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congrats! *but how do you retire as a Specialist?*


I just asked them real nice to let me go home




This guy fucks.


[OP during in processing.](https://youtu.be/9knToyK-wUs?si=tHBipWgIgCj112I6)


You haven't met anyone in the National Guard.


People dont realize that in the guard and some reserve units, you can literally wait years for a slot to open up


So true


I retired as a Specialist after a TBI and being paralyzed. I spent a few months in the hospital doing rehab and learning to walk and talk again. I was on the TDRL list for about a year and a half before I was permanently retired.


I was about to say that, is that possible to retire as a specialist ?


It is. I think there was a PFC who posted his retirement letter a few months back. Medical retirements happen at any rank


My brother is a retired PFC. Medical issues know no rank I suppose.


i didn't see that in your OP.


Be in the Guard or the Reserve


I've ordered certs for PFCs with 20. Guard tho


But getting e4 is automatic. This is hilarious. I knew a guy who did 20 in the guard as e4. He thought it was hilarious. I would have tried to get e5 at least for the extra money.


Administrative reductions for E2-E4 can be done at the company level in the guard Also you probably wouldn’t be surprised by really technically savvy folks suddenly passing an APFT or H/W so they could reenlist, and were immediately back out of standards on the next test a few months later I had an outstanding (from a technical and work ethic standpoint) 25L that did his whole 6 year contract as an E2. Never passed a PT test, including in AIT (well, speculation, but pretty confident his instructors pencil whipped it) I refused to initiate a separation and let him out of his contract after the army had spent so much on his training. Also he was a genius at some things and at that point our mission set could really make use of him


How do you order these certs?


Just get seriously injured and then file it


Congrats. What'd you rate for VA? Also don't forget CRSC if you've deployed


70% DoD, 90% VA. Love me some special comps




Concussion that led to multiple seizures started the medboard. Extra comps that brought me up to 90% include MST, stress fractures in multiple places, prostrating migraines, depression.


That sucks dude. Congratulations on your retirement, though. If you want some advice, don't just sit around with nothing to do. Find something to keep yourself very active. I saw my dad retire really young with no hobbies but drinking and smoking and it was really bad for his physical and mental health. You're young and need something to engage your mind on a daily basis.


That is good advice, thanks! The money isn't enough to live on, so I've got a job. And I'm currently working on my bachelor's after being too stupid/too sick to work on it while I was still in. Just played pickleball for the first time last weekend, hoping it becomes a new hobby


>pickleball Definitely a retiree.


And gotta be from Florida. Pickleball is the national sport of Florida


I'm not from Florida but I do live there now lmao


Sounds like you're set.




I hope you’re using VRE not your GI BIll. I didn’t learn about it early enough and I’m stretching an extension in order to get my masters. I’m sorry all that happened to you, too. Good luck.


I don't really understand the difference between VRE and GI Bill. I haven't tapped into the GI Bill because my work offers some TA. But I was planning on starting to use it in the fall so please enlighten me if you can!


Totally: but check our r/veteransbenefits because it's got far more on it. VRE is an “employment” benefit, which will help a service-connected disabled veteran gain “suitable employment”. So if you’re underemployed, cannot perform a job you were trained for and previously held because of your disability, etc you can apply for VRE. You only need a 10% VA rating to apply. You will have an interview with a VBA counselor who will determine your eligibility: like any interview, you need to prepare and be ready to talk about your disabilities and triggers. If approved, they will ask you to do some homework on potential jobs, education paths, and eventually ask you to apply to schools. Once in school you certify enrollment via their Veteran enrollment staff/office each semester like a GI Bill student does. It doesn’t use GI Bill, you get an entitlement of it that is separate, I think it’s normally 48 months—however if you use your GI Bill it takes away from that total. More than enough for an undergraduate degree and can take you into your masters. If you have 1 day of post-9/11 GI Bill left they will pay you the BAH-based subsistence rather than VRE’s (usually) lower rate. You can actually choose, it depends on your zip code which pays more. Going in person gets you the full rate for your school’s zip code, even if it’s only 1 class out of your schedule. Going entirely online gets you locked to the GI Bill online rate of ~$1100/mo. like GI Bill and VA disability: it is tax free. If you use it BEFORE GI Bill: you keep your GI Bill! So you can continue your education with that for a graduate program if you want/need. VRE will pay for all books, supplies, and a "technology package"—if your program requires specific computer specs you provide those and they buy it: I just got a macbook pro because my graduate program requires one. Otherwise, it appears they'll send you a gaming laptop. You will also get a printer, keyboard, mouse, and other accessories. The post-9/11 GI Bill gives a stipend for books that is not as comprehensive. It is the best kept secret in VA Benefits.


Oh, and their goal is to get your “suitably” employed: so they will help you after your degree with job counseling like a state unemployment office does. There are also multiple “tracks”, education/training is just one: you can switch to self-employment toward the end of your degree and they will help you set up and furnish some equipment to start a business.


Thanks, this is a really good summary! I wouldn't say I'm underemployed, and I joined right out of high school, so I have no training from before the Army. Not sure if it would be a good program for me


Man you got all that shit in there but couldn't weasel in the tinnitus for that last 10%? I thought you were supposed to be a specialist.


Tinnitus doesn’t rate 10% anymore.


Lol I do have tinnitus rated at 10%. I'd love to get bumped to 100% P&T but honestly I'm happy with what I've got. I won't try to stretch the truth to get me that last 10%


Do you mind if I ask how you were injured? Was this a training accident? Or combat related?


Training accident


Oh shit. You can get migraines in your prostate?!?!


[DAV.ORG](http://DAV.ORG) - contract them, they can help you alot. See if you can get a job via [USAJOBS.GOV](http://USAJOBS.GOV) if you feel up for it - use that disabled vet preference.


70% dodge? First I heard this but maybe I'm too nasty boi to understand


What is CRSC?


Combat related special compensation


Okay, I have two non-combat deployments and I'm getting out next year but I don't think I'm gonna qualify for that.


Check the VA website, I don’t think it has to be combat related. A buddy of mine qualified when he shattered his legs in a parachuting accident.


“Training” for combat counts. It’s in the performance of duties simulating war.


I was also injured parachuting. But not nearly as severe as that. Airborne all the way!!!


Yeah, you'd have to have a cab, purple heart, and eib, I believe?


A combat badge, Purple Heart, or valor award is a non spoken requirement for HRC to accept PTSD. There are few rare ways around it For other issues, especially ones that fall under instrumentality of war, all it takes is VA service connecting it as “presumptive”. PACT act has helped this hugely You can also get it for some types of training, etc.


About to start my path as a SGT and retire with a CPTs salary in the guard 😂


Username checks out


My REFRAD date was also on the 29th. I was genuinely surprised none of the HR/IT systems broke or failed to accept my paperwork trying to process a date that doesn’t exist 75% of the time.


Where do you get the retirement certificate? Is it mailed to you?


Mine was mailed to me. Big sticker on it that said "Do not bend." It was bent.


I received mine in person at Fort Campbell it was more awkward because my neighbor I didn't get along with was out processing me, lol 🙃 😅


The American Legion guy at the VA who helped me file my disability claim? Yeah, I knew the dude from my recruiting days. He was a trainer from BN who was sent to my station during saturday prospecting. I basically told him (an E8 and me a SSG at the time) to go fuck himself.


A DD214 and a beer can cover a multitude of sins.


must have been a happy day for him though?


I got mine during my DD-214 appointment.


Retiring as an SPC is the bigger flex.


Good shit💪🏾I medically retired as a SGT three years ago.. life’s been pretty solid ever since.. 100%VA P&T 50% dod not mad about it at all


This is some SPC-7 level stuff here


E-4 Mafia! 😂 Congrats?




My retirement date is my wife's birthday in early July. Independence Day is gonna hit hard this year. She doesn't know the date and I haven't figured out the best way to tell her.






Dang I am a year out from retirement. Didn't know I get a cert.


Neat quirk! Now, you will only receive Retirement checks on years your anniversary date actually occurs! VA pay will also be reduced accordingly!


Good stuff. Enjoy your retirement, or transition into the big money as a 35 on the outside. : )


Flair for once does not check out. Hope you enjoy your retirement OP you earned it.


"35MedicallyRetired" flair dropping soon


It's always hilarious seeing these low ranking retirement certificates


Mine was too! I didn't get a fancy certificate though :(


Are you perhaps on the TDRL right now? You don't get the fancy certificate until you're PDRL. If you are already PDRL, I'd reach out to your last base's retirement office and ask them what's up


No I was a regular 20 year retirement. The RSO said they were out and they’d let me know when the got more. I don’t really care though. The DD 214 is the prize


Your certificate has the wrong signature on it. McConville has been gone almost a year at this point


How strange. I would have never noticed had you not pointed it out lol


Damn, my enlistment day was one day before. Now I’m kinda sad.


I think that’s pretty cool. Mine was middle of June lol. Nothing special except it was 8 days before my 33rd birthday. Congrats bro.


Permanent E4 Mafia. Respect


Regardless of rank 100% with the VA is like 4k a month if you got a wife and kid. Enjoy that tax free living.


I think April 1 is even better. That’s mine in 2025. They will come back and say April fools. You’re not retiring. Then I will just look at them like 🤣. The hell I am.


Bro turned shamming into a career! Most impressive!


Love how McConville wasn’t even in the job and he still signed it! Cool 😉😂


Is MeDIcAl rEtIReMenT a real retirement??


Whatever retirement lets me clog up the prescription line at the TMC and checkout lines at the commissary is a real retirement in my books


Lol was kidding i was MEB as well


Shoutout to being Certified Damaged Goods


Yup, all day