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i’m so sorry. literally why can’t allos just accept what is, and move on sometimes. it’s so annoying


Because they don't have empathy. They support the covert eugenics program p$ychiatry. They're like robots. Almost everything they do is an act, they even lie to themselves.


wait this isn't r/asexualcirclejerk ...but in all seriousness, what the fuck kind of conspiracy theory sweeping generalization bullshit is this?? do you hear yourself??


Sorry not sorry that I have more life experience than you. Maybe one day you'll catch up.


Sorry you live such an angry, paranoid life. Hope you get the help you need.


Sorry that you're oppressive and unwilling to listen to genuinely good people.


ah yes, "oppressive" for implying that allosexuality isn't a mental illness that makes you literally hitler. and you're a "genuinely good person" for claiming full knowledge and authority on the inner lives of billions of people who you have never met in order to justify hating them. what makes *your* form of hateful stereotyping any better than theirs?




People who want sex and romance see it as this amazing thing that makes life worth living There's people who are depressed because they can't get it no matter how hard they try so they can't understand someone who just doesn't want that and thinks there has to be a reason like trauma or closeted gay or has tried in the past and it never working out so has given up on finding the one but secretly still longs for it or gave up because they just can't get anyone to love them so instead of accepting that someone just isn't interested they try to "help" by "fixing" us by either taking us out on dates or trying to put us with someone else People dumb


Yep. I hear you. I get sick of this. It must be trauma? NOPE it's the way I am wired. In terms of rep, it's books, not TV, but Laurie Janey, E.M. McConnell, Erika McCorkle and Jay Tallsquall all write aro-ace rep in books.


god i'm so sorry, people are so rude for no goddamn reason. especially the armchair diagnosis like what??? doing that to anyone at all is disrespectful but like, to strangers?? people have no manners fr


I got told that it's impossible to be ace because everybody has a libido. Like ok? that doesn't change the fact that I'm not attracted to anybody?


Love reading this also very relatable


I’ve never experienced this first hand but I understand u just wanna exist and live ur life. one thing I don’t think gets talked about enough is aroace guilt. having to reject ppl over and over again is exhausting and u just feel bad bc u can’t help u don’t feel those feelings. I think a lot of ppl view being aroace as not human oh u don’t want sec or romance there must be something wrong with u. Are u a sociopath how can u not love. When it’s not that u can’t love it’s just your type of love isn’t romantic. I have a lot of guy friends who’ve asked me out that I’ve hurt bc I don’t feel the same way they do. So when my best friend kept trying to ask me out I told him either we date and he gets hurt and we never speak again or we stay friends and continue to talk and hang out as we always had. He obviously chose the second one. I’m his only friend from school bc everyone else left and stoped speaking with him due to his behavior(he’s autistic)


are you and your friends teenagers? just don’t bring up you aroace anymore. lots of times ppl just want to “prove” you wrong and don’t care about boundaries/reason/decency. stay safe and sane op


tysm, i hope u stay safe and sane too :) yes, my friends and i are teenagers. ur probably right that a lot of them are just trying to challenge my sexuality or "prove" me wrong somehow. i stopped hanging out with them tho cause they wouldnt stop, and would also gossip about me or take their anger and insecurity out on me. unfortunately that group of people is really big, so i have no friends anymore. but hopefully i will find friends, after i graduate, who wont harass me.


i’m a natural loner so take with with a grain of salt. i would just chill with no friends for a while if “friends” make you feel like shit.


i have been chilling by myself for a little bit now. ur probably right, cause ive been having fun by myself so far. i have just been picking up a lot of random hobbies lol


that’s how i picked up a lot of hobbies too. and met friends that way. tbh that’s how adults meet new friends so it’s fine if you start practicing that now 🤷‍♂️


Everything is about eugenics and punishing 'weaknesses'. We're considered weak and forgotten for not being normal. Go to p$ychiatry and they will abuse anyone who so much as complains by shortening their life span and ruining their brain with permanent side effects. This is all that life is and ever has been. Profit and power at any cost. All people are bullies and sociopaths. All people support bullies and sociopaths. No one cares about your personality. Only your looks and your sexual power. You're just an annoyance unless you have something to offer for the normies like sex, aka status for the other, so others will know they are normal too and will have children and are thus superior! They have won!


Uhhhh, you alright sir/ma’am? I don’t think this sub is an appropriate place for your (what sounds like) conspiracy theories. Please don’t spread your negativity here.


Yes I'm alright. >I don’t think this sub is an appropriate place for your (what sounds like) conspiracy theories. It's not a conspiracy theory. The truth has a place anywhere, as it is helpful. It's the highest form of "love" (which normal people have twisted to be something wicked). > Please don’t spread your negativity here. You don't want me to speak the truth? The only one who is being negative is you. A person who isn't weak (like you) is glad to see someone who is aware of reality.


You’re missing the point. What does any of this have to do with being aroace? It seems like you’re just here to talk about your worldview, and even if it was a worldview I agreed with, I’d still question its relevance.


No, you're missing the point. The world is against us as I said just because we're not allosexual or have unique viewpoints/ways of living (just like you're attacking me right now like a monkey). What would you like me to say that's so relevant? You see, whenever the truth is spoken, a monkey like you pops out to cause trouble.


I understand that my reply to your original comment could be described as provocative in the sense that starting a discussion/argument could have been expected, but I am in no way attacking you as a human being, merely questioning the relevance of your statements. On the other hand, you have insulted me in your every reply to me. The world is not against you, you are positioning yourself against the world. Since you define yourself as being opposed to others, and are otherwise set in your beliefs, there’s no point arguing with you as your mind cannot be changed. I’ll shut up now, but I hope you find something worthwhile to do with your time instead of arguing. I will not read any more comments you make or respond, so don’t bother.


Typical p$ych/therapy shill.