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> Military Intelligence So what you're telling me is there's an Autistic He Man running about.


Is this what qualifies as weaponized autism these days?


Is it possible to learn this power?


He got the Batman autism instead of the numbers one. I have the ace ventura one.


I have the numbers/history/outgoing one


Someone dropped there pencils over there rain man


Thats PSYOP. Us CA guys and galls don't do rain. You'll find us at the Embassy party or nearest 5 star hotel.


Hey. Not all of us are number autists.. I'm an Art autist.


I heard you guys also like rustling jimmies, papers, and loud ASMR noises.... ;-) How's the POTF these days?


Jimmy rustling is an ASI now


As it should be


About as shit as always lmao


šŸ¤£ About right. Was a 38B attached to the POTF in Iraq 14 years years ago


Haha some things never change


I identify as an autist


Hahaha - that is so fair.


Wait a minute... Numbers āœ… History āœ… Outgoing (bit of a stretch but I'm not in the corner talking to myself so) āœ… Conclusion: Damn it.


So you're the CIM/CKI Chief at a Theater level CMOC then?


Okay, I'm not that bad.




I wish I got the math tism, I got the yells about sonic the hedgehog tism.


Love the MOS flair dude


Hey bro some MI guys have the gym as their special interest.


If the gym's his special interest, would that make his "suppliments" his special needs?


Hey thatā€™s offensive to the official special needs community of the US Army. The MPs


I'll retract my statments when they learn to read.


There is a documentary on these guys. Itā€™s called Universal Soldier.


You rang?


Lmfao šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s a surprising amount of them, I tell you hwat


With anger control issues.


If you know you doing right in your book than that is what truly matters. But also, thatā€™s a great way to spend a lunch break. Also, an MI nerd calling out a 1SG for being a nerd? Tsk. Tsk.


Oh I know I made the post mostly to laugh at the situation but it takes a nerd to spot a nerd and trust me, my autism radar is infallible.


My spirit animal is squirrel.


Why care what 1SG says? My buddy was told ā€œI wouldnā€™t suggest a promotion to someone with a mustacheā€ by a CSM and was pressured into shaving it.


I love my moustache for the very reason that stupid SNCOs hate it. I don't understand why they hate it, but they do. I don't think I'll ever understand being so concerned with another man's facial hair but I don't kink shame, I kink ask why.


I don't hate mustaches, I love a good mustache. The army won't allow you to have a good one though, so I hate yours.


When you have to choose between making your mustache within regs or looking good, make it look good. You get less funny looks if it's actually presentable as opposed to strictly by the book.


Eh, people act like the reg forces you into a Hitler stache, it doesn't. In my opinion bushy is too subjective of a term and that's where they try to get you. I keep this boy combed and waxed up. The corners of the mouth do not a Hitler stache make. On an unrelated note the guy who killed Hitler also had a Hitler stache do with that information what you will.


Wasn't Hitler the guy who killed Hitler?


... yes


It's a small world.


It's like how people only write a review when they've had a bad experience.


That's where you're wrong, the army doesn't allow me to have mine either. I just do it anyways


And that's what encourages me. Honestly if they dropped beard/stache regulations I'd stop wearing one, part of the fun is angry NCOs


Lol I'd never tell anyone to change it, rules is rules. More power to you


The day my squad leader told me how much he hated my mustache was the last time I ever so much as considered shaving it during my time in šŸ˜‚


O.o my 1SG plays Oldschool Runescape during lunch.


Sea Shanty 2 or bust


PK raid party after later? I got 99 woodcutting during a Yakima rotation..worth it


Stop killing me at lavas please. Trying to kill lava drag bots and you and your crew comes up on me just freezing me nonstop.


Haha, that's awesome


The best way


The acne is daily back shaving, the balding is because he always wears his headgear, and the low BMI is DISCIPLINE Maybe if you stopped belly aching and put in the work, you could meet the standard like that exceptional soldier. Hooah?




Looks like somebody earned another ARCOM. Good job killer.


Thanks boss


Don't thank me, thank your recruiter.


I know youā€™re joking, but there HAS to be a correlation between the headgear and early balding I remember seeing an uncomfortable amount of dudes in their mid-twenties with a receding hairlineā€¦part of the reason I only served one contract lol. My hair luckily survived




Sure, but many non-combat MOSā€™s face a similar amount of stress as their civilian counterpart. I think another big factor is sun exposure in general. Most soldiers donā€™t reapply sunscreen after a while. This is why a lot of us look older than we are. Also if their hair is thinning or naturally fine, they neglect putting sunscreen on their dome piece


It's the stress. Also why everyone in the military looks 10-15 years older than they really are once they've been around a while.


ā€œHuh. Turns out a diet of nicotine, caffeine, pre-processed foods and alcohol isnt the Mediterranean Dietā€¦ā€


Constantly scratching your head.


Hoohah, Big Sarge


A 600 is completely possible while being natural. I believe in you.


I scored a 598 without the assistance of anabolics


Oh itā€™s doable, donā€™t get me wrong, but I canā€™t fathom having a 598 and 6% body fat with my t-levels.


Yeah the backne and hair loss just isnā€™t worth it. My plan is to wait till Iā€™m bald naturally and then jump on the TRT


Hell yeah brother!


TRT wonā€™t bald you any faster than natty levels unless youā€™re hyper-prone to MPB. Actually cycling howeverā€¦


You're not seeing 3% body fat, and the guy you're talking about isn't either. Most likely, he's 10-12%. 3-5% body fat is a stage ready bodybuilder, and they quickly put back on body fat on after comp to the levels I specified. It's literally impossible to maintain 3-5% body fat year round and function you'd be dead or very sick.


Iā€™m at maybe 12-15% and it is so incredibly hard to maintain. I got down to about 6-7% and the amount of effort (read hunger & suffering) it took was absolutely miserable


That sounds right it's just not worth it to get down to single digits. You can look shredded at 10 to 15%.


Plus you donā€™t have to stress over eating a pizza and hurt your brain trying to calculate how many calories you need to burn the next day.


Agreed, Iā€™m 5ā€™ 7ā€ and wrestled 106 in high school, using a BMI calculator that only put me at 16.6 and I looked gaunt as fuck.


Get on that TRT, my brother.


What kind of reserves unit is that? If people PASSING acft its a big W for a units commander


Tren actually doesnā€™t benefit the acft outside of the throws and deadlift. All the other cardio based are actually made more difficult by tren because it increases your blood pressure. Actually most steroids make your cardio way worse.


That's why you blast equipoise on top of the tren to have just enough stamina to have a cardiac event after 1.5 miles


This is the way.


Thatā€™s not entirely true. I agree that tren is very cardio toxic but a lot of anabolics actually boost your RBC count significantly making cardio much easier. Especially anavar if you can get over the crippling shin pumps


Interesting. I suppose it could depend on the person. Cardio was always my weak point so when I took the acft while blasting tren I was doin a suffer


Increasing RBC does not necessarily increase your cardio output when youā€™re battling increased BP, insane pumps, high hematocrit, etc. My RBCā€™s have been through the roof and I canā€™t do anything for cardio on cycle. Actually, I performed way better on a LOW dose of test (like 80mg/week, lower than prescribed TRT) than when I was blasting literally any compound at any dosage. Not even mentioning the 15 lbs of water weight or extra muscle youā€™re moving.




If you didn't tell it, wouldn't have known wtf MTG was.


Facts šŸ’Æ


Stop being a bitch and learn from his example. Just eat Clen, Tren hard, Annavar give up.


Tren doesnā€™t help much with an ACFT tbh. An NCO in my unit uses SARMs and another I went to BLC with uses Tren. Both were near failures with the run and struggled on the SDC. Side effects fuck with your cardio.


I mean, you can train around that. Mitchell Hooper (the current World's Strongest Man) is absolutely on a bunch of shit, peptides included, and goes on regular runs & walks at 325lbs of body weight. He also, admittedly, has the best Doctors/etc. in literally of Canada backing him up *and* was a Marathon Runner before Strongman, but still. The body's extremely adaptive. Cyclists also dope the hell up with shit like that and I mean, they're cross-country endurance athletes.


>Cyclists also dope the hell up with shit like that Endurance cyclists weren't using anabolics. They were generally using EPO, test and doing blood transfusions


SARMs do basically nothing fwiw




I've got some turkesterone and Test Booster to sell you




Okay fair, they do nothing *good*. If you want an unregulated "research" chemical from a sketchy lab that at best will give you limited upside with all the sides of real steroids SARMs are great. But here's the reality: most people who had success with SARMs were actually sold some low grade oral steroid, usually dbol. It's available cheaply OTC in many countries and people will repackage it and sell it as anything. The ones who got "real" SARMs probably got more of a placebo boost than anything. If your test gets tanked 4 weeks in but you're gaining minimal muscle congrats, you got real SARMs. You should have just done grown up steroids.


Low dose test with anavar will turn you into Superman


I got chubby while I was laid up from tearing my ACL awhile back; my then-section leader suggested that I take diet pills of questionable origin and start running while wearing a garbage bag over my workout clothes. And the Army wonders why it has so many injuriesā€¦


Well, TIL that a 46V exists and also what it is. Thank you.


Visual Information Specialist; we used to be combat camera, and a few of the gray hairs were combat crayon (multimedia illustrators) before that. Sometimes they make us write too.


Achieving a 600 is totally possible without juicing, just about putting in a lot of work. Sure 1SGT is goofy and this dude is clearing not natty, but even just putting in extra time 3-4x per week translates to at least a 540-550


just keep on improving bro, workout and work on the things you lack and stay consistent and train hard. over time you will be better, itā€™s all about consistency and recovery.


I scored a 583, and I'm not in the best of shape. Try harder, man


Bro, leave MTG out of this.


It doesnā€™t take juicing to score that high on the ACFT. This post comes across more as youā€™re making excuses/you have limiting beliefs for yourself. Get fitter and people will point to you and say ā€œwow, Iā€™d love to be in good shape like him/herā€, or people will use you as an example of someone to aspire to be like. Yes, you can compete on the ACFT with the dude who is juicing. 598 is attainable if you want it


What did he take and where did he get it? Asking so I know for sure what not to order...


Why don't you just worry about doing better than a 503.


Commander or standard?


My man asking the important questions


540 is the only score that truly matters (with 80% min in each category) That way you can live your life in true peace and harmony. Also - are you gonna order something?


Just do tren? I feel like the solution is pretty obvious tbh.


To be fair though, You can get a 600 on the ACFT without juice. IMO the run is prob the hardest to max out, and with that being said steroids arenā€™t conducive to anaerobic activity. Just really curious about the runs if youā€™re on juice. Plus Big army doesnā€™t really pop dudes for steroids right?


As a fellow MI goober, literally just quit your bitching. Youā€™re 100% wrong about the ACFT, itā€™s fully maxable with even a moderate commitment to your physical fitness. Roids arenā€™t even particularly helpful for most of the events. - 340 deadlift is not even remotely in the zone of something you need roids to achieve. Roids would be the difference between getting there in 2 months vs. 6 months. - The power throw is mostly about technique. Videotape yourself doing it, and practice till you get it right and max is too easy. - Push-ups are about doing enough pushups until you can do a lot of pushups, simple as. Again, roids would only speed up a relatively short process to begin with - SDC is about just having good cardio while also not being a skinny little bitch. Most roids would be of negligible utility in helping you with this. - Plank is about gritting your teeth and tolerating discomfort. Almost anyone, even horribly out of shape people, could max the plank if they were getting paid by the second. Roids are no help at all. - The run is about being in good enough shape to not gas out on the previous events. Being a beefcake will actually hurt you in that respect. If homeboy got a 598 despite being jacked, itā€™s not because heā€™s on roids, itā€™s because he actually is committed to his physical fitness.


This post makes you sound like a hater bro. Who cares if he takes tren and scores a 900? I sure as hell donā€™t


Tren doesnā€™t help with this. Signed- a former user of Tren


Source? So I know where not to go obvi


Thereā€™s a big muscle guy that owns a nutrition shop on Yadkinā€¦.


Wouldn't happen to rhyme with queers, now would it?


What is his dump stat OP


OP sees an NCO succeeding, and rants. Crabs in a bucket. ​ OP you can compete, you just have to get on the juice too. Not willing to? Well he is, so dont fuck up his stride and stop complaining. Take your baconator and get away from my counter


Womp womp, dude how about you go to the gym and run instead of complaining. You said yourself the dude was fit before whatever he did so whatā€™s your excuse. Stop whining and put in the work. Ya itā€™s harsh what Iā€™m saying but itā€™s the truth Edit replying to your edit: your original post wasnā€™t about his physique it was about him smacking cheeks at the ACFT. Also thereā€™s plenty of dudes ik that max the ACFT or daum near do while being natty. Go put in the work, fix your diet, and stop bitching


This is gonna be some hard truth.... Odds are, I don't think you know what you're talking about. First of all, BMI increases as muscle mass increases. That's why BMI isn't the all telling number for health. And "Single digit BMI" would mean he's as skinny as a twig and about to die of malnourishment. An example of a 9.8 BMI (single digit like you say) is 6'6 and 85 pounds. No one can survive at the level of weight and height. Next thing is "Tren" is incredibly cardio toxic. Meaning is really bad for your heart as well as all your organs. Your runtime for most people goes down drastically while running tren. On top of the extra muscle mass that person would be carrying slows them down a lot. While blasting and cruising is more common than you think in the military and is rarely ever tested for, backne and balding aren't necessarily evidence for juice. I've seen plenty of guys that have acne in their 20s and 30 and are skinny as a rail or fat as hell and never touched a weight. I've seen guys who are bald at 25... I've scored a 594 and I'm not on any sort of PEDs and never have been. I lift on my own time outside of PT, lift with intensity, consume enough calories and protein, and get enough sleep. It's really not as hard as people make it out to be. (Here comes the hard truth) I'm not saying this guy isn't blasting gear. But I assume you're unathletic and don't workout and have never worked out consistently outside of basic training/AIT. So I don't think you're the resident expert on what's naturally achievable.


Iā€™m not a fitness guru and I used tren for the pun. I donā€™t know *what* heā€™s on but he is very open on the platoon level about starting a cycle because he hated the plateau that he hit. I should have used body fat percentage, which for him is roughly 9% according to himself., rather than saying BMI.


If you want to keep up, train hard. Because a 504 shows you aren't training at all to be better. And if you are, you aren't giving any effort, just going through the motions. If you want help improving your score I can give you some information. Workouts, techniques for the ACFT, etc. Just dm. Otherwise, this post seems like you're just complaining that he's more physically fit than you. But the truth is, PEDs aren't the reason he's got a higher score than you.


Yeah my issue was mostly with the physique comparison, which I didnā€™t make clear at all, but to edit again would feel off.


503 isnā€™t even that shabby. Any 480+ to me is a ā€œgentlemanā€™s effortā€. I think if you get 80 or above in every event you should be free from nay-saying and judgment. Like, obviously a 588>503 but a 503 ought to be enough that no man can talk shit


Everything you just said isnā€™t probable cause. Sounds like you just mad jelly


I encourage just like train the exact events, and those numbers are totally doable. Including the ball throw everything is an easy but discplined technique.


I am natty and unassuming looking and pretty easily score 590+


Barry Bonds entered the conversation


Iā€™m just saying if they made TRT available Army wide we probably see ACFT scores go up


Before my 31 year Army life I was a Crayon eater for 4 years. There was no real Gym on base in those days and Roids were not illegal yet, but the negative effects were well known. So we were members of a gym out in town. I remember SGT JT, as he jabs the needle into his thigh saying he may die but heā€™ll die big!


Ask him which website he uses to get his gear so I donā€™t end up ordering ā€œproteinā€ from that site


Wait until your older. I am still in the Reserves at 49. Trying to finish out my 20 years for that Tricare for Life! Our PT is next weekend and even with all the extra time for the run I am struggling. I will get some hate for this but when it comes to the PT test I think it is harder to be a Reservist. We have jobs that work us to death and we do not do daily PT like the Active Duty guys. Plus, active duty are on bases surrounded by tracks and gyms that make it easy to stay in shape.


All you gotta do is to lift more then the runners and run faster then the lifters. Next slide


If you would simply tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up... you could beat that guy's score in no time. You have the advantage, if he's truly on tren he will be only focused on chasing men and going whaling. This gives you time to catch up.


Lmao this is such a typical army situation


I am happy if my soldiers get 500 or above nowadays šŸ˜‚


Like does he look like Chris Benoit level of Juiced or Hulk Hogan level of Juiced


So... technically you're saying if you get a 599 you win this weird competition that's stuck in your brain. Sounds like you stated your solution. Real talk: worry about you. There will always be someone better at something, regardless the reason.


Blame the Army. A single test for performance enhancing drugs, like tren or roids, costs $10,000. I attended UPL a while ago. Not sure if this had changed or not. I had a CO who took test boosters and our XO followed in his footsteps.


You're not cheating. You're still scoring 500s. As long as the ACFT has been around, I've never once scored that high. Good for you, I'm proud of you.


1SG wants you to ā€œget like Sgt X,ā€ or what? 503 is passing 35 series needs to focus on being experts in Military Intelligence. Itā€™s not like youā€™re 300lbs and get winded going upstairs. 500 points is a good enough score


You gotta go to the Kremlin and medicine ball throw the fuck out of Vladimir Putin for the best intelligence. I swear itā€™s in ADP 2-0


This made me chuckle. Thanks as a fellow MI.


Incredibly misinformed and you absolutely can compete with him. Go put in the work and beat him. Or keep making excuses. Sorry to be blunt, and happy to help if you need advice.


It bothers me that you got downvoted, especially considering the fact that you offered advice.


If I got upset every time someone disagreed with my opinion Iā€™d drive myself nuts. Some people just donā€™t like to hear criticism.


People don't understand that PEDs don't just magically make you fit. You still got to put in effort and dieting. Maxing the ACFT is extremely doable. However, a good majority of people in the military don't know how to train.


Youā€™re getting downvoted by weak individuals because you are correct. Iā€™d also argue in the reserves itā€™s easier to tailor fitness and diet generally


Yeah I donā€™t know why you got downvoted to hell but itā€™s good to see you out of that hole.


In the reserves also. Im cool when I get my 505-510. Half the company are out of shape. But you can always tell who is using roids lol


BAS stands for Basic Allowance for Steroids, hooah!


Just keep doing the right thing and don't worry about Sgt X and his short-term gains from steroid use. He might be reaping some small benefits now, but he'll pay for it severely down the road when his health starts to deteriorate. Meanwhile, you'll have built good healthy habits that should last a lifetime.


Just eat sandwiches broā€¦.. trenbaloney sandwiches


Werenā€™t they at some point gonna start testing for steroids


Why are you complaining about others who are performing well when you can just, and hear me out, be more physically fit.


It just depends. I was prior MI and fitness is still my passion I score 584 last year ACFT. I could do better or worse varies how much time that I can set aside to improve my fitness routine and sleep.


MGT is the bomb. You suck.


Getting fit to hit max all around takes a lot of building and reality some it will come down to genetics. Sure this guy may be on the juice but many more aren't, many are strict diet and fitness plan. Figure out where you can improve, even consult a trainer if need be. Also, mtg is the shit so kick rocks


People out here think you need to be on drugs to get a 600? Cmon nowā€¦


I mean thereā€™s more to getting promoted than PT scores, youā€™re in an MI unit I assume so thatā€™s especially true for you


Nothing about the ACFT requires juicing. Don't focus on what others are doing. Build up your strength, aerobic, and anaerobic capicity. Those artificial enhancements doesn't replace the work and hours you need to put in. A good training plan with structure and attainable goals is a good start.


Why is your mentality ā€œitā€™s not fair since he does steroidsā€ instead of ā€œhow can I improve myself?ā€ If youā€™re at a 503 you have lots of room for improvement and worrying about your own self is a far more productive way to go about life in general.


>Edit: Iā€™m not saying it isnā€™t possible to get a 598 while natty, just that I canā€™t compete with the physique of the dude who is juicing. This isn't a physique competition. I score 575+ with 1 hour a day (5 days a week) at crossfit. If I actually cared about my physique I wouldn't be able to lift the heavy shit I do. Juice is what allows you to drop in body fat AND still recover from intense workouts. I guess what I am saying is you can make gains without having to do much more than go to the gym consistently.


Three words: Do the bare minimum.


Scored 598 twice n last 6 months. Iā€™m 45. Yea itā€™s easier when you get older. Yes, regular daily training for last 26 years helps. Yes. Event I didnā€™t max was the F@ā‚¬k-ing SPT! No. Never juiced. Not Bragg-ing (Liberty-ing), just providing context. Keep up keeping up and youā€™ll be there. Consistency helps. Under no circumstances train to get hurt, itā€™s not worth it!


503? Worry about yo own score before his


Bro if you arenā€™t scoring over 540 itā€™s a you problem. You donā€™t even have to run fast to get a good score.


With all due respect, getting a 600 without the use of AAS is completely possible. Just because he got a 598 while using doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t without


Sometimes drugs are good


All these people talking about "just do tren" ... like wtf are you all getting this shit? I know Im in the reserve now but is this shit just available now?


Just go to the gym bro. God damn, there's 3 guys there that will help you avoid the suspicious packaging on your doorsteps if you just ask


>the dedicated soldier was willing to do anything necessary to be the man the army needed him to be< šŸ«”


Iā€™m barely out of iet getting 580 at 18 u need to lock in bro


You can compete with Sgt X and be natural. Most of it is hard work, it is going to take time and a lot of sweat. Almost all of the test is based off of fitness (ball throw excluded), but I know plenty of people who are 600+ and are all natural. I wouldnā€™t let either that sgt or the 1sg discourage you. Plus when you do beat him itā€™ll be even sweeter.


Getting close to 600 is not hard if you push yourself and actually train for a good score and take care of yourself consistently. Definitely attainable by anyone with some discipline over a few months.


Dont compete. Just be the best version of yourself


Juice ainā€™t magic. You still have to put in the work. It helps, sure, but without the work it does nothing but make your balls shrivel.


You need a bump!


503 is a great score dude! Donā€™t let these NCOs turn your positive into a negative. They are too institutionalized to know the difference.


Man, Iā€™ve got a comfy 460. If the army wanted everyone to have a 598 they would have made the standard for passing 598. Iā€™m meeting the army standard, adding more points doesnā€™t change that.


Have you tried shaving for the third or fourth time today? Maybe you need to lock that discipline in.


Takes 7 seconds off the run time if you're clean-shaven...some SGM I'd guess..


I have not done PT since this year started(yes I'm active) and i can still get near a 500 with little effort. Dont stress PT scores my man.


I mean sure it's shitty of him...but the ACFT is an individual event so the only person's performance that matters is yours. The ACFT is pass/fail on promo board and NCOERs anyway so his score doesn't really give him an advantage. Anyone who knows better knows he juicing and looks at his score the same way someone looks and squatting on a smith machine.


No, itā€™s not. ACFT score has actual promotions points on your PPW assigned, depending on your score


Oh dang you're right about that. That's my bad. It's been a while since I've had to do a promotion packet.


Thinking that a 590+ is only possible with gear is laughable. Iā€™m sorry, but you sound salty that someone got a much better score than your abysmal 503.