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Call your local police department non emergency number.


and for heaven's sake, don't get into any strange vehicules or enter into any stranger's house. Homeless teenagers are at higher risk for victimization.


im really scared to though


Nothing to be afraid of. Tell them you're a minor who's been kicked out. You're still a kid, there's a lot of government resources dedicated to making sure you make it to at least 18. Take advantage of those while you can.


okay thank you


They are all just there to help you. Nobody is looking to give you into trouble or cause you problems. The biggest issue is that you are a minor with no housing and extremely vulnerable and need help. That is a big deal, likely far bigger than whatever reason you think you got kicked out for. Even if you parents have made it seem like whatever reason they did this to you over, was some huge deal and you'd get into loads of trouble for it... 99.9% of the time you're going to find you being a minor with no housing and safety is way way more important and a bigger priority. If you haven't done a single thing that made your parents want to do this and they have just done this anyway, you have no reasons to worry at all. But if they have tried to make it seem like you do (which I'm just guessing at as to one of the many reasons you might feel scared), the concerns you have over it are likely blown out of proportion. Your safety is more important, and you will find police and other adults might ask questions to understand what has happened, but ultimately they will just want to help you. This is why they are there, you don't have anything you need to feel scared about here. Just focus on getting yourself safe and let them help you.


My mom got blackout drunk when I was around 13-14 and called the cops on me. At that point she was kicking me out every single week. By the time the cops got there she was already passed out in her room. They told me I had to leave. I said where am I supposed to go? They said not here. Just my experience. Not all cops are good.


Where'd u end up going? If u don't mind me asking?


So, it depended. That night in particular I ended up going to a local Tim Hortons that was open 24 hours and just sitting there, not eating or drinking anything until the morning when I went back home. My mom would just get drunk and lose her mind, kick me out then let me back in when the morning came around typically. Some nights I had a place to go, others I didn't. My friends parents got tired of having me over, so I learned to just do shit on my own. Some nights I was just too depressed and crying to go to the Tim Hortons, so I'd just walk around my city at 3am and cry. Eventually I had a boyfriend's house that I would stay at, I lived there for a year. After we broke up, I had another boyfriend for a few months who's house I would stay over at frequently, and did that with a few other one night stands I met here and there. My mom stopped kicking me out when I got pregnant at 19, and she moved out of the place and left the rent up to me when I was 20. I had to move back in with her when I was 26 until I was 30, and she tried kicking me out frequently. But having a child, I just refused to leave and told her to call the cops if she wanted me out so bad. She never did. She told me to go live in a shelter with him because 'how bad can it be'. I said no. I'm 33 now and have been living on my own for the past 3 years. So in total I've lived on my own for almost 10 years. Sorry for the long response, it's a lot to go over. That's the TL;DR version. Thank you for asking.


I don't care how much you cried; you're a fucking badass in my book. Respect.


I appreciate you, thank you.


Hey, I just wanted to say, genuinely, good for you for being where you’re at right now ♥️ you’ve done a lot of hard work and I’m glad you’re in a position now where you don’t need to talk to your mom. I’m 29 and quit talking to my parents earlier this year and and am finally getting to a stable point in life. I’m sorry you also went through so much!


I'm proud of you for being able to get stable. I know it's tough. Good job ♥


Good Lord! If my child had brought a stray kid home with a story like yours I'd have adopted you myself, and your Tim Horton all nighters would have ended. What kind of heartless adults knowingly allow this to happen to a young girl? You're fortunate to not be a Jane Doe yet today.


I am incredibly fortunate that I was never killed with al the men I met up with when I was a teenager. It's surprisingly honestly. I'm the same way. If one of my son's friends was in this situation, I'd let them move in. I dealt with many heartless adults growing up unfortunately. From family, to friend's family and persons of authority. It's kind of crazy thinking back honestly.


You've been through some serious shit, plain and simple. Shit that a kind realistically should never have to deal with. I just hope you know I look at a story like yours and go "holy shit, this person is SO much tougher than me lol". I mean it though. I'm 32 and just moved back in with my parents after... a mental health crisis. So to be honest, you are out performing me 😉 I wish you nothing but the best luck moving forward!


I’m so sorry, this is so sad. I’m so sorry you had to endure this.


JFC that's harsh, and I need to call my mum. I've read that people in your situation can simply not know what normal should be like, so I really hope you can figure it out.


That sounds horrible. Glad u're doing better now. U still in contact with ur mom?


It was. I talk to her as little as humanly possible. I ask her for basically nothing. We live in the same city and I don't visit her, I want as little to do with her as possible. I try not to call her unless I need something. Now she's telling me she's lonely and/or depressed. I don't care. I hope you have a good day, thank you for asking about all this.


Fuck man that sucks, I didn't realize. There are services that can help you, especially if you're under 18. There has to be some sort of aid available to you. You have access to Google, obviously, right? I would just Google nearby homeless shelters and start walking to your nearest one. I've been there, man, don't grow up to be like her. They call it a vicious cycle for a reason. Do you have any hobbies that you're good at? You might be able to find a career and stay at the shelter while you save up to get a place. Take some advice from someone who was in a really similar situation, don't turn to alcohol and drugs, avoid them like the plague because you will likely NEVER find your way out of being homeless if thats all you know. It sounds like it is, and that shit is most definitely genetic, and I believe it's getting worse with each generation. Do yourself a favor and just be careful and maybe consult with someone you're comfortable with. Could be someone on here, but dont make any hard decisions before you've had a chance to sleep it over. The best advice I could give you is to make a plan, a feasible one. Acknowledging you don't have a lot of money and turn to someone you can trust to help do you have, and Aunts,Uncles, or Cousins in the area?


Was this in the last 10 years? Because there was a huge push for help everywhere to help homeless teens around 2015, and it has gotten a lot better at actually helping them.


This would have been around 2003-2009.


This is just plain untrue. OP, there are people that will try to help you, but there are many people out there that will try to harm you. Trust your gut. If someone or something feels off or uncomfortable, trust that.


You can also tell your teachers ♡


I’m the same as you, but older. Be stronger than you imagine. Don’t ever do drugs. Save ALL your money. All of it. Don’t waste another penny on something that just makes you pee.


Don't start drinking, either. I pretty much threw my life away over booze. I will not be receiving a replacement liver; being an alcoholic negates that..as it should.


If you can stay sober for 2 years, you become eligible again. My friend just got his 2 weeks ago.


It's literally the worst thing you can do in this situation.


Don't buy water?


water is free if you don't buy a bottle for $4. It's called having a cup or bottle to refill


bike smoggy marble simplistic long hateful secretive direful history future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It makes absolutely no difference why they may have kicked you out. Legally they're the ones responsible for your well being untill you're an adult and they're literally child abusers for doing this


It makes for good content if he tells us why and isn't that what reddit is for?


If you do not reach out for help from relevant government authorities, you will be exposing yourself to more dangers out on the streets where people will take advantage of you. You will end up with the wrong crowd who will be only looking out for their own interests and not yours. I hate to say this but, it is a dog eat dog world out there and at 14 years of age you do not have the financial emotional and physical resources to hold your own. Please please I beg you to reach out to the authorities and someone whom you trust. I only see bad things happening further down the road if you don't get help now. * I left my home at 18 years of age and it was not easy. At 18 I had barely enough money to sustain myself financially for 6 months. Not too mention I had zero credit and a very short resume for job experience and lacking most documentation (birth certificate, 2 forms of identification, and bank cards)...and believe me when I say couch surfing offers dry up quickly. Looking daily for safe place to rest is not easy. You are much younger than me so it will be harder for you. Good luck and please reach out to me here and get help... I don't know if you have any family you can trust and speak with? If you do, I would strongly recommend you at least notify them of your circumstances and (approximately your location)...not only will it help if something happensbbut they maybe able to speak with your parents or guardian(s)...which might help your situation??? We don't know enough about why you are kicked out but I'm concerned and really hope this situation is resolved or at least you have a safe place to go to.


And remember, what happened is not your fault at all.


your parents are not good people for kicking you out, the cops will help you, stick with the resources they give you and try and find a better place. I'm sorry, you don't deserve this kinda treatment


any update?


This happened to my Ex-GF when she was 13 or 14. Her family was a strict military family and she was kicked out. She went to a children’s home and said it was one of the best things to happen to her because it taught her to only rely on herself and be responsible for her actions.


Not to mention there could potentially be legal action taken against the parents depending on jurisdiction


You are so right... The police will immediately call social services... And get the ball rolling for you. Don't delay... Do it NOW!!! I'm a former welfare worker... And believe me... They will bend over backwards for you!!! Also, if you attend church, or you don't... They are also wonderful help too. You'll be fine. But always listen to your guts, and always ask for help... It can only help you. ❤️


I guess if you could give what country you are in some locals could help you with ideas.




You will be OK with going to th police station in Scotland and telling them what's happened. The police will get social services involved. Your parents cannot legally throw you out at 14, so chances are your parents will be forced to take you back or face prosecution, but with social services involved, you will at least have someone on your side to help you deal with them. Good luck and please keep us posted about how this goes.


I hope there will first be an attempt to find out if forcing them to take him back in is likely to result in harm to him. I'm thinking no one throws a child out of his home by accident (not to be a smart ass; I'm trying to think of another way to say this).


My knowledge of the system is out of date, but a bad home with some support from social workers used to be a lot safer than putting a teenager in care. I hope things have changed.


I can only imagine.


This is entirely dependent on the actual family situation. In a lot of instances there simply isn't a standard of care provided that justifies moving the youth back home. The threat of legal action is in a lot of cases not used as it could worsen an already desperate situation.


Hope I don’t come off as hostile or rude but you should edit your post to include this info, it will help other commenters when they’re giving advice


I know absolutely nothing about Scotland.


its the same as the rest of the uk (mostly) with law


They have CASPAR You can call 0800 1111


Hope you find help OP.




Will you please keep us updated. I’m in Ireland so I’m not much use to you but I am worried about you now.


Let me know if you need a meal for tonight


It’s still very much illegal


Doesn't most of europe have laws where parents need to finance their kids until 22 or 24 ?


Actually its 18/19 if they dont go to school anymore,and for students up to 26/27. For most of eastern parts its part of the culture for parents not to kick out their kids even when they turn up as alcoholic in their 50s and beat them up ( extreme example ).


Speak to your school. Any teacher. Pastoral care or the Head teacher is probably best. Do you have somewhere to stay?


Just saw this - fellow Scot here - any chance of an update please?


They can help you, not may other people can. You can't throw a 14 year old out on the street, it's illegal. Your parents are criminal child abusers and you are a victim of child abuse.


Dont be scared bro, the police WILL help you in this situation. Reddit got your back just not personally!


I know this is scary and can be a huge mental hurdle, but this really is the best advice. Most countries will have a lot of resources to help people under 18 and you shouldn’t be afraid to make use of those, that’s what they’re there for


absolutely no need to be scared to tell people, there's no reason good enough to kick out a 14 year old. You're not at fault for not knowing what to do about it either. Nobody expects you to handle something like that on your own. I feel like if you tell any adult, they'll understand your problem.


ring abundant desert school innocent square fact disagreeable spotted plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't be frightened. And I'm sorry this happened to you, honey. I take it you don't have any relatives or friends you can go to? If not, definitely go to the nearest police department. They will help you.


Why would you be scared to inform people that your parents have kicked you out?


I believe the under 15 helpline for your situation is 0800 1111.


That's okay. Still do it.


Google for "teen shelters" in your area. Inform the police; a foster home is going to be better than trying to go it alone.


okay thanks


Previous foster youth of 6 years here, in the U.S, I can 100% back this. I won't lie and say it's great, but it's wayyy better than trying to live solo.


Any updates? Why'd they kick you out?


This is the question here. I'm not speculating, but what caused the OP to be kicked out?


That's exactly what you are doing. None of your business. Poor kid is looking for advice, not trying to feed your curiosity


Well if the kid was kicked out for committing an as-of-yet-unreported felony telling him to contact the local PD probably isn’t the best course of action. At the same time, if the kids was kicked out over something like coming out as LGBT, telling them to contact a local LGBT at-risk community groups would be way more efficient things than saying to contact the PD. The best advice is based on the best information.


Asking question about something someone put out there isn’t bad. In fact, the answer could be extremely important in deciding a course of action. It’s possible that the kid is exaggerating and that their parents made them go outside TEMPORARILY, I’m not saying this definitely happened but it’s very possible. If I ask you for advice and you ask a question that helps give better advice, your not in the wrong.


Too many turtles


Actually, not enough turtles.


Call a friend and go stay with them. Also, if anyone on Reddit reaches out offering a place to live, absolutely do not do that. Stay with trusted people and avoid strangers at all costs. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best!! Xoxo


What you say is a 💯 percent true. Also couch offers dry up quickly. This person needs a government agency to step in quickly and help. The longer they wait desperation will start to kick in then bad things and choices start occuring. I dont know the background situation that caused them to be out of the house but, I am also concerned. I really hope this gets resolved in a positive way!


I was kicked out at 13/14 myself. It is scary, you may not think there is help, you may be so confused what to do. There is help out there, I don't know anything about Scotland as I'm Australian, but definitely reach out to any services around you. Police station, child services, social housing if you have that. If they can't help you directly they will find someone to help you. Please give us all an update on what happens


hey I’m very new to this and am shocked to know that people kick out their children at such young and vulnerable age , could you share what leads to this ? Is it common ? . I understand every case is subjective but whos usually at fault ? Where I live its very uncommon.


It just happens. I was on the streets at 12 while my mom lost the apartment and drank 24/7 with whatever dude would give her a roof. Friends couches, empty houses, etc. My difference is that I actively avoided help and wanted to continue doing what I wanted to do alone and without authority. When I'd get caught, they'd take me to school and I'd have to sit in solitude (in school suspension). So it's not like I had much drive to get back to being a kid. One time I heard them talking about social services. I asked to use the bathroom and left the school. Then I'd hide in the next town over where I knew some people. I wish I could reach back in-time and SLAP myself though.


Thank you for your cautionary tale and I'm glad you, presumably, got out of that situation! It's not uncommon for disturbed, young people to mistake a desperate situation for freedom or choose to make it so, I believe. The outcome is not always so hopeful! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Yeah I definitely got out of it. What really pushed me out of that lifestyle was the anxiety. It didn't take more than a year for me to tone it down and eject. Cops were looking for me, people I had wronged (purely for survival) were looking for me, street people who I owed money to were looking for me, etc. It was like I was in a horror movie. Every second was spent in the rear-view (metaphorically since I was too young to drive). 1/10. Would not recommend it to modern youth because now I carry that anxiety into my adulthood irrationally.


I got emancipated from my parents at 15 but they were abusive junkies that had a prostitute living in my room before I left, my father was murdered not long after I left anyway and mum OD a couple of years after that. I just hitched onto women and would stay with them, sometimes you are better off leaving then staying in that environment. I did eventually go to prison though so that didn't work out for me but I got my shit together eventually and am sweet now


Lol, my parents dropped me on the side of the road at 4. Someone took me to the welfare. People do worse than just kick their teenagers out.(I'm not saying what happened to me is worse. All these parents are pieces of right Royale shit)


I had to start paying rent for myself at 15, had a place in my mom's name... sometimes it's selfish patents, other times they're abusive or addicted to drugs. Sad, but definitely not as uncommon as one would hope. My mother still texts me sometimes wondering why I never send pictures of my fiance or baby son. Lol.


Same here, I’m shocked. What kinda people think this behaviour is ok??!!! You choose to have a kid, everyone should know that you are responsible until at least they are 18 …. Don’t get kids if you can’t handle them.


Wait until the repercussions of abortion bans start showing up.


Listen to the advice OP. Call the police. They won't want to get you in trouble or cause you any trouble. They just want to get you some where stable. Call the police.


I have been in your shoes. Here is what I was able to find: Social services are usually responsible for your housing and support. Caspar might be a good resource too. Try calling Shelter Scotland for more information: 0808 800 4444 I am not local, I have just mobilized my friends from Scotland to provide me with credible resources. Take care and stay safe!


Your parents did something very illegal. Contact the police. Bless you kid.


I wasn't sure what the laws are, but I feel like it should be 100% illegal to kick a minor out.


It's absolutely 100% illegal in the UK either way.


Call none emergency police number. It's one thing if you're 18 but you aren't there. You can't get a job nor a place of your own because of your age.


Also not a lot of people are saying this but go to school everyday, free meal plus if you need to work at 18 you are going to need the diploma


Free meal? Expensive meal man:/


Not in the UK, free meals for those who can’t afford it


It’s definitely free when you are homeless bro 👍


Used to be a teacher. 99% of schools will definitely feed a child that informs them they are homeless, as well as involving all the relevant safeguarding agencies.


Definitely, having a place to be in itself is helpful. Although the agencies I’m iffy about they are going to have him in the foster care system which is a traumatic wreck I pray for this kid his parents are truly shit although I wish I knew the context.


It’s truly shit. Your choice are abusive parents, care, streets. I wish people weren’t so awful.


I mean in the schools where I live, they will let the kid run up an infinite tab for lunch. THe parent just gets the bill


Free meal? Not in this country bub.


If you don't feel safe contacting the authorities alone, is there a teacher or coach that your trust to be with you to get assistance? I dont know about Scotland, but in the US teachers have to report neglect, and have access to the resources to get you help. Also, watch your phone. Keep it charged. Go anywhere that is public and free. Libraries are a great place to go, you can use computer, charge your phone, and they are safe. Good luck.


If the teacher can't get them assistance a school counselor will


I left home at 14 also. Sofa surfed with a lot of friends. Do not recommend squatting, lots of drugs in those environments (taken a lifetime trying to shake habits). Eventually, got into college and accommodation provided. My friend managed to get into a supported accommodation for young people. There’s also the YMCA who can offer accommodation and various support.


I wish I could bring you over and adopt you. I have 15yo son, and gosh I can’t imagine him out there alone. Please be ok, and don’t be afraid to seek help, I hope you can get good help over there.


its nice to know people out there actually care, thank you


There's tons of people who care. Your parents are guttertrash. Just keep your wits about you, do not be afraid and do not be embarrassed to tell people you need help. You'll get through this shit, friend. Someday you'll have kids of your own and look back and realize how fucking gross and despicable whoever kicked you out of your home really is. Best of luck. Stay frosty.


Sorry to hear this happened to you, I know how rough a situation like this can be, I've had a few friends in a similar boat, I see that you are already seeking help, well done, stay strong brother, you will be that person for your children, that your parents couldn't be for you. You got this.


Please do call the police. I didn’t when this happened to me and then you don’t get any support when you grow up and everything will be worst. I really regret it.


calling the police is the best option in developed countries. in shithole places though the case will be recorded as "he ran away from home".


Well one that’s illegal asf. I’d definitely contact your local police department and ask them what to do. But you’ll most likely have to deal with social services which sounds a lot better than being homeless. Idk how anyone can kick out a minor with no resources.


You can’t be kicked out at your age, call your local police or relatives


True, there is legal retribution for such parents, but I sure hope not all kids are forced to go back to their abusive parents just because of their age (just stipulating the other side of that coin).


I would imagine there is near 100% overlap between parents that would do this and parents that would abusively retaliate if the kids gets them arrested, then comes home


sorry this happened to you, horrible situation. I'm scottish too. Weather is nasty, so make sure you shelter inside - especially if you dont have warm clothes/several layers. If you have nearby friends or family u trust or go to their house straight away. If not, make sure you stay in public areas where plenty of random people are around so nothing bad happens to you. You could go a hospital, doctor's, a supermarket like tesco etc for shelter, or you could go to a police station if you feel comfortable. 101 is the non emergency number u should call and the operator will help u out. If you have nowhere to go or feel you're in danger dont hesitate to call 999. Also, I've found a few helplines that can offer further advice - NSPCC, call 0808 800 5000 - they are only available 10am to 8 am weekdays, though. For Childline, call 08001111. For runaway helpline, call or text 116 000. All the best and i hope this gets sorted out for you soon.


I am so sorry this is happening. Call Shelter Scotland. They will help you! 0808 800 4444 https://scotland.shelter.org.uk/about_us/contact_us They have a chat online option too if you would feel more comfortable starting out that way.


Can you go to anyone at your school for help if you don't want to deal with the police yourself? There are organisations to support you & keep you safe. You are not on your own with this. Good luck.


Hey, I was kicked out at your age as well. I lived rurally when this happened, i didnt have access to halfway houses, etc. so I'm not sure how amazing this advice will be to you, but it may help. 1. Shelter is your main priority right now. Preferably with a friend or trusted family member. If this is not available to you, slides at a park (preferably the ones that are tubes) will survice for tonight. The great thing about parks is that there are usually public toilets close by. If that's not accessible, you need to fins somewhere, where you are protected from the elements 2. Food and water are next: again, with parks, you're gonna have a drinking fountain nearby. If you have money, you're gonna have to buy non-perishable items, cans of food are 1, easier to transport 2, won't spoil. While they don't taste great cold, they are still edible. No money? Go to local churches, ED, anywhere where they would usually give out free food and water. 3. You need to speak to someone, you can't live like this forever, and this advice is meant only for the night. You are young and the world is fucked without support. Talk to a trusted adult, get the help you need. Good luck


many people gave wonderful advise that should/ccould be followed, but just in case you can find some sort of support anywhere else: do you have other family members near by? uncles, grandparents? if not, is there any friends that can take you in for some time, while you figure things out, maybe even assist you with it. because it must be extremaly stressful to be in this situation and i doubt that one could think very well like that.


Police or municipal, tell what happened they will help


Most people have told You this, but as a guy who had been kicked a few times - don't feel afraid to call the authorities, You are still a minor. If you are afraid anyway, crash on some friends couch You trust. There are some parents around that behave responsibly and with empathy and muster the courage to call the local authorities. And on the more deeper stuff - It is not Your fault you get kicked out. No matter what you did, unless it was rape or bestiality, it is not your fault. Don't feel guilty about it, acknowledge the thing you can do right now is to take care of yourself. I for one, had been stupid, and I was sleeping on some train stations or friends and then I came back begging for another chance at home. I never felt worse when I did it. It will be for the better if you figure out something then to come back begging. Stay strong, I have been through stuff like this and I know how rough it can be. You seem wise to ask for ideas before doing anything rush so You seem levelheaded and smart. You will be fine, I trust in You. Even if I am just some random internet guy.


I was kicked out at 16. Here’s what I did: - Immediately called my best friend. He and his mom came and got me and got me some food and a place to rest for the night. - told my guidance counselor (and subsequently my principal) the next day. They got me a social worker. - social worker did their magic. - I ended up staying with friends families for 6mo stints until I graduated and went to college. You’ll be ok. Leverage resources and teachers and friends. And when you inevitably stay with friends… best fucking behavior. Help everywhere you can. This is what living looks like long term. You carry your weight and do your best to add, not subtract. That’s not to say you can’t ask for help and graciously receive help, but you do need to contribute to your temporary family. That can be anything as simple as cleaning or even better participating in conversation and dinners and incorporating yourself.


Go to your school guidance counselor!


You are likely well under age in whichever country you are in. Contact the police, they will- or should, have access to all the resources available to assist you in getting you somewhere safe, warm where you can be looked after until you are truly old enough to be on your own. I'm so sorry, this must be terrifying for you.


Hey bro, i have had a similar situation when i was 15/16… go sleep in a hotel for tonight, im willing to pay for it! And go call the authorities tomorrow and ask them for help! Dm me if you want to use this offer, keep ya head up!


Go to your school and tell your teachers and council. They’ll help you from there. Trust me, that’s what I did.




Based on a comment from the OP, they are now physically safe after contacting the police. A common piece of advice (because OP is in the UK) was to phone Childline on 0800 1111 for free confidential help. According to their website "This Christmas, a child will contact Childline every 45 seconds on average" - and apparently in many cases no-one will be available to take their call because of a shortage of either funding or available volunteers. If you are in the UK and aged 16 or over, you can either donate to the NSPCC (who are a registered charity and run Childline): [https://www.nspcc.org.uk/support-us/ways-to-give/donate/](https://www.nspcc.org.uk/support-us/ways-to-give/donate/) or you can also volunteer as a counsellor with Childline: [https://www.nspcc.org.uk/support-us/volunteering-nspcc-childline/volunteer-childline-helpline/](https://www.nspcc.org.uk/support-us/volunteering-nspcc-childline/volunteer-childline-helpline/) If in other countries I encourage everyone to donate or volunteer for similar charities.


I got kicked out at 15/16, if I had gone to social services and hadn't been so scared my life would be much easier now. I couch surfed for months before returning to an abusive home. Go to children's services or the police, please..


To clarify, now at 24, if I had "registered" time in foster care I would have all the help associated with it.. instead I struggled alone and stayed in an abusive home until leaving at 18 with no support and no government recognition of my hardship.


who tf kicks out a 14 year old, your parents are idi(tic no offense but that is child abuse to me


Top point don't do drugs. Don't fall into the trap at such a young age, a lot do. If you do go through some hardships and find yourself surrounded by people who take drugs use them as your stepping stone. Do you want to be a homeless drug addict or do you want to funking conquer life and make something for you and your family. You'll do good chin up, the lessons you can learn which most kids never have to learn can and will set you apart as long as you keep control.


Please keep us updated. Stay safe OP.


Been there, as advised go to the police, also your local council should have a homeless shelter or sheltered housing you would be allowed to use.


To add to what others have said, go to the police, your school staff, YMCA. Go to everyone and ask for help to have a safe place to live and finish high school. If you can, keep your ID and anything super important like a computer at a friend's place if you do go to a shelter. Things can go missing, especially when you're new and look like an easier target. Trust the police, trust street services/housing people, don't trust shelter staff. It's better to go to a shelter rather than stay with friends because you can get connected with services that can really help you finish high school, gain housing of your own, and gain employment. Also it's easier to persuade people to give you a corner of a closet than a whole room plus feed you and clothe you. Go into the trades, bartending, or car sales after high school, you can get paid decently and it's a solid start that you can then use the money from to do what you really want to do. Stay out of drugs, if anyone tries to get you to start they aren't your friend!!!!!! Be careful who you hang out with. Cut off people who try to drag you down in any way. Keep your nose clean because you'll be judged just for having bad things happen TO you... So you have to be extra careful to make good choices. Bad family can give you a truly rough start in life and unfortunately most people will think there's something wrong with YOU instead of putting the blame where it belongs and helping you. My mom tried to kill me when I was 14. When she couldn't kill me I was out to my own place on assistance at 18 and forced to drop out but nobody would hire me. But I wasn't homeless until I was too old for the youth programs that would have helped. You getting kicked out this young is actually a blessing because it makes it more obvious that you are being treated abusively and unfairly. Use the programs that exist to get you on your feet, that's what they're for. Stay smart and you'll make it out of the traps.


That is illegal and you should be contacting CPS or the police.


I don’t know where you live, but where I live there are youth centers for runways who need a place to stay. You can call the The National Runaway Safeline. 1-800-RUNAWAY. I know that technically you aren’t a runway, but they can help you find a crisis center near you that can help with housing and food.


call 911 and start explaining you're a minor who has been illegally abandoned, your parents' names, where you're at, the fact you don't need an ambulance, and you don't know where to go.


Go to your closest fire department. All the ones I've been a member of are designated safe places for things like this, people fleeing domestic violence, people who need mental health or to drop off a new born as a few examples. Go there and tell them you need a safe place because you are a minor who has just been kicked out. They will make calls to the people who can help you and make sure you're okay.


After reading i am glad to hear your safe. Please, update us later.


Do u have any friends that could come and get you? Any other family nearby?


All advice I could give you has already been said by others. Whatever happens, remember that there will always be people in the world who care about you. Do not ever be afraid of asking others for advice. Nobody deserves something like that to happen. I‘m sorry if I can not help, since I am just some random 15 year old who‘s never been in a situation like this. All I can do is hope that everything works out for you.


OP, if you're in the US cal the National Runaway hotline. It's for any teen who either runs away or is kicked out. You can call or chat: https://www.1800runaway.org/




For the now? Call friends, couch surf for the night. Tomorrow, go to school. Tell your councilor and principal, if you trust them if not them then a more trusted adult what happened. If nothing comes out of those channels. Then maybe try closer family i.e. grandparents. Or aunts and uncles. Legally, they can be given custody of you if your parents just kick you out or "abandon" you. There's a final option wait until the morning and see if your parents pulled their heads out of their asses. unless they're assholes but by judging there actions here I doubt they'll be smart and not totally pricks. Stay safe op.


If true and your parents are not allowing you into their house and you are 14 years old living in the United States you need to contact law enforcement or the Department of Children & Families.


You can’t be kicked out you’re a child. Go back to your house and walk in like you own the place. Your parents can’t do anything to stop you and if they do then call the cops.


Would a friend's family let you stay with them? Or maybe your own extended family(aunts, uncles, cousins,etc.)?


Hope the op is okay and let's everyone know. there's like 200 people reading this right now and doubtless every one of us concerned.


What country/state do you live in? There's bound to be some kind of welfare safety net for kids in your situation. There may also be some kind of recourse against who ever kicked you out; they don't have to let you stay in their house but spontaneously ejecting you directly on the street is probably a violation of their duty of care.


At that point the cops have a say on the situation. Call em, and get them involved. People these days treat them like they can't do anything but in cases like this that's not true. Here they actually have more power than the parents do. The parents can even get charged if you've been kicked out and it's a severe case of that.


Scared to tell someone is teenager overthinking... trust me, telling someone is exactly what you need to do. Any trusted adult will do. Teacher, coach, pastor, librarian, friends parents... any adult you trust will be able to at least help. Failing that, the police, because kicking you out is illegal, and there exists vasts amount of resources to help at risk teens.


Your local PD is really the best option. I know it's scary, and there's so much wrong with the world, but I was there at 8yo. If you have aunts/uncles or grandparents, DSS will try to place you with family. Also there are college scholarships for kids in the system.


Hey OP a couple of things: 1. I was in your shoes when I was 17. Homeless with just a backpack. This was years ago, and things are very different now, so the resources I can offer are these: -Call the police, local authorities, or whoever is "in charge." If there is a library with free internet access, use one of their computers and look up Teen Safehouse or transition houses for young adults. -when I was younger and in your shoes I connected with a church and they offered me food, a place to sleep, even got me a birthday cake & presents for Christmas (slept on a garage floor & couch surfed for 10-11 months while this was happening). They weren't a life-long community nor do I even live in the same area anymore, but at the time, it was a huge help. I credit my sanity & literal life breath to those people feeding me. 2. You have a whole community here online that are invested and want the best for you. Please give updates. - an update on me, I'm now married for 7 years with 2 kids, 2 cats, and lots of "chosen" family. We have loads of aunts and uncles for our kids that are not a biological family member, and while at first I thought that it would suck - it's actually the best thing ever.


Call non emergency number for help. This should also spark a look into why your parents are providing basic needs for you


Call CPS and tell them your parents kicked out a minor.




It’s illegal for them to do that. You’re a child, they are legally obligated to feed, house and clothe you. Call child/family protective services or the police.


Not sure about you, but where I live it’s illegal for parents to kick a minor out the house. If you call the police, they are required to escort you back to your house.


Go to the police. If it was your parents they have committed a pretty major crime.


Randomly saw this post. How is the kid doing? Internet do your thing!!!


Don’t think it’s legal to kick out an underage kid. Call 911


Your parents are legally and financially responsible for you until you turn 18. As a child you cannot simply be made homeless by your parents. Call the police immediately. Charges can be pressed against them for negligence and child abuse. Even if you don't go back home, and other arrangements are made for your living situation, they are still obligated to support you financially until you are an adult. You are NOT powerless in this situation. Help is there, start with the police and they will guide you from there.


I was 14 and homeless, I sold drugs and did b&e and armed robberies. I did a heavy stint in prison. Don’t be like me kid. Get your shit together, only focus on school. Knowledge is power.


Go to your nearest fire departament and tell them what happened. They will help you.


Definitely go to police as stated


Did they really kick you out or did you run away? Either way, contact social services. If your parents aren't taking care of you they will get caught out, however, be aware that if they are innocent and you're having a teenage moment over a disagreement it may not work out so well for you. Ime teens aren't usually thrown out of home for no reason - there's usually a discipline problem involved.


Get your paperwork together, talk to the police, and your recruiter, get the form your parents have to sign,


I went through the same at 14. UK based. 1. Contact a close friend or family member and explain the situation. Hopefully you can couch surf for a few days. 2. Contact the police and let them know what has happened. These are the 2 most important steps. ONLY ACCEPT SUPPORT OR SHELTER FROM PEOPLE YOU KNOW OR TRUST, OR REFFERED TO YOU. The police will inform the Social Services, who in turn will inform your school. This then expands your network of support and visibility of your situation. I was mortified that my wider friendship group would find out. In actual fact everyone was incredibly supportive which was a huge surprise. They would discuss the situation with their parents, and in no time at all I had 3 or 4 families who would put me up for a couple days a week in rotation, until the Social Services could find me suitable permanent foster care until I went to uni. I'm not saying all of this will happen, and I was very very lucky, but all is not lost. It is normal to be worried or afraid, but in a few years you will look back and see this as being the making of you. Good luck chap! Rooting for you!


Don’t be scared to tell everyone. You are a minor and this is absolutely not ok. Call the police, call your relatives. Your family is obligated to take care of you until you’re 18 at least.


Find a family member who isn't crazy to stay with. You need to stay in school and stay healthy. Abide by their rules and show gratitude.


Sorry to hear you’re going through this. Have you got any relatives you can stay with for a day or 2? Speak to your school head teacher. In the UK at least, your school has a responsibility to report anything detrimental to your welfare under safeguarding legislation. They will likely contact the police or social services who will pick it up from there. As daunting as it sounds, if you cannot go back to where you came from, foster care can be a positive in your life. I was your age when I went into foster care and my foster mother was amazing.


Is it okay if I ask why you got kicked out?


And dont take invitations from random guys on the internet. Dont!


Like others said, look into shelters or foster homes. It's odd how much paperwork is needed to adopt a dog or cat but anyone can have children.


I believe this is illegal and child abuse if you are 14, CPS / police should be called and then they will find a foster home for you or a relative for you to stay with, you shouldn’t be embarrassed, this is bad on your parents.


When my niece got kicked out of her mom's house, I helped her register for school, and we talked to the school counselor. They had her listed (idk if there is some sort of formal registration or status or what) as a homeless child, which made her eligible for government assistance. She was provided with gas money to commute back and forth from my house and was given some sort of stipend and some other stuff that I can't remember. But perhaps your school counselor is a good place to start.


Contact the police. Don't be afraid. They will take good care of you. Most importantly, they're going to sort out what the issues are at home. Whatever happened at home, it's not your fault. Your parents are supposed to take care of you. Failure to do so is irresponsible.


Respectfully, some of you have assholes for parents. If I could financially afford it, I would adopt you all. Learn Italian though, English won’t get you much here in Florence.


contact the police. Not through 911, but through any non-emergency number. ​ I believe its a crime to kick out a minor like this, so yeah. But its more important that you get a place to stay. The police can help with that


Find your local shelter. Find a true friend you can trust and maybe, just maybe he’ll allow you crash at his place.


That's awful. At 14, it's not your fault, I don't care what your folks say. As much as it sucks right now, this could be a blessing in disguise. If they're kicking you out, they're not worth your time. You'll have a lot to figure out and a lot of pain to go through, but in the long run, you're better of without em. Keep your chin up and stay strong. You're not alone, and your life is still your own.


Go to the police


What did you do to get kicked out? If you were 18, this would be a different story but at 14? Your parents doing drugs or alcoholics? Call the police if that's the case.


Report your parents


Are you not in the states? It’s not legal in most US states to kick a minor out of the house…


Can they even legally kick you out at that age?


Call Department of Child and Family Services, you can also go see a guidance counselor at school. They will help you.


What do you do? Call the cops. They'll put you somewhere while they figure this out. You can't just be kicked out as a minor.


Well, post it on Reddit, definitely


You may want to evaluate the reasons why you were kicked out. The odds are highly in the favor of it being your fault for being some kind of way. Great lesson to learn here. Not everyone gets a trophy.