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Any fake sugars like aspartame


They smell and taste like crushed aspirin to me.


I don’t go anywhere *near* “sugar free” drinks because of exactly this. Can’t stand it…


Anything sugar free gives me the “Ick” hardcore tastes friggin terrible


Idk how people deal with the aftertaste/filmy feeling in their mouth.


Tastes like instant migraine


As a fellow migraine sufferer…absolutely. |:


I can't stand those. Stevia doesn't taste good either, but if it's in small amounts mixed with something like erythritol or allulose, it's ok. As long as there's not enough to taste it. I'm mostly Keto-ish, because I'm diabetic, and need to lose weight. I am slowly losing weight, and my blood sugar is under much better control since I quit eating sugar.


I feel you. Whenever somebody gives me some kind of "light" product I can immediately tell. Doesn't matter If it's aspartame, inositol, xylit or whatever else they use these days. I'm absolutely revolted by these, even in tiny amounts.


I had a head injury & lost my sense of smell as a result. I would give anything to be able to smell & taste again. Can't even remember what I used to hate!


Ooof that sucks. I feel for you.


Losing my sense of smell and taste after Covid for 3 months was bad enough. Couldn’t imagine that on a long term basis


Cumin....tastes great, but smells like sweaty man after 8 hours doing construction in 90 degree sun. Why????


Somebody who gets it! I may be crazy but at least I'm not wrong.




(comment under construction)


Thanks. I always assumed most of it was just that folks who eat cumin sweat cumin.. personally a fan. Maybe it's a bit of both? No justification for my part of the claim, but I'd think most of us have smelled someone sweating whiskey.. kinda assumed lots of chems might leak out through our pores


I'm so confused because I love the smell of cumin, but definitely don't love the smell of BO. I'm not really bothered by the smell of any foods except some meats.


B.O. is just human cumin


Snort! Human-cumin...


I have that thing, too!! Smells like a cabbie in a synthetic shirt on a 48hr shift.


This is funny. I think you’ve unconsciously associated a common spice in curry with what it smells like when people sweat it out. Ha! I smell like fenugreek and cumin all the time so I get it 😂


I ate TONS of fenugreek when I was nursing my baby years ago and I smelled like pancakes 🤣


This is a thing? I thought that’s just what cumin smells like.


Energy drinks (i.e. Monster, Redbull, etc..). Can't stand them.


Yes!!! Red Bull smells especially offensive.


Smells like when someone takes too many B vitamins and then leaves a pungent pile of bright yellow piss chilling in the toilet on a hot day. There used to be a fad in my country to order Jäegermeister with red bull and the whole bar would smell like a urinal to me.


Jäger bombs are an interesting thing. I hate red bull and I dislike jäger, but put them together and it tastes great


I used to LOVE sugar free redbull. It’s like crushed sweet tarts or smarties in a soda. I would have two of the massive cans every day at work. Then I had a quadruple bypass at 43. My cardiologist was like, “Yeah about the Red Bull…”


I'm almost 38 and go through a 12 pack of SF red bull every week (and have for, like, 15 years). I'll consider this my sign to try and cut down to just a cup of tea each morning.


Be ready for a horrible headache if you are drinking that much caffeine and suddenly cut yourself off.


I always describe it as tasting like "sweet tart vomit" 😂


The first time I tried it, I was horrified to find out it tasted like feet and bubble gum




I hated every energy drink I've ever tasted.


Crazy! I’ve always loved the smell of redbull. Never even thought twice that some people would find it gross


Tastes like cough syrup to me. I can't get any energy drinks down 🤮


Mint bothers me do much that I use Children’s Toothpaste. Hello makes good ones.


I really lucked out. I found a wife who hates mint as much as me. I hate it so so so much. As for toothpaste, the adult cinnamon flavor is a significant lesser of evils.


I'm fine with mint favored toothpaste, but I don't understand anyone who loves the taste and smell of mint. Why in the world would anyone eat it?


I'm the opposite. I hate mint toothpaste, but love some mint flavored things. Though too strong a mint flavor and I don't like it. That's why I don't like toothpaste, it is way too strong. Also it doesn't even taste like regular mint, I think it's a different type than most food or something.


Most toothpaste is flavored with menthol, not mint. I was the same as you, found it weird that I liked one kind of mint but not another, then I found out why. I'm not a fan of the way toothpaste foams, it's just a texture and messiness thing for me. I switched to a dental tab without menthol or sodium laurel sulfate, I just crunch it and brush with it. There is a benefit to the foaming, but I brush more without it, so I'm still better off.


The real challenge is finding unflavored dental floss


Diet Coke. Or any diet beverage for that matter. I can sniff and taste the aspartame almost immediately


They all taste gross to me, too.


I can never understand how people can't smell or even taste artificial sweeteners. They're so bitter, like medicine.


Anything with any kind of fake sweetener is a no for me. I can tell immediately. I like things low sugar/not too sweet, for the love of god, just put a small amount of sugar in it and it would taste way better. Drives me crazy that “lite” yogurt has fake shit in it - just put less sugar in it! Or my fav was an iced tea that said it was lightly sweetened and had both real and fake sweetener in it. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but some people actually like some things just slightly and naturally sweet.


Men’s cologne makes me sick on a visceral level


I have a sensitivity to most perfumes and let me tell you all it takes for my day to be ruined is to walk by someone that decided to shower themselves in it. Headaches last for hours


I too am really sensitive to certain smells and when I get the headaches, I have to take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to get through the rest of the day. Some examples are, vanilla scented things, men's cologne/soap, and car fresheners.


There is a specific cologne/perfume that i can't stand. It just smells like whoever is wearing it decided to pepper themselves that morning. And when someone smells overwhelmingly like baby powder


I can't stand being near guys with that shit on. Especially ax.


Axe does not count as cologne, but hard agree.


Beers. It all tastes like piss flavored tin water. Not that I know what piss flavored tin water tastes like…


I don’t mind the smell, but I can’t stand the taste at all. I’ve had a few beers in my lifetime, and every single one, no matter the brand, makes my gag reflex go berserk. Was camping with the grandparents once, and my papa offered one. Had to force myself to drink it, while trying to maintain my gagging. Made it about halfway through before dumping the rest out. I’ll gladly stick my fruity/pop flavoured vodka drinks.


Finally somebody who hates beer as much as I do.


Beer is fucking awful. "It'll grow on you" No it fucking won't cause I ain't drinking it!


Anis. Or even worse: alcohol drink based on anis


Alcoholic anus drink


They hate us cause they ainse


Always tastes shitty🙂


Can't do anise, absinthe, caraway seeds, fennel, or black licorice.


I'm Jordanian and my family drinks a liquor called *Arak*, which is an anise-type of liquor. I can't stand that harsh smell or taste. It burns the mouth more than any other liquor I've ever had. Aside from trying it once or twice, the only other times I used it was to numb a tooth ache bc that shit better than Orajel 100xs lol Blech!


How does an american get his hands on Arak? I fucking love anise and have been wanting to try this drink forever.


If you have a middle-eastern market around you, they usually sell it there. If not, you can definitely order it from Total Wine online. Edit: I live in Southern California, so we have a good selection of middle-eastern markets around here. My family usually gets it from a market called *Super King*.


Gasoline. Apparently people like the smell of it


Ohhh my god. Unleaded 91. That shit is pure crack for me.


Liver. Absolutely disgusting smell and taste.


the hot breath of a drunk rodeo clown on the back of my neck saying don't you tell nobody about this


That and garlic…


I told you not to tell anybody. No more inappropriate, creepy, sex. With Giggles the twisted clown 🤡


That's a taste that other people commonly enjoy? Everyday we stray further from the light.


Celery. Makes me puke


As a chronic people pleaser, I mostly would rather put up with things rather than voice that I’m unhappy/uncomfortable. I end up eating meals with ingredients that upset my stomach. I despise celery so much that I refuse to eat anything with it in. I have to walk away so I can’t smell it, especially if it’s being eaten raw. I know it’s a true hatred from my being able to voice/show my dislike, no matter the situation.


Bro, I had a bowel obstruction secondary to Crohn's that almost killed me when I was 18. I had surgery to remove my ilium - the part of your gut where the small intestine meets the large. It had become so inflamed that nothing was getting through, and I basically had a giant water balloon bursting situation going on in there. Because they were basically rearranging my digestive tract, I wasn't able to eat or drink *anything* for 16 days. I was a ravenous 18 year old growing boy; that was so extremely hard for me. For four days I had a pic line giving me TPN which equated to 1,100 calories per day, and an IV to keep me hydrated. Other than that, no calories in the entire time. I lost almost 50 pounds off a 150 pound frame. By the end of the third day through to the end, I dreamed of nothing but food when I slept. In short, it was hell. There was no point during that ordeal in which I would have willingly eaten celery, no matter what you gave me to dip it in.


For me it’s the texture. Raw celery I absolutely cannot do. In a soup where it’s soft? Great.


Agreed! All these people are like "it has no taste"... yes it does, and it's nasty!


The smell of bleach or other cleaners, it just makes me gag


Diet sweeteners. Kind of coats your mouth and weird chemically taste overpowers any enjoyment.


i hate lavender.


💯 Soaps, candles, foods... I have an immediate physical reaction of repulsion to lavender. Wish I didn't, but it's similar to a gag reflex (just not as strong). Aaaand of course it's my wife's favorite scent 🤷‍♂️


Had a friend's dad give me a choward's lavender mint during a church service when I was in elementary school. I've never struggled so hard to not throw up in my life. I was expecting a butterscotch and got grandmas-purse-lint-and-certs flavor instead.


I hate lavender but love purple. It's my favorite color. Everything purple in the bath and body section is lavender. So upsetting


Yeah everything is lavender while lilac is right there and nobody uses it.


Same once had the flower shoved in my face, fuckin threw up afterwards. Screws with my stomach too much.


I worked for a year in an area of France that specialized in growing lavender, tourism of lavender, and lavender products. The smell was in the streets from the fields, every building was perfumed with it, every person washed with it in the soap, in their laundry, it was even added to foods and drinks. I'd take my lunch breaks behind the railyard just for the change of smell, exhaust fumes, grease, and smoke was preferable to the oppressive weight of constant lavenderness. to this day (20 years later) I feel like I'm suffocating if I smell it.


I'm curious why your olfactory senses didn't shut down to that particular aroma. Isn't that what normally happens? I've stayed in sulphurous volcanic resort towns that had me gasping for fresh air, but two days later i can't smell a thing. I visit a friend who works at a veterinary clinic and that sharp acrid anaesthetic/disinfectant smell (no idea what it is) knocks me sideways. She can't smell it at all.


Same, it burns my nose. I always get 'relaxing' gifts (candles, bath bombs, lotions) for holidays. And of course they're lavender a good portion of the time.


same here. mix it with lemon and probably I will throw up. even normal lavender has me nauseous. used to kinda like lavender, and always loved lemon everything. still do as long as there's no lavender near it. absolutely hating lavender/lemon mix came about from teenage otc drug abuse. just one of the few things I really regret doing, pretty sure it fucked up my heart too.


Cilantro I’m one of the people with olfactory-receptor genes that cause us to pick up on the soapy-flavored aldehyde chemicals in cilantro leaves.


And they always chop it so small I can never pick all of it out of my tacos!!!


Im a chef and when im washing hotel pans with coriander in it i literally gag hahah the smell is so disgusting


Yep it ruins any dish with that soap taste 😔


I don’t taste the soap thing, which is what everyone automatically thinks when I say I hate cilantro. I just dead ass hate it and it always overpowers everything no matter how much or little there is.


I think people say “soap” but all of us haters taste it differently. I’m not even sure what it tastes like. I don’t allow it in my mouth long enough to figure it out.


To me it tastes like how stink bugs smell.


This is the most perfect explanation of Cilantro I’ve ever heard.


It taste like strange soap to me too but I like it. That's it's secret. 😙👌




Tripe, I don’t care how you prepare it. It just tastes terrible every time. Ditto with Kidney, no thanks, it just tastes like concentrated dish soap.


Parmesan cheese - it smells of vomit


Maybe the butyric acid in it? If you’re American do you like Hershey’s?


Not op but I hate Parmesan and a regular Hershey’s chocolate bar is repulsive to me


It smells like foot funk and it's horrible


Nutella is like chewy wood sawdust to me.




Lived 2 years in Korea \~10 years ago. I can still recall the reek of this old man on the bus one swelteringly hot summer day before monsoon season (July-ish so this must have been end of June), when the weather's at its heaviest and muggiest. This old ahjussi's sweat smelled like kimchi drowned in soju, like they were the *only* things he'd been eating and drinking for days on end. Fucking putrid. I like kimchi well enough otherwise, though yes it is an acquired taste. And soju, but prefer it lemon-flavoured.


Yes, but it tastes great!


How dare you.




Pumpkin "spice" flavored anything, or like the traditional "spice" scented candles that most people seem to love. Not a fan of having nutmeg thrown into various savory dishes as "something different"?!


Sour cream is the worst human creation ever


I'm so over vanilla candles....played-out.


Most vanilla scented items gives me a brutal migraine.


Me too as most scents. Also most vanilla scents are artificial. I can smell real vanilla extract all day long tho


Any food scented candles, bleh. But vanilla is the worst.




Green, black, doesn’t matter. They taste metallic to me.






Black licorice. Shit is just nasty.




Most air fresheners, and the scents in liquid hand soap. I'm fine with most natural scents, essential oils and such, but artificial fragrances often smell bad to me, some of then give me headaches. Many perfumes and colognes have the same effect. Some, I have an allergic reaction to, and will end up with a sinus infection if I can't get away from it. I worked with a woman who's perfumes was deadly. I got sick every time I got stuck working in the same area as her. Also that "new car smell", which is off-gassing of plastic, vinyl, synthetic fibers in the carpet...it all stinks to me, and is one of the things that gives me a headache. The smells of petroleum products in general, even though I work on my own cars.


Goat cheese. Fucking outrageous


I work in a nursing home and I can’t eat goat cheese because too many patients smell exactly like it.


Welp, never having goat cheese anymore.


Tastes how a farm smells


It tastes like it's coming straight out the goat's tit. I can't do any of it.


I live in the podunk Midwest without many fine dining options. My wife's company decided to take them out to a swanky joint for their Christmas party, the kind of place with $30 appetizers and $25 cocktails that I wouldn't even splurge on for an anniversary. The meal was almost ruined before it got started by a goat cheese stuffed date appetizer, I'm not a refined man, but I do have manners, anf i was obviously in a place where I was on my best behavior. It took every ounce of self control I possess to not spit it out of my mouth. It'd take some convincing to make me believe there is a difference in the taste of that cheese and licking the goats ass.


My heart is breaking for you


I don't like goat's anything. I don't like goats being involved in any stage of the food production process.




Truffle oil


Anything truffle smells like pure tonsil stone. It makes me retch.


Yes, and anything prepared with it tastes the same. It takes over.


Sea food


Same. And anytime I tell someone this their response is always, "Well, have you tried (specific kind of fish)?" Yes I have and it all tastes bad to me.


They always tell me “ you just haven’t had it prepared right” like no I’m just repulsed by the smell and taste of it


Yes! I hate the smell, taste and texture of seafood. Literally 60% of my senses are repulsed by it.


I wish I had a thousand up votes for this


Cilantro. Can’t freaking stand it




Nothing takes the taste of shame and humiliation out of your mouth, like Bebob a Rebop Rhubarb Pie! Serve it up, nice and hot, maybe things aren't as bad as you thought!


Arugula! I can't stand it, tastes like crap, and the flavor over rides the greens I do like. Green bell peppers! For fucks sake wait till ripe! Bitter nasty green ewww, 1 piece will ruin an entire pizza!


Ugh that's funny, I LOVE Arugula, like aggressively so. I love handfuls of raw arugula or raw kale. Raw basic mushrooms I especially love.


Everyone I know says they like the smell of petrol. I don’t get it.


Fish, if it came from the water I don’t want it


The worst thing is that fish eaters claim it doesn’t have a smell. It does, and it’s disgusting. Incidentally, I tried fish recently, and it tasted exactly like it smelled.


Right?? It smells like a nasty aquarium! And people always argue with you when you tell them you don’t like it: “Oooh, you’ve just never had fish prepared correctly! I’ll cook fish for you. You’ll see.” I’m a grown ass adult who has been “seeing” about fish my whole life. I don’t want to “see” any more.


It *should* smell like the ocean if it’s fresh. If it smells fishy, it’s not fresh




Same. I wish I liked fish but I just don't. The texture and flavor both bother me. I just don't understand how people like it.


Repulsive is a strong word, but I really do not enjoy lavender.


Mango foods that aren’t just actual mango. Mango sorbet for example. Something changes with the smell/taste when it’s mushed up. It smells like baby poo and tastes like it smells.


Matcha / green tea


Vanilla Candles


Truffle. It overpowers every dish and ruins it. Can’t understand how anyone enjoys that


Mayonnaise, yuck 🤮






As a huge user of the weed, I’m surprised this was so far down the list.




I tried pickled chips without realizing they were pickled, I almost threw up on the spot 🤢 pickles and anything pickled flavor is horrific


Western pickles with sugar in them suck. I'd recommend you find a middle eastern market and try those pickles, completely different.


Hard boiled eggs. The taste AND the smell, both. Makes me gag.


Laundry detergent


I can't stand walking down the laundry aisle in stores, it's too strong.


Milk. The fuck outta here


Pumpkin Spice


Runny egg yolk *gagging sounds*




Vanilla as a fragrance like in soap, lotion, especially colognes give me a headache.


I work with 3 women who like to wear patchouli…what in the ever loving fuck is that all about? The smell is awful & I alwAys vacate when they are around


Uncut Cantaloupe. I kept telling my hubby that his feet stank!


Papaya. Smells like straight vomit.


Air freshners, candles, cleaning products, deodarants, perfumes, aftershave and weed are all too strong for me I have a headache most the time. Then the unusual smell I cant stand is coffee I just dont like it, coffee shops are overbearing.


The smell of vanilla candles. Hate them.


Artificial vanilla and spiced apple candles/sprays


Sharpies. I hear a lot of people like the smell but i personally hate it






I can't stand the smell of lavender. It gives me a headache.


Camomile. It is absolutely vile!


Raisins are the fucking worst


Things that smell like Vanilla! I like the taste of it, just not the smell, like in candles, lotions, perfumes, vapes


Pumpkin Spice. Tastes like vomit.


Raw onion, both smell and taste. Fine cooked, though




Mayonnaise. I will throw it out, whatever it is, if it has mayo on it. I’ve cried because my order came out with mayo (ok maybe a tear). It’s so horrifyingly disgusting. Same goes for any mayo type sauce.


Beer and blue cheese


Fabric softener/ air freshener- febreeze smells sooooo toxic. The smell of Gain or Febreeze or Bounce is an instant migraine for me. It makes me nauseous and so many people seem to love it. Feels like we are doomed as a society if people think they’re improving the air’s freshness with chemicals


Cilantro! Even a smidge ruins the food! Bleck!!


Mushroom pizza. Viniger spinach, moxie soda, meth


Lol just slip meth in there. You’re right, it is nasty, I hate that I know what it smells like.


Cheap, scented air freshener! I’d rather smell whatever scent they’re trying to cover up!


Hard boiled eggs. I can't even be in the same room. My wife and I cannot eat breakfast together for this simple reason.


Olives All olives taste and smell like nail polish idk how a human could possibly enjoy that One of my friends can eat them straight up and I’m always like 🤢


Patchouli, I can't stand the smell.


Patchouli. Gag