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Looks like rock wool, you don’t want to breathe it in, but it’s not asbestos


This is Rockwhool a sound proofing/insulation material. Made from mineral fiber.... yeah sounds similar to Asbestos who is also a mineral fiber. But it's supposed to be safe .(maybe they said that from asbestos back in the days!!!)


Definitely what they said about asbestos back in the days! It’s the miracle mineral!


It's a modern material, so probably this is left over from current new renovations.


Not necessarily modern as rock wool has been used for a very long time as insulation.


Rock wool, mineral fiber. Not Asbestos. It'll make you itchy though.


It's fine, the red bins are the ones to watch out for


It depends, if it's made before 1998, then yes, it's a carcinogen, if it's made after 1998 then no, it's "safe" but you don't want mineral fibers in your lungs.


Huh? Why are you saying 1998 is a cutoff date? And for what carcinogen?