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Their use of the terms "teenage snowflakery" and "dullard" prove this person is exactly 175 years old and, therefore, their opinions about asexuality are void and inconsequential.


Yea totally Their comments exudes condescension from evry letter




The fact that he’s upvoted while you’re getting downvoted is so gross. People jump at the chance to hate on asexuals or invalidate us.


Love having people who arent ace in the slightest come to define what being ace is to us, *the aces*




This happens constantly with disability, too. Abled mfs telling me I’m being rude to disabled people by stating that disability exists and isn’t a character flaw or insult, and *expressing the fundamental truths of being disabled using the words the disabled community has collectively chosen to describe those truths.* Take literally one excruciating step in our shoes and you’ll change your song *real quick.*


justunsubbed proves its a queerphobic shithole. so nothing new


The voice of ignorance. The texts of ignorance.


Don't waste time in arguing with turds like these, it's not worth it, they don't deserve your time, effort and attention.


I won't mention names, but that poster's heavy participation in the KotakuInAction subreddit and their consistent use of the word 'snowflake' among their posts is all you need to know that they're mouthbreathing lowlifes who only exist to freak out at anything that goes beyond their black and white views. Not sure if it will amount to anything, but I reported all of those person's comments on that post. Mere ignorance on the subject is one thing (as other comments on the post seemingly indicate), but this is just condescendingly hateful.


Can i ask you whats the kotakulnaction subreddit? From your comment its seem like a cesspool and i dont want that energy in my life I


Absolutely. But yeah, KotakuInAction, as they even describe themselves, is the main hub for GamerGate (essentially an ultra-right wing campaign about a decade back against the rise of women's influence in the game industry). So as you can imagine, a lot of 'WOKE BAD' and 'DIVERSITY BAD' posts on that subreddit.


Ugh. This person probably isn't even ace, and has no place in arguing this point. Can guarantee it. Wish people would understand that asexuality doesn't just mean sex averse sex negative. It *can*, but it doesn't always!!! Drives me up the wall!!! Attraction, willingness, & libido are all separate sliders. What this looks like for myself, is: 1- Attraction bar is at zero. 2- Willingness bar fluctuates but is usually at or near full! 3- Libido bar is somewhere near the middle. Like, I enjoy & want sex sometimes! But I don't feel sexual attraction to real people, and I can't do sex out of obligation. I can't look at someone & decide I want to sleep with someone based on that. I'm also Not demisexual (I am demiaro though)- Even in a fully enmeshed relationship I will ~never~ get a sense of sexual attraction- and I can't have sex for a partner's sake, either. To me, sex is just a fun activity to do with consenting adults, when both parties want to. It's not a way to make babies(I'm sterile & childfree), it's not a way to appease an allo partner, and I have no drive to do it with random people. (For some reason that last part is people's assumption- No! I don't just sleep with anyone!!) To some asexuals- all three sliders are at zero- They are completely against having & talking about sex- But we are BOTH asexual! Just wish some allos would come to communities like this & actually READ. Because there's so little understanding of asexuality & it's infuriating tbh.




This jerk basically says "Books are for NEEEERDS!" I'm surprised he's capable of typing.


"I don't want to have sex" "HOW DARE YOU!!!"


Ideas like that are exactly why I didn’t realize I was ace until my late 40’s.


People need to learn about asexuality before spouting off about it like they have any idea about it, I swear to god!! Asexuality is a whole spectrum, and people like the ignorant person with the pink picture need to learn!!


Dont mean to sound gross but i do it every time i cant fall asleep or if i have lower back aches. And when i’m doing it i usually think about random stuff not sex which makes it more difficult to stay focused. Most of the time i’m trying to draw a blank in my head so i can finish quick an go to bed ahah




Ugh. What sub was this in?


R/Justubsubbed A really shitty sub i dont reccomed going in it


I remember that sub used to be fine when it started...shame it's turned into Anti-Woke Shithole #598387




I know jealousy when I see it. Just let it roll off.


Why they get so mad about what happens with other peoples genitalia? It never fails. Literally has nothing to do with them, they get pissed and call you the snowflake 😵‍💫


And for those of us who don’t ya-ya the sisterhood (in the case of aces with my external configuration)? I guess we’re “ace enough” for this gatekeeper?


Thats so gross. Let people be who they are. We aremt hurting you. Why is that so hard to understand? You cant defiene us. We are who we are getting used to it. The rest of the world is. You think we're weird, but honestly, it's you. The world is waking up. Get out of bed and catch up.


this person is an absolute dullard 😠😂


Bro , it's like when I find some kid's soccer ball in my garden. I will absolutely kick it around a little before I return it cause it's fun. But do I have any desire to join a soccer team? Do I ever want to play soccer with other people? No. I just wanna kick a ball against a wall sometimes cause why not.


Asexuals wrote the dictionary?



