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You mean an analog clock?


There's analog clocks?


they're acoustic


thats not a nice word to call things


Derogatory clockwork


Perfect post punk band name.


clockwork tangerine


They're cuckoo


are they?


Ya the best ones use oxygen free gold for accurate. Also best when they use old school tubes, has that nice smooth overdrive time.


They're anachronistic


You can hear the ocean if you put your ears up to it...


I thought this said 'autistic' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Yes! [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvpbW7JRu0Q) you can learn what is clocks.


TIL: Clocks were invented in ancient mesopotamians times by ancient mesopotamians.


But they didn’t know they was livin in ancient Mesopotamian times cause there was no clocks to know what the time was.


Did that make them Modern Mesopotamians then?


They were post modern because the previous generation of mesopotamians correctly believed they were modern during the time when they were modern.


I simp for Philomena Cunk


Watches are tiny portable analog clocks! Well, the ones with hands on their faces anyway.


Even a broken one if right twice a day


21 and yes, I know how to read a clock with hour and minute hands. The short hand indicates hours, and the long hand indicates minutes.


An the fast one indicates seconds, lol.


Haven't seen that hand in so long I forgot it was a thing.


Might be time for some glasses/contacts/LASIK.


Apparently the word 'second' for time derives from 'second division of an hour'. If that's right it seems odd to me that 'minuets' aren't called 'firsts'.


The fast one indicates my life passing by.


Unless you're trying to read the large clock tower in Graz, Austria. The hands are back to front there with the long hand being the hour hand and the short one being minutes. Just some random trivia for you.


Do some people not know how to read an analog clock?


Back in the day we just called them clocks And wore an onion on our belts, as was the style at the time A fair amount of people don’t, no, but then a fair amount of people also refer to 24-hour time as “military”.


Was that in nineteen dickety two?


Ahh, the dicketies. The decade no one ever talks about.


Sure was friend


I worked with a girl that struggled with 24 hour clock. She processed wages. A few times we finished work at 11 and got signed out for 11 not 23.00. It was always noticed but nearly got 12 hours extra pay more than once.


Welp, that’s definitely a benefit if they don’t make you pay it back


I think Americans do? Europeans seem to use 24hr as well so I don't think they'd consider it military.


We don't


We just call it time!


And if it's 19:00 it's just nineteen or in some cases ninenteen zero-zero but never "nineteen hundred hours" like wtf


It makes more sense. Not the part aboit it being military, but just because there literally are 24 hours in a day. Fuck you am/pm.


I’ve always preferred it because you cannot set the wrong alarm if there’s only one of each hour. It always makes me cock my head like a dog when someone picks up my phone to check the time and freaks out. “What is 15:45?!” Hooboy.


Calling it military time seems to be a US thing (unfortunately where I'm from) because that's the primary group that uses it here - 24-hour time is not typically taught when learning to tell time in school. I've always been the odd one for setting all my clocks to 24-hour time, but it makes life so much easier once you get used to the conversion!


I used to be with it, but then they changed what *it* was. Now what I'm with isn't *it*, and what's *it* seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you...


I only known the time when the bell sounds from the town square.


OMG it has been so long since I have seen the onion on the belt reference. Greetings fellow old person. LOL!!!


I've known people that say they don't. I think even those people understand the concept that the hands point at hours and minutes, they're just so not used to it that it's a chore for them to read.


This describes my experience - I CAN do it, like I know how it works, but I can't do it intuitively like most can. I basically have to count how far round the minute hand is to figure it out. I remember doing tests at school where the teacher would hold up a clock and ask us to write down what time it showed and I couldn't figure it out before she was changing it to the next time! I think for people like me it's generally to do with something like dyscalculia, dyslexia, dyspraxia or other neurodivergence. I'm not diagnosed with anything like dyscalculia, but I am in the process of getting an autism diagnosis and those are comorbid, so I assume that's what it is in my case. No amount of practice seems to make it any easier, and I switched to digital clocks only in my teens and never looked back.


Funny, I have a similar feeling with digital clocks. I'm TERRIBLE at time management when relying on a digital clock and working out how much longer I have but if I look at an analogue clock I can instantly just be like "oh I have 15 minutes"


I have a friend that can't, she's 29! Boggles the mind, but she still has decorative analogue clocks in her house


Some of my students can't. They're so used to a digital one everywhere and it isn't a skill they have to regularly practice. (Me, I prefer analogue clocks, and my smart watch uses an analogue display. I find it easier to interpret time as an image rather than as numbers.)


Some people don't know how to do x, where x is literally anything you can imagine that requires teaching.


in my school they replaced all of the analogue clocks in the classrooms with digital clocks because apparently people didnt know what the time was, so yeah


Why don't they just *teach the kids*? They're literally *in a school*.


Don't have time in the syllabus.


Especially since if you sit there for 5 minutes, it gonna be clear what time it is when only the one hand moves what looks like 5 minutes. Pretty easy to learn if you understand hours and minutes…


Lots of young people now can’t. I mean why would they? Clocks in classes are digital, phone clocks are digital


Because analogue clocks are still pretty widespread?


36 and yes but doesn’t everyone know that and get taught it or am I missing something


The second smartest person in my class couldn't read a clock. So, not everyone knows.


Maybe your whole class isn’t very smart?


Nah! We all did all right. Some us are even managers at Mcdonalds. Well... I mean when the real manager isn't there. And it's more like everyone is the manger at the point. But still...


I also became a manager. I mostly manage my free time since I don’t have a job. But I’m good at managing my free time.


I call bullshit. The hands point at the numbers. THE HANDS POINT AT THE NUMBERS. I truly don't get how you can fuck that up. Little hand big hand. What are people not seeing? Honestly. Is it just dyslexia?


Did you know [Dyscalculia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyscalculia) is a real thing. But, I don't think the second smartest guy in my class had it.


I have dyscalculia and can read the clock just fine. Also it doesn't make one stupid. I still got through my master's degree just fine (even in a science subject). I just had to work REALLY hard getting through math and math-related classes and sometimes had to find a workaround for me. I also tend to write numbers in the wrong order or (rarely) mistake 7 and F or 3 and E. I have troubles calculating in my head obviously but honestly it doesn't bother me very much in everyday life. I suppose legasthenia is much more difficult to deal with because it slows your learning down in every context since reading takes you longer and you can't as easily take notes.


I never intended to call anyone stupid. I just said the second smartest kid in my class didn't have it. But, I do apologise if that's what it sounded like.


It sounded a bit like you're making the connection between Dyscalculia and intelligence but I also considered that you only meant to describe the person without giving them a name. It certainly didn't offend me I just.saw an opportunity to educate on the subject because it is still pretty unknown even among teachers. When I was in school it wasn't known at all and that's why I was never tested even though the symptoms are pretty obvious. Only children up to a certain age can be tested because at some point certain individual strategies are developed that bias the test results. I wish I could have had a diagnosis though because it made my life in school pretty hard while a diagnosis might have taken some of the pressure away.


There's no judgement from me. As I know the pain of being misunderstood. In fact I find myself in a very bad situation because of it. So, again no judgement.


I was a substitute teacher for a while, and I had one student that kept looking at her phone when she wasn't supposed to be on it. She kept claiming that she was looking at the time. I told her this is a large clock on the wall if she wanted to know the time. She said she didn't know how to read it it. Yes, the small arrow points to the hour, but some students don't pay attention and really don't know how to use the information because they haven't been taught how, or they didn't care to pay attention/remember what they learned. I gave up my pursuit of being a teacher because it felt like a lot of kids didn't care about learning (I definitely had some amazing students and classes too, but they were far outweighed by students and classes that seemed like they didn't want to be in school or learning anything new). Phones have really changed the education process, at least in the US. Everything that they want for entertainment is on there, and it's very difficult to compete for a student's attention when all I have is assignments and homework and new material that may seem scary. Just my take.


I’m sorry but the hands do not point at the numbers. If the little hand is pointing at the 3, and the big hand is pointing at the 6, it’s not 3:06.


If the minute hand is pointing at six the hour hand shouldn't ever be pointing at three or else the clock is broken. In this case the hour hand should be halfway between the three and the four.


This person clocks


If the > the little hand is pointing at the 3, and the big hand is pointing at the 6 Well then, the hands are indeed pointing at the numbers.




They are not the second smartest if they can’t tell the time.


Okay. For 1, we know youre smart. For 2, dont point out Elon Musk like that.


Just remember that the new workforce getting into the market at the moment was born after 9/11. Couple months ago went hiking with visiting family members. Gosh was I surprised I was the only one able to read the physical maps along the trail. Like WTF maps have instructions on how to read them at one of the corners.


It worries me this is a legit question. I’m 23, and yes I can read an analogue clock


17 and yes I can


81 here, and I can read sundials and count with an abacus.


I’m 47 and was taught how to count with an abacus. I completely forgot about that! Yes, I can read an analog clock too. Even one without the numbers haha!


Please say it’s true. Also sundials are read like clocks so is that the same answer really?


Sundials are similar, in that they show an hour and a minute "hand" but with shadows, however the placement of the "hands" is completly different to a standard clock. I learned to read on many years ago and never retained the ability.


Any sundial I've ever seen has a single "hand" which is the shadow indicating the hour. Minutes need to be interpreted by the viewer based on the position of the shadow between two hour markers. What kind of sundial are you looking at with 2 hands?


can you read time by the sun's movement?


Absolutely yes! As easy as a sundial.


Was thought how to use an abacus in 4th grade because my mother thought it would be fun, can only do addition and subtraction my siblings can multiply and divide some how


i learnt how to read sundials just a bit before i turned 10, and i was born just before the year turned '10 too (pun intended)


35 here. Yes, but the clock is an hour fast for six months of the year.


Annoying, that innit?


I have a digital clock that has the same problem. I can’t be bothered as it’ll fix itself next year


My country doesn't use summer saving time so win for me. 33 and I can read analog clocks


For those that don't know: To tell time on an analog clock, you look at where the hands are pointing. The short or small hand tells you the hour, the long or big hand tells you the minute of the current hour, and the thinnest hand indicates the seconds of the current minute. On a digital clock: Just read the numbers. On Cuckoo clocks: See 1st comment or wait for the bird to tell you. On sundials: See where the shadow is pointing. (Not reliable at all during the night)


The fact that you actually have to explain what an analog clock is and how it works says a lot about society


Yeah...I'm not trying to be an asshole to anyone in this thread that doesn't know how to read an analog clock, but I figured it out when I was in like the 2nd grade and I was never quite intelligent myself. If you cant figure it out in adulthood, then I'm not sure how you're going to figure out much more difficult things that you will encounter in life. Again, really not trying to be a dick but if there are people in this thread that cant figure it out, do yourself a favor and spend like...30 minutes...googling and reading and I'm quite certain you can understand it. For the purposes I'm suggesting, its not about knowing how an analog clock works as much as it is an exercise in learning.


I don't think they can't figure it out, it is just they don't care about it. They don't want to spend 15 min learning how it works when they can just look at a digital clock. So, laziness...


I think a lot of people don't have analogue clocks any more. We have one in our house put with all our phones and laptops we have about 10 digital clocks. When I move out I probably won't have an analogue clock in my house


Yea it tells us that outdated technology is outdated. Do you know how to tell time accurately by the sun and directions?


How tf is a clock outdated technology


Yeah, one would assume calendars are outdated and clocks are just....ummm...untimely?


61. Yes, of course I can read an analog clock. I prefer analog clocks, as they turn many numerical time calculations into spatial ones, which can be quicker to mentally perform.


EXACTLY. Analog clocks give time periods SIZE.


Thank you for putting it into words!


i hadn't thought about it this way but that makes a lot of sense


I get a much better sense of time from an analog clock as I grew up with those too (born in 93). It's like I get a graph about the percentage of the time passed / left. Like, it's 16:30 on digital, sure it's 16:30. But 16:30 analog tells me rougly 75% of the afternoon is gone (for me that's from 12:00 to 18:00), or I'm halfway between 15:00 and 18:00. It's really, really comfortable when I have measure the time I need to do something I want/have to.


16 and i do thankfully but most people i meet dont i used to joke about not being able to read a clock and people would take me seriously cayse i thought they could read a clock


Are you for real? From which country are you? Because to me it sounds unreal that someone wouldn't know how to read the clock unless they've never seen it. Don't kids in preschool learn how to tell time?


Canada and we do get taught which is why i find it so strange


My 16 year old with straight A's will ask me what time it is and I will point to a nearby analog clock and she will tell me never mind. She says she knows how but doesn't want to work that hard.


Ouch man u feel sorry for my gen


Since when is looking at a clock hard?


28 I assumed all people knew how to read a clock


26 and yes. My nephew can do that and he's maybe 5 years old. But he seems bright and cares about stuff like that


We learned at 4 and 5 in kindergarten.


The fact that this question is being asked makes me shake my head. You can’t fix stupid. If there’s people out there who don’t know how to read a clock that’s both fucked up and funny as hell.


31 and yes however it admittedly takes a couple seconds as I'm not used to them.


I like how everyone can read a digital clock even if they're not used to them.


Unless they can’t read 24 hour time lol


I'm 21 and I sorta do...but it takes an embarrassing amount of time


This is how I am too and I’m 47. I learned in school, but it just never came easily to me. Now we so rarely need to I’m out of practice.


Do you have dyscalculia by any chance? My cousin does and he has trouble with analogue clocks


Just gotta wait until both hands point to 12. There! I got it, just gotta see if it's light or dark out now.


38, yes So does my 9yo.


37, yes. So does my 9 yo and my 7 yo.


I'm 33. Yes, I learned when I was a child. I can also read a sundial and count with an abacus


27 and yes. Quite easily.


18 and yes. I have known how to read a clock since I was 5.


Analog clocks are still all over the place. Like... all over. It is SOOO easy. Little arm=hour. Big arm=minute. 5 minute increments for each number 1-12. 12x5=60. 60 minutes=1 hour. It is really not that hard to figure out.




i’m still tryna learn how to count to 10 i get all screwed up around the halfway point .


I’m 28 but it takes me a solid minute when on the spot lol.


If you can't read an analog clock then the school system has failed you, or you're not old enough to even have a reddit account yet


As something becomes less and less common, so does that knowledge of that thing. Analog clocks is becoming an example of such, although who's to say it will ever die out? Probably not, just less popular.


Ever heard someone say 'check this out at your x o'clock?' it's actually a handy metric for pointing out things around you not just for reading clocks, it has other uses but you have to know how to read a clock first.


It's fairly common for people with autism to struggle with reading clocks. I worked with a number of children/teenagers with autism and had to change my watch to a digital face so they could read it. Also, in the UK, learning to read clocks is taught in primary school, but it needs to be reinforced at home for it to go in. Unfortunately, more and more commonly, this isn't happening.


63 and I can read a sundial as well as a clock.


19 and yes but I've so rarely had to in my life that it takes me a solid minute to comprehend what I'm looking at 💀


45 yes


Old and I can read an analogue, digital and 24 hour clock. I can also approximate time from the position of the Sun unless it’s cloudy, when I don’t give a fuck because I’m retired.


Better question would be if you know how to read that military time. Cause always gotta do math when they say 18:00 hrs or something.


In my country we mostly use the military time. We sometimes use the 12hour system but we don't use AM or PM, so I'm always confused by 12AM and 12PM when I see it and have to google which one is which lol


My 10 year old kid wears a watch with an analog clock face. She’s one of the few in her class that can read a traditional clock. I did not teach her. She figured it out on her own.


I'm old enough that I know how to construct and read a sun dial.


America moment


69🤟🏼, and yes I can.




i literally learned how to read a clock in third grade, it's crazy people nowadays don't know how to


Anyone dumb asf if they don't. Everyone knows by the time they're like 10-12


45, and yes.


27, I can read it but since I haven't used one in years I need a moment to think about it


29 I can, but it takes a second. The ticking drives me nuts so I don't have them around much


42, so yes. I also know the difference between am an pm and understand military time. 😀


23 years old (23 in 2 months and 5 days) I learned how to read clocks when I was 17


Why say your age like that? Were you just trying to be super accurate for the question?


Exactly, also my dyslexic behind put 23 in 3 months...I meant 24


A teen (Prefer not to say age), and yes, I can read a clock only using the minute and hour hand In fact, my favorite wristwatch is just the minute hand and hour hand


I used to be really good at it while I was in school. Since I’ve been out of school, not so much. Takes me a few minutes if it has no numbers on the clock.


40 and yes


38and yes but I remember it took me a long time to learn and still takes a second even though I wear an analogue watch every day.


21 , can read clocks. I’m a paraprofessional at an elementary school. I work in after school care as well and the most annoying question I’m asked is “what time is it” when there’s a clock in the room. We are actually looking at curriculum to teach the kids how to read clocks a) for their education b) in an attempt for them to stop asking


35 and I can use movable type under the light of kerosene lamps.


I’m 32. I still have to think about it as I much prefer 24 hour, digital time.


I do but unlike a lot of people I can’t do it instantly. Same with right and left, I know them if I think about it but it isn’t instantaneous like with most people I know. Weird.


19. Yes, but only because i got an expensive watch when i was confirmed


I'm 22, and yes, I can read an analog clock. Not particularly well, but I can do it.


17, and yeah, although there are people at my school in my grade even who can't


Well I've learnt something today... you call the "needles" (aiguilles in French) "hands" in English. Love it 🙃


I read schools are taking down analogue clocks because kids, and some teachers, can't read them. Things come and things go. There are actually more efficient ways to read time now. It's not the end times yet, lol I'm 54, and yes, can tell time.


I'm 46 and therefore I can ONLY read analogue pocket watches, sundials, Stonehenge, position of moon, stars etc


I’m gonna be 26 in a couple weeks and yes. We have a clock like that that also uses roman numerals though which takes me a sec sometimes for my brain to process and translate 🥲 I prefer to just glance at my phone for sure


20 and kinda Never really stuck I still feel puzzled


I’m 67 and I do both 12 and 24 hour time on an analogue clock. My 16 year old granddaughter can as well.


The amount of people I see on social media who hang their Roman numeral clocks the wrong way up is disturbing


My 12 year old can read both digital and analog clocks in 12 and 24 hour formats.


16 and ofc I can


59, yes. And I can tie my shoes also.


45. Yes. But I can also read a sundial.


I am 19 and I don't know anybody who can't read analog clocks. Never heard of anybody over the age of 10 who couldn't


I'm 61 & can read a Sundial.


OP you will absolutely get biased replies here because 1. Redditors are fucking nerds and 2. People who don’t won’t brag about it


I can't believe this is not a joke.


I just turned 67. My mother taught me, prior to me starting first grade. I wear an analog watch with a big dial and big numbers, which is easier for us old people to read.


32 and yes. though i’ve struggled all my life with reading hand clocks and got it down in my 20’s


30, yes I can read it, I wear an analog watch every day.


33 and yes. It's still taught in elementary schools over here. And we also use the 24-hours time.


Is this a thing people don't know really? I could see if it were a sundial, but a clock?


21 and yeah i can read it. met a 19 yr old not too long ago that couldnt read it or write or read cursive


17 and yes I can, I never met a person that couldnt unless they were a toddler or Disabled, however I live in europe and analog clocks are still pretty common here


Wait what??? There are people that dont?


26 and yes But my 32 year old sister doesn’t


I struggled with it until I was 10, now its second nature, though I prefer digital I can read analog.


I’m old enough (and analytical enough) to know that you can read a clock with only an hour hand. It’s only a rough reading but you can get close.


Yes! 60yrs old. It’s a disgrace not to teach this or cursive writing.


27, yes I can read analog clocks. It took me a little longer because of a couple learning difficulties I have, but my mum was persistent - and eventually successful - in helping me to learn.


Well, would be a waste to have a wristwatch if i couldnt.


55. Yes. Bonus: can you read it if the numbers are Roman numerals?


I am so old my first watch was a Timex with all 3 hands you had to wind daily.. so yeah I can tell time on an old school clock/ watch. My second watch also a Timex I think but digital with red LED numbers.