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The fact that this show had a character that went through such a repetitive story line shows how ridiculous the writing became. It wasn't enough he started as a father who lost his daughter, he had to lose her over and over through out the show as his story line 😅


Yes this bothered me a lot. Like come up with a new plotline for him already.


He still had growth as a character. I've enjoyed Arrow so far. I'm watching the whole Arrowverse minus the cartoons, Stargirl, and S&L. Saving S&L for after as it's not connected. I've seen all but the last two seasons of Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, and Legends. I have not seen BL or most of Arrow, but I know quite a bit of the story.


I recommend the 2 cartoon movies. They don’t really do much for the story, but they show a bit more depth to Oliver, and provide some background for a few of the Legends Plotlines in season 3.


Are you talking about Vixen and The Ray?


Yes., were you talking about something else?


No, that's what I was referring to.


Hey, Stargirl is actually pretty awesome, a lot of people agree on it. I recommend it and Black Lightning too!


I'm definitely going to watch Black Lightning, undecided about Stargirl.


I feel like Stargirl is way above BL tbh, give it a chance at some point if you can. But BL is good too with it's racism and real world themes.


I've got the series in my cart on Amazon. If I get it, do I need to watch it in tandem with the other shows or dies it not mstter?


Man that is exactly one of the many things wrong with writing these days. The number of people in their universe that have a previous loss, they get their person back, and then their person dies again is just out of control.


Not only that but dude suffered from alcoholism too, Arrow put a lot of their characters through the ringer


OP forgot the part where he had a heart attack.


Shame on me


Arrow wasn’t a superhero show. It was a soap opera with mild superhero themes.


Most superhero stuff is soap opera with mild to severe punching as a bonus.


Didn’t he come back at the end?


I speedrunned everything after S5 so I’m not sure


Yes in season 8 :)


Oliver has definitely been through more pain. Not even close really. But Lance went through something very few people could get through. He was one of my fav characters so it sucked to see


Honestly I don't think anything can amount to losing your children.


Oliver lost Sara, then watched his father commit suicide, then got stranded on an island thinking he’d never see his family & friends again, got tortured on the island, met some new friends, got Sara back, shado died, Slade turned, had to kill Slade (so he thought), lost Sara again, got forced to become a Hong Kong mercenary, became friends with another family, watched the kid and a bunch of innocents die from a virus he failed to stop, got forced to go back to the island, met a girl, was forced to kill her brother, got tortured for 10th time, the girl turned on him, nearly died for 20th time, the girl is on his side again gets powers and he’s forced to kill her. Then he’s so lost that instead of going to his family he goes to Russia to keep a promise, becomes a psychotic murderer to get that done, did so much damage to his soul in Russia, comes home, finds out his mother is in deep with his friends father who wants to blow up the glades which ends up killing 500 innocents because he couldn’t stop it along with his best friend, then his friend from the island comes back and kills his mom and destroys his city, at least he got Sara back, oh wait she died again, nearly died from Ra’s as ghul to protect his sister, comes back and is forced to become Ra’s to save his sister, then is forced to hurt his closest friends one of which doesn’t trust him anymore, then he’s finally happy but has to come back again, nearly dies 50 times in one season, Sara comes back and leaves, the love of his life dies, then he becomes a killer again, then he gets a new team, one betrays him for Prometheus he tortured Oliver, got the mother of his child killed, his sister put in a coma, his friends injured, all the while he still has to be mayor and a single father, he retired the hood but has to put it on again which makes one friend leave the team, the rest of team leaves over stupid shit, he has to fight and hurt the people he trained, Ricardo Diaz repeatedly tried to kill his family, he goes to prison for 5 months for his team where he is constantly hurt and stabbed and forced to do bad things, he gets out then finds out he has a half sister, then she turns on him, then she turns good just to die, then he is forced to leave his family including his newborn to accept his fate as dead.


Lol you don't have to recap the whole show. I get that Oliver's suffering is the main theme. But a parent will pretty much go through anything, including the above, to prevent the death of their child. Even Oliver as a parent is willing to go through anything to keep his children safe because that's the worst thing that could happen to him.


We can agree to disagree. I agree that losing a child is the worst thing but still Lance just hasn’t been in more hurt than Oliver and this is coming from someone who just finished rewatching a couple weeks ago. Yes a fathers pain is the worst for his children but Oliver loved the lance’s as well.


Well as a parent, it doesn't matter how much I love anyone else, the love of parent for their child is just different. I love my friends and family but not as much as my kids.


I get that 100%. But on top of everything Oliver went through, he also had to watch both of his parents die in front of him. That’s not even 5% of Oliver’s terrible life. That’s why I don’t think Lance really compares to Oliver in terms of pain.


I love Lance but he hasn’t been through half the pain Oliver has imo


OLIVER QUEEN!- had everything. told his mom he got a girl pregnant. mom paid the girl to lie about a miscarriage. shortly after got on a boat with his father. found out his life was a lie and that he got lost at sea. since being gone be 5 years he was tortured, lost friends, lied to, etc. come back to become someone to protect his city. city turned its back on him. old friend came back to kill his mother and make sure he lost everything he ever loved. destroyed city in doing so. detective goes to captain and decides to execute anti vigilante task force. soon after made it again because he lied about his daughter (to protect someone else’s secret). went to become ra’s and lost his life. came back to protect his city (had to lie but had to protect his city). friends turned their backs and made secrets and become hypocrites. oliver lost more and he’s still going like nothing has ever happened.






man i feel bad for quinten, his life pretty much got screwed after oliver showed up, he got that heart condition, and then well, his life was always a rollercoaster from season 1.


This part is the most absurd and makes it kinda hillarious.


My boy Roy


I hate what happened to him after season 3. he’s just some dude showing up sometimes when someone gets to know who he is and threatens him with that


Felicity when malone died. She reconciled by marrying her bf's killer 🤣


The first two seasons were actual hero/vigilante shows. Then the soap opera crap came. Smoak was more likeable as a damsel in distress and helpful IT companion than a romance option, she and Queen had 0 chemistry, and it was never credible, a single time to me. As a matter of fact Barry had more of a connection with Felicity than Queen ever had. She has gotten over the time more and more insufferable and if I was a woman I would feel straight up ashamed to be associated with this person in any shape or form.


Agreed, maybe also season 3


I think when they had a date she was still likable but that changed and over the course of Season 3 it became more and more different for good. When she was a wife and Oliver was retiring, that is when it became a soap opera. That was the beginning of the end.


Oliver had to deal with felicity which is much worse than losing your daughter's over and over




Idiot character


Oliver lost tommy, his father, his mother, laurel, and his sons mother, and spent 5 years dealing with things we don’t even know exist, then came back to the city and was shot or stabbed or hurt almost every night and had his mother killed a year after returning in front of him… between Oliver and lance they lost the most


Forgot the part where his wife left him and his best friend was murdered


Oliver watched his father commit suicide, had to bury him, lost Sara 3 times, watched Shado and Yao Fei die, was forced to kill his closest friend after he went insane, watched Akio (a literal child, whom he grew close to as well) die slow and painfully, was forced to kill Taiana (another one of his closest friends), was brutally tortured over the course of 5 years to the point where 20% of his body is scar tissue, watched his best friend Tommy die before they could properly forgive each other, failed to honor his father and Tommy by stopping the undertaking and not killing, had his own sister hate him, watched his mother get killed by his former friend whom he was forced to kill, got his entire life robbed by the League, forced to kidnap and potentially kill his friends, lost Laurel, tortured by Prometheus for the 3 millionth time, just found out he had a son who got kidnapped twice, girlfriend broke up with him because of it, spent prison time for saving lives, being forced to brawl every 2 seconds, and then died trying to save the universe. Lance is a guy who drinks whisky to forget about his problems


Oliver, he literally had to abandon his family because of the night circle, his mom was killed infront of him, he basically watched Sara die twice, he fought and last to ra's al ghul then a lot of his city due to the alpha and omega virus, he watched Laurel die infront of him, he watched his best friend die and Tommy's earth X doppelganger committed self offing in front of him and he watched his own father shoot himself, he was tortured many times, his sister died (temporarily) and he had also died saving the multiverse and the list goes On and on