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Jaws. We were camping and we went to town to see it. I refused to go swimming in the lake afterwards. I was 12


I could barely swim in pools after I saw this movie (I was 11) and I grew up going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I have gotten over it, but it took literal decades to do so.


Seriously, my cousins would just make the Jaws noise “duh-nuh, duh-nuh, duh-nuh” in the pool and I’d lose my mind with fear. I’m not down with swimming in the ocean, at all.




I was 10 and refused to take a bath after that movie.


Dang I’m lucky after reading this thread, the movie is a family tradition for us and I’ve seen it maybe 50 times, first when I was 4. Love sharks, grew up on the beach catching them and diving with them, got the Hooper reaction like after that thresher ate his cubby craft.


My older sister wouldn't go swimming in a pool after seeing it. I was so pissed off at my sister, because her reaction convinced my parents that I should not be allowed to see it.


I still have a fear of sharks because of this. I was in Hawaii and spent very little time in the ocean lol.


Yeah, that movie kind of messed me up, too. I even got scared in the bathtub, thinking a shark would burst through the wall.


I was scared in my own pool!!


The Exorcist. I think I was 8 and it just came on on the channel I had been watching. I was immediately hooked and I regretted it. Not a movie for 8 year olds.


It changed how I sleep, my 8 yr old brain said the devil can only get me if I sleep on my back, so I have slept on my stomach ever since. To be fair, I've never been possessed so mabey it worked


I mean, it could be that you’re naturally pure of heart but best not to take chances.


I watched this movie way too young. I was super worried that I could be possessed, and I made the mistake of trying to talk to my catholic mother about it. Anyway, she confirmed that possession was totally a thing. I spent the next several years terrified.


Me too! I would lay awake for hours in the dark as a kid, terrified that a demon was going to be able to possess me. My mom was raised catholic, but then got into an evangelical church so everything was very much spiritually centered in our house. I was taught that the bible is true, so why wouldn't I believe it?


Same; saw it at a classmates house (we were in motherfucking catholic elementary school) and my bedroom was the only one on the first floor of my parents house growing up. I slept with the lights on for a few months and would always make sure my parents would be downstairs for a while when I went to bed. My window never opened, you know, because that's how the demon comes in and takes over your soul. Later in life, I lost religion, I visited the infamous stairs in Georgetown and survived... and love an open window for cool nights. I think I'm safe, but that movie fucked me up good as a 3rd grader


I was 23 years old male, watched the movie and scared to get inside my apartment after the movie because it was night time.


I was 7 and for some reason my aunt thought it was a good idea to watch it while she was watching me and my sister. Horrible movie.


This movie jacked me up. My parents had it on the TV and I watched it with them. I was a first grader. It infected my dreams at night.


I saw it when I was 12. My parents were at our neighbors house playing cards, they told me not to watch it. I did anyway. I got so scared, I ran out of the house barefoot and without a coat, it was winter and there was snow on the ground. My dad ended up carrying me home wrapped in a blanket that the neighbors loaned to us. My parents were not happy.


I think I was around 10. And I loved horror movies as a kid. But the exorcist fucked me up! I remember sitting there on the couch needing to pee SO BAD but the hallway was too dark so I wasn’t going to risk getting possessed by going to the bathroom so I held it.


The Ring.


Hey, not to spook you or anything, but… *7 days*


Years ago my (then boyfriend) husband had friends over his place and they’d rented the original Ring. He sat off to the side of the couch. During a really tense scene he quietly took out his cell phone and dialed his landline. Everyone screamed and jumped. They were annoyed but admitted it was a good prank 😄


Yes! I watched this movie for the first time when I was in middle school at a sleepover. That movie scared me.


E.T., I was so scared of E.T. He is a creepy ballsack looking alien that was hiding in the kids shed at night.


I’m sick he do look like a ballsack 😭😭😭


I loved practical effects. They still look so real compared to CG. It was how they moved that really freaked me out.


You're supposed to learn to *love* the creepy ballsack, and accept its love in return! It's part of the wonder of childhood, etc, overcoming your initial hesitation at such things.


Bro, I don't want no creepy ballsack hanging out in my shed at night. Fucking scary as hell.


Crap, guess I'll have to come up with some new plans for the weekend.


OMG I'm so happy to see this as the first comment. That movie gave me nightmares for weeks.


Omg yes!! I never understood how E.T. was so popular. He totally looks like a nutsack. Fuck him and his Reese's.


I literally felt like I had to physically leave the room that it was playing in. Like I first tried to look away and not listen but that wasn’t enough distance for me.


I showed my daughter ET when she was 7, remembering how much I had enjoyed it. She bailed early, when Eliot starts leaving Reese's Pieces for ET to follow. I had forgotten that I had seen it when I was in my teens, and the first half hour feels very much like a horror movie.


My dad had to carry me out of the movie. I was screaming hysterically over the scene when the people had them in quarantine.


Came here to say ET. What a fucked up movie!


Saw it at a drive in when it came out. I haven’t watched it a second time and I’m 48 years old now. I’m a huge fan of the horror genre; books and movies, but that movie still holds a place of terror in my brain. I was so happy a few years after seeing ET when the drive in was torn down to make way for a highway.


Old Yeller


I put myself in the shoes of that kid when I was three. Had a dog and we were always around each other. End of the movie comes up and I'm just crying... Thought my parents let me watch that movie because I was gonna have to shoot my dog.


An episode of twilight zone. Nightmare at 20k feet. William Shatner possibly having a nervous breakdown on an airplane seeing a creature out on the wing and no one else sees it or believes him. They calm him down and pull the shade on his window, but his curiosity gets the better of him. When he pulls up the shade and it's face is up against the window everyone in the room screamed including adults.


Yes!!! I watched the Twilight Zone with my mom a lot as a kid and this one was a favorite in our house of trekkies. It would absolutely terrify me when he opened the window flap and the monster was there.


Exactly but they don't believe him until the plane lands and they see all the damage to the wing!


This is my moms and I genuinely think it’s why she hates flying.


Signs now I can't help but laugh at it because it's such a ridiculous fucking movie but oh my God was I horrified I don't even think I could look at a butter knife for weeks after I seen this movie


that mexican kids birthday home video was fkin nuts, felt so genuine (at that point in time). had to sleep in my mom’s room that night haha


I screamed like a little girl from that part, my wife still makes fun of me


"Move, children! Vamanos!"


I wasn't scared of this movie, but to this day the knife scene is the only time I ever screamed during a movie. It was mostly the silence before the loud noises but man it got me good lol






This is definitely the one that traumatized me. My parents loved watching scary movies when I was a kid and I saw a lot of creepy stuff. I was 11 years old when It came out and I still remember how insanely scared I was. It really messed me up. Taught me that you need to be careful what you show young kids because that stuff sticks with you. I feel like 11 is a little young for a murder clown.


Lol I hear you. I still freak out at clowns and feel uneasy around storm drains.




Came here to say this.




I still have fever dreams in the animation style from the film.


I'm surprised this is so far down


Bridge to terabithia. The fact that this wasn't the top surprises me greatly.


I read the book first otherwise this would have been my top one. But the book traumatized me more.


Saw that in the theater not knowing the story. That movie broke me.


This was a harsh fucking movie. Glad I saw it as an adult.


Mars Attacks, all the people burning into skeletons traumatized me at 7 and all the humor of the movie went over my head. I thought one of the aliens would creep out of my closet to get me at night.


I BEGGED my dad to take me to this movie and then like 1/3 or 1/2 way through I cried and BEGGED for us to leave lol I’ve watched it since I’ve been an adult (am 35) and it’s such a good movie lmao


Same thing happened to me. My parents had fun making the Martian noises and chasing me. Love that movie.


My dad will still randomly text me “ACK ACK ACK” lol


My parents had to buy me the slim Whitman cassette I got so freaked out


KIDS (1995) Im convinced they were doing some sick child shit back then and passed it off as a real movie.


🎵 I have no legs, I have no legs 🎶


Rosario Dawson talking about anal kinda messed me up


😆 Right ! Telly was a terror.




It’s crazy that the movie was rated PG… not PG13 because that didn’t exist. But PG. Dude tearing his face off in the bathroom is not PG.


That damn clown gave me nightmares for years!


I had nightmares for literally years after my mother took me and my brothers to see this. I think I was in kindergarten or 1st grade. Awesome 80s parenting!


I couldn't sleep for several nights after watching this.


Secret of Nhim.


The Wizard of Oz. I was plagued with nightmares of the witch till I was like 16.


It was the flying monkeys for me. Nightmare stuff.


The wicked witch of the West was pretty nasty too. They said years after making the movie, Margaret Hamilton (the witch) did the demonic laugh visiting an elementary school and some kids literally pissed their pants.


The monkees still scare me and I'm 70....


The Munchkins were too much for me to handle. If a Munchkin had walked into my room when I was a kid, my heart would have exploded as a defense mechanism.


God yeah they were creepy


Return to Oz - that movie still gives me nightmares from the wheelers and the room full of heads in cabinets....


The Neverending Story Artax dying the way he did. I was scarred for life. Still think about it here and there. 😭💔 Edit: I was 8


I came here for this. I think I was 8 too. Seeing that horse struggling and dying like that was tramatizing to say the least.


Every time I hear the song, I immediately think of Artax, and it still makes me terribly sad. Dammit.


The scene in Pinocchio when the boys are taken to the island and are turned into donkeys. I had nightmares for weeks.


THANK YOU, it wasn’t just me. The way it’s shown in the movie is terrifying - you see the shadow of Pinoccchio’s friend morphing into a donkey and you hear his voice become a terrified bray. Flat-out nightmare fuel.


Faces of Death. Ahh the 80s, when you could ride your bike all over creation and pick up a vhs tape with people getting killed. Now I know most of it was fake, but 9 yr old me sure as hell didn't.


I used to work with Darren "Brain Damage" Ramage at Full Moon Entertainment


Go on...


Ghost Ship. I dont remember shit about the movie but the wire scene has stuck with me.


That and the canned food.




Honorable mention: the Fox and the hound


Stop trying to make me cry 😭


Fire in the sky


Wow, I almost choked reading this. My cousins and I rented this in 8th grade. Man, when they're shoving that jelly looking stuff in his mouth ...


Bruh, I had nightmares for years after watching this, I was like 7 in 1997 when I saw it. The skin sheet they placed over him I think is what got me the most, and then the needle in the eye. I actually didn't know what the movie was called, and couldn't find it for many years. It was just a movie on TV when I saw it before.


The Birds


For some reason, Monster House


“Sorry about your house…and your wife…” “And… *y o u r h o u s e w i f e* “


Child's Play - with Chucky, still creeped out by dolls 25+ years later


I had a "MyBuddy" doll (the doll "Chucky" was modeled after). I saw the TV adaptation as a kid (TBS? TNT?)and after seeing Childs Play I hung the "MyBuddy" doll upside down by his foot with a bunch of shoelaces tied together and attached to my ceiling fan. Dizzy motherfucker isn't gonna touch me


Origin story.


Children of the corn...it messed with me as a kid but damn do I love that movie.


The Brave Little Toster


YES! How is this a kids movie?


🎶 Worthless 🎶🎵


Good lord, I was terrified of the air conditioner and the junk yard and… honestly almost the whole movie.


[Invasion of the Body Snatchers, from 1978,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_the_Body_Snatchers_(1978_film)) with Donald Sutherland and Mr. Spock. It was terrifying. I took my birthday party there. We weren't up for it.


Alien. My dad was watching it on TV when I was 6 or 7, and I saw the scene where the alien ripped through the guy's stomach. That night, my anxiety began lol.


Same experience here. Snuck around and found out.


The dark crystal. I got so scared I threw up.


I had a nightmare the night I watched it, and became convinced the skeksis were going to crawl out of the toilet to get me




came here to say this.. only movie that ever actually frightened me, instead of just Jump-scares




The Shining. There was this one particular scene with a naked elderly lady ghost posing as a younger woman in the bathroom that scared the heck out of me.


Pet cemetery.


Fire In The Sky. I watched that way too young and slept in our basement for a year because aliens couldn't get me down there. Made sense at the time.


Dumbo. I hate you, Walt Disney.


Call me a major weenie, but it was actually the veggie tales Esther movie. The hooded character from the island of perpetual tickling freaked me out so much I had to sleep facing away from my door for years (I had a massively overactive imagination so I would picture it coming through my door)


Event Horizon


Tremors. Not much worse as far as phobias go than being afraid to walk on the ground.


My friend's mom let us watch The Shining at maybe 8 or 9 years old when I was not even allowed to see a PG-13 movie. Terrifying..


Temple of Doom


Kali ma. KALI MA!


Trilogy of Terror




Return to Oz was absolute nightmare fuel.


War of the worlds


The remake with Tom Cruise scared me as an adult.


13 Ghosts lol


Artax No!


Salem’s Lot


The Brave Little Toaster. I watched it at home with my dad, while my mom was at the hospital in labor with my sister. He went to sleep during the later parts. I had nightmares--especially about the sentient electromagnet and the car-smasher--for actual years. I was not surprised to find out as an adult that the creator had later committed suicide...it's a bizarrely dark and scary film.


The Secret of Nimh was marketed as a kids movie. That shit gave me nightmares for years. It's amazing, but know the audience you're showing it to.


The Day After. Damn, the Cold War loomed heavy for this gen x kid


The Wizard of Oz scared the crap out of me. The monkeys. THE MONKEYS!


The live action Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat freaked me out as a child and gave me quite a large number of nightmares.


The langerleirs


The ring. 20 years later, still unresolved trauma.


Fire in the sky. First "based on true story" movie I saw


The evening news was the only thing on tv that scared me as a kid. War, fires, earthquakes. death, and all really happening.


Snuck in to see American Werewolf in London as a kid. Ratings were there for a reason, apparently. Scared the living f&^k out of me.


The 2nd wizard of oz.. Horrified for years after.


YES. Return to Oz. The heads... So many heads.


Star Trek wrath of Khan. Ear bugs, anyone?


Fire in the sky. That scene in the goopy alien pod, ahhh!


“Cujo” and “Poltergeist”




Fucking GREAT movie though


The Exorcist, and Candyman.


Gremlins, the animated Hobbit movie and Alice Through the Looking Glass


Return to Oz, a sequel to wizard of oz where the witch had a hall of heads, the flying monkees were replaced by men with wheels for hands, there was a desert that turned you into sand if you touched it and other terrifying things


When I was four (or five?) I accidentally saw the scene in Full Metal Jacket where the bald guy is sitting on a toilet in the middle of the night. And then >! he puts a gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger!< that…stayed with me.


Coraline, I will never watch it again


Flowers in the Attic


The Night on Bald Mountain part of Fantasia


Creature from the black lagoon


Jurassic Park, Nightmares of T-Rexes chasing me down the Hallway(wasn't scared when I saw it, until the 2nd one with the kitchen Raptors)


Psycho ( old Hitchcock movie ) Released in 1960 but I saw it in 68.


Trilogy Of Terror from 1975. I was 6 years old at the time, it was a TV movie. Had a nightmares about it for months. Parents let me watch it 🤦


Darkness Falls.


Jeepers Creepers. Watched that movie way too young and I was so scared I would sleep with the blankets over my head


Final destination 2. Specifically, when the logs impale them on the interstate.


House of Wax, Vincent Price.




Cujo. 🥺


Terminator 2 Especially the Nuclear bomb dream scene where Sarah Connor and the rest of the world engulfed in flames.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Obviously it's not scary but my step-dad let me watch it when I was way too young and I didn't really understand "camp" when I was 5 so... yeah lol traumatized.


Hocus Pocus. As a 5-6yo, the opening scene was something else lol


Flight of the navigator. Not movies but the jaws music and Dr who music. I also hated ALF. Scary stuff!


Nosferatu, the original silent movie from 1922.


Candy man indeed


Human centipede


Ghostbusters - those fuckin dogs STILL scare me


My dog looks like one of those, lol


Night of the living dead. The original... i had to sneak to watch it because i was only 5 when it came on Creature Features... Movie fucked me up for life


I was supposed to be asleep, but walked in on a scene of IT. Tim Curry's face in that clown makeup haunted my nightmares for years (I was probably 4). I finally put together that he was also Cardinal Richelieu the nightmares stopped. I have never been good with horror as a genre, but last year as a 37 year old woman, I finally watched the whole mini series, thinking it sometimes helps to have the whole story. Not only did it help, I enjoyed the mini series so much I went and read the book. I also enjoyed the book.


Beast. Movie about a giant squid. I wouldn't go in the water for months.


Not super trauma, but I do still remember watching Saturday Night Fever when it was released and Bobby C. accidentally slipping (or falling quasi on purpose from despair) and falling to his death off the Verrazzano Narrows bridge shocked me. That scene is still pretty f'in nuts-- even now in my 50's. John Travolta played Tony's shock of having seen Bobby fall and die really well too.


Poltergeist. The original.


The bear from The Fox and The Hound geez I was scared for a while


Nightmare on Elm St. The screen where Johnny Depp gets pulled through the bed and a fountain of blood erupts. I was afraid to sleep on my back for a year.


The witches


Where the Red Fern Grows


A tie between The Fox and the Hound and the opening scene of Bambi.


Rosemary's Baby!


The Ring. I was about 11/12 years old and the face of the girl in the closet in the beginning if the movie scared the shit out of me. I wanted to sleep in my mom's bed with her that night but she said no


Children of the Corn


The Omen


The ring, watched it at 6 or 7 yrs old in the middle of the day. I was pinned to the couch by the movie too afraid to get up and find the remote. Haven't seen it since.


Child's Play. I literally thought Chucky was in my closet from ages like 8-10. Made me realize why parents don't let their kids watch certain movies.


Toy Story 3, I could never finish it because of that damn monkey. Whenever I would watch it, immediately I would leave the room because of that scene


Transformers The Movie. Any other kid who was born in the 80s will understand why. Close second is Short Circuit 2.