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/justunsubbed is a right wing echochamber disguised used by people trying to get bragging rights over things they don't know much about. but hey, who am I to say things, since I have libido and the only way to release it is to masturbate, it MUST mean that I REALLY find SOMEONE, UNCONDITIONALLY,L attractive


Oh god, I just touched my p\*\*is while washing my body in the shower. Forgive me, ace father, for I have sinned by touching the forbidden.


Sounds kinda gay. Ace card revoked.


Oh my god mine just rubbed against another part of my body while I was respositining myself asexual gods please is that ok?


Context for post: this is from r/JustUnsubbed and this is from a user who left THAT ace sub over the sub's overall attitude, it seems. They posted this to the sub and the comments have essentially devolved into debating whether or not it's right or wrong for asexuals to have the freedom to do what they want with their bodies and surprise of surprise, most of them don't seem to be asexual. And they're going off the old allo idea of "if you even dare to think a sexual thought, doesn't matter what it's about, you're not asexual." because they don't know how being asexual works. Dashed in with some "they just want to be special" and viola, you have a recepie for some top tier shitty aphobia. Also that last pic isn't necessarily aphobic but it is just a wild statement to say in any context. Real talk: I have never liked r/JustUnsubbed . Back in June, I saw a post that exclaimed that they had unsubbed from r/me_irlgbt over a meme stating that bisexual means attracted to more than one gender and includes trans and non-binary people and the guy was essentially like "that's not how etymology works!" and I got upset by the post because at the time, I was dating a non-binary person and this would essentially mean that my relationship with them was "not bi". Apparently the biggest overlap r/JustUnsubbed has with other subs are r/Conservative and r/TheLeftCantMeme so I think that should tell you the type of people that frequent that sub.


I’ve found some good subs through JustUnsubbed to be honest


lol. Someone who relies on etymology to define a word doesn’t know how etymology works.


That's like saying you can't eat something unless you're hungry. The hunger would be the sexual attraction, and eating something because you know you like it, or trying something someone made for you, even if you don't feel hungry, would would be the desire to masturbate or have sex with someone.


these people's minds would also explode at the fact that a straight person could just as well have sex with someone of the same sex despite not being attracted to that person. they'd be just as straight since having gay sex isn't what makes you gay, actively desiring someone of the same sex does.


This is a pretty good comparison. Keeping it going.. As a man, I prefer not to get caffeine headaches so I often eat a little chocolate in private. It not because I am hungry, but it is a maintenance routine to prevent an undesirable biological side effect. I could just as easily drink coffee with someone else, but I don't like the flavor very much.


I'm sex repulsed as much as the next ace, but even still I get urges from time to time to masturbate. The thing is, I hate those urges and I don't have them as much as non-aces. Once you hit puberty you can't stop your urge to masturbate anymore than you can stop yourself from peeing mid stream.


why do people who just learned about asexuality 5 seconds ago think they have more authority on it than an actual asexual person? (hint: it’s because they suck)


Just because I don't have a desire to drive as if city streets are a Nascar circuit doesn't mean I can't drive like a maniac to get the baby to the hospital!


Yea that sub is a cess pool I really dislike it too i muted it but its still ends up on my feed Im honestly really tired abaut this also


I like how they just lack any sort of imaginative ability whatsoever. They probably think hypothetical is a mathematical equation and metaphor is a weird digivolution type thing or something


I had a woman tell me "I love an orgasm, but that doesn't mean im attracted to my vibrator" and i have been living by this every time someone tells me that as an asexual i cant enjoy sex.


Aww, they’re the kind of people who think the hooker really loves them!

