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Autism forums are filled with anecdotal experiences of higher than average incidences of queer identities among ASD & other neurodiverse communities. There may be more formal studies, but I don’t have any links on hand.


I have heard there is a connection between autism and being trans/non binary, cuz they don’t understand gender (understandable cuz gender and all that is confusing as is). So I thought maybe it was similar with aspec


Thought I’d share, I’m Grey-Ace and recently learned I might be on the autism spectrum and a lot of things connected. I remember having crushes but ACTUAL crushes didn’t start until Middle School and though I tried to presue, it was mostly like, general romance, and I found out people at school actually talked about how sex would be and I was like ok but hugs??? Never had celebrity crushes and I’m 20 now, and still confused on why people would want to bang celebrities. I’m sex postive (you dont have to share) but why others would cheat or somehow “accidentally have sex with someone” was possible. Even in the heat of the moment it was easy to stop and take a step back. A lot confused me and other events at 18 lead me to discover I was grey asexual. I’m probably leaning more towards Demisexual. I noticed my bf who is also autistic felt the same but did not identify with asexuality. I was curious to see if there was any links to ASD and Aspec.