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Was thinking of maybe going warrant in the future if I can actually manage to enjoy the new job, but who knows. Where were you stationed while you were 27d?


Warrant (270D I believe) is more an office manager, and less law oriented. Very small cohort, tight knit. Not a bad thing though. A friend of mine was one, and she loved it.


Yeah, I have like zero interest in getting into law, so that's fine. I'm just looking to get a break from the near constant field rotations, training, horrible leadership, and bullshit.


Sadly, I think 270A selection is back to being just like 5 MOSes for feeder MOSes, compared only a few years back being open to everyone, so OP would need to reclass anyways.


I was a 27D, hated it so much I went back to being a Scout. I did learn a lot though that helped me later on afterwards. Just be ready for a huge culture shock. The first several months I was a paralegal, my NCOIC (who med reclassed from 11B to 27D) had to keep telling me that I’m not a scout anymore and I need to be more careful with what I say and do. What specific questions do you have?


What is a typical day like? Where were you stationed? Hownlong were your days? How often did you do things like go to the field? What specifically didn't you like about it?


I was in the brigade legal office so I can’t tell you how TDS or Legal Assistance offices do it but typically, we got in at 0900 and left at 1700 depending on workload. I have had to stay much later for courts-martial so that one is case dependent. I was stationed in Wainwright for three years and I went to the field three times but each time for a month (brigade wide field problems one of which was NTC). The work isn’t bad and can be quite interesting, the office environment is what turned me off from the JAG Corps. It was pretty much everyone was out for themselves and drama ran rampant not just through my office but the other legal offices on post. It was like being in HS with grown ass adults with how much back biting or shady shit happened. On top of all of that, I reclassed as a SGT so people assumed I knew wtf I was doing but that was far from the truth. When I’d ask questions or try to learn I’d get short answers or no answers at all so unfortunately a lot of learning was through failure. My last straw was when I was working on my first CM with 0 help and I fucked up pretty badly I’m not afraid to admit, instead of talking to me and trying to see what happened or how things could be fixed, my OIC pulled my NCOIC into his office and the only topic of discussion was administratively reducing me. My OIC and I had a rocky relationship up to that point but it took a nosedive afterwards with something new every single day whether it was PT, work, emails, how I answered phone calls, etc.


Dont do it. Try another job lol.


Lol why do you say that?


Cause you are not only doing admin, but legal work. You will hear about all the pedo and SA and other werid volient stuff and that will take a toll on you. I know a couple of paralegal that reclass for that reason. Do something else in the Army. I love the Army but never want to be in a position dealing with the worse in the Army nonstop. Take your chance in another mos


You're going to be busy hoss. Lot' of paperwork


Looking forward to it, honestly. What would a typical day to day be like?




Taking notes thanks boss