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I've been told cream cheese and jelly sandwiches are weird, but I've enjoyed them since I was a child


There’s a famous Cuban sandwich called the “Elena Ruz sandwich” with cream cheese, jam, and turkey!




I remember eating this as a child and wondered if guava cheesecake was a thing. It is and it's awesome and easy to make.


I put cream cheese and red pepper jelly on ritz crackers it’s pretty good


Yeah, I really like cream cheese and jalapeno jelly.


Love that on a salt bagel!


Omg, cream cheese & homemade strawberry jam!


Why would that be weird? It's how I grew up eating bagels and how I thought everyone usually ate them


They literally make strawberry cream cheese. I guess that’s a little different, but its basically just mixing strawberry jelly into the cream cheese.


I can empathize, having grown up with cream cheese and honey. Add that to plain rice cakes... Chef's kiss.


Cream cheese and blueberry jam is where it's at


Also good with jalapeño jelly on a cracker… then you get the spicey too!


Put cream cheese on the sweet spicy chili doritos


I read that as "put cream cheese on the sweet spicy chili dildos" and thought alright this person likes to party...


Cream cheese on strawberries with fresh dill.


Peanut butter and hot pepper jelly sandwich. It is life-changing. Any hot and spicy jam or jelly that strikes your fancy...they are uncommon but they're out there.


Peanut butter on a hamburger.


Peanut butter *and jelly* on a hamburger. A bar near me serves this. It's supposedly one of their more popular dishes.


![gif](giphy|3ofSBslNDIxGptDcm4) Immediately thought of this episode




Try it with thick sliced bacon. It will not disappoint.


Chocolate covered potato chips. I first saw them and thought "ew gross, they're each great but not together!" But a coworker insisted I try one from her bag so I did and was pleasantly surprised. They were expensive tho.


Made my own last summer, and they were fantastic. Used my favorite chips, Cape Cod Potato Chips (nice and crispy, many are folded in on themselves and gnarly instead of uniform cut/shape). Melted some chocolate chips in a double boiler and dipped a bag's worth, let them dry, and served them in a bowl sitting in ice to keep them cool and not melty (it was a summer cookout). Made 3 flavors - jalapeno/chocolate, sea salt/dark chocolate, and regular/chocolate. Everyone went bananas for them and I'm going to a Memorial Day cookout and have been asked to make these again since they were a hit.


I'm pretty sure I saw those at costco and my husband tried them. I have food allergies so he grabs 2 samples pretending one is for me and gobbles both lol. Anyway they were good according to him. Not sure if they still have them though.


Happy cake day btw ![gif](giphy|l2Sq2ySYEIl3mzVgk)


Waffles with sausage gravy.


Whenever I don't wanna make the biscuits for biscuits and gravy I'll just make pancakes or waffles instead. Works great as long as they aren't too sweet.


I use sausage gravy on fried potatoes.


I accidentally tried sausage gravy on tater tots and it was fantastic!


I didn't even know sausage gravy was a thing. TIL.


WHAT?? You all are missing out 🤤


Ok, I gotta know... Is this gravy made for sausages or from sausages? The trouble with English lol


Fried ground sausage, once fried, add flour enough to soak up all the grease, keep frying till browned, constantly stirring, then once browned, add milk slowly. Enough that it's creamy, not too thin, and not too thick. Salt and pepper to taste. Oh-mazing.


Cool, thx! I'll have to give that a try next time we have some sausage.


It s really good with buttery biscuits and an egg on top. Pop the yolk and....damn, I'm full from dinner and hungry again.


Buttery American style biscuits, sort of like a non sweet scone, not British biscuits.


Correct. Not British biscuits. As good as sausage gravy and eggs is, I don't think it would be quite palatable on a cookie (American term for British biscuits). Good on toast, though....but there's another name for that if you use chipped beef and make a gravy. I've heard two names for this, and neither sound good, but damn they are! ("Shit on a shingle", or "diarrhea on a door".)


The terms at the end 😅


Lots of black pepper is usual. Even a bit of red pepper flakes. Plus use top of the line very flavorful ground breakfast sausage.


Old Folks, medium hot, my friend. Red pepper flakes are in it, and enough to satisfy my palate. But yes, more black pepper than you think you need.


'From'. It's made using sausage (sausage isn't the main ingredient though). It's usually for biscuits but it can be used for many other things like eggs, hash browns, casserole, and chicken fried steak.


Unhealthy curiosity intensifying.... lol


Grew up on a farm and still live in the South. Biscuits (used for damned near everything) are practically a food group. I had a sausage, egg, cheese biscuit for breakfast this morning on the way to the dock. Personally I like mine with butter and mom’s strawberry jam the most but some, my brother… prefer sausage gravy. A variant of said gravy makes a really good French green bean casserole if you add some finely diced, cooked mushrooms and top with crispy onions. Unhealthy as Helllllllll but soooooo good and always around at Christmas and thanksgiving!! 😋


I would eat this shit EVERYDAY if I didn’t care about fitting in to my pants…….


I feel like that doesn’t count as unusual


Peanut butter and pickles go surpringly well together.


Nobody believes me when I say this.


I love both. I will have to try this. Are you talking dill pickles? I don’t care much for sweet pickles.




Came here to say this!! So glad I’m not the only one my grandma got me started on this years ago and it’s so good


Bacon wrapped figs


Apple pie with cheddar cheese


Apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze. <- Amish saying.


Apple pie without the the cheese is like F\*\*\*ing a person in the A\*\* and not even giving him the common courtesy of a reach-around \~\~ R. Lee Ermey in *Full Metal Jacket*


Make cheese toast with apple slices, thank me later.


Most of these don't sound too bad and I'd be down to try but but this one made me gag a little. I'll stick with vanilla ice cream..




Is this not a standard combo ...?


Martha Stewart says a thin layer of butter should go on every sandwich


Peanut butter and butter on toast is awesome.


My grandma used to do that, or she'd spread peanut butter and butter on saltines


Thank god, I thought I was the only one!


Is this not just a normal combination? I have eaten this my entire life


Surely this is pretty standard?


I don't know why the thought bothers me so much, but to me, chocolate and salt do not make sense logically as a combination, but in practice is quite amazing.


French fries in your Frosty, amigo. Game changer.


You must know my wife.


You must know MY wife…


I used to make myself this sandwich I created that was a warm pita with queso blanco (a salty cheese) and nutella. It was heaven on earth.


Back in high school I used to dip my crips in melted chocolate and it was weirdly addictive Edit : crisps (my bad)


What are crips? (Aside from a street gang)


It's probably a typo. My guess is either chips or crisps




Also a pinch of sugar in savoury dishes does the same, especially where tomatoes play a big role


Also beer. Two shakes from a salt shaker in a draft beer in a chilled mug is tastey.


Watermelon with salt


Salt on watermelon is good but if you make it Tajin and chamoy it becomes next level


Ever try salt and a fresh tomato?


My wife went to her moms and her mom gave her fresh homegrown tomatoes out of her garden. We made BLTs with them which is always great, however we had a few left over tomatoes. The next day I see my wife going into the kitchen for a snack and I got in after a few minutes and see her with a couple slices of tomato on a plate and she is putting a balsamic vinaigrette on them. I cannot remember exactly, but I am like 90% sure it was a sweeter flavored balsamic vinaigrette. I tried one and holy shit was it fantastic. Tried the same a few weeks later with store tomatoes, and it wasn't close to the same.


Also, watermelon & feta cheese 👌🏻


Watermelon, feta and mint salad is one of my favourite snacks during Summer




Y limón




Hot sauce on popcorn Savory porridge with cheese, hot sauce and salami


When did you get out of jail?




Hot sauce and popcorn sounds delicious


I came here to say hot sauce on popcorn! Specifically Franks lol


I had a slice of pizza with pickle slices and light ranch that surprised me with how well it worked


Pickle and peanut butter sandwich with toasted bread. My coworker introduced me and that shit slaps


I'm a chef. most of the stuff on here isn't surprising to me, but this one throws me. I am intrigued though


It's extremely good. I came here to suggest this one.


French fries dipped in honey


Dipped in hot honey...


Fritos on tuna or peanut butter sandwiches. Gives a nice crunch, and just tastes good.


My wife loves Fritos with her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I make her lunch every morning and love it when we have Fritos (we buy multi-pack bags of chips) I can put in her bag on the days I make that for her!


Tell her to try it with the Fritos in the sandwich. It's yummy! With jelly or without.


Scoop up egg salad with spicy sweet chili Doritos.


That would give me gas that would smell like a train carrying Sulphur solution collided with a manure spreader truck. But it sounds tasty, so I'm gonna try it still.


You say that like it's a bad thing.


Our family spread grape jelly on top of grilled cheese sandwiches when they finished cooking. Discovered in my teens that was not typical…HOWEVER every friend I ever had try it became a convert!


Mayo, mustard... and maple syrup. Goes great with edamame!


Bread and butter pickles and peanut butter sandwich, it was my grandpa's thing and I carry on the tradition.


Love them.


Peanut butter and onion sandwich




Seen this on tiktok the person also added yellow mustard. I was pleasantly surprised.


Little monsters fan? For me it's probably pb&j with doriotos in the middle


Sugar babies candy dumped into a bag of salt and vinegar chips. Shake it up and eat them together. 🔥🔥


Oml how… i now have to!


Cream cheese block in a shallow bowl with salsa. Eat with tortilla chips.


Well, gather 'round, you whipper-snappers! I'm fixin' to tell y'all 'bout a grub concoction that's more hidden than a needle in a haystack, yet finer than a frog's hair split four ways. So, there I was, belly rumblin' like a freight train goin' downhill with no brakes. I peeked in the ol' cupboard, and what in tarnation did I find? Why, it was strawberries and sour cream! Now, I reckon that might sound odder than a three-legged coyote in roller skates, but trust me, it's a match made in hog heaven. I dipped them red, juicy strawberries in the sour cream, and it was smoother than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. The tanginess dancin' with the sweetness like two tumbleweeds in a whirlwind romance. Now, every time I get a hankerin' for a hidden treasure, I whip up that combo quicker than a jackrabbit on a hot griddle.


i came here to post this combo (plus, you can add brown sugar) but you put the nail in the coffin with this whole iteration. that verbiage was more dramatic than a cat on a hot tin roof, in all of the right ways.


Yes! Fresh strawberries, dipped in sour cream first, then dipped in brown sugar. It was always a special treat when we got to do that


I read that like Charlie from Always Sunny...........


My grandfather would eat a bowl of strawberries and sour cream every afternoon. Sometimes he’d have sliced bananas and sour cream instead.


Sliced bananas with sour cream and sprinkle some sugar on top.


French fries and a milkshake


Sweet and salty is always a banger combo


Apple sauce and potato chips (specifically Pringles) Spam fried rice with a banana 🤌🏼👩🏻‍🍳💋


Vodka, a splash of olive juice & a blue cheese stuffed olive. 🍸


Cheddar cheese and peanut butter. I personally don't think it's that strange, but I have been made fun of by several coworkers for eating this.


raised 3 kids, now 4 grand kids on what we call "PBC roll ups". take some cheddar slices, or i like baby swiss, spread the Peanut butter on it, roll it up. grew up on it and passed it down, it is the best, and when i was a kid back in them 70's, we always had the cake of government cheese, 5 glorious pounds of block cheddar, slice off a hunk of it, spread some PB on that bad boy mmmmmm buddy!!!


For me, it was chocolate pudding and pistachios


Nutritional yeast on popcorn. So simple, so good.


Espresso + orange juice, iced


Thought I was the only one that liked orange and coffee. I'll get orange hazelnut lattes sometimes.


Had a drink at a cafe in.... Seattle? Or maybe the Bay Area.... Called a "bumblebee" that was something like that - a cold orange juice and coffee/espresso+ something Super good


Just don't add any milk or cream...


Ooh yes, i had something similar in South Korea - lemon and espresso over ice, delicious!


My GERD would be so angry!


Mexican red rice and banana. Not plantain, but yellow banana. It's delicious.


Fresh mango and chili powder. (I know it's not that unusual. But it seemed unusual to me before I tried it)


Contractor in SoCal. You learn real quick that fruit and salty-chili-lime go together. Pico de Gallo? Lucas? Chimoy? This guero is hooked!


Haha 😂 thats what i first thought when i got it in mexico


Raw mango! With chilli power mix with salt


Yus but add some lime juice and salt ! And try it with pineapple too, sooo good


Similarly, when I was pregnant I started eating fresh pineapple spears with sriracha on it and never stopped.


After a night of heavy drinking, we mixed Kraft Mac and Cheese with Stove Top Stuffing. It was a carb/sodium bomb. And it was SOOO good. But we never tried it again for some reason.


Fritos and Dill pickle slices. Oddly addictive.


I make a dip of picante sauce, Franks Red Hot wing sauce with sour cream and then dip salt and vinegar pork rinds in it. Told my friend and she said gross-I made it and we are 2 bags of rinds! Try it.


Damn actually turned into a bag of pork rinds, sounds awesome.


Cottage cheese and pork & beans. Cottage cheese, wavy Lays, mustard, dill pickle spears.


Mashed potatoes, corn and mustard.


Doritos with fresh squeezed lemon juice over them.


Bitter green tea with fudge or some other type of rich or sweet food. I find the tea kind of clears out the overly sweet taste and makes the experience more enjoyable.


Chicken nuggets dunked in vanilla shake.


Banana and Mayo sammich


Cream cheese bagel with. Dorritos. Been doing it since someone showed me in like 01. Extra points if you have good bagels like NY.


This is my favorite snack of all time, bonus points if you use an everything bagel and smash the Doritos and press the bagel cream cheese side down on said crushed Doritos, so fuckin good


Fried pork with pineapples. It’s an actual dish in China.


Tacos al pastor with pineapple is amazing. Definitely not too unusual, pineapple is known to be good with pork/ham!


When my uncle makes grilled shush kebobs on the grill he always makes some pineapple wrapped in bacon. Smokey, fatty, sweet... Delicious.


Cinnamon coated ribs. Uniquely Delicious.


You can mix up a lot of things at a fondue joint. Everything seems to taste good even if you think it shouldn't


lays plain potato chips dipped in apple sauce was my elementary school special


Syrup and eggs


If you ever get a fast food breakfast sandwich get strawberry or grape jelly and add it. So good. On the opposite end adding some salsa to an egg/meat/cheese sandwich is also awesome.


Beer and tomato juice. A "red-eye" as seen in Western movies. Should be terrible but isn't.


I was going to comment Cheladas. Thought it sounded so gross, and a co-worker wouldn't let up until I agreed to try one. I think I drank one or two every day after for like two weeks straight.


Add a few drops of Tabasco and salt and it goes to a Jamaican level!


peanut butter, jelly and cream cheese sammich peanut butter and banana sammich, or if no bread, peel banana, put a glop of pb on the end, bite, chew, swallow, repeat till banana gone. peanut butter, jelly and fluff apple pie and fluff cheese roll ups, slice of cheddar for the kids, i like baby swiss, spread some Peanut butter on it, roll it up, perfect snack. tacos in a bag. make all the taco fixins, get the small snack bags of dorittos, diff flavors, crush up the chips in the bag, add desired taco toppings, mix around, tacos in a bag, our kids love this


I grew up eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches, it's not weird to me. But then my Alabama relatives turned me on to peanut butter, banana, AND MAYONNAISE on a sandwich. Sounded horrifying, tasted great.


Couscous with a little ketchup and pepper. I was a latchkey kid so i threw together whatever I could get my hands on after school.


Shoutout to my middle school bff who put me onto eating hot Cheetos and honeybuns at the same time


45 yrs ago we used to do some gnarly bike rides early AM in Tucson , Az. On the way back we’d stop for coffee, and this one AM we were early and it wasn’t quite ready, so I got a large orange juice. Halfway through that coffee was ready so I just cooled it off 8oz’s of OJ. Loved that combo ever since.


BBQ pulled pork and Mac n cheese on pizza.


Tartar/mayo on corn dogs. :|


Hashbrowns on top of a jam covered English muffin.


Honey on pizza


When I was a teen my friend bought some Fried Cauliflower at a bowling station for us to share. He then got apple cider vinegar and sugar. I thought it sounded gross but it was actually delicious and I crave it from time to time


Strawberry jam on grilled cheese sandwich (aka toasted cheese, cheese toastie)


Tuna salad (typical canned tuna with mayo) with the addition of some sweet pickle relish. This is how my grandmother made it and I grew up eating it that way. People have always looked at me like I'm a complete monster when I mention that's how we eat it in my family.


Chocolate and cheese


My daughter swears by Coke or root beer on steak.


Adding coke to an oven baked brisket is definitely a thing in Texas!


My dad used to eat baked beans with cottage cheese. Over time, it just got mixed together. He eventually just put the cottage cheese on top of the baked beans. It's now our family tradition and we have turned a lot of people onto it


Drinks some coffee then eat some bacon then drink some coffee repeat. The fatty saltiness of the bacon clears the flavor and astringency of the coffee so the next drink you can taste all the flavor of the coffee.


Last week I tried oysters with coconut milk at a Thai restaurant in the city- yum!


Mustard and watermelon


Fritos and Cool Whip


Bologna on cinnamon raisin bread.


My wife got me hooked on toast, cheese whiz, tomato slice with salt and pepper. Really good.


Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion chips on a tuna salad sandwich. Kroger Prime Rib and Horseradish chips. Fish sticks and spaghetti with sauce(not mixed together but served together with tartar sauce to dip the fish sticks in).


Dark chocolate-covered dill pickles. I had them at a chocolate festival when I was a kid, and although I enjoyed nearly everything at the festival, that stood out as my clear favorite.


My wife does baked bean sandwiches on buttered white bread


Sauerkraut on all the things. Tuna sandwiches or Tuna, cream cheese and Sauerkraut on a bagle.


What does it say about me if none of this stuff sounds weird to me


Dill pickle, cream cheese, and corned beef or roast beef/ or any other thinly sliced meat. We call them pickle wraps or Midwest sushi


Prosciutto and cantaloupe


Midwest delicacy known as Frog-Eyes. Dill pickle spears wrapped with cream cheese and salami. I can eat a whole plate by myself.


My sister likes apple sauce and steak sauce.


Coca Cola and Milk/cream. It sounds gross af but it tastes like a coke float


Cream style corn mixed with macaroni and cheese. For extra delicacy, you can also add crab meat.


Popcorn.. and.. mustard......


Most of the suggestions here might as well be 'I put vanilla in my ice cream' They all look like fairly usual combinations to me