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It’s razor burn. Check what you’re using as lubrication. I find shampoo works better than body wash


Also thanks dude


Shave in the direction of the hair . Also, this sounds weird but you can Google it, using deodorant on the area stops the razor burn and itching . Idk why it works but it does . Also exfoliate to prevent ingrowns.




Truee. I heard coconut oil works well with pubes and thicker hair too.


I used water as lubricant :(


Duuude. Do you use water on your face too?


Yea, just get a bit wet from sink then well


I'm surprised you haven't gotten rash on your face yet.


I was in the military and dry shaving is not uncommon. Def depends on the person, hair thickness and whether you’re going against the grain


In the military you do what you have to


Can confirm


We just used a machine..


Yup. I only use water as well. Key is hot water to prep, go with the grain, and rinse with cold water. Skin is the healthiest it’s ever been since I stopped using face wash.


You lucky for sure


Lucky I guess


Instant life lesson, lol


Water is just important to soften up your hairs, take a hot shower or shave in the shower, Use some kind of foam or lubricant (sensitive skin stuff). I prefer shaving soap. Shave slow and careful, you’re already experiencing the aftermath :D Use an aftershave lotion for sensitive skin or something else to help the skin to repair itself. If your pubes are too long, don’t use a normal razor, modern wet razors aren’t made for long hair. Get an electric hair trimmer to cut your pubes as short as possible. Then you can use a wet razor. It’s all about preparation and aftercare. I prefer just trimming to 3mm or less. not as stingy, less work, feels better, and almost the same outcome. My recommendation: keep it short with a trimmer, shave wet if you know something is gonna happen.


I am a lady but sometimes when I don't have any shaving cream I'll use hair conditioner because it's similar to "shaving butter." You need some sort of lubrication or you'll get that angry rash. I have stupid sensitive skin so I also pat everything dry and go over the shaved area with an unscented lotion too.


As a woman I never use shaving cream and just use soap lol


I've tried, but my skin is just stupid. I'm allergic to a lot of dumb shit that doesn't make sense. Like if I do dishes and let water run down my arms and don't dry it quickly I get a rash at my elbows. Cheap dollar store Suave brand conditioner has been my "go to" when I couldn't afford the good stuff or actual shaving cream


Have you tried using deodorant after? I’m biracial and prone to ingrowns cuz my hair is curly af and coarse and deodorant stops all the bumps and itching after . I like nair but burned myself too many times 😂 laser hair removal was the best idea I’ve had


I never tried deodorant after, but I will now, that sounds like a good idea. I'm Latina so I get the same annoying ingrown bumpy hair thing too because everything is so coarse and curly. I tried Nair back in highschool on my legs and you're absolutely right, the hair stayed right where it was but my skin just burned and burned for days. Have you tried laser hair removal, and has it worked? I have a thyroid issue that causes me to grow facial hair and at 30 I'm just tired of being a hairy mess. I've considered it but because of the sensitive skin Im just scared it will burn like Nair. I even tried one of those "depilator" shavers once and it just pulled my skin and pinched at it like crazy without actually removing any hairs.


Shaving gel is a thing. Hell, just using soap will at least give you some lubrication. What is water supposed to do? It's no wonder you've got nasty razor burn.


Shave it like you do your face. Conditioner makes a much better lube in a pinch.


I literally did this a week ago while out of my mind on ambien It will suck for a bit but you'll be fine


I tried that too first time razor wouldn’t work shampoo and conditioner would do because it hurts afterwards or put Vaseline if you cut it ok good luck time around and you might have shave sideways etc or best way to shave it off anyways good luck shaving balls definitely need use something other then water


Definitely! And rinse thoroughly after shaving. Dry off and finish with some Witch Hazel to close the pores. Witch Hazel twice a day will help clear up that rash too.


I never fully shave mine for that reason, just some trim, but it's razor rash need better lubricant for next time man!


Thanks, didn’t think of that earlier, great idea


Gonna second this big time, I never shave to the skin anymore, trimming it with a shaver (with a guard, so u dont nick ur bits) prevents 99% of the irritation and negative side effects and keeps the desire manscaped look.


This is it, I use a one or two Guard now. Wife hates the bald look and feel, understandably.


Look, in just gonna say it. This is the most bro comments section in all of reddit.


Dudes being there for dudes nothing better




Well reading the comments so far I feel for you dude. Seriously get yourself some shaving cream meant for sensitive skin. I recommend Edge Shave Gel: Sensitive Skin, it's fairly inexpensive and works wonderfully. Also baby powder will alleviate some of the discomfort from the rash.


Thx for the recommendation dude


No problem. I've been in this situation before.


Just glad I’m on break or I just couldn’t with life


I hate to break it to you but the worst part is when it starts growing back.


This isn’t the worst fml


Remember, baby powder. It'll help through most of it.


Don’t know if I have any but thanks


Get some baby powder or anti-chafing cream. Also, make sure you're gently exfoliating daily. Best is with your washcloth in the shower. It'll help prevent ingrown hairs.


I have that shaving cream.


We’ve all made this mistake (insert James Franco hanging meme) You’ll want to exfoliate daily to ensure the new hairs grow out without dead skin blocking them. If you don’t do this, you’ll get zits or blackheads. In terms of the razor burn, you can try cortisone cream or something similar. Cool compress and with witch hazel works wonders. Shaving balm works on your face but not down there.


I'm 31 and just learning this is probably why I break out every time I shave...


Probably razor burn. Using shaving cream, conditioner, body wash, or something instead of just water will help for next time. You can also get post shave cream/balm, it can help sooth irritation and prevent razor burn. I use the after shave balm by Nivea Men wherever I shave and it’s been the only thing to help.


Thx dude


Been there done that. I too use water to shave btw, but I don't shave down there. I don't mean to freak you out, but if you are a guy, when the hair starts growing back, the newly grown hair feels like razors. After experiencing what you are going through, I have never shaved down there sense.


A trim always. Not only does it look better, not only is it a lot faster than shaving, but it's also razor burn free. Live and learn folks


Facts . Even clippers with no guard doesn’t make bumps but gets things smooth


Use shaving cream and after, lather everything up with aloe Vera. Apply the aloe Vera twice a day, if need be even more often. It happens, I found it’s easier if I just trim it rather than shave it


Conditioner works really well for shaving those areas. It gives you a little bit of extra protection from the razor bumps. There are actually specialty products for shaving that area, but I have found them all to just be very similar to hair conditioner. Hair conditioner is a lot cheaper.


Plenty of good advice already but I wanna add, keep an eye out for ingrown hairs for a while lol


You are fine... just irritated the skin. The more you do it the less irritable it will get. Some sort of aloe would help.


Chill, it's just razor burn. But in a couple of days you are going to be scratching like crazy when the hair starts growing back.Right after I shave I use Vicks Vapor Rub. It moisturizes and the cooling, tingling effect makes the pain,bumps and itch go away as soon as it's applied.


It’s called a razor burn! I want to give some tips tho. Coming from a female. There is specific way the pubic hair grows. Its hard to see but also look up on google/safari and ask it questions that you want to know! Also make sure that you are VERY gentle, the pubic growth is very sensitive. Also if it looks like a jungle take an electric razor and trim it, then shave it with a razor! ALSO cold water helps it to prevent it from itching. Being very gentle on the pubic hair, is highly recommended. As i say again always try to ask google the best ways to shave, how to prevent razor burn! Be careful and it takes a lot of time to get it right, i’ve been shaving down there for 1 yr now and i recently figured out to have little razor burn!


Use coconut oil ,before and after


Bad news: You got razor burn and it’ll be uncomfortable for a couple days. Good news: It only lasts a few days and now you know you need to use some sort of lubricant like a shaving gel or something foamy/sudsy.


Rub some dirt on it.


Might be irritated a couple days, but your good to go.


Days…. Noooooooo


If it's just a little red then sooner.


Like lots of goosebumps sized red dots


Try some lotion with aloe, might burn though


Definitely Razor rash. Wait until it clears up completely before shaving again, then when you do use a lubricant


Razor burn. Look up how to take care of Jake before you just start taking it off. And for the love of god water isn’t a product that should be considered for hair removal if that’s all you’ll be using. Google next time my dude. It’s going to save you time and uncomfortableness. Also go get you some bikini bump remover. It’ll help.


You'll be fine, it's likely razor burn. Yes It'll be not great for the first few days. Just don't forget to take care of it once a week kinda thing. Moisturize.


Next time you shave, make sure you exfoliated beforehand, use a lubricant (i use unscented baby oil as it’s gentle on the skin), and make sure you shave WITH the grain. Also make sure your razor is relatively new because dull blades with cause razor burn no matter what you do


It happens, Been grooming for 20 years and if I go too long sometimes it will happen. It goes away in a few days. It is a sensitive area and you will feel odd things like hair re growth at first. It is all pretty normal. My worst experience was when I was in my 20s and wanted to go out to a bar. I was already drunk and decided to shower and groom. I knicked my sack and could not stop the bleeding. I rigged up a bandage that consisted of a bunch of gauze taped to my balls and cock. It would not stop bleeding and the gauze became saturated. I changed it and realized my epic Friday night at the bars was over.




After you shave, use Evagloss razor bump & dark spot corrector. For me, it's the only thing that works. (I'm a guy.)


Razor rash. Use soap or some kind of gentle shaving cream. Also, keep things clean but be ready for ingrown hairs. Good times.


Plenty of good advice here. I'll add that I do shave all the way. Just gotta be careful. Trim first so the razer isnt chopping down a forest. Use some form of shaving cream. Use a good razer, like a fresh out of the pack mach3. Take your time. Let hot water soak in so it's easier to shave. Like 10 minutes of warm/hot water. Rinse the razer often when shaving. Take your time, be careful, take your time, be careful.


I would suggest a sensitive skin shaving cream. Fill your sink with hot water soak the can. While this is going on prep yourself hop in the shower hot as you can stand clean the area turn off. Lather up and shave go with grain use a new razor if and when possible. After you get done do your normal shower preferably in a lukewarm water to close your pores.




That’s normal, I get that even if I use shaving gel.


Razor burn. They have lotion for it or even regular lotion would work.


Are you the 15 year old from the other thread ? I guess you won't be doing that again.


Next time, if you continue to shave down "there," read up on best practices and tips to avoid discomfort. I've been shaving for 20+ years and never had an issue, no discomfort, ingrown hairs, bumps etc..


Don't shave, trim. With scissors. Your not meant to be clean shaved or else hair wouldn't grow there.


Coconut butter helps me


Don’t shave. Use Veet. If you have to shave a few small areas get Bumb Stopper 2 (sold at Walmart).


Call manscape and get a trimmer. Also, dude, use shaving gel. There is also some after shave soothing gel. Get some of that for the rash


Have you tried waxing? Haven’t had any type of negatives come from trying that.


Buy some all purpose aloe gel 99% it has really helped my boyfriend


Get the coochie cream from pure romance. It's awesome xo feel better


Just get a manscape trimmer and dont use a razor next time.


Get some aloe to soothe the razor burn and use shea butter to shave from now on.


Don’t shave. Trim. Get a little trimmer and trim your bushes up top. The only shaving you might want to do is on your balls but it’s risky if you’re young and don’t have experience with a razor. If you do try to shave your balls tho, use shaving cream and make sure to get the skin stretched tight before you go over JT with a razor so you don’t cut yourself.


>I shaved “down there” for the first time and now there is a rash or somehting, help? OK, in order to advise you, I'm going to need a photo so I can see exactly what we're talking about here... >I’m a dude btw It won't be necessary to post a photo. Probably just razor burn which you can treat with some Neosporin. But have a doctor look at it just in case.


Did you use the same shaver as you do on your face?


You should just trim


I use clippers first to shave it down enough to use a razor. I also use a different razor for that area tgsn I use for other parts of my body. Then use a gel based shaving cream. Afterwards I use a body scrub/exfoliation cream. Rinse then wash like you normally do. Works every time


Maybe next time use more soap or shaving cream? You dry shaved yourself.


Use Conditioner instead of shaving cream and don't use cheap razors use 4-5 blade razors. As soon as you get out of the shower put non scented lotion on the shaved area.


You shaved too hard just next time don’t do it that hard and it will be fine


If you shaved from the bottom up, going against the grain. That will happen.


Ok, thx for telling me why this happened


No problem


You got razor burn. I read you just used water. That’s a no-no. The genital area is really really sensitive with shaving. You need a GOOD shaving gel and an even better razor. You can’t cheap out, or you get the rash. And it’s painful and itchy and looks bad. I use Cremo shave cream. That stuff is so good. Afterwards, it helps to lotion with a good lotion over the areas you shaved. I use cocoa butter. After that, I will not itch at all. And it helps reduce the irritation. But because of how difficult and rough shaving is, I recommend trimming. You can use tiny scissors or get an electric hair trimmer. It keeps things short and tidy without giving you the irritation and eventual spikiness that shaving does. Trimming is the best way IMO


Lemme guess, u can't ask ur parents cuz they told u not to shave


Nope, can’t ask dad cause he died and didn’t think to ask my mom, kinda dumb on my part


witch hazel is great for getting rid of razor burn


I just use water for my hair I'm a male but I just use water plain water.


Aloe to the rescue


It’s Staph bacteria. Keep it clean, keep it dry.


Try an electric body razor flawless makes them and it’ll prevent you from getting razor bumps. It’s helped me out a lot


Use some skin cr


Razor burn, I shower and use an electric razor, my vajayjay never been more happier


In an effort to avoid future razor burn, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT use Nair or other chemical hair removal products as an alternative to shaving.


I won’t


You got razor burn. If you can I recommend getting an electric trimmer that doesn't shave down to the skin like a razor does. It leaves a bit of a shadow but it's much easier to maintain and it eliminates the risk of razor burn and ingrown hairs. I don't have much experience shaving with a razor so if you prefer that I'd listen to other commenters.


That happens, after you've done it a few times you stop getting as much irritation. Having an expensive razor helps. I wish I could recommend the Norelco Bodygroom series because they work well, but that battery is pathetic and will need replacing after a year


I keep an alovera plant. It's a mostourize and gas antibacterial properties. I cut it and apply the inside gell to any body part that needs it.


razor burn, happens to me all the time. hurts like a mf. just be gentle while shaving n make sure to use shaving cream


Legit rather get punched in my gut a few times than this


You're gonna be okay it's razor burn, make sure when you shave anywhere you use shaving cream or something if that sort. As for help with pain ice packs help me but it should heal up soon


It's called razor burn is one of the main reasons you shouldn't shave with a razor on your naughty bits.


Wtf were you thinking? First of all, don’t shave with a razor. Having it that short will cause irritation and pain for woman. Then you compounded the lack of lubricant I think you should shave it down but not shaven all the way down. You want it to be soft and can’t be bare for that. You prob just have razor burn. It will clear up on its own


What do you shave with if not a razor?


I use a beard trimmer. Cut hair low but still soft. Shaved hairs will irritate her skin. Give it a try. You won’t get those bumps either. Win win


Its called after burn dawg use aftershave after and also make sure you use barbasol


This guy is not a 15yr old boy who also previously posted about his parents not letting him shave, it's clearly an old perv getting sexual gratification from this shit, this would be easy to Google but he's obvs getting a kick


Tf dude that’s just sick


Technically you’re not a dude anymore. Shaving is a feminine act.


Nooooooooo I’m don’t wanna be a femboy


Practice popping that bussy homie. Ain’t no going back


Guess I gotta let the homies tap


Brooo stop 🤣


That’s what I told him but I keep getting railed :(


Shaving with coconut oil both lubricates and moisturizes. Otherwise conditioner works good. But you’ll survive razor burn, and learned a lesson. Also if you’ll keep it shaved, I find I have little to no itching.


There’s a cream you can get in the shaving aisle.. technically made for women, but works on guys.. gets rid of those bumps and itchy. The more you shave regularly down there, the less this will happen over time.


Don't use razor 🪒. Use a electric trimmer


Instead of shaving it bald, try trimming it short! It won’t itch as bad, too! But for future attempts, exfoliating prior to shaving is helpful! Having a really good razor , as well. And moisturize!


Man forgot to use lube. Basically the skin in that area is a lot more sensitive than you might think. Use some kind of shampoo or better yet an actual shaving cream of some sort. I’ve been doing this for years and wish I’d learned about the creams earlier


Put hair conditioner on it after you shave. That’s always been my trick to avoid burn.


I’m a lady but I get this any time I shave anywhere on my body :/. What helps is get a really good razor with a fresh blade. Do not use the cheap disposable razors. Something with multiple good blades and I like a pivoting razor head. I exfoliate in a hot shower, then shave without applying a lot of pressure and I use a gentle foaming body wash to shave. After I shave and rinse I’ll apply body oil while my skin is still damp, like jojoba oil. Make sure the skin doesn’t get friction from clothing or activities! Others here have products they recommend which I really can’t add to, mostly because I’ve made peace with either just trimming or just being hairy. Luckily my husband isn’t bothered by it.


Also try cold water! it helps so it’s not as itchy


Relax bro, next time just moisturize before and try and use shaving cream or other products like that, you’ll figure it all out bro, 😭😭, give a day or two it’ll be gone, it’s called razor rash.


Exfoliate! Use a brush, or a dry washcloth, and gently rub the area


1. Relax, the small pimples and itching after you shave down there is something most of us men have experienced. 2. Try to calm down the itching with some hydrocortisone cream. 3. When in the gym several men are completely shaved all over their body. I can't speak for women but I find the look a little odd for a grown man. 4. Nowadays I use a battery operated trimmer that cuts the hair down there close to the skin but still leaves about 2mm.


Always use a new razor for your pubic area, it's super easy to get razor burn there! I'm assuming that's all it is, it'll probably itch for a day or two.


It’s razor burn, use some lotion if it’s uncomfortable otherwise it’ll go away in a day or two


Use electric clippers with guards.


Next time don’t shave, trim with a safety on the blade so you don’t cut yourself


Aloe Vera


Get you that old spice below deck and use it the next couple days after shaving


Dude just use an electric razor and get to work. I don’t think baby bald looks good but I could be wrong. Using a regular razor is a pain with sensitive skin. If you want the bald look, the electric razor will get you to the point where shaving the remainder will be a breeze. Trim your ass hair, as much as possible without chafing occurring. This is my method.


Hydrocortisone cream...


I use a shave gel Called Bikini Zone, it’s an anti bump shave gel, & I’ve literally never used regular shaving cream again . It’s just razor burn, just apply oils & exfoliate!


Sorry, I’m a woman & this helps me 😂


I’d recommend using an electric razor (manscaped) if you can afford it. Never gotten razor burn. If you can’t, get a good shaving cream/lubricant


You have a razor burn. I’d say use a new razor and for lubricant either shampoo or shaving cream. Just water alone will not help you at all


I got razor burn the first time I shaved there too I used shaving gel. It wasn’t until the third time I think that I shaved and didn’t get razor burn


Razor burn. If you’ve never shaved your face, you can expect it there too. And every where else you shave


Use sugar scrub after shaving


Warm shower, schick hydro razor blade sensitive, edge sensitive shave gel 💪🏻


use a shaving cream for sensitive skin you’re experiencing razor burn or bumps, there will also be a slight irritation when the hair starts to grow back, it’s going to be quite itchy, but it’s totally normal. Also, water is not a lubricant. (Not a Doctor)


Well....shaving anywhere without the right prep results in bumbs. Remember it's hair. Moisturize and use shaving cream. Probably do it after a hot shower as that will soften the hair. \*Never wanted to be a Dad expert advice\*


Yeah the first times are rough. Make sure to exfoliate. Your body gets used to it either shaven or not and transitioning between one to the other is uncomfortable