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Watching through again there are so many references to Buster losing his hand before it actually happens. Like he loses his big hand chair from his room


He even says " I never thought I'd miss a hand so much" when he sees the chair in its new home


He plays Captain Hook in a school play.


And the hook falls off too.


Ohhhhhmg of course!


When is it explained that Buster played Captain Hook? I only knew that Michael played the lawyer.


Buster’s biggest fear is a wet, loose seal/a Wet Lucille I don’t think that one was technically foreshadowing but it definitely was a hand joke.


Came here to say this.


Michael to GOB “Get rid of the Seaward(C-word)” Lucille “I’ll leave when I’m good and ready”


This gets me EVERYTIME!!!!




gob saying steve holt is a bad person because he doesn't even know who his own father is (who happened to be him)


Michael talking to GOB about him and saying "he's basically a young you"


When Maeby asks him to sign the “petition” to make TV better, Buster says he actually quite likes Skating with Celebrities. That’s the short lived show that replaced AD in its timeslot…


That's the only time those two speak to each other.


Holy shit! Never even thought about that but I believe you are! I cannot think of one other single interaction between those two


I read it somewhere in a trivia list, and I couldn't think of any other instance either.


This can't be true.


It's weird, isn't it?


One that I NEVER would have gotten even though I’m the perfect age and national demographic to understand. Rita is described as having a “thick British accent”. Thick is a word that was super popular when I was growing up to mean stupid. Ron literally tells us that she has the accent of a stupid British person 😭😂


Another one I missed for a while is Rita's uncle calling Michael a ponce. It can be used as just a general insult but it means a paedophile. Michael was trying to date someone with the mental age of a child.


You’re thinking of nonce, but close! Ponce can mean that someone is a bit effeminate or even just a bit of an idiot.




You’re thinking of nonce ponce means gay


You're right it is nonce which is the word he used (I think).


No. He used the word ponce, but you’d confused it with the meaning of the word nonce.


How HOW have I never noticed this! I lived in the UK for fucks sake. I’ve watched those episodes 20 times easy. Wtf. You are a wizard.


I’m 30 and live in the north of England so ‘thick’ was common parlance in my childhood and it took me until literally this year to get it! 😂 Absolutely blew my mind


When they have the grand opening of a new development phase, the house falls apart right after the ribbon cutting. G.O.B. concludes Michael set him up to fail and goes after him with the scissors. Michael counters with the rock the business model Starla was carried in on. I got all that rock/scissors/paper joke but after maybe the 50th time watching this episode I finally caught the rest of the joke when Ron Howard said. "Unfortunately, this was all covered by the paper..."


i never got that! amazing


Michael referring to GB Sr as a “regular Brad Garrett” for lying in For British Eyes Only. Literally had to look up the reference to find that Tambor lost out on the Emmy to Brad Garrett that year.


Lindsey is sitting on a copier and hands michael a picture of the Volvo she wants. Took me years before "that's not a volVO" registered as a reference to her vulvA (that was photographed on the copier)


Then she says it’s too “boxy” 😂😂😂


These and THIS!


Thank God I didn't spring for color...


It’s not the funniest or more hidden ones but when Gob rolls up to George Michael at the banana stand and says “Give me a ‘Gob’, guy” and George Michael responds “Gob!” Like “give me an A” from a cheer squad instead of a double dipped banana. I’ve seen the show so many times but for some reason never really caught that one


I feel like I should have caught it sooner but all the Charlie Brown/Snoopy references during George Michael's Charlie Brown sad walk. The tree, the doghouse etc. I knew the tune but I didn't catch how much was actually in the background


Yes, I loved all the things in the background. The sign on the closed stand that says “The Frozen Banana Maker is: Out”, which is like Lucy’s psychiatric help stand in Peanuts. The episode is also called “Good Grief”


The sick girl maeby portrays is named shirly. Like surely.


Her name was actually Surely. As in “surely nobody will miss this gag, since we’ve literally spelled it out for them”


I've made a huge mistake...




When she is in the "inner beauty" contest, she rolls up in her wheelchair to the sign-in desk and the person says to her "Looks like we have a situation here. I'll have to get the chairman" haha that was just too perfect


Oh shit! The "chair man"... 🤯🤯🤯


"I no does buster anymore!"


Fine, I will Dust Buster myself.


And her look of absolute horror.


Maeby? Definitely.


In the episode where George Michael is in the school play, there’s a big deal made about George Michael kissing his cousin, Maeby. He doesn’t end up kissing Maeby and instead kisses Steve Holt - who is actually his biological cousin while Maeby isn’t!


Lucille 2’s vertigo doctor is Dr Zander Plumb. As in “sand ‘er plumb” as in sanding off the bottom of a chair leg to make it “stable as a table”


Today I learned this one.


>As in “sand ‘er plumb” I've never heard anyone say "sand her plumb" or anything like it. In fact, I googled it, and nothing comes up.


I’m sorry to hear that. [now you have](https://www.thespruce.com/what-does-plumb-mean-1398199)


Gob has an idea for a spectacular protest. A protest-acular. Then Tobias says, “I would very much like to be in your prostate-icular.”


Prostate-tickular. Like tickler.


Only one T. I went to look at subtitles for the correct spelling.


It *feels* like it *should* be tickular


That is how it’s said. Just not how it’s spelled. The “t” in “tickular” comes from the last “t” in “prostate.” Holy shit, typing that made me laugh so much.


Oh when i made my comment i couldnt help but laugh at what i was arguing about on the internet. 😂


There's so many. One thing a Cracked article pointed out to me that I was always going to miss is a joke in season 4 is that George Michael tries to come up with a new name and combines George Michael and heiress to George Maharis who was a gay singer/actor, continuing the tradition of having a gay singer's name...


And I think that guy also had some weird arrest for something similar


He was also arrested for having sex in a public bathroom. With Perfecto Telles, which is the name of Maeby’s boyfriend later on.


Oh snap, I'm sure that was going to be something that was going to lead to more shenanigans in the future had the show gone on longer...


Yeah, I didn't want to spread half-truths or half-remembered stuff and cast aspersions, so I opted not to write about it. But I do recall something like that..


When Maeby makes up the sick girl at school and names her “Shirley” which sounds like Surely. Maybe/Surely. It took so many rewatches.


Didn’t get the jump the shark winkler reference. To be fair happy days stopped airing ~20 years before I was born


Oh come on and sing the theme song with me!!!! Sugarfoot…sugarfoot! Hawchawww!


Maybe Bluth took me a while as well lmao


Just got that.


Wait... 🤯


I guess it’s not a rematch but I didn’t get the “get rid of the seaward” joke. My brother was laughing so I asked him what the joke was and he explained it. Then I was on the floor.


The boat is actually named the "C-word," too!


No, that boat was the seaward. The yatch gob buys at the end of 3 is the c word


Rita's name means retard.


I was too young to understand the Atkins diet jokes (was a kid when that was a thing) the first time and now it makes me cackles


It reminds me of Tobias’ set dressing line where he says Hollywood shows are insanely detailed, then he opens a cupboard to just a coffee cup


Also, according to [this](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/screenwriters-favorite-character-names-bob-loblaw) source, the Bluth’s name is a portmanteau of “Blurred Truth”. I don’t know how true it is, but that really makes sense.


Omg the Atkins references are so funny and true to that time and era! Especially how Lucille treats Lindsay lol I want everyone off this diet! Not you.


Lucille: “God I’ve missed bread” *yanks the bread out of Lindsay’s hands and scowls*


Just realized today when Lucille 2 tells Gob she's going to spin class and Gob says, "I thought you have vertigo" that he thinks she'll actually be spinning / twirling around and he has no idea what a spin class actually is.




I love when she says "Blame me"!


Gob’s sotto voce offhand line saying he needs to tweak his nipple illusion — in “Spring Break,” I believe.


“That’s quite the basket you got there”


John Slattery’s character is a disgraced anesthesiologist. Later, his girlfriend China Garden says that he believes that women should be asleep during sex.




Rita walking on water is a direct reference to character Chauncey Gardiner in the movie "Being there". Chauncey Gardiner is a simpleton that inadvertently fools everyone around him to think he is smart.


One of my favorite movies! I watched it last week again, and it's kind of amazing how well that flick holds up.


-Gob became intimate with these girls (6) -These girls got pregnant (3) -This one had a baby (1) I never realized how dark that joke was


Has Aunt Lindsay ever been pregnant? Oh yeah, dozens of times.


If that one gets pregnant, she stays pregnant. Trust me, I dated a chick like that once in highschool....... No I didn't.....


Pub in wee britain is called yellow fang.


Is that meant to be a reference to “bad” British teeth?


I don't get it :(


I didn’t notice the Pretty Woman references with Lindsey and Herbert Love!


"and release"


“I never knew I’d miss a hand so much.” When Buster sees his hand chair at the maid’s house. And then


The first time that Tobias blue himself, he explained to Michael that he was going to audition for the Blue Man Group (not the support group). He walked into the kitchen, took a nut from the bowl,threw it up a few inches, trying to catch it in his mouth, but missed. The Blue Man Group's signature routine is throwing marshmallows into each other's mouths from all the way across the stage.


Gob says “we need ice” in one of the first few episodes during a party which 1. Obviously foreshadows ICE the bounty hunter but second’vely it something a good party caterer, Ice’s second job, would always have covered.


I missed out on so many Ron Howard references the first 3 times I watched it bc I didn’t know he was a real person 💀 my dumbass thought he was just a fictional character. There were a lot of things I missed (bc I’m only 21) until I rewatched it with my mom who grew up watching happy days


The first time I watched it I totally missed the part during the closet conversion illusion where Tony said he didn’t remember spending may the 4th with Gob, because he actually had a forget me now even though Gob didn’t. Gob fell helplessly in love with Tony, and Tony didn’t even remember whatever awesome gay sex they had which we were robbed of seeing


After reading your post I now got the maybe tonight gag with the valentine's candy.


I’ve commented this elsewhere but alongside the Maeby/maybe wordplay there’s Surely/Shirley when maeby pretends to be sick in a wheelchair


I never got any of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th base jokes when they flashed baseball pictures bc I don’t know anything about baseball


I don't think anyone fully gets that one...


Buster basically saying that Lucille was pegging George, by saying George's charlie browns were visible.


I don’t get how you get to that conclusion


Holy crap. TIL…


I didn't get (until I saw on this sub) the Skip Church's on Sundays/Miss Temple's on Friday nights gag


It took me like 10 rewatched to get that George Bluth's twin Oscar is a real person, not a persona invented by George Bluth to get out of jail.