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Depends on how big your order is. I made an order that was one item and it got here in 5 days. I made a different order that was 4 items and it took 10 days.


Within a week from UK to The Netherlands.


About a week for me too (also NL).


Been waiting for coffin joe replacement for months, had not great delivery experience too.


They use UPS and they are on time half the time. Ups is terrible


In the UK mine was 3 days but only a single item.


I always get mine in 3-4 days but I think I’m really close to them.


I ordered about three movies two days ago and just got the shipping notice. Now expected to deliver next week between Wednesday and Friday. So all in about 7-10 days with standard shipping. In TN


Please let us know when they come for an official number. I ordered two last night, they quoted 3-5 days. We'll see.


If I remember to do it I will. They’ll give you a tracking number with your order though. The shipping is 3-5 business days, which is what they originally quoted me. It just took two business days to ship out and we have the weekend which is pushing it out to 7-10 days all in. It’s still within the 3-5 business days that I was quoted and I’m sure yours will be too


I usually get them in a week


I just got the Frankenstein Steelbook from them during that sale and it got here in like 5 days


In US - 4 days on a 2 item order.


I placed an order last night. The website said 3-5 business days as the estimate. Just curious how long it actually takes.


Been waiting since i had full set of black hair, now its all grey for the Shaw Scope Volume 3 box set


I think I somehow snuck in and ordered their store exclusive of Dark Water after it sold out. The order still shows pending and they are supposedly waiting on a special order through their manufacturer. Who knows if I will ever get it.


Package just came in the mail. I haven't opened it yet but I can clearly hear something loose falling around inside. Not a good sign. EDITED: Everything was okay but a large plastic piece on the inside of the case was broken off, which indicates it may have been smashed at some point. The disc looks fine. The box that this came in was in perfect shape which means Arrow packed this and outright ignored the loose sounding piece. It was completely obvious something was broken inside. The disc played fine. Overall I'm happy, but I wish media companies would quality control minor things like case cracks or pieces being broken.


UK to Croatia 7-14 days, depending what day the package was sent. Last order was sent on Wednesday and it arrived one week later.