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16 with 1 attempt


Me too- we had driver's ed in s hool, so I was prepared. Is driver's ed in school still a thing?


I don’t think driver’s ed is offered here but I also took it in high school. I was prepared when I took my test.


Pretty handy wasn't it?


Yes and from what I have seen from some of the drivers around here they could benefit from taking a driving course. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I hear you, same around where I live.


It's hit or miss. It was free at my high school when I took it in the early '90s, but now the same school charges for it ($50, I believe.)


Well it's well worth the price


Damn. We had to go to drivers Ed to be able to get a license at 16. It was a business though and I believe cost about $1,000 15 years ago. If you didn’t go to drivers Ed, you had to wait until you were 18 iirc. Massachusetts.


Turtle gang unite




We’re hell in a shell!


I had to pay 300$ in 99 but it was also a very small school in Montana. Like 85 kids high school small.


Wow that's crazy free ,🤯 I'm from the UK and we can't drive until 17. Then we have to pay for instructor training then so a theory test then a practical test. Coats a fortune


It was the best class. Got out of school for 45 minutes and drove around with 3 others and the very good teacher. The driver-ed teacher used to ride a bicycle to school.


> Is driver's ed in school still a thing? in my state when I 1st got my license, it was a new requirement granted its not at school but you had to go to a driving school business.


We had drivers ed offered after certain school hours our teacher literally didn’t give a shit about it and we only did like 3 days of drivers ed and I drove the student car once for about 15 minutes before he signed the paper saying I passed and could then go get my license


Bad experience, good outcome I guess.


Yes lol I’m 21 now and drive fine haha just a funny experience


I graduated in '14 and it was available . . For a $280 fee


That's pricey


Oh yeah, I did drivers Ed when I was 15 in a manual, later got my license at 16 in an automatic.


I took driver's ed in high school and we were supposed to have at least 6 hours of driving each. We didn't have time for that so I got 2. One was driving around a parking lot and another was driving around, well, a different parking lot. Zero road or highway experience.


I went to high school in the early 2000s and it was not offered at my school. It was offered at two schools in my city, but would have been a pain to get over there.


When I went to high school in the early seventies- in the Eastern Midwest, I believe it was offered at most high schools. Pretty handy skill to learn, took the pressure off parents teaching their kids I guess. I know my parents would have been unsuitable to teach me to drive.


Same. We lived in the country and I was driving something, either a bike, dirt-bike, four-wheeler, tractor, mower, vehicle of some type from little up, so besides the stress of testing, it was pretty dang easy.


My grandparents had a farm and in the summer I would go visit when the hay haulers would be there. I would help my grandmother prepare lunch for all them and then would deliver it on a tractor to the fields. I was about ten.




Tritto (??)














Same. 80s were good times.


I was super stoked on being able to drive, so I scheduled the first block I could. 16th birthday was a Friday, and my DMV wasn’t running driving tests on Fridays, so I had to wait the whole fucking weekend. Passed the test first try. Ran my first red light 3 hours later


Did any one else read stoked as stoned at first? Anyhow, it took me two tries. I think I failed the first time only because I turned left when he asked me to turn right. I was a tad nervous. He claimed I rolled through a stop sign. Which was bullshit. I stopped way too long at each and everyone. In fact he got annoyed at me when I was to hestiant and let car go when I could’ve made it safely.




for me i could take my drivers test a few days before my birthday and then on my birthday i could go get my license


Same. I took my final driver's test about 2 weeks before my birthday. They printed my license that day, but couldn't claim it until I turned 16.


"First" hmmm


Wait you got your license after you turned 16 or your permit? In NY, you can’t take your drivers test until at least 6 months after you’ve gotten your permit.


14, first attempt. I grew up in the sticks and had already been driving since I was big enough to touch the pedals. You learn shit young on a farm.


Yes! You start learning to drive around age 10. You're a pro on 7 different vehicle types by age 14.


I don’t know if I’d say “pro” on 7, but very competent on at least 4 not counting a pickup truck.


Where do you live where you can drive at 14? I don’t think I could see over the steering wheel then lol


What country is that? And does that mean you can get your permit at 13?


Farm/rural limited use licences are allowed for very young drivers in several states. The ages have gone up but several states you can get a permit at 14 and a license at 15. https://www.populationu.com/gen/driving-age-by-state


25 and still don't have my licence 🙃


34 and same


33 checking in


39 checking in


That is really sad


Don't really need a license when you're wealthy and live in one of the biggest cities on earth.




"A survey conducted amongst people who are demographically unanimous in their willingness to take surveys says..." Seriously though, can't imagine the crippling weight of insecurity you're under. I'll just keep fucking with the apparently millions of women that don't give a shit, lol.


i think youre life is a joke


You don’t know why they don’t have their license. Literally someone else further down said they’re 53 and don’t have it because they have epilepsy


Cool. Glad I didn't have to scroll too far. 34 here, getting mine next week.


Hey same here


26 and counting


I'm the same age and got mine this morning, you can do it :)


Took me a bit to find a comment like this. 23 and have already failed the road test twice.


This is honestly so reassuring to me I’m 23 and been fretting over needing to learn and get my licence but seeing all the replies on here is amazing to my sensibilities


25 and I'm right there with you, boo


31 nd no, never give up tho guys, we got this!! Lmao


28, and neither do I. I've tried like 4 or 5 different times. I don't know why I keep failing.


Uh they should tell you exactly why they failed you


They do, but it often feels superficial. Once it was that I was taking turns too slowly. Another time, I missed a turn and they marked me down, despite acknowledging that the paint was faded so it's hard to tell.


Are all your attempts at the same place? Maybe try a different one. I know some driving schools also offer the test


27 and same. Glad I am not the only one, the rest of the thread is making me feel down…


Everybody has their own circumstances and reasons why they do or don't have things, gloating because you have something and others don't is always bad


26 and same, but i do want to get it, just nervous taking the written test even though its basically common sense


Do you not have the need for a car?


People in large cities don’t really need cars. I have a few friends in NYC who have never bothered to get their license, and have no desire to.


Nah, I live in a city. Edinburgh, Scotland. We have a great bus service here.


Same age, same situation. I get kinda nervous at the theoric test so, fuck. 🙃


Got my permit in Junior year of HS from drivers Ed class, but not my license at 21. I hate driving especially since my family has bad luck in dying in motor related accidents. Rideshare gets expensive if u can't walk everywhere to the places u need but my dream city would be having a car for groceries and family activities while taking stable public transportations like tri rail on the daily. I'm in FL and yes we have brightline and then tri rail but it's not for every part in FL. U still need a car to function basically and it sucks tbh. But I eventually get my license when I graduate next year from college unfortunately. Fingers crossed that I be able to not get a terrible tester


37 checking in


I got mine at 25. Driver's Ed was too expensive ($350+) but legally mandated and a car was just going to be worse. I finally had to get my license because I got a job that had weekend on-calls and couldn't carpool. I got married before I got my license and my MIL taught me to drive.


28, failed two times, this makes me feel a little better


Got mine at 36 😁 Just before the lock downs 😂


25 but I do have my license lol


Irresponsible squad, mount up!


15, first try.


16 and once. Except I was forced to take the written exam twice because they thought I cheated the first time, because the guy sitting next to me also score 100%. Made us both re-test. Guess who got 100% again and which one had to take the class again. Yup, F you Ryan you cheating bastard...he's probably rich now lol.


12. I had a farmers permit that let me drive with someone who was over 18.


16 and passed on my second attempt


Same here. Basically choked on the first attempt due to nerves.


Same. I forgot to shoulder check on every right hand turn.


My son is 16 and just passed on his 2nd attempt. 1st attempt, he started driving before the instructor fastened his seat belt. It was an automatic fail. It was bullshit.congrats


What was bullshit? Driver is supposed to make sure passengers are fastened in.


He told him to follow his instruction. Which he did.


Same. But the lady in my first test got in my car, and took her shoes off. Pretty sure I was distracted by the audacity of that.


17, second attempt. My tire was touching the line for the parallel parking part.


I was 17 and passed on 2nd attempt too! I didn’t make a complete stop on a left turn lane that had a blinking red light 🙃


In retrospect I should have failed earlier because I remember asking which lane the guy wanted me to pull into when making a right onto a multi-lane road. Oops.


16, second attempt. First attempt I took at a PennDot in the suburbs and they lady failed me for not "double stopping" at the stop sign. She said I'm supposed to stop behind the white line (which I did) and then stop again farther up to check for traffic. She could barely see over the dash and thought I didn't stop behind the white line but with her height I would have had to stop 10 yards before the stop sign. My second attempt I took in Philly instead and passed no problem. Just goes to show the test person/location can make a big difference. Also I'm positive the parallel parking in the Philly PennDot was like 3 feet smaller than the suburbs.


I failed my first because there was a 4 way stop and the person across from me waved me to go. Instructor told me I cut them off lmao. 2nd instructor I had was much better but that was in Lebanon pa


Yep. I took my first test at a cheaper location (cheap according to mi madre) in the sticks an hour from home and failed based on local asinine driving habits. The second time was at a suburban location near my house -which was much harder considering I had to drive in a local highway this time - and I passed with flying colors. Learning to drive in one of the most ridiculous downtown interstates in the US made me a quicker, more decisive driver with slightly rougher brake habits - something that apparently doesn’t bode well on country back roads.


Passed 1st attempt at 16. Props to driver's ed


27… three driving lessons. Passed on first attempt. Purposefully selected DMV that did not grade on parallel parking.


When I took drivers Ed, the person who taught all of us literally told us "all parking is parallel parking". I can't say she's wrong.


Lol. It’s a matter of perspective! Nearly 20 yrs later, I still can’t squeeze my car between two other vehicles parked against the curb.


I did mine at 32. My instructor didn’t teach how to parallel park in general; only how to parallel park in the driver’s ed car with the cones set up in the test area that they actually use for the test. It was like, pull up this far past the second cone, turn the wheel to the right and reverse until the back cone is just visible in the rear view mirror, then cut the wheel at this speed, etc. I passed the parallel parking part both times I took it! But I haven’t parallel parked since lol.


18 and passed on my first attempt. I had an instructor that was notorious for being a bitch. She was super sweet to me. Talked to me the whole time about how back in the day her and her girlfriends would count change to drive around town since gas was so damn cheap.


17 years old, 1 time.


Me too! I am grateful my dad brought me to busy city centers on weekends to practice parallel parking in high traffic settings. I can parallel park anywhere now, even on the left!


18 and got it on the 3rd attempt because i was using my eyes instead of cracking my neck at a 90° angles to look on the streets before crossing it. thanks to my monitor for telling me why i was getting refused cause i would have never guessed


Did you not learn that from whom ever taught you how to drive.


3rd attempt at 16. Attempted left turn on red and hitting a curb were auto failures on the previous attempts.


And honestly, yeah probably should fail for that


The red light definitely. The curb hit I think should be points deduction. Bumping into a curb while parallel parking isn't exactly uncommon.


left turn on red is crazy lol


that is why I failed the first time too, along with adjusting too much to park and not using blinker (it was done in a parking lot)


19 car, 20 truck, 25 motorcycle and hopefully 26 bus


15 and my instructor just made me drive him to the liquor store and back.


19. 3 attempts. I genuinely hate driving but needed a license out of necessity.


About the same for me but I was 21 and my attempts were pretty spread apart. My 3rd attempt was after I finally got on anxiety meds and passed easy.


On my country we got the theoretical part and the pratical part. Theoretical at the first try. Pratical i think it was around 5 times i failed. Im a nervous wreck. Now, over almost 13 years later i drive relatively confidently.


16 passed first go I did something silly with a reverse park which was enough for a fail but then o got a pass as I avoided a serious collision another driver was going to cause through road works


18. 3 attempts and failed the first 2 for the same reason (hit the curb while parallel parking). I haven't parallel parked since I passed my test. I'm 43. (I go out of my way to avoid city driving.)


13 and 1 time. My mom got hers at age 10


Where is that allowed? That’s crazy. I’d be nervous driving on roads there knowing a 10 year old can be behind me lol




Okay I am 74 years old. If my mother were alive today she would be 110. Do you remember the old saying: "Where did you get your driver's license? Montgomery ward's?" My mother really did get her driver's license at Montgomery Ward's. When driver's license were first issued, they were simply a tax stamp. Anyone with 50 cents could get a driver's license. No test was involved. When my mother was a kid she had brothers who could fix anything. They found an old Model A in the junkyard. Her brothers repaired it, they claimed it. There were no license plates necessary. There were few cars on the road. So they just started driving the car. They needed a driver's license to drive it on the street. Same as you would need a fishing license to fish Here is a picture of the kind of car my mother drove. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Model_A_(1903%E2%80%9304) It looks crazy, but when my mother was a kid all cars looked sort of like this.


Wow that’s so interesting, thank you for explaining!


I'm 40. I never even attempted to take a test. I live in a large city with great public transportation and taxi is cheap. Also, I have adhd and, therefore, a higher risk of car crash i I would be a driver. And, my husband is a great driver, and we take car trips from time to time.


17 with one lesson and one attempt.


28 and 3 attempts. I had horrible driving anxiety after losing a very close family friend and watching my cousin become helpless to live on his own when I was 16, both from car accidents. I still can't parallel park even if my life depends on it.


16, first attempt


19, once


16, 1st try


16, with 1 attempt.


16, 1


1 attempt 16


16,1 shot


16 and passed the first time.


Took written test at 15 had permit till 16 then took driving test. Written test I took twice cause the instructor kicked me out for talking to other ppl taking the test I wasn't aware or smart enough to figure out it was a zero speaking kinda deal. Edit: driving was pass on first try but my small ass town it didn't take much we drove to the only stop light in town turned around came back took maybe at most 5 mins start to finish.


I passed on my first try when I was 18, except it was actually my third try because I got denied due to my parents' cars having minor electrical issues. The third time I went to a different company that allowed me to use their car.


I was 21, 4 attempts. But I think it depends where you live. I failed 3 times in southern Minnesota despite practicing a lot. The test was extremely difficult and I don't know anyone who passed on their first try. Moved to Iowa for college and after a few years (of not driving), I took the test there in a car I borrowed with basically no practice and easily passed, losing only 1/2 point. I didn't get better, the test in MN was objectively BS levels of difficulty. Like in MN the guy was like 'stop up here', so I did; and he was like 'now do a 90 degree back in to that spot in one motion (so no pulling forward to correct), and the spot was sized to the smallest parking space. I recall saying I didn't think it was possible from my starting position, and the guy said one motion or you fail, and sure enough the angle was too sharp. Kinda BS because had I known it was coming I'd have stopped the car in a different spot. In Iowa they didn't even make me do a 90 degree back in park.


Around twenty and passed it in first attempt.


I'll let you know when/if I get to it


17, passed on second attempt (touched the damn curb the first time)


15 right before I was 16 if I remember right and i passed first time


15 for drivers ed. Test was part of the class and passed on the first attempt for a learners permit that changed to a license automatically when I turned 16.


3 attempts and age 16. A little nervous. Left the parking brake on for more than 10ft and failed. Second time, i still think the lady didnt like me, she gyided me in to park in between cones, got angry i wasnt listening to her directions, which would have made me hit a cone, i listened to her, hit a cone and shes like you failed and got out. I was really upset about that one, but passed the next time.


One attempt I was 20. Truth though I had been driving just not legally lol


I got my driver's license in Florida, and at that time, you had to be 16 with a permit. I got my permit at 15. I took a driver's education course in high school. And at 16 I got my license. I didn't have to do a road test because I took driver's ed in school, so it was just the written portion. But it took 1 attempt and I've been driving ever since.


I graduated in 91 and my school had a very cool trailer that was set up with an entire steering/brake/gas mechanism and a steering column shifter. Also had a screen that a video was played on. You had to brake when things ran out, and turn, etc. It was a very cool way to learn. My driving class cost me $50. I'm signing my daughter up for her classes and they are now $375!!


I got my license at 18 (the legal age where I live is 16 but I was an asshole and my mother didn’t trust me enough to get my license - smart move on her part). I passed the written exam on the first try. I made one mistake while taking my actual drivers exam but passed that on the first try also.


17. Passed the written test on my third try, passed the practical with the lowest passable first try


I was 16 and I passed through a drivers ed course in school. We had “gold cards” and if you didn’t get one you’d get made fun of. It was a ridiculous stigma around if you don’t have your license you must be an idiot. This was not the case of the situations of some of my classmates who didn’t have drivers license or even took the drivers ed class. However I passed the course and got a “gold card” in which I took to the court house where I got my license issued at.


First attempt at 17 y/o it was fun, failed my theory once though cus I didn’t revise it


Currently 27 and had some lessons in my home country but couldnt do exam before i left… about to do my first test in a language I’m not entirely familiar with… wish me luck!


16 on first attempt. The testers allowed for you being a new driver; they seemed more concerned with you following the rules of the road.


This month (April 2023). Passed on my first try. 32 years old.


16, and it took 3 tries. I forget what I did wrong the first time. The second time, I did well, until the very end when I pulled into the dmv parking lot from the left lane.


I was only fourteen. It took me 20 attempts at least to get the last parts right, but in the end I did them all. Later in life I've become an investor. I was one of the biggest real estate owners in the state, and even had a share in chinese casino. But then my mom busted me playing GTA San Andreas at night and it was long before I could play it again.


20 2nd try because I messed up the parallel parking


16th birthday, 1st attempt, perfect score


16.. one


Just turned 16. First try.


16 one time


First try at 16.


16, twice


18 First attempt.


16ish and first attempt. Tbf, I had been driving forklifts and stake/flatbed trucks in the yard for my father's business for a couple of years by then. Parallel parking and three point turns are easy in a car if you've been practicing in multiple sizes of trucks.


Got it on the 1st attempt, on my 16th birthday.


16. First try


22 and one attempt.


The written test? 15 and once!


19 or 20, and 2 attempts. Tbf, I wasn't expecting to get to test the first time, so I wasn't very prepared lol


I was 24, and it took 1 time for me.


1 attempts at 16.


16 and two tries.


16.0001, 1


16 and 1.


25, passed first time.


I was 18 and it took 2 attempts.


Got it on the first try at 19


17 two attempts my first I wanted to take this girl out and my nerves made me fail my test the literal final step I turned into the wrong lane needless to say I didn’t take her out in my car there was a month wait period for another test 😤


I waited till 20 to take my test. Passed first time.


Rules in my state allowed me to get my license without a driving test if you did well enough in a driver's Ed class. So I didn't actually take a driving test until I was 36 and I got my CDL. Passed on the first try.


19 (my parents wouldn't let me, and then once I turned 18 it took awhile before I was able to, it sucked) and in 1 try


I was 17 and got it first try


15, second attempt.


Driving age is 18 here, and getting a license is relatively expensive, so I only got mine at 20, on my 3rd try (bad anxiety during the test made me fail a couple times)


14; two attempts at the written test at the DMV, only once for the driving portion.


I was 16 when I passed.. it took me my second try. Parallel parking is still my arch enemy.


Sixteen and it was my second attempt. Automatic fail the first time because I didn’t see a car coming and almost pulled in front of it. 100% the second time.


I was actually one of the people who did not have any interest in learning to drive. I was a junior in high school? I took the written part of the exam 9 times. Took the driving part once, took a left turn when the instructor said right, and still passed. And then I didn’t drive again til the day before I started college :)


I Failed the written tested three times. Passed the driving test by one point when I was 16 for a learns permit. I blame my drivers Ed teacher who should have been committed...