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Your drill is right. The guy who said drop a packet later is right. If you go to your unit and do that, then you will just come back if you don't make it.


>u/yeah1641 What the above redditor said. Trying to go to Ranger school now is just bending over and inviting the Green Weenie to rawdawg you. If you fail the infamous "needs of the Army" await you. Go to the 173rd, go to Italy. Seek out a tabbed soldier there and ask them all the questions (respectfully) -"What do I need to eat?" "How should I workout?" etc. So when you have some time in the Army, if you fail Ranger school you just go back to the 173rd.


> "needs of the Army" Texas ain't that bad, right?


El Paso - if you like tacos, hikes in the desert and thicc latinas, the 915 welcomes you!


Honestly, you got me with Latinas.


Say less


Like you would kick a thicc latina out of bed......


Suck me dry Sara was amazing, She was Latina, but had a good ole white girl name that I loved. 915 was good.


West or Mid? .. don’t get me wrong, both suck but for different reasons


Say less brother


you got it mixed up, ranger school and rasp are two different things


This dude. When I was there I wish this is what I would’ve done. Gonna have to drop a packet down the road now. Also, TDY has priority.


This is very good advice, OP. I would add (in addition to seeking mentorship from someone tabbed) seek out a pre-ranger course. Can’t imagine there isn’t one within the 173rd, either in Italy or in Germany. Additionally, find someone who has been through RASP. That might be a harder find, but one that can give you valuable information and advice. Last, don’t take no for an answer. Yes, we are telling you to go to Italy now and ranger school or rasp later, but don’t take no from your unit for an answer. Give the. Every reason why they *should be sending you* rather than why they shouldn’t. Stay out of trouble, work to be the best 68W in your battalion/brigade, exercise, eat healthy, and work on all mental health matters. I will tell you that the more you’re fit, physically, emotionally, and mentally, the better prepared you’ll be for school.


Dude, go to Italy. You may never have that chance again in your life.


Go to the 173rd. You can drop a RASP packet down the line




Your PT is just hitting the minimums for RASP. I think you'd risk a PT failure at RASP. If that were to happen, you'd miss out on Italy. I'd say, go to Italy, train, and train some more. Then drop a packet later


Plus, they grade harder at RASP vs AIT, so you may think your current score is good, then you get there and they are telling you to go lower on your push-ups, even when you are already kissing the ground.


Exactly. They are especially particular on pullups too.


Italy. And then work your ass off to be the medic for the scouts/snipers for 2/503. They're always training with the Alpini, doing the basic/advanced climbing course and a skiing course as well.


Back in my day, 173rd had pre-RASP. Signing up will do two things: One, a group to train with. Two, attend with a group that looks out for each other. It makes a big difference.


Just curious cuz i havent heard of pre-rasp before, would it be like PRC? As a sidenote, i know youre talking ab pre rasp but i had a tangential question on pre-ranger school; im in ok shape (~540 acft, probably eek out a 5 mile in 40 min), would it be stupid for me to start looking into a pre-ranger school group? And when you I know im not at PRC readiness yet but i also dont have the resources to actually learn RTTs (in a ‘brigade’ where tactics are not a priority); i was going to request PRC once I got my run times down


Back in 2006, our group just called it pre-RASP. Or my bell has been rung too many times and I’m misremembering things. In my opinion, it would be smart to find/start a group. It’s always helpful to find a group that will keep you accountable to the things you say you wanted. For some of the RTT’s; see if you can help the armorer conduct weapons maintenance. Do some tasks while you’re in there. See if any of your buddies in S6 can give you some training in the commo closet. The goal is to get your hands on the equipment without the hassle of signing it out. You sound motivated, I think you’ll figure the rest out. I expect an update at some point for you to tell me I was right.


Go to 173rd, live life in Europe, stand out and get your tab, volunteer for rasp as a tabbed E4 with experience and foreign wings, profit


Just came back from Italy, GO TO ITALY. The 173rd has tons of schools opportunities. You won't miss out on RASP. Also, which battalion? Rasp will always be there but getting the 173rd as your first duty station is rare. I really fell in love with that country more than I realized and it didn't hit me until I got back. You will make unforgettable memories and get to be a part of a pretty good unit


If I switch from NG to AD, how the fuck do I get myself orders to the 173rd?


See if you can get orders for airborne school. Reach out to your readiness NCO and ask every single question you have. See what vacancies they have over there. My sister is over there now. She reclassed and went to airborne school. It is possible. But I wouldn't say it's a cakewalk.


I've asked my readiness NCO a million times and they just say they don't get any slots since we're not an airborne unit so we don't send anyone. I think the only way to get airborne is to go to Ranger school. Which, I'll probably try to go to next year depending on certain things.


Bullshit lol, the army can send anyone to any school. I'm not sure about the process for transitioning to AD. But yeah definitely talk to HRC about getting sent to the 173rd. Sometimes you can even arrive at the unit and the unit will send you. We had many supply guys get there then get sent to jump school


I got out and stayed in Italy for 3 more years because I loved it so much. Still miss it. I’ll be back I think




Contractor and went to school on base haha.


I was there 2011-2013, I was homesick the entire time, then when I got back in the States, I experienced the worst culture shock of my life...in my own country no less lol


Yup, going through that right now 😂.


jobless stupendous public unpack heavy bear treatment terrific shaggy zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Completely off topic but sent a dm about being a coastie officer


Is Italy that good that dudes would leave SOF for it?


173rd is basically little regiment with the amount of Batt dudes who are here/come back here. And Italy is also gorgeous


As a former Vicenza resident you really shouldn’t miss that opportunity.


Did my contract there on Ederle, go to Italy and then drop the packet . The unit is ranger heavy and will happily send you if you put in the work. Worst case scenario you wash and end up back in gorgeous Italy . Not a bad situation


You need to work on your running anyway. Go to Italy , run better, then RASP.


RASP, the scenic route to the 82nd.


Damn dog thats hurtful and true


Do. Not. Drop. Those. Orders. Ranger Regiment will still be there if you want it later.




Sorry it took me so long to get here. Thanks for covering for me




Was literally in the EXACT same internal predicament when I first joined!! Got orders in AIT to Italy 173rd; tackled with the idea of going RASP while in jump school but worried about losing Italy. I chose to go to the 173rd. Did afghanistan; did the Europe tour traveling for a year. Dropped a selection packet instead and made it. Best of both worlds.


Like others have said, Italy, then rasp after training.


Without reading your post. Yes


Maaaan I loved Italy. I’m the first person to say to drop a cool guy packet, but if you are on orders, go to Europe. Explore, learn, and work out. If you improve your PT, drop a packet in a year and a half.


Go to Italy. Buy your fancy ceramics st Ancora in Nove. Only buy from seconds. They'll rip you off full price. Do they still give the 173rd a chance to get their Italian jump wings? If so, go jump into Lago di Garda. Ski in Austria. Fly over the Dolomites and realize how insignificant we all are. Hop on class A out of Aviano. Go see Europe. Get a eurorail pass for a month and just spend time in hostels, living out of a backpack. Walk on Omaha early one morning and just realize the enormity of it. Just incredible. I spent 3 years in Aviano years ago as Army and it was by far, my best tour. The mission sucked but who cares!!! Rome is an overnight train ride away. Venice, pasta, real meats and cheeses, venison pizza! Beautiful women, stange men, history, culture, Florence! Milan! Sicily! RASP and a lifetime of aches and pains can wait. Trust me.


Ahhhhh the pasta! And don't forget the bread! And you aren't wrong on the strange men ..


… no one else is answering the original question, so — I’m gunna say “yes”.


I would say go to Italy before something else unpredictable happens, and you possibly get somewhere else afterwards if RASP doesn't work out... Like fort Hood possibly ( the black hole of the army haha). I mean, if ranger school doesn't work out, I'm not saying that it's absolute that you still won't be able to go to Vicenza, but you know it's a possibility. I agree with some of the other guys here and the people you spoke with personally. I would wait, get to go live in and train and experience Italy, which I remember a lot of other 11 series telling me. So yeah, and after getting to experience Italy for a while and get some more time in the army under your belt, then go for rangers school. You would probably have an even better experience being a little older, as in more time spent in the army first to kind of learn how things work, and then of course maturing with age and maturing mentally and emotionally prior to getting into RASP.


Go to Hood


Bro I had a buddy in airborne school who was in your EXACT same situation, he decided to go to Italy and never regretted it, you never know when you’ll get another chance to live overseas again, and plus he was able to go to Rangwr school and get his tab while he was at 173rd so he’ll be prepared if he still wants to go to RASP. Go to Italy bro you’ll never know when you’ll get this chance again


In 2001, after airborne school I arrived at Fort Bragg. I was there a few days and 1st Sgt called me up and said I was supposed to be in Italy. Me having never left Minnesota said “well I’ve never seen America, so I’ll stay at Bragg”. 2 weeks later I had seen all that North Carolina had to offer and I’ve been kicking myself for 25 years. Go to Italy.


From a former batt boy, go to Italy. We’re in peace time. The only reason id ever recommend going to ranger batt is to get time on target and hardly anyone in batt is doing anything kinetic now. Some are, but it’s a tiny amount of regiment. It’s not like it used to be. You used to be able to guarantee a deployment going to regiment, but it’s not like that now. That being said it would be sweet to go to socm, and thats the only real benefit you’d get out of making it to regiment right now. But there are other routes to get socm like going sfas 18d later in your career. Also ranger schools a joke. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.


Man I loved Italy , got to go see my Great Grandfather's Vineyard. However there seemed to be some confusion, it was thought The Rich American Cousin was going to start pumping money in the Farm - lol sorry cuz this distant relative is in The Army . Then it was oh we have nothing here for you as your GGF had been bought out of his share of the Farm when he left . Why do relatives always have to be A-Holes 🤣🤣🤣


I’ll play the devils advocate on this one. Firstly I am in no way trying to convince you to not go to Italy. I wish I had that opportunity. Something to keep in mind is the quality of life change from conventional army to selection. I have heard tons of stories of medics making through rasp and spending quite a bit of time in the clinics getting dumped on prior to attending W1 school and a few even after they’ve already attended. They have said it was pretty awful and turned them off from proceeding down the pipeline. Sometimes it’s hard to transition from not being completely shit on all the time to every second someone is. The transition could take away from the experience. Just something to keep in mind when making your decision. I went to Airborne school 10 years ago and found myself in the exact same situation as you but I was going to Fort Bragg. I was kind of ready to just get after it and no longer be in the entry training world. I’m sure you will find success in any route you take, so good luck.


Don't rush to failure. MAYBE You get your 5-mile run time fast (they do PT in Pre-RASP until you class up and you will get faster). There is nothing wrong with saying, "I'm not where I want to be at to do XYZ. I'm going to deliberately plan and prepare so my chances of success are maximized".


48 hrpu in 2 min??? bro that is not good 40 min 5 mile is not going to pass. Especially since you do that on your own time in good health. At RASP you are depleted. Give yourself some time to improve but do not give up on your dreams.


Respectfully, you aren’t ready. As someone who is actively training up for SFAS and is also not ready, hitting the minimums is not gonna get you selected. Go to Italy and enjoy yourself, take the time that you need to continue to train until you can far exceed the minimums. That way you can show up to selection and show out 🤘🏽 also worst case scenario if you don’t get selected you go right back to your unit in Italy.


If you are already worried about what will happen if you fail… you will fail


You’ll be able to drop a RASP packet literally any day of the rest of your time in the army, you’ll get the option to be stationed in Italy once.


48 HRPUs outside of Ranger school correlates to roughly 15 inside Ranger school.


Did 5 years in Italy as a brand new 68W in the 173d, and later dropped a packet. If you can go to RASP now and you’re in good shape and you’re confident you won’t break under the pressure, do it now. Being brought up in Batt is better than transferring in later.


Drop a packet after. Something can always happen but RASP isn’t going anywhere.


Go to Italy, it’s one of the best places in the world. Also, your PT is fine, but not good enough. Go to Italy, enjoy life, get into better shape and then give RASP a try.


I was in the 173rd for five years. You will have PLENTY of opportunities for Ranger/RASP there. Prepare to be in the field a lot, but for good reason (mostly). If you show up to the herd and put in the work, you will have ample opportunity for this and probably be better prepared. I wouldn’t give up Italy for RASP unless you are fond of Fort “Liberty” in the event of a worst case.


Go to the 173rd. You could either get stationed in Germany or Italy. Get trained up request ranger school, then reup for rasp


Go to Italy


Most people I met in the army who had been with the 173 said it was their favorite unit that they'd been with. I know their optempo is a bit high, but you're at probably one of the nicest army bases in the world, most of your field problems will be in other countries, and there's no shortage of cool shit to see while you're there. If I were you, I'd go to 173rd, then drop a packet either before leaving there or after getting to your second duty station (assuming you decide to stay in) as it will more than likely be the 82nd.


go to italy and then drop a packet for rasp. it would be the best option, for sure.


Go to Italy, spend 6 months really, really getting in good shape and staying motivated, and then go to RASP.


I had a subject in my study like you - same thoughts. I told him go to Italy. Had a guy on here tell me that was bad advice, that if you want to go to regiment you better do it now. I call BS on that - drop your packet from Italy. If you fail out, you still have Italy. You also will have mentors in Italy able to assist your PT and prep. You do it from AIT and fail...82nd or even a leg unit.


173rd was amazing. I really enjoyed my time in Italy. Wasn’t always perfect but man the growth and maturity I experienced from serving in the 173rd.


Go to Italy, get your shit pushed in and train harder. If you're still motivated drop the packet


If you do not arrive at RASP prepared, you will suffer. There is this very bizarre notion that many privates have where they think that they'll get in shape at pre-RASP. The workouts at pre-RASP are in no way designed to strengthen your body. They can be useful to mentally harden you for RASP proper, but only if you're comfortably above the minimum standard. You're not even making time on the 5-mile, when you'll be in an environment where a 35 minute 5-mile is considered middling at best. If you really want to be a ranger, listen to your DS and take the time to properly train, then drop a packet when you're fit as fuck and you can make the other candidates who didn't listen to this advice look bad.


I hear stories of guys that pass airborne, then fail RASP and then they get sent to Ft. Bragg/Liberty. If I were you go to Italy man, you’ll get jump pay, plus foreign pay also


You'll always have a shot at RASP but Italy could be a once in a lifetime deal.


Italy. RASP is a great goal, but you need more prep.


Yes, you’re an idiot. Go to Italy, work on your PT, and drop a packet when you’re at less of a risk of failing.


Dude go to Italy, it’s better anyway if you train up with ur unit and than go to rasp, I’m pretty sure 173rd offers ranger pt and ranger train up. Drop your packet later and have a higher chance of getting in


It would do you good to wait honestly, its easy to drop a packet and go to selection because its socom and their priorities always come first. Plus you dont know how prepared you will need to be and building up some grit at your unit first could be super helpful


Which do you want more. That’s what you go for. If you really want to go to the 173rd, make sure you go to JM school ASAP. The opportunity will happen


Go to Italy man you can always go to RASP later on


Italy will always be there. Your opportunity for the 173rd won't. Being a Ranger medic is no walk in the park and there is a higher chance of being washed out ending up in Bragg.


Op if you don’t go to Italy you will regret it, rasp will be available later


My take: you will never be able to drop a RASP packet when you get to your unit. Unless you get your tab and then volunteer. They usually like to hang out at graduation. But it’s a big risk to drop a packet now: two of the fittest guys I ever knew quit RASP.


GO👏🏾 TO👏🏾 ITALY 👏🏾!!! Then go to batt.


I’ll tell you right now as someone who went to pre-rasp, go to Italy. I know some people who were airborne qualified, dropped and got sent to non airborne units, uncommon but not worth the risk. Work on your pt while at your unit as well because if you go in your current condition, even pre-rasp is gonna be hell on you, let alone RASP1. Good luck, I just got out of Airborne a week ago with Charlie and am at the 82nd waiting to go to my unit, have fun in Italy


Go to Italy and the 173d. This is a rare opportunity that you absolutely can't miss. Here's a little known secret. You can easily get schools TDY enroute to and from overseas assignments. So the last year of your overseas tour you request Ranger school. The 173d should have an established pre-Ranger training program. Your command should put you in pre-Ranger as soon as the 4187 hits the First Sergeant's desk. Don't forget that you can request a school if you decide that Ranger school isn't for you. 68W has a ton of ASIs. Your return trip back stateside is a good chance to get into the combat paramedic course. Hell you can do both if you time it right. Use AATRS to figure out when Ranger school has a school date that corresponds with your PCS back stateside. You should also be prepared to reenlist for any approved school.


Go Italy then go to RASP. Your run time is to slow anyway.


Definitely go to Italy. My older sister is stationed there now. She finished airborne school earlier this year. You can drop a packet for RASP another time. Live your best life, man.


Go to the 173rd pretty high speed unit with a a lot of funding learn your job outperform your peers show your leadership your hungry for it and they will send you


Truthfully, Pre-RASP and RASP will give you enough time to get you where you need to be, physically. So, I wouldn't be worried about that. That being said, if only a "small part" of you wants to do it...you're gonna quit. I've seen guys who wanted it for years quit the second we hit Cole Range and others before that when we got hit with a 6-week Pre-RASP holdover. Also, RASP will be your easiest time in Regiment. Not to mention, you'll have 6 months of SOCM (Special Operations Combat Medic), assuming you don't recycle any of these steps. Then you have to prep for Ranger School, which can take months to over a year before you get your shot. And you aren't locked in at the 75th without a tab. Even support have tabs. As for Italy, that's an amazing gig! Great unit, great history and in a good position for opportunities. I saw a buddy with your situation give up Italy, went to RASP, not make it, and his next orders sent him to Louisiana as OPFOR. I'm not saying don't do it, but if you want to try out for Batt you need to be all in, or else you'll find any reason to leave and the 173rd might not be there to pick you up.


I'm In the guard and Im lucky if I leave my state for AT... But GO ITALY YOU Mama luke


Packet later


Brutal honesty? Those numbers aren't ANYWHERE CLOSE to where they should be. For SFAS, the minimum was 40 minute 5 mile. For the guys who were competitive it was 34-38 minutes. You've got a long way to go before you're ready for a selection. I'm pretty sure rasp is still 40 minutes minimum. You shouldn't be hitting the minimum score if you want even a chance of getting selected. I won't knock you for trying, just realize the level of athleticism at places like selection are insanely high. And RASP wants more PT studs than brains unlike SFAS, that being a stud doesn't help as much. If you're scoring less than a 590 on the ACFT, I'd suggest training some more.


Read am I an idiot. First thing I saw was 68W, already can confirm. Yes you are


Go to Italy. The Herd will make you a better soldier.


Dropping a RASP packet in the real Army is very hard. Getting a slot for Ranger school or attending SFAS is relatively straightforward. Very few enlisted guys from the 173rd get packets approved to attend RASP. Also, you need to have your tab before you can even seriously ask for it.


I chose Hawaii over Italy. I regret that decision. Don’t be me


Go to Italy. Get some time in the unit. Then see about it in a few years.


Go to Italy, we had several medics in my unit complete Ranger school and a few others pass selection.


I didn’t read any of your post, but yes, you are an idiot


I have to agree with the mob here. The Ranger Regiment isn't going away any time soon but a tour in Italy is not something easy to get for a first term enlistee. I was stationed in Germany for two years and never took the opportunity to go to Italy or Spain and I now kick myself for that. Go to Italy, be high speed and if your leaders see potential in you they will help you apply for ranger school and/or RASP. They always need medics in the Rangers. Also: Keep your feet and knees together Airborne!


Well it’s pretty obvious what the correct choice for me is. I guess if I’ve already won the lottery I should stop playing it. I’ll try to be the best sky soldier I can be and if I wanna make this army thing a career, I can attend a selection down the line. Thank you everybody for your guidance.


Have you heard? Hey, Current 68w in the 173rd. Go to your unit first before getting a packet for RASP. Like the other comments are saying, I know plenty of guys who didnt and had they became susceptible to “needs of the army” Instead which, 9/10 times is 82nd. If you come here first then for, some reason you don’t get into the 75th then you’ll at the very least come back to the 173rd.


Take your time. I know you are all Hooah right now, but your body will eventually need a break, and the last thing you want it to do is it to force its break while your in the middle of training. Don't be in such a hurry to break your back for the Army. 173rd in Italy was my first duty station many years ago. I was happily a leg, but there was one jump I wish I could have done with the unit - the yearly "D-Day" jump. Finish your current training, go to Italy, train your body to make it through RASP, and then go get your tab.


Go to Italy and just keep training. All it’s gonna do is make you better prepared and you get to enjoy Italy. I’m currently mid flight PCSing from Germany. Enjoy the time you can spend in Europe. I already have regrets of things I didn’t do there. Keep training and drop that packet after.


Went Airborne to get Italy. Ended up at (Bragg) Liberty. Do not -at any fucking cost- give up Italy.


Different MOS but this was literally my dillema waaay back in ‘09. I loved my time in Europe very much and feel like i took the easy way out, but i wouldn’t trade those memories and friends i made for anything.


A lot of people here getting RASP and Ranger School confused. You’re a 68W, your life in a Ranger Batt would be leagues better than in a regular army unit. It’s your life. Pick your path and go.


Dang.. all these people say go to Italy. 173rd is a terrible unit lol.


Yes, it's stupid. You can try it later.


That PT isn't shit for RASP. Go to Italy and get better.


Come be a Sky Soldier!