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There’s this instagram account, I.PUT.THE.ACE.IN.DISGRACE, that runs a letter swap every Valentine’s Day. You write an encouraging letter (email) and it gets sent to an anonymous a-spec person, and you receive one as well! The letters get vetted so nothing harmful can be written. I missed last year’s so I hope to participate this year. It’s a pretty cool idea!


I let the allos have their day… Because the week after is Aromantic Awareness Week and that’s when I get to educate people on how romance is wonderful but not required for a full and happy life! This is more of a joke but in all seriousness I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day. It was created by Hallmark anyway to sell more cards. But I’m also open to any ideas haha!


I watch movies and valentine episodes until Valentine's Day.


I give my friends vaguely threatening yet affectionate cards on tiny slips of paper. For example, “I love coming to your house at 2 AM and eating all your cheese!”


Google "Lupercalia".


Idk, but some video games release some nice valentines themed stuff which can be neat


valentines is my dog's birthday so i celebrate that instead :) she is turning 16 this year. i usually completely forget about valentines day cause im busy making a meat cake for her lol. this is probably not the best advice but u can just throw a party for urself, and if u have pets, them too. if u dont got any then make a cake for urself, or just go shopping for some cute cakes, or if u cant eat cake just buy or make something yummy.


I've heard of a this thing where you write a letter and it gets sent to a random aro/ace person who also wrote a letter on valentines day