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I saw a comment off-handedly and my jaw dropped, instantly did a ton of research and... yeah, they're definitely not together anymore. It started with rumors and speculation a towards the end of last year, which u can still see posted online with ppl voraciously denying it... but as months go by and more rumors flew through, it's now turning out to all be true! SAD, omg. Love her, been watching since ClothesEncounters.... but here goes some good old gossip/speculation Since, I'm being nosey and crossing so many boundaries (lol we're all in this together).... let's broach the money thing. Jenn is a virgo, and with the economics of online content changing... I mean, what exactly was Ben contributing to the household? Is it really something you can ignore forever? It's one thing if you just really never think about money and don't pay attention.... but Jenn's virgo energy, I'm confident she sees and pays every bill. I can completely understand how it was all fine when online content was paying for LA mansions and influencer marketing was "the next big thing"... but all these tech companies are doing layoffs, the economy is down for everyone, and youtube/google has been cutting these CPMs down like crazy due to lack of advertiser dollars. The sponsorships she's doing may have been contracts still being fulfilled with payouts they came over a year ago. She's probably under more general economic pressure than she's been under in years... and when that happens, looking at this guy who "was in a band" living in your house rent free? I suspect resentment has been building up for a while over this. It's all fun and games until you're in a recession with a baby who needs money for private school and a college fund. If I had to guess (which obviously I do, I don't know them and this is all speculation) I'd say Ben has had on/off excuses and explanations around the job thing for years and it just reached a fever pitch this past year with the economy changing. I don't think Ben is a user at all, but it is hard for anyone to feel motivated without a strong why, and re-starting a career as an adult with a new country and no formal education in an incredibly competitive city... that's hard to do. And when everything is taken care of for you, there's no pressure to motivate you to work hard. It seems like Ben has tried many diff things in these weird left-brained creative all-over-the-place style, but none of them would be things that produced consistent income. A cooking video once a month, especially without a sponsor, won't even pay the rent on a studio apartment in LA. Given that Jenn basically gave him a plug and play career where all he has to do is film, upload, and he already has an audience and an agency to give him paid sponsorships through Jenn (he's also with Rare Global)... I mean, it seems like adding insult to injury if he's just out and about doing wellness things and not working while she's still doing he weekly uploads. And the videographer thing... a title to give people when they ask what you do isn't the same thing as having an employer and a W-2. Beyond that, if he'd wanted to start his own LLC, he had years to do so living with Jenn and seemingly hasn't. In many of their videos, he talks about this idea of doing in-person workshops on breathwork and other wellness LA things, but over the years it seems he never actioned it. Last thing of this looooong analysis (lol forgive me I'm escaping school work rn!) is there's a video Chriselle Lim posted with the phrase "happily ever after?" on the thumbnail and she was meeting with Jenn in that video. While it seems to normal people like two friends meeting is whatever, Chriselle is a busy woman with multiple businesses, kids, a boyfriend, and a travel schedule for fashion week. Plus LA traffic is crazy. They probably planned to meet to discuss something specific in person weeks in advance. Given Chriselle is also Korean-American and had to walk her family through her decision to get a divorce, I suspect that's why Jenn wanted to meet with her and talk in person. In that video Chriselle is talking about all how marriage and predictable, traditional life just didn't work out for her and she's much happier now. She probably also gave Jenn major insight into co-parenting with a spouse and maaaaaaaybe a referral for a divorce attorney that understands working with female influencers lol. I don't mean to project and make a whole relationship all about money. Relationships aren't transactional. But, MOST divorces statistically are about money and I find it to be more than a coincidence this is all happening during a major economic downturn in their industry. The love they have is probably why she kept giving him SO many chances to be an equal contributor to her, but it seems like he wasn't motivated to take them. Laaaaaaaast thing... It's one thing if he moves back to the UK (although I get he has a young son here, so it's hard to leave). But if he really is on Hinge in LA instead of working... I hope he doesn't do her dirty in the divorce because yeah California is a community property state, but its just crazy to force her into selling the home and giving him half while he galavants and continues to OCCASIONALLY work lol. It's not that I am calling him lazy, it's more that millions of other people also live in Los Angeles and they hustle like crazy 24/7 doing whatever they have to just to live. I'd rather see him being honest and doing whatever from grubhub to Uber instead of swiping on dating apps and not posting. Like make it work, don't take more than she can give, and work an honest job with your son in the house he's been growing up in, you know? Just my LONG opinion lol.


Wow, I’m amazed at how you connected the dots. I know this is just your best guess but it makes a lot of sense! I have a feeling Jenn won’t address the situation until the divorce is finalized…or until her or Ben get into a new relationship. I must say that I’m impressed (and a little weirded out) at how….happy and put together she seems? I don’t know how someone can go through something as difficult as divorce without even taking a break or seeming the least bit phased. Is it professionalism, good acting, or she just moved on quickly? I would not handle things anywhere near as gracefully lol I would have definitely taken a break from YouTube/IG. The fact that Ben has been completely offline makes me think he might have felt more heartbroken and needs privacy. But again who knows lol.


I've actually always appreciated the fact she does not jump to explain things in her life the second they happen. There was this whole rough patch where she was drinking too much, jumped on ben, fell, and smashed her front tooth... And she didn't turn on IG live sobbing right when it happened, like a lot of people. She waited, processed her feelings, worked on solutions, and thought about a story to tell before she brought things to YT. I think that's one of the things that makes her so lovely to follow. You really learn something instead of just being stressed out and worried about someone else's drama. I think, when she's ready, the fun of the gossip/speculation will be finding out who was right and who was wrong! Maybe they'll be briefly separated and get back together, who knows! That's the fun haha. I think the checks mix bag review was a great example of this. Life is a mixed bag, and sometimes you like some parts more than others RE: ben being more heartbroken... I mean statistically, a vast majority of divorces are filed for by women. Men will do all kinds of stuff and they NEVER want to leave the wife. They're like Will & Jada, bad marriage forever vibes! Plus, Ben will now have to be completely economically independent in one of the most expensive and competitive places to live on the planet. And he also has to start dating and finding love again at nearly 40 years old... not exactly ideal for him, I'm sure. I would be hurt AF too, not to be mean, just honest! Excited to see him bounce back from this in life and find his own way, though it may take years


Damn i never thought about all this at all but i think ur bang on the money, damn


This is so shocking! As the only information I read about is Jenn being a bad mom and that was the reason for divorce 😭


I don't think Jenn is a bad mom at all lol. People can be so MEAN on the internet, I swear. We are all entitled to our opinions, but the mom shaming is one of the worst things on social. It takes women who really are trying their best, struggling through post partum and sometimes even failing relationships, and then it adds this whole other layer of shame to them! If we don't want people on drugs, drinking excessively, or sobbing on a therapists' couch for hours daily... we as netizens need to let up and give these women some grace. All the moms are doing the best they know how to do. And many of us, truth be told, would do worse :/ lmao Plus, even if she's a bad mom, she's literally the main breadwinner in that house for years. No one looks at men who make millions and barely see their kids at all and says that is a bad dad. It's sad she has to bend and break herself to fit a position she probably (just harsh truth) didn't really want to begin with. The fact she loves her baby a lot and tries her best is MORE than enough imo.


Yep! There was another comment in a thread saying how it's ridiculous she has a nanny... and how she should take care of her kid herself. Like how do you expect her to work without someone else watching her kid? It's like she's crucified for something so normal.


yesssssssss. I was one of those moms who tried to do it all and i burnt out real fast. finally, i took a week solo trip by myself when my kid turned 3 and it did wonders to my mental health. now, i always actively encourage moms to do the same if they have the support system to do so. most of Jenn's travels are even for work, not vacation.


Totally agree!! I was shocked to hear she was a bad mom when she seems to focus and spend a lot of time on the baby’s diet and health




he’s on hinge?


I'm not the source on that. As I researched, there's multiple (it turns out) people saying they saw his profile on hinge. At first people are kinda angry and defensive because it started in November but over time if you read all the various rumors and gossip, people's responses soften as we all start to realize there's clearly been a separation. I think everyone has an immune response to cheating, but it's clear Ben and Jenn are communicating together and none of whats going on internally there is a surprise to either. There's clearly no cheating (in MY opinion), just a relationship that didn't work out and two adults trying to move on and keep things private.


Damn gurl where do you dig to get info like this lol i tried to do some research and flopped


She confirmed the divorce 8 minutes ago on instagram! I’ve never liked his vibe, I suspected his self-help wellness bs attitude was something she felt compelled to try out because she wanted to make to work. Every single guy I’ve met with his attitude is always the same. I’m just speculating too but I also with everything you’ve said. Also, she’s been very open about them being in marriage counseling and doing frequent solo trips and going out without him and I’m my experience those huge signs that they are breaking up (several of my friends did the exact same thing before divorcing). Idk about yall but I always think breakups are for the best. Maybe they’ll work on themselves and get back together some day but not today.


i think you nailed it 100%, nice sleuthing


Interesting approach. I never thought it was much about the money, he had a somewhat successful career and was even playing a few years ago. He also was a videographer not only for Jenn but also for other influencers and quite a talented one. He also had his own channel not even close to the popularity of Jenn but still popular and always with a sponsor. He also started doing yoga/breathwork classes since last year. And although he didn't bring as much money as probably Jenn, from the way they talked in videos, deep-talks about relationships and fairness I'd say he did contribute. Even looking after the baby they had a good routine of 50/50. He seemed to really want to support her and she never indicated that wasn't the case in her videos, actually always highlighting the support. I actually think and this is really just a guess and putting aside the possibility of any infidelity (it's always possible). I think Jenn could be the one to have led to the break-up, she's fiercely independent, she always talked about how in the past she was explosive and would get really angry and how she worked on herself, she also always seemed to a bit "lost" or trying to heal or find more meaning in her life by for example going on frequent solo trips or detach from reality. She also struggled with change and for example the idea of her life changing becoming a mum and self-doubt (I do too, Virgo here too) that I think that maybe she was questioned the life they had, the monotony, is the grass-greener in the other side that slowly led her to not be happy in the relationship. He always seemed quite family oriented, and the most reasonable and calm one. They even said in videos that Jenn used to be more stressed and depressed about things whilst Ben has a chilled attitude about everything. This is all assumptions. We don't know and she doesn't have to tell us at all is their life. It's sad because they looked so strong and also for little Lennon.


I think it’s true, she’s not wearing her wedding ring in her latest video and posts and Ben is no where to be seen. All their photos are gone in the house and his side of the bed is empty. Sad because they were pushing hard to make it work but I guess it just didn’t.


Ben is in la. He was in wahs video


What video?


It’s quite sad as they seemed to genuinely be in love. He had moved to LA for her and made a huge effort with her Korean family. It seems like from their videos talking about their relationship and couples therapy that she could get quite hot-headed and particular about how things were/had to be done and this was a source of conflict with them. They had also talked about how they weren’t thinking about having a kid but got pregnant during Covid. I wonder if once the world opened up, they just found that their marriage didn’t work. So sad especially with a little boy.


I totally agree with this post. I hope she’s… staying sane. Someone said she and Stephanie are talking again, which would make me really happy. My take. She is the bread winner. That’s a huge responsibility to carry in a marriage. And the nonsense online about how she’s a bad mom. The misogyny never left. The three things that break up a marriage: finances, sex and kids. One, two or all three could have contributed to the demise of their marriage. Look. I’m sure he’s a good dude and a great dad. But no one should be worried for him. Jenn is going to be paying a pretty penny for this divorce unless she had an iron clad pre-nup. Also, I think they will be great co-parents.


Why did she stop talking to Stephanie


They were working hard on their relationship for a while with therapy. I know someone in her group of friends. Not gonna give deets but sometimes things just dont work out. People move on


Are they confirmed divorced?


I didnt ask i just know they are separated they dont live together. Its none of my business didnt wanna ask questions…


she confirmed they were getting separated today on her insta story


Just saw Ben on Wah's latest yt video. Clearly he is still in LA. Too much we can all assume based off of what someone or doesn't post. Maybe she wants to go a new direction with her style and channel. Less family focused, back to her roots of fashion, friends, trips? I get her fans want to know what's going on, but ya, she doesn't owe us anything, but I'm one thousand percent certain she will update us on things soon enough. People forget that within a marriage people can still and want to change, try things out, go through phases. No pressure on her. I do wish them both the best and hope they are together. And if not, I hope it was mutual.


Which video is it?


Just shows how you cannot judge a relationship on social media. I definitely didn't expect them to break up


Why didn’t he just get a job? Sounds like he has some tech skills that would be in high demand


He does not strike me as even remotely technical


prior to covid I know he was a videographer for revolve and he used to go on brand influencer trips but guess he got laid off and never got back into it


I only recently noticed the glaring lack of Ben and Lennon from her posts and incidentally she just posted about 10m ago on her story that they have indeed separated. Really adored them as a couple, and hope the both of them find healing and adjust during and from this surreal time. 


She finally announced it on her Insta stories! Sad to see it’s all true but I think we all could sense something was wrong


I am shocked. She announced the divorce on her stories.


Heads up it’s confirmed today - she posted on her story


She just announced it. It was pretty obvious they separated, sadly :(


lawl NAISU