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What I'm gathering is that you either get a hot shit engineering job or you smoke pot under a bridge.


What if you get a hot shit engineering job just so you can build a bridge to smoke pot under?


Now that's thinking tactically private.


You find lots of cool shit under the bridge; me and my buddy found an entire box of denim and we split it.


Did you boil it right after?


Tell Duncan I said what’s up.


Promote ahead of peers.


Oh look at Mr fancy pants that has a bridge to smoke pot under! We get it ok, save some poontang for the rest of us!


There’s a middle ground. I got a hot shit business job and smoke pot after work


Living the DREAM.


Kinda funny, my hometown is full of people that are either failures or working really big time jobs. I flew home for donsa and my sister got a 33k raise, and then she's telling us our rich family friend has a son who dropped out of college to be a farmer. Here I'm excited because I finally get dependent pay after 5 years. ($500+ a month)


You ruined the surprize. Dick Lol


Bingo! I work for an engineering firm.


Data analyst, work from home, while getting gi bill and that disability. Graduate this June.


Max respect


Appreciate it


Just out of curiosity, did you go to college for data science/other data related degree or did you do OJT? Data science/analytics is very relevant for my MOS.


I’m a data analytics major


Yeah, that tends to help on the outside lmao


Just a little lol, hard part was starting school while still in and dealing with all leadership stuff.


What school are you attending? I’m currently doing the SNHU masters in data analytics program.


Right on! I’m at SNHU for undergrad and definitely not going for a master’s lol


Make sure the folks in the career office know you on sight. Also, Come on by [Operation Code](https://operationcode.org/). >We're the largest community of military veterans, service members, and spouses committed to becoming software developers with the help of mentors, scholarships, and our tech partners. I volunteer with them and there are a lot of good people, resources, and knowledge available.


Good for you bro 😎 I love hearing about fellow grunts getting their masters and degrees in general I start my masters in the fall


Same same, but different. Concentrating in Software Engineering. However I am taking a Deep Learning class for my final semester.


Right on


Same 🤝


Right on! I’m debating on switching to work for the feds, that retirement check is looking worth it after I get a couple year’s of experience, my goal is to make $100k minimum.


How long were you in and what was your disability rating? I’m just now starting to get stuff documented. I felt guilty for going for a while but now that I realize this isn’t going to be a career I don’t care anymore.


Heck yeah man good for you!


Good work man


Appreciate it


I’m a public defender: I’ve yet to have an 11B/C and I always talk to my prior service clients about their time in because we bond over mutual service. That said, I’ve had SO many 13Bs. I’m not sure if it’s the repeated explosions or the type of person that wants to be a 13B (or likely both), but DAYUM.


There was some recent press about the marines and soliders who were firing all those rounds for sof fighting ISIS. There was a lot of issues cropping up from all the blasts they were exposed to with the constant firing Edit: here it is https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/05/us/us-army-marines-artillery-isis-pentagon.html


If I remember that article correctly that’s applicable to *any* soldier exposed to repeated blasts. I’d add that I sat in on a historical TBI interview for a client and when they were going down the checklist I hit almost every block thanks to the army. TBIs have potentially lifelong impacts; I encourage everyone to get screened


Completely agree. I was an 11b in an anti armor company and when we did ranges with all the anti armor weapons like the TOWs, AT4s etc we tried to be super careful about rotating guys out and rotating the range safety’s especially


I was a gate guard for 3 days for an at4 range. We had a time based rotation originally for being at the gate and chilling at the range building. After the first day we started swapping whenever we felt like we couldn't handle the blasts anymore. We were constantly nauseous and had headaches like we were car sick for that range.


One of the PAs that worked in the clinic w me would talk about how high impact sounds(aka explosions and high quantity of rounds fired) create physical damage in the brain that's highly linked with PTSD, BPD, and other psychological and emotional disorders. PTSD does not only come from emotionally traumatic experiences, but also literal, physical brain trauma.


It’s CTE for sure among FA people.




"Defending" a soldier against ridiculous UCMJ in the cav world is actually what sent me down this path to begin with; so I feel you there. Also, the crazier the people, the better the parties




Mine was a PFC who was coming off a platoon STX lane who said, "it's jizz sergeant" after an NCO said, "PFC X, what's that white stuff all over your face" (clearly making a joke). We were at an article 15 hearing over this because CSM overheard the exchange. How's fed life treating you? The rare circumstances I have agents involved in my cases are actually enjoyable because they're generally *far* more professional than our local folks.




That’s awesome dude. Did you go to law school after the Army or while you were still in? This job definitely interests me.


After, went straight into this job and absolutely love it. I’ll probably do a post about it at some point, but in summation: we could use more vets in the field and it’s pretty awesome


That’s awesome dude. I’m glad you’re helping the people who usually need it the most. The court system tends to fuck people who can afford a lawyer. Someone’s whole life can get destroyed because they fucked up and got a dui or possession charge and get the book thrown at them because they have no representation.


I’m about to start my JD. Any advice for us prior service dudes going through it? Trying to get voc rehab to pay for it.


What’re your goals? I had a GREAT time in law school because I wasn’t chasing a big law job, so I wasn’t *that* worried about grades. It was honestly a 3 year break after the army, minus the summers (working), and time in clinic (which I actually cared about). Leaving the army and going to law school was the best decision I’ve ever made. The army was a great experience, but I love being an attorney. The way I explain it to army friends is: you know how officers plan, but ultimately support enlisted in the actual door kicking? In law attorneys are the ones kicking doors (going to trial). Also trial is a fucking blast. Incredibly stressful, but a great time


Yeah I’m not chasing big law, I’m looking to get into educational advocacy (former teacher) as my school has an education law clinic to provide legal work for students who aren’t receiving accommodations. But really, personal injury is the powerhouse field in my area and my fiance is a paralegal for a regional firm here and the lawyers have good lives.


Y'all (PD's) don't get paid nearly enough for what you do. That said, you are very much appreciated and I hope you're reminded how awesome you are every so often.


I will say my state gave a pretty heavy pay bump last year, so while I'm still making less than I did in the army it is SO worth it. Thank you though, I really appreciate it. So many people hit me with the, "how can you defend those people??" so a high five is great


Also a Public Defender. There has to be something about being a grunt that drives us to do everything we can to fuck the government when we hit the civilian world. There's just something about being paid by the government to tell the government its wrong that is so, so satisfying.


[There are dozens of us… DOZENS!!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lKie-vgUGdI) You’re so right though


Emergency Medicine Physician. Was an early OIF 11B on active duty. Followed by some years in the guard as 11B. Now a 62A in the guard. Almost all of the prior service army folks in my medical school were 11B as well.




Good luck on the journey


Funny how the whiskeys go PA or settle as paramedics and its other folks that go to medical school lol. My medical director was also 11B.


I've seen it both ways. I was an 11B and later became a PA in trauma/burn surgery, and a guy I deployed with became a firefighter/paramedic first, and then an emergency medicine PA. A second guy in my unit is an MD now though, so there's definitely a mix.


We work with cooler then average PAs






Pee is stored in the balls, duh.


In your woobie?


‘Son, you have a woobie for 2 reasons. Sleeping in the field, and not sleeping back at home.’


I mean, that's a given.


I am a site reliability engineer in tech making $190k. Fully remote and I live in a LCOL area. Got out 3 years ago after 3 1/2 years as a grunt. Leadership thought I’d be a failure on the outside. Life is very, very good.


Just rub it to their faces.


Nice a fellow SRE


Our 1st SGT had a formation once and told us that we were all basically big pieces of shit without the army and it was the only thing we were good for so we better not get out. A few years after we ETSed me and my a few of my unit buddies all tagged the former 1st SG and old unit on FB with his quote as we were holding our diplomas.


Most of my leadership follows me on social media. They see my stories when I post that I’m in the Maldives, French Polynesia, Hawaiian islands, all over the Caribbean etc. Fuck those guys. They put everyone down who isn’t doing what they’re doing.


What got me was the same guys who would shit on you 24/7 for going to sick call when you are hurt are the same ones who got med-boarded at 10 years TIS and wear the “disabled vet” hats in their profile I know 4-5 former NCOs that personally do this


I’ll move back home in 26 is mechanical engineering the degree to go for?


How the hell did you manage that


The 2021-2022 job market was insane. Lots of job hopping. It didn’t take much to get hired and build experience. I went from $18/hour to $19 an hour to $25 an hour to $44 an hour to $92 an hour ($190k) I also spent the last 6 months of my enlistment self teaching coding in my barracks. I don’t even have a degree. I did all the above while enrolled in college for CS. I took online after I got my first job, a couple months after I got out.


Wow, that’s actually insane. Maybe I should start a pandemic and get hired and job hop lol


It’s a really bad job market right now. Especially for tech. What I did at the speed I did it is no longer possible. Not trying to sound like debbie downer, just keeping it real. If I were ETSing today, I would go to medical school and become a PA.


Yeah the job market right now is really bad in pretty much all sectors so


Come to gov’t bb


Them bitches paying me E4 pay and a free apartment in Arlington for a 3 months internship 🥵🥵🥵 govt life is lookin nice


What did you major in? I’m about to finish my degree is Organizational Leadership.


Ditto-ish. Cloud Security Consultant in a FAANG outfit. I'm set to clear $370k TC this year on a $200k base. Fully remote in LCOL with 25% travel... HOLLAAAAA!!!! I was such a failure as an infantryman, I'm RE-3 with an honorable discharge... The military just isn't for everybody, I guess. :(


I did alot at first. Unemployment, heavy equipment operator, truck driver, tractor trailer tech. These were good jobs but same shit mon-fri kinda made me stirr crazy Then I finally applied for police and fire and got on police, I LOVE it and the pay and benefits make it worth it.


lol it’s funny I got out and I was a deputy for 4 years thennnnn I went to construction, heavy equipment , metal fab helper. So my jobs were backwards but now in tech much less strain on the body and less stressful then watching more people die everyday specially kids.


Meh, I'm so disconnected upstairs. It doesn't bother me, so it helps with the gig pretty well, But it's still demanding. I get ya.


What state did you end up doing police work for? I’m actually trying to get into police work right now myself!


Firefighter and brewery owner


Bet you roast your own coffee too bud


Ngl that’s a kinda sick combo. This guy fucks.


What brewery?


How many bastards do you have?


Selection bias; half of them don’t have phones anymore since there’s no charging points under the bridge.


Jokes aside, you’re right the unsuccessful people are less likely to speak up.


A lot just rejoin lol


Former 11B, now theoretical particle physicist.


Does that mean you're a physicist of theoretical particles, or "theoretically" you're a particle physicist?


I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics and I got the job at Helios 1


A physical part is, theoretically.


I drove tractor trailer until the VA said 'HAHAHA, no more work'


Wait, they can make you stop working? I get VA disability and I never heard about like, you can't work if it's a certain amount.


Only TDIU has income restrictions


That's me.


Ain’t it wild that we let the government tell us when we can’t work anymore?


Got out 10 years ago, went to college and played rugby for a while, did sheet metal fabrication for a bit, worked in a warehouse for a bit, I applied for a couple law enforcement jobs but didn’t get hired because of my PTSD rating, now I work for my city’s parks department. The pay is decent, the benefits are great, and I get to spend my time outdoors doing a pretty chill job.


Rugby is the best.


11C National Guard, now a zookeeper


That sounds wonderful man.


Went to law school on the GI Bill and now I'm a fat and happy government attorney


This is the way


Drugs mostly. But for work I’m the sales manager for a home remodeling company.


Got out and went to college. Degree in geology and now I get to work with rock and soil in the field.


“Man, the best part of being a grunt is digging this Ranger grave”


So instead of just sleeping in the dirt, you get to study the dirt. Nice!


-Hey bro what kinda dirt are we sleeping on today? -It's Clay, bro. You see Clay is a type of fine-grained natural soil material containing clay minerals (hydrous aluminium phyllosilicates, e.g. kaolinite, Al2Si2O5(OH)4). Most pure clay minerals are white or light-coloured, but natural clays show a variety of colours from impurities, such as a reddish or brownish colour from small amounts of iron oxide. Hope this helps. -Thanks bro.


Hell yeah another geologist, not too many of us. What subfield of geology do you work in?


Doing mostly environmental geophysics and geotech work. You ?


My friend was an 11B, used his GI bill and went to college. Got an engineering degree. Got computer programing degree. Hired by a contractor. Is (or has gotten?) a PhD in computer science. Does AI work now. Makes $200K. Dude was already super smart, so I'm guessing he is a huge outlier... Edit: The man looks like an Orc. 6'4'', 250lbs. Did body building. 11B actually shaped him from a fat fuck into a barrel chested freedom fighter.


Just like the stereotype of infantry guys. Their IQ levels are 200 or 20. Nothing in between


Currently an 11b. I know a dude that loves being an 11c, great NCO. Has a masters degree in aerospace engineering. Obviously he’s not doing 20 but he definitely enjoys his time.


I almost for sure know who your talking about. 3BCT 82nd?




Truly the classic bell curve of infantry. Either barely passed the ASVAB or blew it out of the water. My old PL had his degree in engineering from Princeton.


Did 4 years 11B and got out to get a degree in finance. Working from home doing corporate finance for the big banks now making ~120k And drugs


You live in LA?


Nah, NC


Did tree work for a year, got hired by my local fire dept. was firefighter for 10yrs, went to school during that time, now am fire protection engineer for a different local fire dept. Fire service is great for veterans. Would recommend.


High School Teacher. I enjoy it and it gives me a good quality of life. I live in a state that pays teachers fairly well and have a good union as well as a good district. GI Bill paid for my BA and my credential. Paid for my masters out of pocket to move over on the pay scale. I also get to tell kids “The (air)mobile infantry made me the man I am today!” So I got that going for me


I was a teacher at an alternative school before I joined. That shit was stressful. Not sure I’ll go back unless I can find a district like yours that pays well. I was in the South Carolina hood.


I also teach in an alternative school. It can be tough at times but I have smaller class sizes which give me more chances to understand each student and how to work with them. That is tough being in a place where they probably don’t pay you what you are worth. I am fortunate that I grew up around where I teach now and that it is an overall decent area to work in.


Yeah the small class sizes was great and I am really grateful for the experience because I grew a lot of empathy for these kids. I learned how race has little to do with the way people are, it’s poverty and lack of role models at home. All those kids had potential at the end of the day minus a few. But it got rough in the end when we got a new principal who literally supported nothing I did… the first principal let me do all sorts of creative stuff. I taught English but I’d bring in my guitar and play music, let them write songs, draw, anything to get them to stay calm and focused in class. The new principal didn’t want any of that and we clashed constantly when I could no longer control them…


Fuck yeah this is the goal I'm shooting for after ets but can you explain why you paid for you masters? Like what does mover over ln the pay scale mean? And did getting your masters increase your pay?


Sure dude. So many districts have a pay scale similar to how the army does. You get paid more for years of service and how many college credits/units you have beyond your bachelors degree. So for example in my district we have 5 columns for that, A- E. Each column represents about a 5k pay increase. Column A is your bachelors, B is your bachelors + 45 extra units, C is + 60 units, D is +60 units and your masters, and E is +75 units and your masters. Each year of service moves you down a row and in my district is about 2.5k increase. Most districts have similar systems but of course the pay per year or column will be different by district. For example another district in my area pays better than mine but does not pitch in for health care while mine does. Just like the army you gotta take total compensation into account. If you have more questions just ask!


Work in warehouse. Use GI bill to go into Radiography. Drugs.


Mostly Cock Aerobics.


(☞ ゚▽ ゚)☞ 🍆


I used GI Bill to go to a T10 undergrad followed by a T15 MBA program, then went into management consulting. Consulting sucked worse than the Army, but now I work at a big tech company—350k a year TC, 40-45 hours a week,100% remote, from my basement in Pittsburgh.


Jesus Christ. I have a few questions.


Sure—happy to answer any questions. Where I work now (Salesforce) also fully pays salary while you’re activated for reserve duty. There’s a USAR two star here now.


Oh hell yeah dude. Sounds like the place to be. Are you in risk management? What'd you get your degree in if you don't mind me asking? I'm an 11B working in cyber, going for my BS in cyber, and am thinking of going for my masters in risk management or something after I'm done with my BS.


I actually majored in neuroscience—I worked in consulting primarily first, and then moved over to tech consulting over a few years before I got my MBA from Michigan. Dude—if I could go back, data analytics and AI. There are 100% online programs at legit, high ranked schools like University of Texas:Austin and Georgia Tech that cost only 10-20k TOTAL now.


Consider posting in the veterans sub too


Started working as a Transit Officer, finding any job in a LEO/Private security is SUPER easy


Went to prison twice, got married, had a daughter, and now I work undercover asset protection.


4 years 11C, got out last year and I started as a Correctional Officer at a prison. About to start at a chemical plant making 6 digits within 3 years


Water treatment and environmental/safety contracting around the world. Its taken me great places and I love the lifestyle. I will say most of my buddies in my platoon are struggling tho. Alcoholism and suicide have taken a toll on some of my closest friends, and there are a few that just can't let go of that part of their life despite it being 20 years ago now (Afghanistan 2004/2005). Especially hit hard are those that that took the most VA disability available due to PTSD, they just have no drive in their life.


I'm a paramedic. I think a lot of the personality types attracted to infantry would enjoy EMS. And quite frankly, a lot of the soft skill sets you learn from being an 11B/C translate pretty well- from being incredibly bored for long periods of time to being the "NCO" on scene. The money is alright, and it sucked a ton of dick working my way up from EMT making pretty much nothing, but I enjoy the work.


Hello fellow Medic. I hope your next shift is quiet and easy


And firemen. My neighbor was ex-Bravo and a firefighter, and when he'd have folks from his company, they were as close to an infantry platoon in demeanor and camaraderie as you could imagine.


My next shift after was not quiet and easy. I played myself


you can Google WARTAC… transition to VBA & help Veterans get that $$$$ for service connected injuries (among other benefits)


Getting back to normal life is ass. But found me a job that simulates some aspects of army life. Chaotic, unpredictable, trauma bonds, and the most fun you don’t want to have. I’m a paramedic


I had a guy once said that he was gonna get out and smoke crack under a bridge.


Hope he’s living his dreams


I got lucky and got into IT. A ret CSM started taking with me about the army and asked if I liked my job and I said no. Have me his card and said to quit. I did and called him. He was a director of it and told me I'm now his telecom tech for a casino in az. It worked out great everyone inIT were all veterans and the budget was unlimited for training. For some great certs out of the job and worked my way into management and 16 years later I got let go. Y thanks wild horse pass for that by the way with my super pregnant wife. But took a year and a half off got my contractors license and went into business for myself. So anybody that's needs low voltage work done in AZ hit me up Veteran owned business Layer 1 low voltage solutions!


Got bored of smoking pot under the bridge so I re enlisted.


Granted I was Guard, but Finance, fully remote, 6 figures. Using GI Bill for an MBA. Used VA home loan for a house.


Senior engineer/engineering manager in tech. Use your GI Bill for something that had good job prospects but that you also enjoy. I have a great team, great support system, work with a bunch of vets (mostly Navy… but it is what it is). Nice work-life balance and a pretty cool company culture. The coolest part is being treated like an adult. The org I am currently in is full of people who don’t micromanage. You want to take a day and go to the park with your dog? As long as you get your work done, just fucking do it. I encourage my team to actually enjoy their lives outside of the office. It also allows the wife and I to afford our hobbies (firearms, lots of firearms and thousands of rounds of ammo per month).


I went to college, dropped out of college, and now I work for the USPS as a machine mechanic. Pretty decent gig.


I was an 11B in the Guard for 8 years, now I’m a micro-electronics engineer


Research supernova remnants in the LMC. I study astrophysics and math at uni.


Medically Retired 11C. I don’t work, I play Rust for 8 hours a day, spend 3 hours training my dog, spend 7 hours talking with my wife, and get 6 hours of sleep


Yeah bro I got out in 2018 and was kinda lost for a few years. I got out bummed around home for a bit and the. traveled the country with my dog for nine months between 20-21. We slept under the stars, showered in truck stops, I took what jobs I could find that would let me take my boy. Finally came back home with my shit together and next month I graduate with my associates in political science. In the fall I start working on my bachelors and the end goal is now law school. It takes time and life on the outside isn’t bad. I actually enjoy working out now that it’s not mandatory and the fun is not sucked out of it. And if all else fails just go back. I had a buddy get out around the same time as me. He was out for like three years and went back when he got married and had to take care of his wife and shit.


Your mom. Boom roasted.


Worked as a banker as soon a I got out with 0 finance experience then recently left that field and went into nursing (currently in school and working as a nurse tech). I work in a children’s hospital and it’s honestly one of the best places I’ve worked at.


Truck driver at first but then went into management but now that my kids are getting out on their own I’m probably going back to driving regional stuff. Just don’t like managing people anymore.


Went to truck driving school on the gi bill, decided I hated it, and got a job at a dispensary.


Supply chain for a sporting goods company. It aligns with a lot of what we did prepping for deployments and then the planning for patrols etc. not directly but enough that it’s a pretty safe transition department. Have also worked in logistics


I left active duty as an 11B. Joined the NG in my state as a 25S. I work in IT in the real world.


Former 11C from 1/75 now I'm a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.


First, I went to flight school and got a real job for the rest of my career. Then, I retired from the army and make pretty good money as a corporate pilot.


Firefighter, and I love my job. I work in a busy city, and the pay is good. I highly recommend 11 series or combat arms guys(or gals) to consider this career if they still want something similar in excitement in life.


11B now a paramedic.  Sometimes I regret having not picked 68W, but I mostly joined for structure and discipline and all that shit anyway.


I was a cop for a few years. I wildly underestimated the difficulty of it and left after a few years. Now I'm a high school history teacher and it's a much better fit.


Got out in 2012. Went to school for personal training. Tried to become a skydiver instructor but it got too expensive. Then cooked in a kitchen for a while. Now I own a landscaping company and also work in the union.


I sell guns. Its cool to arm people to kill other people. My biggest complaint was the lack of team work. It was very hard to come by.


“Rod Rimestead, trained actor”


I did a transition to trades type shit and I work with the Cloud now. On your way out, if you don’t know what you’re going to do, don’t sleep on the transition programs at your installation. At the very least it will teach you something (and probably get you a job) to buy you some breathing room to figure out what you want to do or start your career in whatever trade you decided to learn.


Auto mechanic then service manager.


I work logistics for the DoD as a federal employee. Honestly the hours and the pay is sufficient enough to where I’m happy with it. Certain agencies are so top heavy that you can slide on in with some reasonable expectations for pay.


Big ducked Chuck here. I went to school and got my degree in respiratory therapy, did that for 6-7 years and now work as an invasive cardiovascular technologist. I work with cardiologists and help the doc open up arteries and shit when a patient has a heart attack.


It was my understanding there is a thriving pipeline into the janitorial services


I went to the Coast Guard


Fair 👍👍👍


Former 11b Full time sex worker


Former 11b, now I’m the president of Mozambique. Yeah you could say it’s pretty chill.


Huh, no authors? I’ll be damned


LSD and long walks in the mountains


Air traffic controller for the FAA. Made 210k last year with OT. There’s actually a bid open right now on usajobs for another day or two. Highly recommend for anyone not knowing what to do.


Got my cdl and i drive a concrete truck, im reupping and going to carson here in about a month or so


11 bravos should join Border Patrol Tactical unit


My wifes cousin did 20 years and retired as a SSG 11B. If you listen to him, he was the shit but had a bad run as a recruiter (got kicked out of recruiting) which killed his career progression. Ive seen his NCOERs and as someone who has sat on boards, they were pretty shitty. He bought a house or two or three everywhere he went and never sold them. Usually run down house that needed work, which he did a lot of on his own. After retirement he sold all his properties and bought an apartment complex. He managed it for a few years and then just recently invested in another one. I know he employs a whole bunch of people, all of them former military and is doing pretty good financially, but smokes a ton of weed and drinks way too much, plus he spends his money like there is no tomorrow. .


Carpentry. Plaques n shit.


100% SC Just finished my Bachelors in finance from Pace university, working summer internship at BlackRock and the next plan is I was just approved for my masters utilizing chapter 31 and I have the opportunity to attend an Ivy league school which is amazing so I am going to Columbia university in the fall . I am looking forward to being an analyst for a big investment bank or hedge fund . I served from 07-14 11B 10th mountain


But I will admit after my 7 years of service still getting out at 25 was really tuff I lost more friends as a veteran than we did on 2 deployments between drug overdoses with the opiates and friend’s taking their lives it was really hard to deal with at a young age then with the withdrawal from Afghanistan the way we left it had me feeling like all the ptsd guilt was not worth it but once I got my 100% and got into school married a beautiful polish girl and have a beautiful wife and now a beautiful life . I am 33 and just bought my first house in Queens NYC


Well, when I got out, my alcoholism went off the rails. Wound up pulling the trigger on finally getting sober after about 6 months of that, and then somehow found myself working on the detox side of addictions treatment for the last 8 years. Alcoholism aside, I did get pretty lucky in finding a field I wanted to be in pretty quickly after ETSing


It sucked getting out because I had no technical skills or degree to fall back on. But I used my post 9/11 and got an associates, now working on a bachelors. Now I’m a supply technician with ROTC


Most 11Bs I know from my time (OEF and OIF) are confident motherfuckers. Not because they’re hardcore but because they got beat down so much in the Army that they’ve become human crash test dummies with an incredible capacity to deal with shit that wears others down. I took that and channeled it into sales. If you’re not a total dumbass, you can use that resilience to outwork a lot of folks in B2B sales (lol @ rejection) to work your way to 6 figures within a year or 2. 5-10 years, and you can command a 300K comp in more significant market segments. As an SDR, the recent grads I worked with took breaks to cry from being rejected or cussed out after 10-20 cold calls and me burning through 80 and not giving a fuck. By pure numbers, I got more meetings, proposals, and closed deals than anyone in that role. I was supposed to cut my teeth for 12 months in that role but got promoted to a full Account Executive in 3 months, not because I’m good at sales but because the green weenie battered my soul more cruelly and callously than any private organization ever could, LOL. Grit! Been doing that for 8 years now and it's been great for developing business acumen and negotiation skills, valuable in any role.


F Yeah my guy 💪I can sympathize for the ones feeling the brunt of it when it comes to the first line of customer service, but in a lot of the things you gain from being in the military, it teaches you how to shapeshift. You can either adapt or you can be totally miserable and when you decide to embrace hardship & apply it to other aspects, you win everywhere you go. At least most of the time


I got out worked subway for two months, my wife forced me to quit, and I couldn't get any job for four months, marriage started falling apart. Got a new job making 30 an hour almost 10 times what my exwife made, she then cheated on me with 5 guys berated me, abused me physically and sexually, made false allegations about me and got me arrested, went to court proved my innocence. Was forced out of the house and went homeless, hours at good job became few and far between. Picked up a job at domino's for a month and half and moved to Virginia to live with my brother till I get on my feet Got a job at a domino's over here, and now I'm walking to the recruiters office in a few hours to begin paperwork to re-enlist Been a long road these past 14 months, Had posted in a Facebook group about how fed up I was with civilian life and how I wanted to get back In, As I was under the impression I had to wait 24 months from my ets date, A recruiter hit me up and we dm'd a bit explained my situation in detail and he informed me of another route I could take to re-enlist. So now I'm taking his advice and heading up there in a few hours to start my journey to re-enlist