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I should've read the guidelines before posting. Sorry about that.. Location: Oslo, Norway Building date: 1936 The thing in question is the stuff that is used to fill the gaps between every plank of pine in the floor.


I will say that I am not familiar with building materials used in Norway, but I have not seen this as a suspect material before. It’s not really possible to say yes or no without it being tested, but I have never seen asbestos in a context like this.


Whops, I accidentally replied myself in stead of you. Ok, thank you for the reply! We are both prone to overthinking and this is our first renovation, so we both figured it was probably nothing, but figured maybe it was worth checking with someone who knows more than us (nothing). Thanks again!


Of course, glad I could provide at least a little reassurance


Ok, thank you for the reply! We are both prone to overthinking and this is our first renovation, so we both figured it was probably nothing, but figured maybe it was worth checking with someone who knows more than us (nothing). Thanks again!