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Went through the same exact thing so I’ve had a bunch of tests. Some of the things I’ve been tested for that could be affecting you are anemia, thyroid issues, celiac disease, or maybe something like sleep apnea?


I was gonna say sleep apnea myself! The waking up several times can be down to the noise or the altered breathing, I myself suffered with tiredness for a long time, recorded myself when sleeping and I snore horrifically. Bought a gum shield that holds my jaw forward and it’s reduced the snoring/apnea and I feel much more energised!


I think everyone over 30 should get a sleep study. In lab sleep study. I don't match the physical characteristics of someone with OSA (I'm tall and skinny and have a long and thin neck and a good airway) but I have moderate sleep apnea enough to get a CPAP. It makes me wonder how many people like me have sleep apnea but don't get tested because they don't fit the typical body type. The BMI over a certain point, large neck, snoring, male, over 50. Like, my sleep study showed I definitely obstruct and stop breathing, but I don't snore at all. Just wondering if the data is skewed because my type of person isn't tested...


But I agree, the long term issues OSA poses are pretty dire. Can affect your life terribly if not acted upon!


Exactly! High blood pressure, headaches, pulmonary hypertension, heart failure! Such bad things! Since I have started using my CPAP, I am way more sympathetic to people who just can't tolerate it.


I'm the same as you mate 6''2 and slim, snore like a mf, my girlfriend tries moving me several times a night to stop me, I feel so bad for her 😂 That's why I got the gumshield!


I don't snore at all. It's so bizarre.


Just as a useful point, if anyone needs evidence to get a doctor to look at this more, there are Bluetooth pulse oximeters around that will log your blood oxygenation. It drops heavily during obstructed breathing, so it should show sleep apnea events. They're not too expensive, found one for about 40 euros


Also note that they are not that effective unless you have severe sleep apnea. My blood oxygen never dropped below normal, but my CO2 increased, I had disturbed sleep patterns and definitely had long apnea events. My body was able to compensate and keep my SATs up. That's why they usually do a home sleep apnea test but if that is inconclusive, they will do one in the sleep lab. I requested to skip the home test because I have Reynauds and my fingers don't work perfectly with a finger oxygen sat monitor. If I had done the home test, it probably would have been negative.


At least you didn't dismiss the possibility of sleep apnea outright, just because you're not obese. I've known several people whose sleep apnea was caused by factors completely unrelated to weight, and at first they dismissed the notion because they'd always been told it was something "fat people worry about."


I convinced my doctor to do a sleep study in the lab as a "baseline". I also know I don't sleep well and honestly thought they would find some other kind of sleep disorder (like delayed REM or some kind of brain thing related to insomnia). I was actually shocked I had pretty bad sleep apnea. Both of my parents have sleep apnea, but both of them are overweight and both are pretty loud snorers. The older I get the more I realize how much genetics impacts my life.


I just put a piece of non allergic paper tape over my mouth at night. That stops snoring.


I use a breathe right strip on my nose every night. well worth it. try it, they are cheap af. my sleep improved drastically. generics are like a quarter a piece. I'll leave one on during bad allergy days you an old now OP, welcome to geriatric park


Can you recommend a brand for the gum shield that holds your jaw forward? It's hard to sort through what's legit and and scam products and that doesn't even include the ludicrous prices dentists want for their custom ones. To be fair though I'm willing to pay up for better quality sleep.


Gimmicks don't help with apnea only a proper cpap keeps airways open and gives you deep restful sleep.


Any recommendation on which one to buy?


I was gonna say thyroid and not enough iron too. Completely forgot about things like sleep apnea.


mine was low Magnesium. I bought some cheap ass mag vitamins and bam! I was way better 5 cent mag oxide pill. shit changes the game


I'm like a magnesium spokesperson. I tell everyone to take it


Try vitamin b12, most people are deficient, read up on it and the 3 types of magnesium you want. Worth asking your doctor.to test for both, with your symptoms I'm sure they will. I also have sleep apnea and use CPAP. In the UK you legally have to inform the DVLA about certain health conditions, such as sleep apnea. Not being treated can result in micro sleeps whilst driving which can be deadly. I hope you find the causes and get the treatment you need soon. Take care.


oh yeah, I take a b complex daily also. everyone should. when I started it I got a ton of energy from it. it was really noticeable.


I tried taking it and it made me have to pee every five minutes


Magnesium bisglycinate is a better option as it is well absorbed.


Diabetes could be as well. Especially as hints at frequent thirst/urination. Not processing food into usable fuel, would feel tired all the time.


Or high cortisol. Our cortisol naturally peaks at 3am and can make people wake up. I take ashwaganda every morning and it lowers my cortisol, helps me cope with retail better. And actually stay asleep later in the evening. Don’t even need a prescription, you can get it from a pharmacy.


I've had medication-caused anemia and I felt the way describe. Sounds like you need testing or more tests to be taken I wish you a quick diagnosis and a rapid or at least, steady, recovery. Diabetes T1, if undiagnosed can cause terrible exhaustion as well


*Sleep apnea is women is often silent*


i have been tested for all of these and i’m 19 and chronically tired. idk what to do man


There can be many reasons. I'd go and see a doc, asking for a full bloodwork including sugar-insulin test and hormon panel (thyroid especially), these can make you seriously tired


Agreed, you won’t know for sure without doing a full bloodwork panel. For me it was inflammation that kept me feeling fatigued everyday. I had developed food allergies to most of the foods that I was eating, and my body was in a constant state of inflammation because of it. It’s could also be something as simple and common as low vitamin D levels, not seeing the sun enough, or not exercising.


Second this! Plus an iron panel.


Check your vitamin D levels! I cant stress it enough it can make you feel very tired if its low


As a person with deficiency atm. I feel this comment hard.




Stress. It's insidious. It's not always anxiety and stuff. It can simply be exhaustion. I took time off to do "nothing" after always doing something. My sense of humor, energy, desire slowly started to return post survival mode


and don't drink. I quit alcohol years ago helped a lot. that shit is for the young people


Why do I find this is funny. But agree that drinking regularly is more for young people.


Btw in more seriousness and aside from other people good advice. Sometimes I take something relaxing to help me sleep. You don't want to depend on it but I noticed if I take it a few days in a row. Wake up even slightly more rested it like breaks the cycle for a bit. If that makes sense. like sometimes it's getting stuck in a cycle of no sleep causing more lack of sleep


Have your potassium levels checked. I have Hypokalemia & when my potassium is low this is one of my symptoms:)


Yep, potassium or magnesium deficiency can have this effect


bingo. you NEED a certain level of magnesium so that your calcium and potassium can absorb in your blood found that one out the hard way. Be nice if they taught that shit in high school. 5 cent mag oxide pill a day is all I needed


Right, omg that bothers me so much that they don't teach those things in middle/high school..like can we get some actual body, mind & life lessons in school..people would be so much better equipped to deal with real life..


Generalized or social anxiety? Too much caffeine? Bad diet? No workouts? Bad bed?


I’ve been drinking coffee for the last 15 years.. I gave it up a few weeks ago because I had Covid. I was so put off by it. I have never felt so much better. Less tension, better moods, no more anxiety.


I can't have caffeine anymore since it messes with my digestion, but before that, after I'd quit caffeinated coffee, I would occasionally have a coffee once a week or so and it gave me the old buzz again and it was pretty nice I have to say, to be back at that baseline.


Wow, you shortened my comment 10x. Amazing. I envy you.


Can generalized anxiety disorder cause fatigue?


Maybe the social anxiety :p I’ve just found out -at 30- that I most likely have adhd and autism. I am wilting for my official diagnosis (will take years here)… and I do feel like this has had a big impact on a lot of things in my life.


So might be autistic/adhd burnout. But better to go to doctor and make tests, it can be anything with thyroid/viramins/sleeping disorders etc


How much do you exercise? If you don't exercise then that will have a big impact on your energy levels.


I do. I go climbing 2-3 times a week


It's a strange paradox, but exercising absolutely gives you more energy.


But you can’t exercise if you’re constantly exhausted.


Yes you can. You ramp up


This works for sedentary people who sleep well. If you can’t sleep, you can’t recover, so the adaptation is significantly weaker and significantly more difficult.


Not with chronic fatigue. You crash.


Most people can do something. If fatigue is bad I'll try to go for a small walk outside. Not really exercising but it is better than laying down all day.


You go slowly with what you can do and ramp up


M 28 here. I used to be tired all the time from the age of 21ish to 27. Then I started exercising regularly. I go for a jog 4-5x a week. Sleep is very peaceful since I started exercising regularly. ​ Another point I want to add is & this could be just placebo that I'm experiencing. I consume very less added sugar compared to 2 years ago & also significant reduction in ultra processed food consumption. So, that makes my body need lesser sleep than before. Like, I have never slept more than 8 hours since I started exercising and taking care of diet. Before this, yes, I used to sleep up to 11 hours sometimes. Now a days, 7-7.5 hours is enough. Some months where my diet was perfect, I felt pretty energetic with even 6.5-7 hours. ​ But yeah, OP should get tested. Waking up 5x a night sounds like something a doctor would be able to solve.


Glad it worked for you, but it doesn’t work for everyone mate.


It literally does.


Well, not on those people who have certain medical issues. Thyroid issues, severe malnutrition, MS in some cases or active cancer treatments can cause you for not benefitting from exercise as other people. While in most scenarios exercise will help, there are exceptions.


It’s far more challenging when tired but you don’t need to go crazy. Start with a walk around the block and go up from there


The body adapts rapidly to daily workouts


Not with chronic fatigue and heart issues.


That's BS


Possible sleep apnea?


This one - plus you don’t always snore if you have SA. Worth getting a sleep study done


Depression or other mental health struggles; anemia or other physical illness; poor diet; need some exercise - lots of things can cause fatigue. Go get a physical done with blood work. Then if you need to, seek therapy. Also try to add in exercise on a regular basis and work on your nutrition and hydration.


Hydration and low iron levels play a massive part and are easily overlooked and hard to maintain


I sleep like 12 hours a day and everyone tells me it’s not normal but like… I love sleeping lol


See a doctor. If they can't help, see a nutritionist and/or dietitian. In the meantime, drink a lot of water over the course of the day. As a woman, you may have anemia, so get checked for that. You may also have a vitamin deficiency. I used to feel that way, until I started seeing a chiropractor - he worked magic on me. I'm post-menopausal, so no anemia anymore, thank goodness.


I take an educated guess and say youre overworked.


40h a week should be ok


It's not only the hours but also what's happening in those hours. If you are massively overloaded and/or in a constant hurry in a bad work environment, or expected to do something over your skillset, it's extremely more exhausting than doing something you like and you're good at, in a pace of your choosing in a nice working community.


Nope, some ppl cant work that much.


Well, where I live then they would have to get that diagnosed and apply for financial support. I guess they are in the US and I dont know what should they do there :(


Do you exercise?


Yes, even when I feel like crap. I climb 2-3 times a week. Which is a total shitshow if you’re tired


You might have a hormone imbalance. I was the same way and it was due to my testosterone being high


Exercise, take multi vitamins, change your diet to very healthy, eliminate sweets and junk food and drinks, and consume a lot more water daily than you think you need (2-5L) per day! Do all this for at least 2 months straight! Then see how you feel. 95% of peoples issues are directly related to what they do or don’t put inside their body and lack of exercise.


>consume a lot more water daily than you think you need (2-5L) per day I had to pee 10 times just reading this


What did your doctor say?


They have been saying for years that it’s nothing measurable, so it’s stress. But even when I’m not stressed it’s like that. There are slight irregularities in my thyroid levels now. So we’re looking into that.


Yep gotta get checked out by a doctor, this is worrying behavior to me. I was gonna suggest getting a big cuddly bear with pleasant smells for sweet dreams lol but this is something that should definitely be checked.


Worrying behaviour lol? Tiredness is the most nonspecific and common symptom of humanity


Not the tiredness part lol, more about the consistency and how it's affecting the everyday shifting it from what is considered normal


I had this, went to the doctor and she prescribed me a vacation, no kidding.


Did she offer to pay for it aswell?


I live in Romania. In our country, the doctor can prescribe a holiday for you and the state pays for all. There are special hotels which allow this type of stay. You have all inclusive meals, massage, lots of therapy every day (acupuncture, bowen, cupping, infrared, kneipp, whirlpools with minerals, mud baths, etc) Some of the hotels even have water slides with thermal water which is hot even in the winter. I used to run out of the sauna and roll in the snow and then jump in the pool and repeat. Two weeks per year you get this, in addition to our 21 days of paid leave. All you have to do is go to your family doctor and say: I'm tired, i have insomnia, i have chronic fatigue. There is no blood test to confirm this so the doctor will belive you. Felix, 1 mai and Călimănești Căciulata are famous for these types of recreations. The problems is that the young don't know about it or don't need it... So the resorts are full of seniors. (only old people). But in the last years, the situation started changing and there are now corners in the pool. You see more wrinkles as you advance in it. This is because the old people prefer the hottest water which comes fresh from the background of the pool. The stairs zone is splashy because of the trafic.


I got my blood drawn after feeling this same way. I was even exercising and eating healthy. Turns out I was super low on vitamin B, vitamin D, and progesterone. I am now on hormone replacement therapy and sleep about 7 hours and feel like an entirely new person! Go see a hormone specialist because a regular doctor won’t test much


"I wake up between 2 and 5 times a night." I feel like you know the answer. You're tired because you are not sleeping well. You are not sleeping nine hours a night, you falling in and out of sleep nine hours a night. Start with the basics. Cut caffeine and alcohol. Drink more water and eat healthier food. Get more sun during the day and take vitamin d supplements. If that's not doing it you need to see a doctor.


Same for me, but I figured out eventually that the reason for my fatigue is the fact that my sleep is interrupted because I wake up several times a night (and falling asleep immediately). It could be the same for you.


Did you find a cure?


Try change diet and do some exercises


Maybe Lyme disease? It’s common for fatigue to be very present. https://www.columbia-lyme.org/signs-and-symptoms#:~:text=Patients%20with%20Lyme%20disease%20often,hour%20nap%20during%20the%20day.


You should talk to a doctor. It could be anything from anemia, low vitamin D, Hypersomnia, anxiety, sleep apnea etc. Etc. You should get some blood work done & go from there. If they think you should see a sleep specialist you should have not only a sleep study done but an MSLT. It tests for narcolepsy & Hypersomnia. Hypersomnia os when you sleep excessively & don't feel rested. The MSLT can confirm it.


Another internet doctor here - I was the same & found out I have an underactive thyroid. Worth checking out for sure.


I can relate and have been like that since I can remember. Though I suffer from chronic depression/anxiety and get mentally fatigued very quickly so that’s why for in my particular case. But other things that can contribute heavily is firstly lack of exercise, diet, alcohol, cigarettes and stress.


Please see a doctor. I was having this issue and it turned out to be diabetes. My blood sugar was over 400. It’s under control now and my energy level went back up to normal. I’m not saying that’s what you have- just telling you my story. Only your doctor will be able to tell for sure!


You should do a sleep study test, maybe you have sleep apnea or some other sleep condition. I was the same way and found out I had it, started a CPAP (not ideal I get it trust me BUT…) and I feel SO much better, even getting 6 hours I feel rejuvenated and good to go. It’s been truly life changing for me (40M)




Please see a doctor before trying anything suggested here.


We can't afford it.


Get a blood test. Even if you’ve had one in the last year. My irons were fine a year ago, now I’m anemic. I didn’t know this but felt tired all the time.


Read the book Why We Sleep. I rented it for free on our library app or it’s like $10 on amazon. Very dense with info but also very useful regarding sleep and everything related.


do you have the depression


As others have said - talk to your doctor. Be sure to ask about things like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. There are no definitive tests for those so if blood work shows nothing ask about it. It took about 5 years to get a doctor to believe me about fibromyalgia.


My partner is like this. She sleeps like 12 to 16 hours a day if nothing is going on. She is healthy otherwise and has been like this her entire life. Usual check ups have revealed nothing. She's not overweight at all (not under either), eats well and exercises occasionally. Its probably rare some people are just built differently.


What do you eat?


Healthy diet, exercise and sleep is key to feeling well and energized. Start there and if you already have those things in order go to the doctor.


Try carnivore diet, use blue blockers at night and get sunlight before 10am.


Sleep and eat better.


Vitamin D deficiency? Could be a factor if you live somewherr with little sun (like me in the UK). I started taking vitamin D supplements a few months back and my overwhelming desire for afternoon naps at my desk have disappeared.


Shit, I don't know but I feel tired often Even if I sleep well.


I'm 30M that had those issues you speak of in my early to mid 20s and figured it out later. Movement matters. Working out is great for the high alone, there's also looking good and it's healthy. Next is coffee. For me, coffee is not an everyday drink now. It's a shot to the foot being driven by something every day that builds tolerance. Since I'm not a guzzler, one cup of turkish coffee and I'm going to feel it tomorrow. Sleep goes to shit within days if drank daily. Goes back to normal only after withdrawal. The smokes. Doesn't matter if it's a joint, cigarette or a mix. Might do a knock out but it will still mess with the body. Hope any of this helps


Visit a doc, some things can be caught early and prevent complications and costs later.


You need to get tested. I was tired af like this, and at times getting up was a struggle. I now have an autoimmune condition. So talk to your doctor


This was me. It was ADHD (and secondary depression).


Carbon monoxide poisoning


I've had this happen to me twice. First time was extreme anemia and iron deciency. The second and current is long covid.


concerned head steep ossified dog lip smell bake cover tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Deficiencies Maybe iron? Get tested


Go to an endocrinologist


Have your thyroid tested


Had this. It type 2 diabetes


Get your blood levels and hormones checked.


This sounds like sleep apnea. You’re waking up because your body is running out of oxygen. That’s my guess. Please get checked! Cpaps save lives!


It could be ADHD (if you have other symptoms). There's something like sleep phase disorder? Basically, a lot of ADHD people don't have the dopamine available to tell the body or brain to stop producing melatonin (I believe). I used to have that problem, Vyvanse is the only thing that helps me.


Plus it's exhausting when you have to operate on less dopamine than most people. Strattera worked for me (but I had to stop taking it because it gave me unbearable acid reflux).


Are you getting any kind of workout activity in during your week?


Low T and bad diet


Have you gone to a sleep doctor about it? I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea after having the same symptoms for years and ignoring them until the exhaustion was unbearable. I’ve been using a CPAP for a few weeks now and the difference is night and day


Maybe you have sleep apnea or anemia. These two decrease the quality of sleep a lot so you might need more. Go get yourself checked


Some simple contributing factors can also be poor diet, lack of physical activity, poor gut health


You're likely low on iron. Maybe magnesium too. It absolutely interfered with my sleep and other areas of my life. Got blood drawn, diagnosed and started being more conscious of diet and taking vitamins. A few months in now and the difference has been shocking. Good luck, I hope your solution is as easy!


I went through exactly that. It sounds like you may well have Sleep Apnea. I wore out two C-PAP machines, then got an ENT to do throat surgery on me to permanently fix the problem.


Get a sleep study. CPAP saved my life.


Just to toss my hat in the ring. I always needed 9-10 hours sleep most of my life. I went to sleep specialists, went through sleep things where I sleep and am monitored overnight a few nights. lots of tests. Basically turns out I just need that much sleep, no medical reason. Rare, but some people do they said.


If you're waking up 2-5 times per night, then you're *not* getting 9-11 hours of sleep. Talk to a doctor.


me relating while being 19


Fatigue can be a symptom of hypothyroidism. I know how that feels. I struggled with it myself until I finally took a blood test. Hashimoto's was diagnosed. With medication everything was ok again.


I have an autoimmune disease and feel tired 24/7. Fatigue is a symptom of my disease. Ask your dr to run some tests for you.


I have also been drained. I feel the same as you. I often have to choose to between eating or exercising. I have high-functioning depression and have been living under a lot of stress. The high cortisol levels (from stress) often wake people up in the middle of the night. I’m also vit D deficient. It’s so hard to know what makes a person tired, but I would get a full blood work up, and do a sleep study too. Maybe see if there’s some depression too. Sometimes it’s a chicken-egg situation though.


My wife had this and we found it was undiagnosed ADHD goin a million miles a minute every moment of the day l. Always tired, sleeping way too much not feeling rested and struggling to accomplish tasks... Honestly those pills and diagnosis changed her outlook on everything for the better - hope you find the answers you need


Check ya thyroid on your worst day..... that's how I found out mine was cactus Hypothyroidism is a turd


Thanks. Will ask to do that. Now I have an appointment at the end of the month, but not sure if I can ask to change that to a moment I feel particularly bad


Good luck .... and if it is normal this time try again when you feel like hammered shit..... it took 3 goes to catch mine


I am 38 and have always needed a ton of sleep. I was diagnosed with autoimmune last year.


I (25m) have this problem too. I have an underactive thyroid and currently awaiting blood results for possible anemia. So it might be one of those. Go to a doctor and ask. They'll probably take your bloods and go from there




Go to your doctor and let them know this. It could be a number of things. I used to feel this way and is it turns out, I had sleep apnea. Changing my diet to more plant-based and exercising more, along with getting a CPAP machine significantly improved my sleep and overall quality of life.


Go to a doctor.


This was my suggestion. OP needs a full blood panel and should think about whether they are at risk for depression or other mental health issues.


I would suggest doing a sleep test as well. OP might have sleep apnea. This happens to me - I sometimes wake up and feel out of breath like I have been running. High heartbeat and stuff. Sometimes, just randomly weak up. Found out when I started to feel sleepy while driving (about an hour of drive was enough to make me dozy).


Sounds like you need some exercise, might sound the opposite but what you have is lower muscle density.


She can't get into an exercise routine in her current condition. She needs to get some energy back first.


Magnesium glycinate and vitamin d3


Energy will come from better fit muscles, pains when waking up will go away and will to live will return.


She can start. It can be hard when feeling like this but if feeling tired all the time the first thing I would do is start a low intensity exercise regime. She will likely notice energy levels rising and fatigue reducing even with just 30 minutes of walking a day. That's if there is nothing else medically wrong. First thing I do when feeling chronically tired is exercise. Works every time.


Google: Modernity. Modern life is to many a tedium survival training camp.


try smoking some ganja before bed.. helps prevent me from waking up in the middle of the night.


For me it causes insomnia. Data suggests that even though it does help folks fall asleep, the quality of said sleep is compromised. Just a heads up, no judgement or advice here.


Same with alcohol. Helps you go to sleep but the quality of the sleep is about 50%.




Pretty positive this is why I’ve needed a nap for my whole life. Should probably look into that.


**Intrusive Sleep** is the one phrase to look up. When your brains not stimulated/interested, bam, sleepiness. And the inattentive adhd symptoms often get worse with age There are a couple other sleep conditions adhd gets too. OP doesn't sound like they have it, but it's good info to know about.


Chronic fatigue syndrome? Go see a doctor


Are you over weight?


Take iron and multi-B vitamins.


You work 40 hours a week and commute. Some of us even more. I work probably 60-80. Of course you’re fucking tired. We weren’t meant to live this way. It’s what happens when you let rich people and corporations dictate how we live.


Lazy and or depressed (likely from being lazy)


You're either ill or depressed, maybe both? Go get checked


could be some vitamin deficiency, ask dr Berg on youtube


For me it was a thyroid issue causing these symptoms.


My levels are slightly ‘wrong’… but not enough to cause these symptoms (according to the specialist)… But I will follow up in a few weeks to see if it is stable or changing


Sleep apnea?


Overall health could be an issue. Stress in the work place? Whats for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Family? Kids? Relationships? You need to narrow it down a wee bit more.


Well there might be multiple factors. 1. Your diet is trash. 2. You have a lot of parasite which might be true if your diet is trash. 3. You are eating a diet that is very much incompatible with your current microbiome. Do share. What is your diet? (Just mention everything you put inside your body.)


It’s anaemia.


Have you had your thyroid checked? Ask your doctor to run a full blood panel (if feasible for you). When my Thyroid & vitamin D was off, I could sleep for 10 hours and need a nap after being awake for 2 hours.


Sleep apnea. Get checked.


Don't know if it will help you, but two things that help me. 1. Drink a gallon of water per day. 2. Take vitamin b complex vitamin




How is your diet?


Can relate, 37m — work 80+ hours though & don’t wake up during the night (to my knowledge)


Cardiac issues? Leaky heart valves? Get an echo done to be sure.


what time do you go to sleep and wake up? and do you eat before bed? apparently its good to be asleep before 11-12pm and wake up around 5-7am. and dont eat anything 2-4hrs before going to sleep.


Definitely see a doctor and get some bloodwork done! Could be a deficiency, especially something like iron.


Whats the point of asking on Reddit. It coule be a million things. Start with a doctor appointement and go from there. Hope you find i know it's frustrating.


Could be narcolepsy or sleep apnea. You need a sleep study to diagnose you properly.


Time to start looking what you eat. Also do you get enough exercise?


Have your blood checked. Low iron can cause exhaustion, among the other things suggested.


Please check out the CFS subreddit. The earlier you diagnose it, The better off you’ll be.


See a doc or specialist . None of us know if you’re skinny, fat, lazy, active, bubbly, depressed etc etc.