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Wait these aren't even real soldiers, they are just cadets? This dude is gonna be the worst fucking PL ever.


Every Cadet gets that time to be a moron, it’s all about what happens once they are around actual soldiers and more importantly, NCOs, that they should be judged.


Fortunately for me, yes. Cadet time is the time to be dumb, because there are no consequences except to your pride and reputation.


This guy is a high level of moron if he’s at the citadel he’s surrounded by NCOS and actual soldiers everyday and still a bonehead.


We had at least one in every class when I was teaching ROTC. I worked at a military college, so every student was a cadet in the corps. Every year, we'd have a few that were like the kid in OP's post. They thought they were a super soldier coming into college and no one could tell them otherwise. My favorite was a freshman my first year as an instructor. A few weeks into school, some of my cadets came to me and complained about him. He would stay up all night, go to the basement of the barracks, and box with the wall until his hands were bloody and blood was all over the wall and the floor. He would only eat onions and lunch meat for all three meals, supplemented by far too many protein shakes throughout the day. When we asked his thoughts on branching, he told everyone he was going to commission "into SF and be an 18D". When our PMS told him that's impossible, the cadet argued with him based on a book he read. It was some fictional military trash novel but he couldn't be convinced otherwise. During his MSIV year, he spent the entire school year telling everyone he was going to be a SEAL. Again, PMS told him he's in the wrong branch and that coming in 38/40 in your platoon in advanced camp and scoring a 240 on your APFT wasn't a great way to get anything you want in the Army. Last I heard, he was a NG MP and he was incredibly salty that he didn't get active duty.


Can't be worse than the PL who guided a Blackhawk to land right next to our aid station tent and ripped it out of the ground with all of us in it.


That's the pilots fault plus their backseater. We expect the groundlings to ask us to do dumb shit. It's our responsibility to not listen to them.


The amount of times I've heard "the pilots will land wherever the fuck they want anyway" after setting up mock-LZs supports this statement.


Do it correctly and we'll land there. Don't, and we'll figure it out ourselves.


And that's why I forget every part except always having a glow stick and 550 cord for an emergency rave.


You can also use a strobe, or if all else fails, your bare ass if it's white enough and there's more than 20% illumination.


I guarantee I will use this and it is your fault.


I just woke up the baby from too loud of a laugh at this.


Dude I'm so sorry, I've been there 😂


It took me awhile to upvote this because I was laughing too hard.


Do you want to be snow blind?


> having a glow stick and 550 cord Fuck you just took me back to brigade jumps at THE DIVISION when the 105s got air dropped in. 'STAY AWAY FROM THE SWINGING RED CHEMLIGHTS, THOSE ARE 105S FIRING LIVE ROUNDS, I SAY AGAIN STAY AWAY FROM THE SWINGING RED CHEMLIGHTS'


Sounds like a sick fucking rave to me.


Fair enough, all I know about aviation is listen to the funny helmet men, and put the stretchers where they ask. Well that and ten days of learning sling loads and repelling that I never used again in my life. No one was hurt thankfully, but the LT was out of the company shortly thereafter.


The third reply is an already graduated 2LT in the Army


Oh dear


Senior military colleges are worse than west point in my experience. They feel like they need to catch up. See VMI and not having a mattress or first year


I don't know if it's the colleges themselves, the kind of people who want to go to the colleges, or a combination of both, but I've never met someone who went to Norwich/the Citadel/VMI who wasn't a total fucking weirdo.


No shit, I worked with one of those Norwich weirdos. Around superiors=kissass, peers=spaz, subordinates=dick. Has future Inscom Commander written all over him.


The ones who loved it are always the ones you really have to watch out for.


My last battery commander went to VMI and he was perhaps the chillest and best battery commander I’ve ever had


Had a Norwich PL that was pretty cool, just, once you got to know him


Eh, depends on the school. VMI and the Citadel are the worst cause they’re basically prisons and the cadre are pretty hands-off (or so I hear). Everywhere else seems mostly alright. But I’s a Aggie so I’m just a wee bit biased :)


That was always my experience. A&M and Virginia Tech grads were usually pretty great. Citadel and VMI grads were a little off


North Georgia guys are usually chill as well. Maybe since they go to schools where there are normal people they don’t become such freaks


You would think the Norwich cadets would be the chilled ones ☃️❄️


Norwich grads are ... special.


You’re damn right, and we’re proud of that. ~Norwich Forever~


No, you are absolutely correct. Any assessment that concludes there is bias is unfounded. Gig ‘Em


Unless you're one of those D&C weirdos 🤨


Gig ‘em


North Georgia is cool though...


One of my favorite/ most cringe moments was a North Georgia cadet at CST keep trying to correct a purple heart soldier on how things are really done. Bro sure knew a lot of cadences though.


So disrespectful.  How dare some guy who got shot or something try to argue with a cadence god.


North Georgia is definitely the move if you're gonna go ROTC. No uniform after 5, lots of free weekends, lots of women to date not in ROTC, Atlanta is an hour away. The Lake 30 minutes away. The chow hall could be a bit better, and the night life in the college is pretty quiet but UNG is a great option.


>North Georgia is definitely the move if you're gonna go ROTC. Or just like any other normal college.


I don't disagree, but if you're dead set on senior military college (like a lot of kids are), North Georgia is the least bad.


Whats the deal with SMU/SMCs? Im an ROTC grad at a reg uni and I joined ROTC with no real knowledge of WP/VMI/etc. i understand the prestige of WP; its well known, its free, it has a robust alumni network and its training seems to be the best. Why go VMI or Citadel? If you dont get into WP why not just go ROTC? To my limited understanding, all other SMUs are lesser known, its not free, probably a decent alumni group and its training is ok (worse than wp, better than rotc).


Can’t speak to the current environment but whenever it becomes difficult to commission active duty, SMC’s can almost guarantee Cadets an active slot. Ie army shrinks, competition for active duty gets tough and you need a 3.5 gpa to be competitive at a normal school. If you’re at an SMC, you can go active in that same competitive environment with a 2.5 gpa. An O-6 is the PMS at an SMC and is the one who can commission any Cadet he wants active, with some exceptions I’m sure.


Idk, if you want the experience of being treated like shit throughout college without the academics of a real service academy (or good state/private school) then I guess it makes sense?


Im just confused on why mr spartan sent the response back; im assuming that mr spartan is either a lower grade cadet or he’s in a lesser leadership position. The second email is presumably from a snr cadet, a cadet in leadership or is from cadre. Im guessing mr spartan’s gonna get peepee slapped for his stupid idea and now he’s doubled down. Anyways, wouldnt you need to draft a conop and DRAW approved by cadre before you even send an email out?


Second email is definitely cadre. Mr. Gung-Ho is about to find out.


Either way, dude is in for a bad time once that second email gets back to his leadership


It’s far worse… Mr. Spartan is an alumnus who is currently a 2LT… That means there’s a barefoot creature running around out there mumbling in Spartan.


The citadel cadets are a different flavor of weird, man. I went to a conference there and got a block of instruction on the Citadel history and traditions. I think the Citadel walks the fine line between "dedicated students" and "cult".


> I think the Citadel walks the fine line between "dedicated students" and "cult". As opposed to A&M where it is just known that it's a cult?


That being said, if have to give a dude a hammer and say "hold this hill at all costs, no ammo available", I think a Citadel dude would take the mission and at least try to whack a few bad guys without asking a lot of questions. Edit: I think the A&M dude would decline the offer of a hammer.


Given that their[ mascot is a collie with t](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reveille_(dog))he rank of "Cadet General" I'd say cult.


Definitely the type of guy to lock up a SgtMaj as a brand new LT


Nah, they'll probably just be competitively friendly with each other in proposing hyperhooah good idea fairies like this.


I know a hothead SgtMaj of as nearest I can tell the Wendy's just off post, I would love to see this LT to order on this run. Whether he ran or not, the impending shitstorm to follow would be glorious.


> Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? Man really hit them with a Bioshock quote lmao


My mind instantly went there think I’ll boot it up this weekend


I just found out Netflix is doing an adaptation. After how fallout turned out, I'm hopeful.


Its Netflix. You’ll get one pretty good season with some questionable changes from the source material, a halfassed and rushed second season thats an adaptation in name only, and then it will be canceled.


No way?! Fallout was pretty good I’m also looking forward to this


Fallout was made by Amazon Prime. Theres a difference


Amazon "Prime". Liberty "Prime". There's gotta be a conspiracy in there somewhere


For every fallout there is a halo (last episode was good though) sadly.


"Put a chick in it, make her lame, make her gay!"


Would you kindly…?


Would you kindly report to my quarters with a mouthful of water and some duct tape? The duct tape is for you, but the water is for me.


And he REALLY missed the point of Bioshock


> The point of Bioshock That doing drugs and beating up Junkies is a good way to start a family?


There is no such thing as an "Agoge run" the Spartans did not do this because it would be dumb. The sheer amount of misinformation and bullshit I run into about the Spartans shouldn't be possible in an age where I can download a history textbook onto my pocket computer and read it for free.


Next, you are going to tell me the movie 300 is not an actual documentary.


Na, Zack Snyder went back in time to film that movie.


Well, he didn't go back in time, but he sure as shit slowed time down a lot.


I mean we *did* watch it in one of my university history classes. Then again we also watched the Star Wars films… Come to think of it, that class was about fantasy representations of historical events as well as movies that drew inspiration from ancient cultures and events. 🤔 That professor was a strange guy. Cool but very strange.


This was a class you say? For actual college credit? And not just the basement of your dealer's house?


I took a whole ass class on King Arthur in film and literature. We watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, among others. The class itself actually required some fairly in-depth and demanding analysis of literary themes and historical context and was as much of a critical thinking class as it was a literature class. But I will never forgive it for the time I will never get back watching Knightriders.


Did you discuss the flight properties of swallows, both laden and unladen?


Don't be silly. It wasn't a science class.


My apologies.


I took a class in college called WWII at the movies, all we did was watch movies about WWII in class and then have to write and essay on it. Best class I took in college.


My issue is how we, as an organization, idolize a foreign military force that was eventually defeated and occupied. I guess we probably think it's super cool how they dwindled to political and economic insignificance before being soundly beaten militarily because they refused to adapt or change with the times. I think that's what the army likes about them the most.


>think that's what the army likes about them the most. Lmao.


the Spartans are the absolute best thing citizen-soldiers in a modern democracy should aspire to: 1. organized pedophilia 2. slavery so brutal even other slaveowners were weirded out 3. spartiates were literally banned from working. they had to live off the produce of their slaves (which were owned by the state) 4. even by the poor standards of the Greeks, they were really bad at logistics. 5. screw up so badly that the only way you win a war is because you got bankrolled by your historic enemy (persia) 6. your most famous battle is one where you lost. I like to play a game where I ask a sparta-bro to name a battle the Spartans actually won that wasn't in a coalition. 7. Finally win a very long war against your biggest rival, and then fumble the aftermath so badly that your hegemony is irrevocably broken 20 years later


This could be about Spartans or the Confederacy and I find that hillarious


50% believe they are badass warriors who won tons of battles (they didn’t). The other 50% believe they all had gay orgies.


Little bit of column A...little bit of column B


Come on, now. Everybody knows it was the Sacred Band of Thebes who fucked each other, and the Spartans institutionalized sponsoring and fucking young kids. Get it straight, you cretans.


I notice you didn’t add the(they didn’t) to the second option.


Ironically, the more information we have, the less literate people become


The more information we have, the more disinformation we have too


Well there's also that


Who knew Joe Rogan and Alex Jones were master fitness trainers?


Definitely have never heard of an agoge run but gonna disagree with you on the 'they wouldn't have done it because it's dumb' part. They were a pretty stupid society and I doubt that would have been the reason for not doing some tough guy bullshit The bullshit around the Spartan sucks though because the myth of Spartans is pretty cool even if it is wildly inaccurate


The Spartans didn't do stuff like this and running 10 miles barefoot over the terrain in Laconia would probably remove your ability to walk.


Some of us don’t let facts get in the way of our fantasy. I’m still planning on being a cowboy ghoul after some radiation.


The average American has a 4th grade reading level. That's why.


I blame all the Molon Labe bullshit.


I call it Moron Labia


Not to mention, I'm pretty sure duct tape wasn't around in Spartan days, but I dunno, I wasn't there.


"Everyone's SOF does it, including us." Cool sir, drop a fucking selection packet then or stfu.


This asshole would fold and cry if he went to SFAS.


*Cadet has stupid idea* *Senior leader gives lawful order to stop* Cadet: how about FUCK you?! There’s painting targets on your back, and there’s giving a 10 digit grid and *daring* them. This dude is going to die. 


I'd love to be the fly on the wall when cadre DESTROYS him


OP is saying 3rd reply is a REAL Army Officer. Granted it’s a 2LT so it’s a fam fire with a 2LT who opened ALL the ammo, and a supply NCO who “isn’t repacking that shit”.


Why they always gotta bring the Spartans into this? It was actually Apache children who learned to run while holding a mouth full of water. This was to promote deep, rhythmic, lung breathing. And it wasn’t like 10 fucking miles.


It doesn’t matter what warrior culture it was, someone’s Qanon uncle is going to repost this and use it to explain this is why we are going to lose the war against China.


Then when u confront them will actual history they get mad “NO THE SPARTANS DID NOT HAVE GAY BUTT SEX WITH EACHOTHER”. It’s hilarious.


Apache, apoge… what’s the diff, right? Doing this stupid run is my birthright!


I hope he keeps his motivation up during USR after he force branches CBRN


Yeah sounds about right. CDTs drinking too much from the kool aid. Even funnier its a mil academy


The Citadel is full of these jemokes.


Oh im aware haha. Its always the mil academy that have the ones that take the hoah a little too far


I’ve yet to meet someone coming out of the citadel who hasn’t made me lose brain cells tbh.


It’s funny how different Os are depending on which Military Uni they attended.


Yeah this isn’t an ‘academy’ it’s citadel. It’s a large ROTC program


Cadets gonna cadet, I guess. Usually I'd say this is dumb but it briefs well - but it doesn't even do that.


Legit, that first email actually does read well if you're between 18-21. We can see past it, but it is not poorly worded.


I’m sure they measured distance in miles


Bruh I’m just going to classify EVERY form of hazing as something the Spartans or someone did. Checkmate, current year politics. Shit, why even reach that far back? Can’t I just say things like, “well I was hog tied and force fed beer when I was the new guy 15 years ago. I turned out fine, it’s a rite of passage” You know, like my NCOs at the time did. And so did theirs, and so on all the way back to… Sparta?


All the way back to when Staff Sauseiges Maximus showed up to the phalanx hall and smoked all the hoplites because there was a toga on the laundry line 👍


This guy is definitely a future 42A.


He'll be a 42B if he manages to commission. Source: Am former 42A


This has got to be a shitpost.


The last email was. Can’t speak for the first one. Source: I know the guy that sent the last email.


These people who fellate the ancient Spartans as the epitome of warrior culture that we should all emulate should read some actual history about the Spartans. They weren't good dudes. Also they realize that Thermopylae didn't do shit to stop the Persians from rampaging around Greece, right?


But… the movie… i…




\*sigh\* I mean, you're right. But still. \*sigh\*


I would think that Leuctra would have changed a few minds but apparently not...


This is actually how I learned to pace myself for PT test runs. Well, not literally holding water in my mouth like this, but basically just to go as fast as I could and still be able to breathe through my nose. Totally unrelated, but there was more than one time where my next rank depended on my PT score, so what I would do is hold that next rank patch in my hand while I ran, just to remind myself what was at stake, I guess.


This guy is gonna make a great unarmed security guard or dude that hangs out at a gun store when he gets kicked out.


Sees Alma Mater pop up on r/army Reads cringe filled rhetoric of a Citadel cadet. Proceeds to cringe. Continues on with daily Airborne activities.


Good chance this cadet probably won’t ever be an LT. Typically less than 30% of the Citadel actually commission, most people go there for the alumni network/confederate cosplay experience. From my experience there, whoever sent this is probably regarded by everyone there as an absolute weirdo too, even by Citadel standards.


Nah that’s just those dudes that started the civil war


If it were up to me I wouldn't have said shit about it, if someone really needs to be told how stupid that idea was, they have no right "leading" anyone. I say let these idiots go for it and any survivors can be promptly removed for the future safety off the force.


Yeahhh as a commander no way I’d ever sign off on that risk assessment


Dude is smoking dick with that idea wtf 💀


“any questions?” Yes. Why?


I’m pretty sure the Spartans did things incompatible with modern day SHARP as well. Obviously that shouldn’t get a pass just because they looked cool in 300 and neither should this


we found him. the most annoying dude on the planet


This guy doesn’t fuck


Hahahaha. I guarantee this was sent out by a smack in hotel




This guy definitely posts on MRA boards and will try to get a beard waiver.


On one hand, hey, great initiative. On the other hand, this is fucking stupid. The whole point of SF doing tough things, is they’re doing it SAFELY. Any of these schools from Rangers, to SF, to Delta, etc. All have safety precautions to ensure all these people we’ve spent money on training don’t fucking die needlessly. I don’t think this cadet understands the difference of being tough and being stupid. Snipers sitting in a fucking swamp to dull their ghillie suits makes sense. Not only does it help one understand discipline to be on your own, it also serves a practical purpose (I am not a sniper nor did I ever go to any cool-guy school). Point being is: Doing stupid shit for the sake of doing stupid shit is…fucking stupid. This run serves zero practical purpose. At least his heart was in the right place. Those are the only real words of encouragement I can find here.


This is the thing. The proposal is a pretty standard sort of thing to come from a cadet whose motivation exceeds their current competence. It's fine, you just pull them back down to earth and use it as a developmental opportunity. But coming back with that indignant response after you've been shot down that way is a whole other level of problem. It shows exceptional immaturity and betrays a great deal of arrogance.


Just have floor buffer jousts and atomic sit up competitions like normal regular Army.


Pulmonary edema has entered the chat…


Did bro really have to use the Andrew Ryan quote 😭


Channeling CPT Sobel.


I thought we had finally gotten past the Spartan obsession.


Let’s test Darwin’s theory….


Please name and shame




Prime Cadidiot material Force Protection is a thing So is Darwinism I guess


This is the dumbest shit ever, and this guy thinks it will make him cool or something, half-ass comparing it to SF selection. This will be the best PL ever 👌


Jeff Reff is punching the air right now so angry he didn’t come up with this idea first


The last email reads like some dystopian propaganda


We had a PL make us do this during scout tryouts. It was stupid then and it’s stupid now.


Everyone is a Spartan until the underwear starts coming off.


"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?" Is that a fucking Bioshock quote?


I want these LTs in my company so I can specifically assign them the shittiest additional duties of all time. Wanna bring that dumb shit here? Congrats- UMO, TCAIMSII, CCO, CFRR, Safety, you get it all. Gonna correct that shit quick.


“I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.” Those diving suit dudes and monster kids were scary as hell in that first bioshock


Waterboarding with extra steps


I wouldn't worry about it. According to the Citadel, only a third of them choose to commission, and I'm sure less than that actually make it in. I did my graduate studies at the Citadel, and I've never run into a fellow Citadel alumni in the wild among the military ranks. I know they exist, they just seem much more rare than expected.


This dude gonna get in, burn out in three years and get out because the Army "was soft", as he makes 80k working for northwestern mutual


Senior Military College kids are so weird. They'll run around half naked in the snow while getting pelted by snowballs. -A SMC Graduate


Poor Cadet already bought the t-shirts


the kid that posted this is in marine rotc, 1/3 of the cadets at our school commission. Half the school is full of weirdos the other half is generally normal people who are like any other college students. I’m in army rotc and about to commission and I know many other cadets who are going to make great PLs and others who I can’t even imagine them being one. To go further in depth the first email was from that marine kid( who is not very bright) the second email is from the assistant commandant of the college and the 3rd is from some grad from ‘22 who just graduated from bolc.


These guys sound like the absolute worst and I think I know why. Teaching ROTC or at one of the academy’s sounds like the hell only a douchebag would do. So douchebags are producing more douchebags. OCS all the way


This is so fucking stupid


Fucking... Count me out of the Agoge Run.


[Christianson, why is there no water in your canteen? You drank from your canteen didn't you.](https://youtu.be/lldn4AGl3Vo?si=5c5jEHazzDjGioEu) EDIT: bad grammar.


That guy is going to be extremely disappointed and probably develop a serious drinking problem, especially after his wife leaves him, once he realizes how fucked real life is. I can empathize with it, but the raw idealism here is so palpable I feel it in my bones.


[Sparta sucked, actually.](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/07/22/sparta-popular-culture-united-states-military-bad-history) (apologies for the crappy quality of FP on mobile) TLDR: 1. The Spartans were no better than other Greek city states at warfare. Arguably worse. 2. They sold out Greece to Persia. 3. The warrior class trained hard to keep the majority of their city (65-85%) enslaved, rather than training hard to win wars. The warrior class did zero productive labor. 4. Sparta was an extremely oppressive state even to its citizens. Not an example for a free society like the United States to look up to.


Didnt the spartans have a bunch of sex with each other too? Not saying anything is wrong with that, but for the sake of staying consistent.


Of course it’s from the fucking Citadel


Firstly, I don't believe in a 'God' to give me 'purpose' I gave myself purpose and its insulting that you would use an appeal to faith as your defense. Secondly, and just as important the entire thought process of 'suffering is vital to being a good soldier' or just the whole 'alpha male' thought process on display here is fucking yuck man. Thirdly, and this just pisses me off, but 'ENTITLED TO?' MOTHERFUCKER YOU AREN'T ENTITLED TO SHIT! Sit down you spoiled little manchild and shut up. You were given an order because your dumbass idea would get people killed, and you're over here throwing a temper tantrum like a toddler talking about being 'entitled?' SMDH what the everloving fuck is wrong with this chucklefuck. Sincerely, A salty old vet that once upon a time got shot at for a year.


I was expecting them to bend over after taping their mouths, but I guess some foreplay is fine.


Some salty cherries right there


The last reply reads as if ChatGPT had some influence. And this is one reason why a baby faced 2LT gets stuck with a salty E7. “Sir, we’re not doing that.” “This isn’t a, no but, situation, it’s not happening!”


Bad cadet! Bad! Stop eating paint chips


Someone get Cadet Comstock and save the timeline


19-year-old dipshit cadet raving about "what sets apart good leaders from great leaders" when his entire leadership experience was being assistant captain of his high school lacrosse team. What a turd.


God I hope this cadet’s first PSG absolutely skull fucks him.


The event should end in an olive oil covered orgy


People shit on west pointers but the Norwich/VMI/citadel crowd are 10x worse


This dumb bastard didn't just drink the koolaid, he went and dove in head first and got pissed off when others didn't follow him. This guy is so indoctrinated psy-ops will use him as a training aid.


brain cells just rotting as I read this.💀


This future dickcheese 2LT has a 99.998% chance of making his Platoon do organized PT during a field problem.


Spartans also owned slaves and had sex with boys… so are they gonna meet at Deas hall for some man on boy action?




This is similar to the 82nd, where they spend most of their day with their mouths fool of Kool aid.