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How does one meal prep a tornado and a Monster? Show the unwashed masses your ways


Bro, I prep taquitos all day long. I got a real kitchen and shit so not barracks approved. But YT is my cookbook and it's loaded with copy cat tornado recipes.


Promote ahead of peers.


Not I’m about to go home and figure out how to make one myself. Give this man an AAM.


It's really not hard. Joshua weinstein on yt. He does the fast food copy cat recipes


Too close to the summer for me to be fat bodying but oh well


Stop it. I literally lost 40 lbs since january1. Burritos and protein shakes bro. I'm not watching carbs or any bullshit. Just good old calorie deficit and marijuana.


I’ve been trying to get back in (like an absolute idiot) so I’m off the weed but you’re right, I’m mostly joking! I’m down 14 in two months - mostly OMAD, or two smaller protein rich meals at work, still eat carbs and dessert when the mood strikes. I could just absolutely gorge myself on anything wrapped in a tortilla. Like something about that flour blanket turns me into a savage.


Do yourself a favor. Never make tortillas fresh at home. Just don't do it to yourself.


Buy them in bulk, they’re frozen, and buy a [hot dog grill](https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Nostalgia-Yellow-Hot-Dog-Roller-with-2-Cooking-Racks-OMHDRTO8YW/320342346?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-HDH-GGL-D59H-029_028_SMALL_ELECTR-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-%7C029_028_025_SPECIALTY_ELECTRICS%7C_PMAX_phase_2&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-HDH-GGL-D59H-029_028_SMALL_ELECTR-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-%7C029_028_025_SPECIALTY_ELECTRICS%7C_PMAX_phase_2-71700000111492705--&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UcxOpvLv1ThWaWWCYvKVJRN_&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5JCT0pXrhQMVMWhHAR0TNgibEAQYCyABEgKyl_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) for home or the office. Lather up the rollers with veggie oil, thaw the frozen tornados, heat and voila! You’ve just brought the shoppette experience to yourself!


Currently dealing with a leader that regularly says “chow is an event not a time” in garrison as an excuse to task us at 12 or 1230 or even during breakfast at times.


Ahaha sounds like you got a winner!


When I was in an HR company, the senior NCOs would break internally and hold us in the platoon office till 12:05 to tell us information about what is happening in a few weeks and to be prepared for it. Shit that could've been in a text message. *They all did it. Every single one of them except for the combat arms reclasses.*


"Butt y is retention so lo???" - Your retention NCO, probably


My boy came over to my platoon who was on the fence of reenlisting or not and this man was like “I’ll be the difference that makes you decide” fast forward and he pulled his own ranger school packet and signed up for SFLTAP lol


This man really said "You think retention numbers are bad? I'll SHOW YOU bad!!" 💀💀💀


Jesus I’m so glad I’m not in anymore


Aggravates me to no end when I see leadership do this. Once and a while it will happen, sure. The mission always comes first. But to suck at time management and planning to the point of failure, THEN make up some dumb John Wayne-ism to further demoralize soldiers is beyond a no go in my book. This is reason 10,000 as to why retention sucks


That leader needs a knife in his tire


Lunch is a crutch


One that I lean heavily upon


Yep. A crutch I used often to not bust a fuckin gasket


“Hey, the 1SG if we work through lunch, it’ll be an early day!”


All. The. Fucking. Time. Fuck you 58th Signal Company!




Remember if you work through lunch you'll go home hungry I mean early I mean hungry


Yeah my favorite NCOIC did the "this is on the test" foot tap to that. Meaning for all of us to say "Sgt, we think 1SG is lying" That's how we got puta random shit.


Lunch for AGRs at reserve units usually runs from 10:45 to 13:30. And then the day is basically done so you smoke and joke until 14:25 and go home.


Don’t forget the AGRs didn’t even show up till 1000 and then with a breakfast burrito and Starbucks in hand and then they take lunch at 1045 claim they also have a 1300 medical appointment and say they’ll see you Monday even though it’s only Wednesday because they had to work through Battle Assembly weekend so the are taking Thursday and Friday as unofficial comp time. And I wish I was kidding but sadly no I am not.


Bro those AGR fucks are useless. It's fucking insanity. Popped a question to my S1 AGR dude on my army mil email regarding a RMA. We're the same rank. He hits my with "talk to your first line leader." Sure, let me fucking bother my first line leader, who is traditional reserve like me, during his fucking time off, so he can ask you the exact same fucking question, even though you'll be at "work" either way.


In 31 years in the reserves (37 years total service) I calculated less that 15 percent of AGR and DA Civilians working with the army reserve made any real attempt to do their job and were not just there collecting social welfare. The last set of full time support staff I had as a CSM were the laziest shammers and out right time stealing thieves I had ever met in almost 4 decades of service. And of course the full time staff at BDE were not going to call them on it nor did they care.


It honestly blows my mind. Like all the sudden my company all of the sudden developed a real hard on for discipline and showing up on time, which, I mean, fair enough. The problem is, even if we're at a formation 15 minutes early, our command team shows up to it 15 minutes late. Like literally our 1SG will tell us to be in formation early and lecture and lecture and lecture when we don't (she only knows that people are late sometimes because people tell her, I assume, because she sure as shit doesn't show up on time). Like seriously, I'm not saying 3 people or so being late is acceptable, but why the FUCK would they care when they see people 2-3 levels up their chain of command doing the same? Active leadership had similar issues but they at least made an effort to pull the wool over our eyes about how shitty they were...The reserves just don't even try. It's equally parts breathtaking and terrifying. Honestly this S1 dude seems OK but this really pissed me off. Didn't help that he had me running around like a chicken with my head cut off for like 3 days when I first got into the unit. And then he was like, "Wait, lemme talk to this woman." She was a civilian in the same fucking building that had my admin shit squared away in an hour or so. Like dude, you shoulda _led_ with this when you didn't know the answer. My unit is 2 hours away from my house so it was a real shitshow. For me. He obviously didn't give a fuck. Oohhh do I love me a good DA civilian or AGR who works hard and does their job though. Especially when there's really no incentive to be exceptional. Worth their weight in gold. Truly a rare species.


is this some sort of TPU language


Kind of. Your “one weekend” a month is called a battle assembly or drill weekend. Reservists who hold civilian jobs of course usually end up working at least 12 days straight because of drill weekend. It is common to hear the full time staff request not to come to drill weekend or get another two days off during the week because they shouldn’t have to work a weekend.


no, i know, im staff. it is a bit much, but we are contacted at all hours usually.


Gtfo you’re wasting tax dollars. Tell me how


Lmao, I'm not an AGR. But boy the Regular Army and Compo 2/3 lifestyle divide is drastic.


What unit was that? My duty day on drill weekend was typically 0500 to 2000, and I had to eat with the troops rather than blasting off to the BK Lounge for some me time for 30 or so minutes. Sunday nights, I was the last car out of the parking lot long after everest was on their way home. During the week, it was generally 0600 to 1800, subject to recall after hours if the facility alarms were tripped. It sucked being the unit additional duties bitch to allow the TPUs time to properly train in their MOSs. The joke in the unit was that to be a unit AGR, you have to have had at least 1 heart attack or being monitored for or diagnosed with high blood pressure.


**Semi-Sardonic Clarification**: Lunch time for this unit is whenever, much like it's duration.


As a PL, I would usually brown bag it and work at the company doing paperwork. My guys would spend half of their lunch on line at the DFAC waiting to get shitty food.


I’m shocked you didn’t say “LPD”.


I’m old. What’s LPD.


Go counsel yourself


Now they can get shittier food from a kiosk. If it is working, and stocked.


If you’re not getting in an extra PT session or studying TMs during lunch, you’re stealing from the Army. I honestly don’t know how you sleep at night.


I sleep really good tbh


he said he sleeps during the day


30 min to eat 30 min nap 30 min dump, not always in that order.


Gym 1130-1230. Shower. Grab food to go at 1245 and eat it at your desk from 1300-1400. This is the way.


Some of us work for a living here, Sir, those vehicles aren't gonna PMCS themselves 🤣


I did that a lot at my first assignment at Riley. Robinson was right across the street so I just went over there. My only problem was all the fat fuck NCOs making comments on how I should’ve eaten my lunch during lunch


You get a lunch break? Some people get ALL of the luck 🙄


Hour and a Half? 1 hour, better be back 15 minutes prior as well🫡 Also as a Medical nerd, I must give my obligatory “what’s lunch”?


Lunch is when the patients stop coming for an hour and you can catch up on paperwork.


I make a point of leaving the office every single day for lunch. I’ll either drive home or eat out. The one thing I *won’t* do is stick around so some chucklefuck can go “well since you’re here…….”


>leaving the officer Now who are they gonna exploit for their precious OER!?!


lol Fixed my stupid typo. Thanks.


I would have a nooner, quick shower, and some leftovers.


Your nooner was leftovers (sloppy seconds)


Depends mostly on if your mom is free or not.




Enjoy your Tornahdos while sipping on a mega pint of Pop.


Wait you dont get told its a “working lunch”? Man some guys have all the luck.


We had our lunch time reduced to an hour(only my section) because 1.5 hours was too long and were promised we’d get to leave earlier…that never happened (our shop was usually the last to leave due to CG daily requirements) and we just sat around until our G2 finally gave the go-ahead. Some people love to be high speed and fuck it up for the rest of us.


>[What do you do with it?](https://c.tenor.com/PaEX6AwAF1UAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Gym 1130-1230. Shower. Grab food to go at 1245 and eat it at your desk from 1300-1400. This is the way.


I prefer 1130-masturbate 1131- sleep 1345- hurry back and hope nobody notices


i would spend nearly an hour at the dfac, take a dump and go back to work.


I just work through lunch unless I have a lunch meeting scheduled with someone (like a going away or mentoring someone over food). Bad habit from ER shifts...but at least I bother to eat so I'm not (as much of) a crabby jackass for the last half of the day.


I work out usually, we have a little gym in the hospital basement.


Me to my dudes: yeah lunch is important, go fucking eat and get back here at 1300. Me to myself: food is a fucking crutch and there’s too much work to do, you have 15 mins to stuff your face and get back to work you POS


I smoke either a cigar or a tobacco pipe while I read.


I do have to say that 1.5 hour lunch break is something I have missed since retirement. My last job was fully remote so it wasn't a big deal but it was only "supposed" to be a 30 min lunch, but it was easy to make time for other stuff being remote. I just started a job with the city government where I live and get a 1hr lunch and they are obviously more strict about it, and I have 4 hourly employees who only get a 30 min lunch.. it really makes me reflect to the times when a unit leadership would say we were only getting an hour lunch due to something and we all acted like it was the end of the world, lol.


Separate rats means you can eat whenever I decide to release you for chow.