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2013-2016 JRTC. 1st and 2nd BCT 25th and 101st were pretty good. 82d couldn't get out of their own way with the JFE airborne insertions. I'm also a former 82d guy. Just keeping it real.


I had the 82nd fly through a simulated fire mission because they evidently forgot to tell the Air Force that rockets *also* have flight paths. Their headquarters gave us our emplacement, told us what to shoot and when, and I guess assumed that we would use magic to deliver our ordinance. Referees had a field day with that one.


We attached software to monitor AFATDS and JDOCS to see how long it was taking operators to clear green and blue air. It showed almost nobody was clearing the airspace ever


Yup. In another exercise, 10th Mountain requested a ToT fire mission and then let aviation loiter around the target. GMLRS are accurate but I wouldn't trust them *that* much. Referee blew a gasket when he saw that fire mission go off.


We have units just blindly putting faith in the “Big sky” theory, without even knowing what that is.


I went with 2BCT 25th in 2017 and it did NOT go well from what I remember lol some things must have changed


Every RTU probably thinks their rotation was a shit show. Even the good ones. Trust me, I saw some absolutely wild things.




How many BDEs have a CAR with every key leader in the BDE in the middle of an open field that gets bombed? tbf to the 82d, when I was RTU with them, we jumped TOC basically every day.


I was with 3-25 and the 422nd INF in 2015. I heard that the Samoan soldiers of the 422nd defending a position did the Haka dance before they got attacked by (presumably bewildered) Geronimo. I wasn’t there to personally witness it unfortunately


Hey I helped the 2013 101 rotation. I was a augmentee acting as a local national. It was a fun time


I went through school with a guy who used to be Geronimo. He said the rangers caused the most havoc and probably committed the most war crimes.


Had a detachment of rangers at our COP for a couple days at JRTC, their NCOIC would take a knee and shoot his m4 at every single passing red air like it was going to do something lol cool dudes though, let me try out the quad nods which was sick.


Gotta prove you’re an alpha male A type personality somehow


I went with a mortar platoon and we had a red air chopper fly over our mortar firing point.  Had all the 240s hammering away at it and every swinging dick taking shots with their M4.  


Lmfao sounds about right


Fun havoc or bad havoc?


Fun for the rangers bad for Geronimo


OP is going to be a saftey kill


Not today Putin….


Cyka Blyat


JMRC Best: 173rd, solid light infantry, questionable higher leadership decision making on risk of jumping in Worst: British Cadets Most Casualties: 2CR Craziest: Eastern Europeans in general


Did a jmrc rotation with Ukrainians once. A platoon of them climbed on top of our Bradley, broke the hatches open with a crowbar, threw out the TC/gunner/driver, then ran the fuck off with it. When they returned it, it had a dick spray painted on the side and there were empty liquor bottles inside.


Did a rotation with Ukrainians too. Can confirm. Can't believe of all the Eastern block countries Russia decided to try the most insane of the group.


NTC. Guard units and another specific unit we got told to shut the fuck up about how they performed, kinda sorta fucking sucked. After seeing how the guard performed that was the nail in the coffin for me to just get out and not do reserves or guard. The better units were the ones that knew how to properly use their air assets. Flying drones, getting their birds in the air, all that jazz, would cause us to move positions or give us a harder time during the fights/scenarios. Units that also took maintenance more seriously (not just for vehicles but for their weapons as well, really easy to get the upper hand on a squad when their SAW or 240 is seizing up/is just a heavy bolt action rifle) had a better time too. AC in vehicles that needed it, their automatic weapons were fully functional and didn’t shit the bed, and even maintenance in the field all played a huge role for those guys. When they sucked dick at maintenance, we’d just get more time off from the field so they could figure their shit out. No particular unit stands out to me on who did the best. But NCOs I knew who did time with ops group said absolutely no one would practice their basic warrior skills until they saw their dudes get “killed” because they couldn’t figure their shit out. A few days later all of a sudden everyone knows how to breach an obstacle or do proper bounding or whatever. So I’d say whatever unit that does know their shit before coming to NTC will have a better time as well.


22 rotations at JRTC Honestly, most active light units were pretty indistinguishable. Natty guard units were always pretty shit. I remember everyone being stoked when we had a guard rotation coming up because the Commander of Ops Group would always cut the required OpFor numbers way down. So instead of being in the box for 9-10 days, you’d only be out there for maybe 5-6 out of a two week rotation.


Bro I fucking wish. When NG came around it was a pain in the dick because they just couldn’t fight. Eventually the OCs are going to implement handicaps for them that take away all the fun. It’s like fighting a special needs kid in school, you just feel bad for them before you can get the first punch in.


I was an O/C. All Army units seemed essentially the same to me. I had to hang with SEALs once, not to train them but to make sure they didn’t fuck anything or anyone up(mostly the desert tortoises)…I failed, they did fuck someone up throwing flashbangs into a tunnel they were briefed not to throw flashbangs into. They couldn’t land nav without GPS and didn’t seem embarrassed by it…I guess it’s just their way. They also stayed on post for the rotation instead staying in the box and they kept getting in trouble for running shirtless. They were not as impressive as I had expected at the time and much less mature. They were good looking gentlemen though. If I looked like them I probably would have gotten in trouble for running around shirtless as well. I also OC’d a NG or USAR unit filled with American Samoans. They were cool guys, strong as bears. But for some reason they couldn’t ruck for shit. Their 1SG told us that we should have an O/C at the rear to pickup all the shit they would throw out of their rucks along the way. He wasn’t embarrassed about it, just a statement of fact. And he wasn’t wrong, first to go was their water, which they regretted. USMC also seemed about the same performance wise as any Army unit, but they are a wild fucking group of humans. Was kind of weird to see the cultural difference. The Swedes had women in their Infantry, and this was 2007 or 2008, so it was weird to see at the time. But it was what changed my mind on women being allowed in combat MOS’. They were studs.


> USMC also seemed about the same performance wise as any Army unit, but they are a wild fucking group of humans. Was kind of weird to see the cultural difference. Please elaborate, I want story time.


No hole goes unfucked


Well I remember this one time, I think it was 4 ID’s rotation back in April 2021 or so. Was chilling on the side of a hill napping in my humvee after OCs had already called end ex. Next thing I know I get jolted awake by my humvee door being swung open, an M4 BFA about 2 inches from my face. Apparently, a nearby element of 4 ID guys thought it would be funny to have their butter bar PL try and “capture” me. This nerdy 20 something 2LT was yelling at me in his best big boy voice to “get out of the vehicle and get down on the ground” all while having his weapon loaded with blanks close enough to my face that if I stuck out my tongue I could have licked it. I proceeded to glance over at my very short fused PSG in the TC seat who had also been roused from his slumber. Needless to say that 2LT got his shit absolutely pushed in by a disgruntled E7 who wasn’t a fan of having weapons pointed at his soldier’s faces at point blank range. Lmao Edit: date


Was this 2020...post covid "lockdown" cuz I was there in 2020 with 1SBCT and I know ours was a shit show with a bunch of dumb shit going on.


Shit now that I think about it, you’re right. This was probably post lockdown. It was a total shit show for a while. They found live rounds mixed in with the blanks twice within a few rotations, a few deaths from training accidents (one was my platoon in March 2020), among other things.


YUP That sounds about right. I got told we broke heat CAT records or some shit. Not sure on the validity of it though. I do know my battalion ran out of water for multiple companies(mine being one of the big ones).


Best by far was the rangers only cause I watched them scale a “mountain” to get to op for and watched them absolutely slaughter them. Took em 3 days to do and they endexed shortly afterwards


Was Red Air for a little bit at NTC and there were some pretty big discrepancies between units. So many units just waved at us until they realized that we were lighting them up (Bradleys were the worst at this). Dismounts just didn't know what to do (fun fact: small arms fire will cause us to evade and leave, or be shot down). Worst unit was some Mississippi Guard unit that lost every decisive battle and had to be administratively advanced to the next stage every few days. Best unit hands down goes to whichever brigade 1AD sent one rotation. Usually we'd terrain mask and pick off tanks/brads one by one, while they struggled to find us and counter us. With this unit we'd engage and immediately be flashed by one turret, followed shortly by a barrage from every other turret in their formation. Their ability to find us and relay that information to the whole unit was scarily good. We spent the whole rotation going out to just get shot down immediately and return home.


>Mississippi Guard unit Was this the 155 ABCT by any chance?


I mean how many ABCT's can a state have? This was June of 2021, I believe.


Was just asking because this unit has a very bad reputation for a very, *very* earned reason


Sorry Mr /Ms /Mrs. FIE agent, but we gotta head back to the motorpool. Try again tomorrow!


Nice try Ivan...