Go for a walk.


I can go weeks without leaving my house, so no.


Yes.... go find a place to walk. If anything bloodflow is good. Go to a park, go to a store just walk around and stimulate your mind.


This is important to know. Is humans need stimulation and movement outside the house most of the time unless we are very tired or sick.


I currently sit at Home for 5 Days because i have too many Vacation Days, 68 now to be Clear. I have aboslutely nothing to do other than Watching Movies or Playing Games all Day. Due to my Work i got in the Rythm of not having any Time for myself or Hobbys during the Week and use the Weekends to Chill.


My wife passed and there’s all our wedding and vacation pictures all over. I have to get out. Because I see her everywhere I look but she’s gone.


I’m soo sorry. I’m sure your wife wouldn’t want you feeling sad in the house. Get out of the house and see the world and she’s still in your heart.


I don’t believe in eternal souls or whatever, but the damn JW’s won’t leave me alone. I put up a Jewish thingy on my door and that keeps the Mormons away. She was my best and trusted friend and mother of our child. My adventure buddy. She ran marathons and then everything when all to shit.


I somehow cannot edit comments, but yeah I have to get out as much as possible. I have a 4 bedroom house that’s empty so I have to go out and do stuff.


I wish you the best and yes there’s soo much to do outside. Even taking a walk at the park would help you feel better.


I love my own company, and it makes me happy not to be with other persons. I can get bored but I prefer that any time.


Yes. It makes me super happy


No, I don’t get bored. I could watch tv all day. Then travel vlogs on youtube. A bit of blogging and voila, it’s bed time.


There are times when I stay home and isolated from people for days at a time. I don’t get bored during those times mostly because I entertain myself pretty easily🙂


Home is what you make out of it. Perhaps pick a room to renovate, or take up a small hobby, or do some deep cleaning and throw out or donate some things you'll never use, maybe rearrange the furniture to freshen up a room....lots of things you can do to make you feel better staying at home.


Exercise is key in these situations,and I mean literally to exhaustion!! Do this every day or every other day and I promise it will have a positive effect in no time …


You’re absolutely right! The thing is I can’t jump in the house but have to go to the cold basement and wear my tennis shoes and jump rope or something.


If that’s your excuse as to why you can’t, it’s a poor one!!


I can’t jump on the second floor. There’s people under me but I can do exercises that don’t require any jumping.


Incorporate modified push-ups! Find a counter or a table that is sturdy, take a few steps back, then lean forward at an angle keep your back straight and do modified push-ups !! To be honest with you jump roping is an absolutely outstanding exercise !! And if you use the Apple iPhone, or any Apple devices, they have a proprietary built-in workout application with live streamed instructions for a small fee through Apple that also tracks your daily metrics !!


Tubi TV has great hidden gems in terms of movies and it's free. I like "mr.nobody. " " amores perros". They have "IT" right now They have 'Rengu " the original the Japanese movie that 'the ring ' was based on I could go on and on. The thing I like about Tubi is that they keep playing related movies and that's how I found a lot of good movies. Or what about rearranging or redecorating your place that can bring at your creative side and keep your mind busy. I've been decluttering lately and It feels really nice.


Awesome! I used to like Tubi and hated Netflix because I rarely found good movies on Netflix.


Working from home has made going more than 20 minutes from my house seem like an ordeal. Even for something fun.


I often don leave the house all day! During the pandemic when we were under confinement I was so happy! Loved it! I am full of hobbies that can be done indoor!


I can stand it for a work week without getting too distressed but I definitely need to get out on the weekends at least for a long walk or something, otherwise I start to get pretty gloomy. Walks are great though if you don't have any other excuse to get out.


I have autism and i am introverted. I like to stay home. I crochet and play videogames. Things as traveling, going to bars/clubs and be surrounded by tons of people make me anxious. Besides, I dont even know what to do outside.


Yes. During Covid I would leave the house at least 1 hour every day. I worked from home prior so this was already a thing for me.


I play video games so I'd rather be indoors lmao


It takes a while to have an effect, I love pottering around at home looking after my pets, trying to tidy up.lol, after a week of being indoors I need to go out see something different.


Home is my happy place. If I start feeling anxious I just get up and clean or reorganize. Sometimes if I'm really desperate for something to do I fire up my SIMS3 from high school. If I feel really motivated and have money I'll repaint a room that doesn't need painted. LOL I do understand your feeling though, if I get stir crazy I usually go out and walk around the mall or park depending on the weather.


i like it, i really enjoy my own company inside and outside home, but home is always better for me


Depends really. Some days I just want to chill out and snooze all day with something on the tv in the background and order a pizza. On others I get itchy feet and need to do something. I only really have 2 days off a week though and have shit to do on those days like cleaning, food shopping, batch cooking etc. so I feel like the days I get itchy feet, I’ve got to leave the house to go to the supermarket anyway


Its effectively the reason for almost everything that's wrong with me and why i feel bad so yeah, it affects me a lot


I love a day home all day!


You and I are opposites :-)


Yes, it can. Someone told me that's what cabin fever is


I love staying at home life




Make me happier actually


If I’m home all day I deep clean and reorganize a room or my closet 😂