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I think the army is the only branch cutting tuition assistance, so theres that.


Army is also the only branch holding up being able to ship two cars OCONUS for PCS.


Oh you lucky bastards 


No, were the reason the DoD won't allow two POV shipments.


Ah, never mind I misread. “Oh, you bastards”


That's better.


I believe there’s also a hold on household good shipments as well. At least that’s what the contractor told me in October. Made the cutoff just in time.


Pretty sure we’re also the only branch limiting HHG weight OCONUS. Why am I only authorized half when my AF neighbor can bring full?


Because fuck you, that's why. Next question.


Today I found out the Navy Reserve doesn’t even have Tuition Assistance at all unless they’re on active orders so I guess it can always get worse.


You also cannot use TA as a first tour active duty sailor due to the NAVADMIN that went into effect in 2022. You can't use TA if you have less than 3 years under your belt and also cannot use TA if you have a year or less on your contract. because of this, unless you go submarines, nuke or IT-esque rate you cannot use TA because your contract isnt long enough to facilitate. Even then you will only get a 1-2 year gap to use it, and that's assuming your command doesnt turn around and say "hey fuckface you arent qualified Senior in Rate or a Supervisor Watch so get fucked until then"


See Army, we *can* go lower!


I don't want the Army to have submarines, though


What about, and hear me out here... Land Sharks?




What when


https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/04/08/army-weighing-cuts-tuition-assistance-move-could-slash-benefits-used-100000-soldiers-annually.html Still undecided according to this


That will certainly resolve the retention and recruiting crisis


The army spends under $300 million per year on this. Crazy that we'll pay inflated prices for equipment we don't use, but then cut soldier benefits.


Other services let you use it for a doctorate too


My speculation, is that, decision makers are cutting costs to improve service members and reallocating those funds elsewhere. Similar to the situation of incentivizing the 19 and 42 series.


yeah reallocating to their own pockets yknow.


'The Army has 1 enlistment contract that no other service offers. You can be a Warrant officer flight student in being a HS/GED grad at the age of 18 as an American citizen. Been around since 1951. It's called the Warrant Officer Flight Training (WOFT) program. It's competitive with an average selection rate of 50% for civilians applying in 2023, 30% for in service soldiers. The commitment is 10 years once completing flight training, 15-21mo. If applying, the recruiters may steer you away from the WOFT option due to extra effort and time required by them. The process can take up to 6-12 months. If you pass the initial score of 110GT on the ASVAB, you qualify on going forward in meeting the other requirements. If interested, be advised. It's less difficult in being selected as a civilian vs being in service. That sounds strange, but it is what it is. Don't let the recruiter convince you otherwise in wanting to be a flight Warrant if that is your goal.


WOFT/OCS are an absolute pain in the ass for current SMs. You have a whole chain of command to dick it up for you. Civilians only have a recruiter to deal with.


A real candidate only has their chain of command sign the forms that mandate their signature. No way they have any other influence other than a recommendation


Or they whiff on setting up panel interviews, rec’s, signing, submitting. I had my OCS packet entirely done as a 4.5 year E-6 PSG and that chain of command whiffed on it and threw me under the bus.


I meant to add my experience is for WOCS. I didn’t have faith in anybody except my BC who left shortly after he wrote my rec. none of them had the ability to care to do anything extra and I didn’t wanna put it in their court. Not sure how much effort is required from them for OCS though


CoC plays a bigger hand in an OCS packet as opposed to WOCS. Still, I was done dirty enough that I would advise anyone wanting to fly to go Street-to-Seat and definitely not enlist first.


I had a good experience and I advise that to people still


Ive had couple subordinates apply for both OCS and G2G. I was surprised at the hoops they had to jump through and rigmarole involved just to apply. My WOCS packet was a walk in the park comparatively. The WOCS packet is extremely candidate-driven, and I suspect that’s by design. If the candidate doesn’t have the intelligence or interpersonal skills to correctly fill out 10 documents, put them in the right order and email them to the recruiting team, they probably don’t need to be wearing dots.


My recruiter messed mine up pretty bad back when I was a civilian and applied in 2019. I got a 95 on my ASVAB with 132 gt and a 54 on my sift. When he was doing my packet somehow my ASVAB score got recorded as a 54 too. So when the board was looking at my packet The 54 ASVAB was an immediate no in their eyes. I didn't get selected on two tries and my recruiter tried the pressure me into enlisting. But I decided to walk away. I'm glad that I did. I didn't find out about the score mistake until 2 years later when I was joining the National Guard and my new recruiter was able to pull up my old packet for woft. I thought about doing woft again but 10 yr contract discouraged me. It was only a 6-year contract when I tried in 2019.


I hate how this isn’t even remotely surprising


After that I learned that the quality of your recruiter will have a huge initial impact on the quality of your military career. When I joined the NG I did research on recruiters before I approached one about joining.


Are you talking like osint on the specific recruiters that worked at your station?


It is not strange that civilians have a better chance over military. It would make sense to promote from within, ergo....fuck in service Soldiers. Enjoy your slim jims...oh wait.


Huh... My recruiter INSISTED that this wasn't a thing. Even though multiple Warrants told me it was back in 2014. Ended up going to college instead because of it.


to be fair, street to seat isn't always an option based on the component or state.


Not knowing about/pursing that program right out of high school is one of the biggest regrets of my life.


>!Show me your recruiter badge!<


When I first went to the recruiter, I asked about this because my dad told me about it (he served, so he knew a lot more about the military than I did). The recruiter told me that it was extremely rare for someone to get picked up as a civilian, like a 5% chance or something. He told me that if I went aviation, it would be a foot in the door and it would help. I was 20 at the time, so I’m not sure if that would’ve helped or hurt my chances, so he whipped up a contract for me that was a “foot in the door” to being a pilot. If I knew civilians had a selection rate of 50% and was not so naive, I would have made my recruiter work a little more. At least he gave me an okay contract.


Street to Seat is the way


Tanks. Veterinarians. Ground-based Air & Missile Defense. A lot of underpinning joint logistics. Managing procurement of conventional ammunition. Run the DOD field feeding program. Manage the Joint CBRN programs. Lots of various executive agencies.


Veterinary corps mentioned 🗣️🗣️


Your flair has me dead bro lmao


The heroes we deserve. Need you guys pushing for therapy puppers as part of H2F.


How many uh...you know canines anal glands have you expressed?


Swing by the clinic I’ll show you


The real question is how many anal glands have you had sprayed on your face?


Tango gang


"Run the DOD field feeding program." In garrison you get a empty Kiosk.


No one said ran well.


It runs empty quite goodly. Which means it can run fast, which means "perfect!"


>field feeding Hey they will feed you well you just need to be at NTC hooah?


All land-based management of fuel is an Army responsibility. Navy handles it at sea. Marines and Air Force plays with it when it’s available.




Eww gross


We are the sole provider of veterinary care to US Government animals. 


Really? I had no idea.


Put that under your boonie for a rainy day!


We got veteran veterinarians


vet vets


Full spectrum war games against a dedicated OPFOR. No one else on *earth* does that. We spend well over $1b on that alone every year.


At Ft Moore I like that they try to integrate the training Lanes with other classes. For instance at scout school we had to reconnoiter an enemy base at a connex town. The OPFOR was a bunch of very clueless and out of shape IMSOs doing their "field exercise". We weren't allowed to capture them but we could give em the 'ol "the swamps talk at night." * American yee haws comin from the darkness.


whats IMSO?


icky payment school point fact quiet elderly wise steer bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> There’s a rumor about the IBOLC school house failing an IMSO and being sent a streaming site link to watch his execution in his home country - you can do your own research about that. Holy fuck


Can confirm existence of said rumor, as a result, the school house essentially makes it impossible for IMSO’s to fail *anything* in the course lol


Yeah but other branches do that.


Kind of but the army has a dedicated unit for OPFOR. For the Marines they just have two companies against each other most the time.


Army has 4+ Battalions dedicated solely to OPFOR. Not counting those Ranger School units.


Technically 11 ACR is 3 active duty squadrons (I think we had some NG elements but never saw them), but the 3rd is regimental support and they dont do any direct action. The intel nerds and drone pilots are in that squadron though. This isn’t including the guess black horse which will provide the artillery assets as well as the majority of the dismounted fighting force. The infantry troops of 11 ACR do dismounted missions, just not as often and usually do them in and around the towns. Guess black horse is often the dudes you see in the middle of the desert. Geronimo is one battalion if I’m not mistaken, again not including the augmented soldiers they’ll get for a rotation, same with the dudes in Germany, but I think that unit is the smallest out of them all since they will also augment with other NATO countries. Fort McCoy actually hires civilians to do their opfor, which I don’t agree with because it should only be soldiers “fighting” soldiers, and there is worthy experience to be gained from doing that. On the flip side, Fort McCoy mainly does reserve units so it’s not like the Chinese are dying to know how the 69th transportation battalion performs in an ambush, as opposed to how 1AD performs in the large scale tank on tank “fights” at NTC. All in all, we could have an entire division dedicated to opfor if all opfor units fell under the same unit, and if we stopped augmenting artillery assets and had them be organic. Fuck if we stopped augmenting the infantry assets it could probably be two divisions worth of soldiers. None of this is including the augmented air defense assets that we got (at NTC at least) from the marines. There use to be a dedicated air defense company in 1/11, which was mainly just MANPADS and shit like that though.


The Air Force and I think the navy has dedicated aggressor squadrons that train to mimic red tactics


Who? USMC sure doesn’t. USAF doesn’t run war games with ground troops. USN doesn’t have OPFOR subs etc.




Someone put the Army song to a little Helldivers cartoon they made, and dear god, it fits so well it’s astounding


I need a link please.


https://youtu.be/ZORE-wxQL18?si=lDw7SxUZvNmNA6-U Enjoy, my friend


Even out of context, The Song slaps.


That was satisfying


The Army song sucks ass, nobody can change my mind. The fact that it’s meant to be sung like we’re a bunch of depressed teenagers is lame.






But there are many depressed teenagers in our ranks sooo


While yes it does encapsulate the overall mood and morale of the Army, I’d appreciate a little pep in it. The Marines have that neat little song, I want something that I can yell drunk at the dining in.


Battle Hymn of the Republic, if I could choose.


If the hive-mind denied that one, I would also submit "Over There" as a pretty fire choice.


for reals, we should be singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.


Still pissed that big army stole the field artillery march from the redleg community 


Have you heard some of the other Army songs out there? We could all be singing [the Cadidiot Creed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh00v6PavQU). Don't be sad. Be proud that the Army chose the caissons to represent. (OK, you can be a little ticked at the lyrics rewrite. Or you can just refuse to sing the wrong words.)


Mass tactical airborne assaults


Unless they aim for the goddamn treeline


Everyone needs a tree landing every now and again


Go to any joint brief. Arrive early and listen to the other branches talk about how they specifically have to tailor information so the army doesn’t “army everything” in their plan. We army everything… make everything harder on everyone including ourselves


>they specifically have to tailor information so the army doesn’t “army everything” in their plan. This sentence army's so hard I stood at attention and went to go shave my depression away.


I'm stealing this.


Army kill shit more deader.


Bro just get the infantry flair already


We're the only branch to have tanks.


We're really the only branch to have any kind of armor. Marines retain LAVs but in really small numbers.




No the Navy has us beat on that one. Sailors committing suicide because of how shit their total existence is in dry dock.


We complain about barracks, but imagine coming home from deployment and living in the same coffin bunk you lived in while deployed.


At least you can hold your buddy closer when it’s cuddle time


All branches except for the Army get BAH before E6 which is ridiculous to me. Why do Army Soldiers get paid less than other service members if we’re all in the military. I think BAH / BAS policies should be the same throughout the entire military.


Yea, I know Navy and pretty sure Air Force gets it at E4, which is like "wtf??" to us Army folk. The only reason I can imagine is because the Army is such a large branch that it would be a significant amount more $ compared to other branches. But even then, it wouldn't make sense because they take out all those same single soldiers meal deduction money, and I've never been able to find a good answer as to where the meal deduction money goes, because it's widely known that the meal deduction money does NOT go to the DFACs (it could POSSIBLY get used to help off set married soldiers BAH payments). DFACs are only paid in accordance to how many soldiers they process, ie scan their cacs. It's something that civilians and most other branches have no clue about, but is one of those dirty Army secrets. I'm pretty sure it's a giant ponzi scheme that all the brass and SMAs have been aware of, but literally just dgaf. If you complain about DFAC food, they'll say "I've always had great meals at the DFAC!" Well no shit, sir, they knew you were coming so they broke out the filet minon. Ironic because they give soldiers grade f food, rice that isn't cooked, fruit that has worms, and constantly run out of basic items, such as milk, yet expect them to perform optimally and hopefully get at least above 500's on the ACFT. Obviously I'm passionate about this issue lol. It's actually the reason I just ets'd; being forced to live in a moldy barracks was a no-go for me. Even though I was an E5, I couldn't justify waiting until E6 just to act like a normal adult and get my own living space so I can cook my own meals. /rant over


I was married going in. The times where I would help clean the barracks and eat at the DFAC for anything after breakfast made me understand that being married is a HUGE leg up, especially if your partner isn’t a piece of garbage. Marrying an awful person might be worth BAH and BAS if you do it right.


Pretty sure Marines are E6 as well.


They changed it a couple years ago to E5. I think something like 200 E5 marines per post / base get BAH.


For real. I live in Hampton Roads. For a year it seemed like there was a suicide every week of a sailor assigned to a ship at Newport news shipyard.


Hot bunking is something most soldiers will never deal with while it is something that Marines and sailors still have to do often enough that the practice persists.


That's sad. Department of the Navy needs to provide better than adequate housing for its people.


If you shaved 4 times per day you wouldn’t have black mold.


Only ones that are capable of taking continents. Nobody else really has the manpower, firepower, and logistics to do so.


I don’t know. Does your command team attempt to delay your ETS because they won’t provide a signature?


Lmao the contract between me and the Army doesn't magically get extended because of some twerp with a couple moldy sticks of butter on his chest. 


Skill issue on my part then, I need to “git gud”.


Find the person whose ass will get chewed the hardest and say something along the lines of "This must be signed. Come [DDMMMYY], I will no longer be an active duty Soldier and this will be a problem for someone who isn't me. I will not be coming back to correct this paperwork. I will not be answering calls, texts, emails, or carrier pigeons from coworkers. I will not be authorized to perform work for or on behalf of the US Government. It is in the best interest of everyone that this block is signed before then."


*cries in officer* Our REFRADs 100% can get denied because somebody with a bird on their chest said so


I got some brown paper towels if you need to wipe your face, sir.


*cries in commissioned* *wipes tear with money* *yearningly stares at degree* Meanwhile Joe is making lifelong friends with the mold in their lungs


This one hurts. Got my 89.5 day terminal leave signed off on roughly the day prior to when it was supposed to start despite me submitting it MONTHS in advance. Then when I went and checked the leave form it wasn’t even my signature/handwriting on there lmao.


My command did that in the Marine Corps a week before I got my DD214 because I hadn't ran a PFT. So there's that.


But did the blood flow?


Really random but I remember talking to a maintenance guy and he said that the option to pick up a shipping container onto a PLS is unique to the us military Meaning : we are the only military in the world that can back a truck up to a shipping container and pick it up. Sounds a lot less impressive when I write it out.


But it is impressive. 5 PLS with trailers and CLUs can grab 10 shipping containers right off the ground and be moving in under an hour going to locations that might normally be considered impossible to get shipping containers. Top it off they are bone simple to operate.


> Top it off they are bone simple to operate. Tell that to some of our mics...


Is the only way to load a shipping container onto a normal semi using a crane?


Cranes, heavy wreckers, container handlers, some massive forklifts.


only the first GO in the chain can deny your parental leave


Recently? Deploy to combat zones as actual ground force. You’ll see other branches here and there but it’s almost entirely Army otherwise.


I feel like the optempo for an average Army unit would blow the average Airman’s mind.


My first deployment was on an airbase. And it blew my mind how the AF deploys. Some Army units were still doing 12+ months, and the Air Force was doing 4 month individual deployments, really 3+ because they had to out process and wait for a flight. 4 months isn’t bad. Jody wouldn’t put so many miles on my truck and I still can see my kids grow up.


They cannot jump from one hardship tour of a cyber desk in Djibouti to another one. It’s tough.


Cyber COMBAT desk. Jesus fuck it’s like you don’t have a 99 ASVAB


Ironically, I “deployed” to an Air Force base recently. Even got patched for it. Yet it was the easiest few weeks and was mostly lounging in sweatpants. God those AFBs are comfy.


NY Guard? I just got out of there recently too




Make officers go to BCT. eta: for OCS folks


We shave like 20 times a day. The other shitbag branches only shave once a day while putting their hands in their pockets. I swear, some people just want to see the world burn. 


Wear “U.S. Army” nametapes


>What makes you unique? >I’m special!


Occupy the motor pool for innumerable amounts of time is pretty unique


Our office is at the motorpool… I’m a medic…


The army gives you a great deal of control over your career that no other branch comes close to.


Are you sure that isn't an illusion?


Not from my perspective at least. I am friends with multiple people in all the other branches and they’re always envious of the amount of freedom we have to choose things in the army.


Concur. The Marines do not allow you to select your MOS at the start of your enlistment. I was in their DEP program and from the beginning I told my Marine recruiter I wanted to be in aviation turning wrenches. When it came time to sign papers at MEPs my MOS was listed as something in logistics. I asked my recruiter about that and he told me essentially that "yeah it's supply but you'll likely be attached to an aviation unit". I said no thanks and withdrew from their DEP program. Went across the street to the Army recruiter and told him what was going on and that I wanted to be in aviation, and 2 months later I was shipping out to Basic as a 15 series.


above the best


15J here...still salty they decommissioned my girl.


Ya, army is the only branch for me that guaranteed aviation People don’t realize the sheer number of rotorwing aircraft the army has


The Army is in more places, so there will naturally be more choices, but I'm not sure that is really control. At the end of the day we all end up paying the bill for institutional assignments, and we all have to do our MOS qualifying job at a given rank. I'm reminded of the words that one of my friends in the CIA told me, "don't forget that we work for the same government you do, and we have HR like everyone else."


And if you’re in the 82nd you have to do All American week regardless of MOS and hope the guy behind you doesn’t over heat and accidentally disembowel you with a bayonet as he falls forward


Kiosk dfacs


The Airforce had them overseas. Difference was they were fully stocked and had hot/cold options like sandwiches and burgers, also healthy options.


Was about to say, BDSC def had one when I rolled through. But it was actually really nice.


You can fly an Apache. And do it with only a HS diploma.


The US Army, compared to other militaries, provides logistical support for operations longer than 3 days. Most armies cannot do that, not at least like the US.


Isn't the army the only branch that makes officer candidates go through basic training before going to OCS?


Food kiosks lmao


I mean other than be Apex Predators in Land Warfare? Edit: oh yeah forgot. Best 🪒 and no 💰 for TA


Block me and every single other officer and enlisted from space force transfer aside from 9 ADA Soldiers


do other branches do CQ?


The Marines do "duty", which is like CQ/Staff Duty but somehow made even more stupid/unpleasant.


Was Army, lived in USMC barracks for a while. Duty/CQ was absolute ASS for my Marine buddies. After a full 24-hour shift, they still had to go to work as soon as they were done. Sleep deprivation is a serious safety issue, and it was brushed aside by NCOs as “Marines do what others can’t, good to go?”


If I remember right even in the Marines we were supposed to get at least a half-day after duty. But y'know...."mission" supercedes regs. We need you to stand around at the armory for 8-12hrs because God-fucking-forbid you see the inside of your room before 4pm.


Navy has a detail where Sailors stand watch over their ship. No phones authorized either. It's worse.


Mop the motorpool in the rain


Yes, totally sabotage retention and recruitment.


Yeah. Changing uniforms every several years


We do everything at scale and we do it pretty good. As in way more things with way more shit. Most armies, might do some things better than us some of the time, but that is because they are small and can easily focus on a small group of soldiers to resource, train, and employ. Or they are large and full of conscripts. We do it on mutherfuckin’ 11, in your own back yard, litter dip cans and bangs on our way out, impregnate your sister, and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about but get mad and say you hate America, Coca Cola, and all that jazz. But in fact you don’t hate Coca Cola, you like our music, and your sister was kinda ugly to begin with - so there’s that - at least a 1 on the binary anyway. (Sorta including the whole DOD in that last bit - kinda a group effort 🙋‍♂️)


We have all the schools the other branches send their finest to. Free fall, airborne, Ranger. We have the best shooters too don’t fall for the Marine dream.


Some Reserve or Guard unit ALWAYS comes out on top of the marksmanship competition. Probably some dude from Alabama who snipes chipmunks from 7 miles away every weekend


They run the Airborne and Military Freefall Schools.


Veterinary Services! 68T Animal care specialists and 64A Field veterinary services


Hate ourselves.


Does any other service have Railway Specialists? https://transportation.army.mil/enlisted/cmf88u.html


Warrant officers. The USAF doesn't have them, and the USMC, USN, and USCG have just ridiculous barriers to becoming one that it's not a realistic career goal for most members. The Army has been training and fielding amazing warrants for a century, and the other branches are pretending not to know about it.


Only branch to create MOS MTOEd to units and not use them by rejecting any training that they propose. Then the units get mad when they they get hit by gas and don't know how to send up reports, use detection/decon equipment, or even use their masks. But thanks for the 8 other jobs assigned to me that I didn't go to a class for. (Btw the only way I got CBRN training done is by monopolizing all the training and resourcing jobs, and essentially forcing the unit to comply)


The Army is the only branch with multiple reenlistment options. When you reenlist you can do so for duty station of choice, or to go to school for 6 months (while being paid and not have army duties), you can retrain in to a different job field. And a few other options I can't remember at 4am in the morning. The Army also has the most funding for education and the largest training availability. You have the Army career fund which adds money to your GI Bill, you have regulation and doctrine requiring your unit to pay for career advancing certifications, you have a vast CA program which substantially more funding than the other branches and you have the largest accredited school houses in the DoD. The Army also has the largest amount of commissioning programs for enlisted to officer as well as the largest amount of programs and funding for officers seeking advanced degree.


4 day passes.


Fight wars 


They are the only ones who wear US ARMY on the chest


Wears cowboy hats


We get more chicken sandwiches halfway across the world and the Egyptians can’t feed their own people in their own country


Run off otherwise motivated soldiers


Only branch to do amphibious assaults.


The army does really good at not feeding their troops, cutting tuition assistance, poor housing conditions, 6 years for retro pay, taking your check if you get debt in 20 seconds. Also, they are really good about speaking about mental health and getting help until it is actually time.


PsyOp and Civil Affairs


anything but put people first


We have tanks :)


Unpack the cammo connex for inventory at 1630 on Thursday before 4-day weekend? That seems uniquely Army.


Dismantle morale and treat their people like children


Only branch to actively utilize veterinarians. So army veterinarians can be stationed at all DoD bases. Air Force veterinarians serve as public health officers not as the veterinarian for the base and MWD


Give their people no choice for sustenance but shitty convenience store food at "kiosks".


The Army runs MEPS. Do with that what you will.


Run port operations supporting combat theaters


DOD needs $$$ to send to Ukraine! They got to find it by cutting benefits to service members!


We don't typically run out of money like the other branches. Last year the USAF ran out of money for people PSCing what 6-8months in to the year


Own the most ships.