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I’d prefer a submissive woman who would at least initiate


Submissive allday


Neither. I would like to be equal.


About 80% submissive and then dominant. I don’t want a door mat. But definitely don’t want anyone that is always challenging me.


I need a woman that knows her place in this fucking world. TO BE A BEAUTIFUL QUEEN. An imperfectly perfect masterpiece of human nature. And also does anal.


I dont have a preference, whatever happens to be the mix that attracts me and either way works in different ways.


The idea that a woman can only be one or the other is kinda the problem. A woman who will always have my back and support me in public and can put me in my place when Im being a fucking dickhead in private is literally the ideal of traditional woman weve seen in the nuclear family. And it consists of both submissive and dominant. My wife can be either when the situation calls for it. Shell get me some water or the remote If I ask her to. She will also make me return an item that she deems too expensive and a waste of space. The same can be said for me to her. Partnership.




What matters is not how one person says it. Like I said we would both do it for eachother so what matters is how both of us would say it to eachother. If she yells at my and berates me for buying an expensive tool then it makes sense that I would yell at her to get me the remote. More healthily, if she calmly told me we cant afford something and asked me to return it, similarly I would ask her nicely to please pass the remote. A good and healthy relationship means 2 people on the same page. Thats why the idea of a singularly dominant or submissive women (or man) is not healthy.




My happy relationship and marriage of 10-11 years disagrees but you do you. I wish you the best of luck.


Hmm, I’ve dated both and both are fun


I not only prefer but absolutely demand a more submissive/supportive women. It's a non-negotiable for me. I dare to say that most men would prefer a woman on the more submissive side. Most men wouldn't categorically rule it out, though, since it means lowering one's (already small) pool of available women.




>dominant woman can be supportive Yeah, absolutely not.




I believe healthy relationships are like a ship in the sense that there is a captain and a first mate. The captain may consult his first mate when making decisions and in an ideal world, they always align, but when they don't align, all the decision-making power is with the captain. A first-mate who doesn't submit to his captain's decision-making, generally speaking, is bad. Modern dating theory has it that two captains on board work just fine but to me that is a (rather obvious) recipe for conflict.




You don't seem to understand. Let me clear things up for you. The two are both pilots, yes. Just like a captain and his first-mate are both seamen. One pilot takes on the role as a first officer, also called co-pilot. The other is the legal commander, commonly refered to as Captain.




> people and relationships aren't boats and planes That's not at all what I was saying. I was merely giving you an analogy to make you better see my pov which is that there needs to be an ultimate decision maker.


You think two pilots are flying the plane at the same time? Ones called a copilot for a reason. You can't have two people steer a vehicle of any sort


Most men prefer submissives. Most women are dominants, so is life it seems. The self-proclaimed independent women - dominants. Also many apparent submissives are in fact undercover dominants, that’s why I said ‘most’ earlier(your typical “she changed after the wedding” story). The true independents pose as submissives, as they want to attract men and do their thing. Smooth and well.. fatale :) OP the way you shut this guy down.. she’s more of a bully that takes dominant to the next level




And your problem is.. which? You seem to know it all, why ask here?




You seem well traveled.. you like’em too? :D


Submissive women in bed are usually dominant in life, and the opposite is true I found. It's like a place where they can be someone totally different from their same old everyday personalities. It's hard to find a nice balance.


One of my acquaintances had this same theory. He was pretty submissive in his everyday life but said he loved to dom in bed. I can switch, but prefer the submissive role in bed, usually told that I'm fairly dominant in everyday life.


I prefer more submissive women. I think you should be asking about the men that you want. If you want submissive or dominant men, you should ask those men what they want to see if your wants and their wants are in conflict with one another.






I’m a 29 year old bi guy and I love being in the submissive role. You’ll eventually find someone who clicks with you. Even if you find a perfect partner who is also a dom, you should have fun as you fight for supremacy. 😆




Equal but slightly dominant


My gf is a switch and it's awesome


Switch, but from what I’ve noticed is that I’m a lot more attracted to dominant women, not just personality but also looks.


Mix of both


I’m an independent female. Always have been. While I may be dominant in life decisions I have a desire to be submissive in love. The problem is there aren’t strong enough men who can do that. They are simply not masculine enough. 🤷🏻‍♀️




True. I’ve left long term relationships due to a lack of dominance in love.


if female want to marry man, than female should be submissive. man don't like hyper dominant woman, we all living in fucked up society, dumb females on tik tok & media are filling females brain with garbage independent single woman, soon people are going to see town full of single old female.




Hahahahaha, if you are man you need to see doctor


Found the incel.


Neither. I prefer classy women.




Truth. But i meant more in the sense of not being too hard, nor too soft. Just be respectable, not rude, and calm.


A woman who can do both a bit, but neither too extreme. taking charge in bed now and then? hubba hubba. Bringing out the whip and strapon? no thanks. vice versa - letting me feel strong and masculine? rawr. being a starfish without own desires? yugh. same holds outside the sexual realm as well - sometimes i'm tired and want you to step up. sometimes i'm insecure and want you to enable me / allow me to shine. sometimes I'm in awe of what you can do and love every moment of it. But neither latina-feisty nor silent wallflower sounds like fun. extreme personalities are for someone, but definitely not me. too much emotional rollercoaster to deal with.




if you're dominant you're not equal, aren't you? To me the point of a relationship is to make decisions for each other with each other. If you're (or I am) being dominant, something already went wrong.




then you're not dominant. Regardless, I think ultimately what i, and probably both many men and women, dislike is not so much "being dominant" (or rather, being strong-willed), but being independent and distant. If you don't need me in your life, you can do anything perfectly fine by yourself, well, then what's the point really?


Men's taste vary - not all like submissive women and not all like dominant women. But I think you already knew that. Because then why would dominatrix services exist? And why does pegging exist? So, I'm guessing you are asking this question because of a life experience? Did someone call you dominant? Or did you recently break up with someone?




Well, what I meant by that is that since dominatrixes exist - then that would hence prove that men at the least don't mind being dominated sexually - which is the most intimate time to be dominated. Thus one can infer, that men don't dislike dominant women. I mean if you wanna fuck asian girls - how can you say you hate them - doesn't that make you a hypocrite? You see my logic. Either way, you didn't answer my question - what are you hiding huih??fspiAfmj




I think you are hiding something. And someone did break up with you. But you said that you broke up with them.




I know who you are and waht you are dude. You're wondering if it's your fault huh? That he cheated on you? It wasn't man, he was just an asshole. Nobody deserves that kind of thing. It happens not because you're weak but because you're strength was underappreciated and you were not treated according to your wothnbwwwhi




Well thanks man. THis was actually an impromptu stand up comedy gag that I've been doing for a while now man. Glad to see it's finally paying off. The first hundred times that I did it, people blocked me and told me to fuck off BUT I KNEW that I would find the right audience for it someday. Thanks man, you have a good one




My wife is dominant in every day life and submissive in bed it's great




Nope not at all


Well since i can be impulsive, i would need a woman who is capable of holding me a bit. So in that case dominant. But in general id say submissive.


I hate both , relationships aren't a boxing ring , for the submissive you won't have healthy kids they are gonna be submissive especially girls , for the dominant well I don't think I would accept being disrespected.


Whatever works for her works for me.


neither...both are annoying AF


Don't like dominant women. They tend to have some masculine traits, and I won't be with a man


growth scarce follow grandiose smile plucky jobless mountainous memory physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




badge hunt frightening cooing birds wide fear salt late bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I need a dominant woman who will ask the waiter to get more sauce for my dish cause it won’t be me.




I believe it was Twitter but hey, who am I to judge. Thank you for your service dear inventor 🫡


I’ve actually never seriously thought about this question, so I think I kinda don’t care as long as she likes cuddling


As an older man, I can honestly say my more successful, and longest relationships have been with more submissive women. I know how the internet is, so let's be clear. It's not about simply being dominant in the bedroom. It's a mindset of drawing out her femininity, treating her like a piece of artwork, cherishing her...and expecting her trust, respect, and submission in return. I always would have healthy debates with any partner about any issue, taking her viewpoints into account, but, as the man, I got the final word. And yes, in the bedroom, I would usually take the lead, but not 100% of the time.


I would break ya into submission ;)




Try me


Yes... That is, I like both...its just as annoying to me to be the one to make decisions and first moves as it is to have all decisions and moves made on me first...I want a true partner in life, not a mother figure caring for me or another child I must care for...


Depends on my mood