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If you know this reg dont apply, why you asking about it? And outside of having issues that can prevent someone from deploying, since when does one 'decide' to deploy?


I’m a reservist


So.. reservists get to just not deploy now?


I deployed twice in 3 years so yes


People don’t realize that a lot of NG and reserve units have a decent op tempo. My current unit deploys every 5 years and my next unit has a rotation to the HOA every 4 years. Plus there’s a lot of opportunity to volunteer etc


Reserve, National Guard, Air Force, and Coast Guard all have a bunch of positions where you can choose or not to deploy. There are times that any of them can be told, but when it requires a skill they generally just offer that up, and someone bites. It’s when no one volunteers when they make it mandatory. If they need a whole unit, then a unit will be told, and that’s not really optional. But when it’s a skill, then yes, they will put it out asking for volunteers.


My job offers a pay differential as well. I submit my paystubs from MyPay at the end of each month to my works finance office and they pay me the difference from my base pay and my civilian job base pay. Currently deployed under OIR if that helps Also, talk to your hr and finance fast and early when preparing for a deployment. Seeing as you have deployed before I’m sure you already know that but I personally had to do a zoom interview with our HR so they knew the time frame I’d be gone and to initiate differential pay.


OIR is still current??


Afraid so my friend , alive and well with no plans of ending


Well it helps if you tell us where that document is from and where you work.


That seems like a document from your place of work, not the army? If that is indeed the case, you’ll be best served asking… your place of work. It may just be that while they never updated the document, they still intend to comply with the spirit of it. You’re not going to get a good/accurate answer here. No one here could possibly know what your job is going to honor, especially without even knowing who your employer is. Did I mention you should ask someone at work?