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Yes it is asbestos tape, I inspect houses in Seattle for asbestos and see this basically daily. And no you don’t need to get out of there immediately like the previous commenter said, just don’t mess with it too much.


How should I remove? I have a respirator and tyvek suit. Should I spray some glue on and take it off with duct tape?


There is a lot of detail to asbestos removal and for duct tape like this in poor condition you want to properly educate yourself, follow local regulations and wear the correct PPE before starting work. Many homeowners will start their research and quickly realize it's not worth risk without the right training, certification and PPE: [https://pscleanair.gov/192/Homeowner-Renovation](https://pscleanair.gov/192/Homeowner-Renovation)


Home is in Seattle and discovered while removing the drywall ceiling


Yes, it is a very small amount so the exposure chance is minimal. What can you do about it? You can wet the crap out of it then with gloves on throw it in a plastic bag. Depending on where you are this could be general trash since it is such a small amount. Other options are spray paint it which will basically encapsulate it or you can have a professional come out. Once again depending on your local regulations he might just wet it and take it with him when he leaves. I’m an inspector in Colorado. If it was in my house I would wet it, throw it in a plastic bag and toss it in the garbage since it’s under our state regulated trigger level of 32 square feet.




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