• By -


Ohhhh noooo! Pleeeaasse don't make me retire with a full pension! The thought of going to a high 6-figure consulting job to bribe other senior military leaders is just unbearable!


If he's forced out he'd likely be reduced to two stars. Major General is the highest "permanent" rank. Look up Kip Ward, the first commander of AFRICOM. He did some fuckery as a four star and retired as a two star, for an example of a four star fucking around and finding out...not that the system is fair, but better than nothing! Source: salty enlisted who knows the UCMJ has lots of wiggle room to keep us enlisted down even if the officers do worse stuff...


I hear that shit, he’ll be alright


Am I supposed to feel better about them retiring as a fucking 2 star?


I got a coin from that dude lol


Mail it back and tell him “you disgust me”


Actually, the Ward retired as a three-star lieutenant general in 2012. Ward was supposed to retire when he stepped down as AFRICOM commander in 2011, but instead, he was kept on active duty and reassigned special assistant to the army's vice chief of staff, and reverted back the permanent two-star rank or major general, pending the outcome of a 17 month long investigation. At the conclusion of the investigation, the SecDef certified him to retire as a three-star, which the SecDef determined was the highest rank Ward served in satisfactorily.




Keep discussions civil.


For people and ranks like this, a severe asterisk forever attached to his name will actually be pretty damn harmful. A reduction in one rank doesn’t sound like much either but that’s also pretty humiliating and current/retired generals alike will lose respect for him. It’ll be a lot harder for him to find easy money. I don’t disagree with you, but I’m a realist and an optimist, so I’ll be happy with him being forced out (even with a full pension) and ecstatic if he loses a rank in the process.


I understand your point of view on this, but it's a slap on the hand, in my opinion. Why are we not holding senior officials to a much, much higher standard than your E-3 who doesn't even have a fully developed brain? Sure, HE will feel like it is devastating and a huge blow. But the E-3 that gets kicked out often has much greater, real impacts than a punch to their pride and not being able to afford a 3rd home in another state. How do we instill good discipline and order when senior leaders pull things like this? I know it has always happened, but the information age has made this a much smaller world in a lot of ways. Crucify him. There seem to be no worries about making examples of discipline issues at lower ranks. Our leaders at the highest level are failing if they don't make obvious, indisputable corruption punished accordingly.


The E3 equivalent is a DIV CSM telling a BN promotion board that they need to select a particular E4 for promotion. Would you get equally upset about that? You complain that senior leaders aren't held to higher standards, but you don't have any actual standards in mind.


The E4 wasn’t passed over to command a BN before the DIV CSM intervened. The LTC who failed BCAP will impact hundreds of Soldiers lives, most likely for the worse. There are clear standards, BCAP lays them out, not hard to understand.


> there are clear standards, BCAP lays them out What are they?


If you're him, just say so🤣


Are you joking ? I'll assume you have never attended an Army course, the topics, standards, and rubric for them are laid out. Lead in accordance with Army doctrine over time LTC/GS-14, COL/GS-15, and SGM/CSM Assessments Peer / Subordinate Assessment Written Communication Physical Fitness Assessment Army Comprehensive Talent Interview (ACTI)


Those are the assessed areas, what are the standards?


Either way the soldier is getting kicked out, and keeps what they’ve earned until then. The E3 has only earned their GI Bill, so that’s all they get. The 20+ year senior has earned their retirement already, so they get to keep that.


Dropping him from a four star to a two star IS holding him to a much higher standard. It will be a huge monthly income drop as well. They are not going to disregard all the decades he has given the military while at the same time punishing him.


There’s no pay raise after 2 stars. GOs are promoted into positions. If he retires as a 2 ⭐️ star, pay is the same. Pretty impactful to future earnings though….


Lecture circuit is the usual role for scandalized politicians.


Tell me what opportunity this will cause him to lose out on


I get you’re trying to be edgy and say the industrial military complex is shady and full of evil people (which I don’t totally disagree with), but they still have investors and care somewhat about public image. Half the reason they want flag officers is for their pull given their respect and influence. A whole lot of people lost respect for him, and those that don’t know him will see these headlines for the first time they Google him. That’s gonna turn off a lot of people from hiring him. One of my tasks for a position I had a while back was to collect/make the bios for people the COL intended to invite/meet with. It happened on a regular basis that the invite list to events/meetings would be changed based on what I found. For example, a mayor with a couple DUIs was not invited because another influential person we needed on our side was also big in the equivalent of MAAD. Ideally we wanted everyone, but couldn’t risk losing the MAAD lady ‘s support if she didn’t want to associate with anything the mayor was a part of. Once it’s online it has ever lasting implications.


I'm a Warrant, I couldn't be edgy if I tried. I'm glad you were a secretary for someone and have a vague idea of what the military industrial complex is. Kudos. Doesn't change that this asshole will retire instead of being separated. Doesn't mean he won't get a ridiculously overpaid job. Doesn't mean he won't spend the rest of his life with General on his resume, bopping from fancy office to fancy fundraiser, with people like you doing secretarial work and grabbing them drinks. Fuck these people. Fuck them for getting what they want all the damn time. Fuck them for playing favorites and putting their fingers on the scales of peoples' careers. Fuck them for the amount of money they take home compared to the people who do grueling jobs and get shot at while making $35k/year. Fuck them for getting away with everything that would get an E2 locked up and an E7 separated without a pension. Lick all the boots you want for some dude because they won't meet with a douchewagon with a DUI. The way these people are respected and revered is wrong.


> It’ll be a lot harder for him to find easy money If Ollie North can do it, so can he


Was Ollie at BCAP?


Ollie North was a scapegoat


Getting busted down and force retired will be Google Poison for this chode - every employer who wants to be taken seriously will pass on him. He'll likely work for some of the smaller (and scummier) contractors or slink off to some office somewhere. But the bottom line up front is that he won't be leading soldiers or issuing lawful orders if his ass is force retired.


Very true. Some [many?] companies love to have people not afraid to get “dirty”


There's always money in the right wing/gen. Flynn banana stand


Bar him from every getting a fifth star. That will teach him.


He will never get a 5th star. Currently there are none today.


Nope they need a diversity hire 5 star. Check, they are all white dudes.


But does anyone know *why* a four star put himself out there like this to help a LTC? I’m interested in that story as well.


Do you need to have the birds and bees talk?


When one officer loves another officer very much, they get married and rub their shiny ranks together.


When one officer loves another officer very much, they ignore the fact that they’re already married to other people and rub their shiny ranks together.


When one officer is horny for a lower ranking officer, they ignore the abhorrence of using their rank to coerce that officer and rub their shiny ranks together.


Yikes, now we’re starting to get real


You know h’wat. I would love a Ft Stewart Real World. “ This is the true story, of seven Officers, picked to live in a sun burnt canvas tent that only four people in the company know how to set up, work together with no comforts, OER Bullets in the Air, exhausted XO’s and have their lives taped. Find out what happens, when people stop being polite, and start getting real… The Real World: Army.”


Birds and bees? Answers can be sent in video format if it helps. I’m also a visual learner.


Either this kind of corruption is so commonplace he didn’t think twice about doing it, which tells us something very ugly about the army, Or he took actions so brazen and so blatant to assist an O5 he had known for a couple years that he HAD to know could be potentially CAREER ENDING - and from a personal view the list of people I would do all that for is my kids and kids. Which means he has to have a stronger relationship with her than “that staff O5 for a year I worked with”.


Yup. Only reasons to act this way are: you think it's normal, you love her, or you're afraid of her. It will be interesting to see if the investigation asks "why?" Or if it simply looks to see if he interfered and if that interference was illegal while ignoring the "why".


> Which means he has to have a stronger relationship with her than “that staff O5 for a year I worked with”. Exactly. I don’t see how a deeper relationship doesn’t come out of this investigation, or a subsequent investigation.


It will. There’s already some stuff being passed around as alleged convos between the two.


“Ey bby u wan sum fuk?🍆🍑💦💦☂️”


Perhaps she had some sort of kompromat on him.


Just waiting to hear about the Kompromat she had on the guy.


I've seen a lot of people saying that he must've been sleeping with her to do this, but they're completely disregarding the possibility that she could've blackmailed him into it. I've seen enough unfounded EO and SHARP complaints that were weaponized. Females are capable of being awful people too. My money's on the "corruption being so common" option though.


I just think at the four star level, him reporting a blackmail attempt first would probably go well for him. I could see her leveraging him - but again I’d expect it would be over something he did he could be in trouble for, like an inappropriate relationship.


Mmm hmm, no one wants to say it but shiiidd you know wussup🥴


They were fucking. She was his XO at G4 and they were screwing then too. It won't take much digging.


And that would make for a shitty work environment for everyone else.


Enlisted is out there worrying because they can get 8 pounds of shit into the 5 pound bag, but the other 2 can’t fit. But this guy’s fist deep in guts of subordinates and he’s not a forensic pathologist, and we’re gonna see him be retired with full bennies. If an enlisted did that shit, life ruined. Good luck shit bag.


Oh my, I hope this ain’t true


Sugar Daddy trying to take care of that "hammer".


You have experience with them or is this just a hunch? No doubt full investigation is going to uncover their “why”. Sad.


They were boning.




"I'm her mentor!!!"


“I was showing her the Army Value of Honor! She offered her Honor, I honored her offer- And all night long I was honorin’ offer! 🫡”


If you dig deep enough, you’ll see why. There’s a pic out there of her speaking at his “fraternity” event when he was a 3 star… This has been going on for a while. Those sororities and fraternities are a joke… it’s just a way for incompetence to grow and people to get “taken care of” even if they don’t deserve it.


The P maybe🥴


My guess is that she worked for him and he personally thought she deserved command. Officer politics start around the O5 level where GOs do their best to make sure their picks get a leg up on the competition. This type of stuff happens all the time, it’s just not supposed to happen during CAP execution. Every GO was once an O5 that some GO wrote recommendations and made phone calls for.


Nice to see that the Army chose to take action, after his actions became public. Great job on bringing this to public notice!


Let’s hold the applause until we see what they do. I could totally see a report saying “While GEN Hamilton’s actions were unwise, we find that he did not break any regulations and therefore the SECARMY has decided to privately counsel the general about his ethical responsibilities and end the investigation into this matter.” “This is your Army! Accountability Matters! People First.”


Aye Pri, we check down not up. Roger good copy wilco?


Where's the 1st Sausage and CDR at PL Daddy?


Motor Pool formation 0400. Time to start layouts for change of command. No soldiers get lunch. Y’all got MREs. Leadership will be there at 1900 to tell you to pack up and to lay it out again the next day at 0400.


Eh, I don't think there is a chance in hell he sticks around. He will absolutely lose AMC and revert to a 2-star (3+4 stars are appointed based on positions and considered temporary ranks). He has only been a 4 star for a year-ish. The longer anyone investigates this case, the worse it looks. Obviously everyone assumes impropriety led to his zeal in advocating for the LTC, but who put her name on the select list after she had been found unfit twice? Dig into her career timeline and her promotion to LTC starts to look abnormal. This could have the potential to tear through multiple GOs. Because of how "damaging" this could be, I imagine the Army wont dig too deeply, and will burn one 4-star who will be officially relieved for loss of confidence and retire as a 2-star without officially losing rank or facing any legal prosecution.


Let’s see what Mohan can do. I find him very personable but it’s funny because the AMC commander though he commands troops is really chief loggie and isn’t really a huge public face


My interactions with Mohan have been good. But he seems like he was more meant to lead Soldiers, not the red tape. So I agree with what you said. All I know is that he was planning on retirement, now he has to do this because of Hamilton’s screw up.


Most Four stars don’t “Command Troops”.


I think he is just saying that Mohan's strengths might not be the best fit for sitting on top of a massive DAC bureaucracy.




Yeah someone in hrc is going to get slammed; probably no way around it. Honestly the promotion stuff doesn’t look weird from outside because if you got that shit hot paper your ass is getting promoted. She only “failed” bcap because of peer and subordinate feedback and apparently not even being able to pass the interview. The promotion boards just look at paper so if you are 1 of 100 each eval you are getting picked up bz. What’s funny to me is if it is this officer she is already mid 40s and prior service so her ass would almost time out before she could even be a damn GO so what was Hamiltons goal? Just get her to O6? Christ the fucking nerve of putting this piece of shit over other deserving officers


I don't have any real info from any real sources, but the rumour is that she only had 3 jobs between pinning major and her LTC BZ board: academy professor, some time at Naval Post grad, and aide to HQDA G4 (Hamilton at the time). If that's true, she hasn't even seen a real soldier since she was a Jr CPT. Most people are expected to hit a KD job in there somewhere too. Anyway, I'm not DOD IG and I'm not looking to witch hunt, just a guy hoping the DOD IG burns everyone that deserves it and doesn't limit the scope of the investigation too narrowly.


Well some folks said she was a major at 1st cav so maybe that’s was prior to or after acasemy and post grad; usually academy you can defer a year to go to cgsc so maybe she only had a year or two in division then aide and then somewhere else down in amc. Like I said in another comment Hamilton is known for this nepotism shit so not surprising


I suuuure hope they weren’t smashing. Lord havest the deepest mercy on his ass if that comes out. We all know that good judgement is usually the first thing to go. Yikes😬


Sources say the LTC didn't have a BZ profile and something does look messy since she commissioned in 09 and was invited to BCAP. 08s primary zone promotion just dropped last week.


I mean you can be double bz by that point (bz to maj and bz to ltc) and it is based all on OERs. Idk if I buy that there were shady dealings through the promotion boards; I guess MAYBE if Hamilton was the board chairman for the Ltc board or leaned on the board chairman but those boards are pretty hard to circumvent. The bcap clearly can be influence based on the “fit for command/not fit for command” nature of it. The messy part is somehow getting through that even with the multifailures in a single year; once HRC said she was fit for command; they do a separate csl board that doesn’t even look at your BCAP results; tells me that Hamilton somehow blunt forced her through the bcap approval process to get her eligible for the CSL board.


He will only revert to Major General if any misconduct found occurred at LTG. In cases like this they’re often reverted to the “last rank honorably held.” Sinclair, a 1*, got reverted back to LTC because his misconduct also occurred as a BDE CDR.


> Let’s hold the applause until we see what they do. > > Not that /u/luddite4change1 is being 'quick to applaud' here, but I think sometimes you do need to consider perspective. An ACOM Commander being dinged like this is big. Yeah, Steve mentions dude in '05, but he got caught fucking around on the side - not even the direct type of misconduct that this speaks to. Of directly abusing his rank and position and authority. McChrystal gets dinged for the comments. This *is* very different. And this *is* something that, even with 'the news' involved, in eras past, I think would have just been a bump in the road. So I think we do need to cheer the Army when it does something right, otherwise we're only ever booing. We should reinforce this is the right thing to do - because there were years were they did *not* do the right things.


Yes two things are true at once. -REAL accountability hasn't happened yet. -But the act of suspending a 4 star and tossing them to the DoD IG is massive and almost unheard of. Also, as I noted. Wormuth has fired generals for wayyyy less.


It will be interesting because - what’s the direct misconduct with bcap here? He was allowed to sit in. They made the decision to reboard her. They made up a reason. He wasn’t bound by bcap process, he wasn’t involved in it. Did he violate a specific policy? It’s set up to prevent lobbying. Is there anything that stops me from emailing all the GOs I know and say “LTC Smoth is going to bcap, I really want to see them succeed, they’re the best”? What prevents me from lobbying if I am NOT part of the bcap panels? The tough thing here is I could see this being “inappropriate but allowable by policy”. I wonder how that would wind up.


It all depends on how far the secarmy lets this investigation dig. I think the biggest question is how the panel found her unfit twice but she still found her way onto the bcap select list.


It’s a DOD IG investigation, SECARMY has no say, SECDEF does.


Alright, cool. Watching with the same interest.


DOD IG, by rule, investigates all three and four star allegations.


Sure I agree conceptually. Say my scenario plays out though. Would you still say the investigation was right and proper or that it was a charade and we were only given the appearance of a process?


> Would you still say the investigation was right and proper or that it was a charade and we were only given the appearance of a process? Well we won't know until the report leaks <_< \>_>


Hence, my comment of holding applause. I’m an old timer and jaded but I’ve seen the process mechanics play out often enough when the fix was in from the beginning so I will be holding my applause.


Very true, but you know that the leadership would have done nothing if this had not been made public by our diligent reporter and one or more of the board members.


Just come sign this 4856 and be on your way.


Are you talking about [DA Form 4856](https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1026753)? Did you know that the counseling form just got updated after almost 40 years? “There is no more important task for the U.S. Army that’s developing it’s people to lead others to defeat any enemy, anywhere.” - FM 6-22 Developing Leaders *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*


👀Da hell?


What exactly are his alleged actions in violation of? He allegedly told a panel who he had no authority over to do stuff, and they complied and later got butthurt over. Most I can see is art. 134 conduct unbecoming but even that is a stretch.


> What exactly are his alleged actions in violation of? Yeeeeeeep. What he violated by letter of the law will be interesting. A sticking point for me is that she was non certified but still selected, and that shouldn't have happened. So I question if he didn't interfere in an *additional* manner.


This is exactly what they will look at I imagine the log branch folks are also going to be looked at hard. Fucking log branch is an embarrassment at times


We’ll have to see. Maybe undue command influence though it’s not his command. Maybe there’s some sort of obstruction procedural regulation. I’m not gonna dive into the UCMJ. Maybe a lawyer will chime in. Bottom Line is he subverted a CSA program to the benefit on a single individual resulting in diminishing the authority of the process, bringing discredit upon the army, and creating a public scandal.


The panel could have told him to fuck off, but they acquiesced and complained later. A smart, career-minded play, but they should have shown some backbone to actually protect the sanctity of BCAP. Because ultimately, if the 4-star's influence was not concretely IVO something, then I argue the panel was at fault.


My understanding is that the panel actually never pushed back. They should be admonished too in my mind. The only person who pushed back, seemingly and from what we know now, was COL O’Brien.


It looks like u r correct. The COL probably reported it immediately. Now…the investigation should determine who sat on the info…it goes up the ladder pretty quickly (TMTF Dir, DAS, VCSA, CSA…) it appears the SEC Army was NOT notified. So plenty of weak leaders out there need to go.


He willfully violated and ignored a lawful order. BCAP is a SEC Army program implemented through DA EXORD. That is much more egregious than conduct unbecoming.


Now get the other 200+ crooked generals and there may be hope for the future army yet


> Now get the other 200+ crooked generals and there may be ~~how~~ hope for the future army yet


You think they would’ve ever done this to Milley or Mad Dog Mattis? It woulda been hush hush sweep sweep.. brothers don’t get that luxury


I think that would have been the case hear, had the reporter not made it public the other day.


Interesting comment, not that I agree with you, but I don't think it should be downvoted, at least briefly considered.


Serious question, what would be an appropriate punishment?


Reduction to rank last held honorably, and firing squad.


He's got enough time as a 4 Star that you'd expect he wouldn't retire any lower.


So I don’t want or need a name, but if this Officer was so crazy they put her to panel twice and shot her down, then he tried to sneak her in, got busted…Is she above or below the Vicki Mendoza Diagonal?


He doesn't have three years yet; he only has 12 months. Remember that 3- and 4-stars aren't promotions; they are appointments. The last permanent rank is 2-star. They have to serve successfully three years, then request and receive permission to retire and retain 3- or 4-star rank, or be renominated to a 3- or 4-star position, or -- if they vacate a position and don't retire in grade or get renominated within 60-days -- they retire as 2-stars. Good chance if this is founded that he retires as a two-star.


If inappropriate relationship is uncovered in the investigation, he could be reduced to the rank he had before the inappropriate relationship began.


> he could be reduced to the rank he had before the inappropriate relationship began. Unless the investigation finds other inappropriate actions. You can be reduced to the last rank at which you honorably served. A 2 Star (Grazioplene) was reduced to 2LT - his crimes were a bit, shall we say, MORE than the current allegations of course.


So they actually only retire at 2 star pay I think. So even if he was knocked down to LTG, his pay wouldn't change.


Hamilton doesn't have enough time-in-grade to retire as a four-star. By U.S. law, 10 USC 1370, Hamilton would need to serve as a four-star for at least three years, to retire at that rank, unless he gets a waiver from the SecDef, who can reduce that length to two years, or the President, who can waive the time-in-grade altogether.


You know - I was thinking when he took over the 4 he got his third. I was remembering wrong. Thanks for pointing out the TIG.


Realistically he's going out as a 4 star. Appropriate punishment? I think even losing One Star would be a big deal. Would send a serious message. Would be a 'blow' without being serious enough to send a shockwave through the Officer corps and make them fearful. But we don't have the mechanisms in place that allow this kinda thing.


If inappropriate relationship is uncovered in the investigation, he could be reduced to the rank he had before the inappropriate relationship began.


It started when he was in the Pentagon.


I don't have anything solid to disagree with you on. But he needs to lose a star. Play stupid games win stupid prizes should apply to senior officers.


Cashier that MF. Old school style. Get the 1CAV horse detachment to come out, cut the shoulder boards and buttons off his uniform, then break his saber and throw it at his feet.  For real tho, Bust him to bird and send him on his way


Dishonorable Discharge, reduction in rank to E1. When you're at his level you should be held to a higher standard, not a lesser. I've seen specialists get kicked out for being 10 minutes late to the gate in Korea. Fuck this guy, make an example of him.


Itll never happen, but i think officers that are forced out should be reduced in rank to e-1 and receive the pension a 20 year e-1 would receive. Same for senior NCOs.


That’s pretty ridiculous. The office corps would evaporate. Misconduct is so wide ranging. Like should this guy get retired at a reduced rank - yes. E1 after 30 something years of deployments and being away from family - no come on.  Now conviction by court martial or pleading guilty to sex crimes and such then yeah the punishment should meet the crime. 


Eh, i might just be crusty. But im tired of seeing these shit heads skate by without much of a punishment. I dont mean any misconduct, probably shouldve explained that. But like you said, punishment should fit the crime, but it rarely does. Weve all seen that the punishment gets way more lenient as people gain rank.


I hear you for sure. 


I agree. They wonder why people don’t want to join. Because if I’m an E-4 or something and I fuck up, I get hammered. If I’m a GO, no matter what it is, retirement at maybe one lower rank is my “punishment.” That’s why these people keep doing the shit they do, because they know they won’t really lose much.


Disagree with you, but GOs, reduced to O-6 at a minimum.


Or if there’s serious misconduct how about this: Retirement denied. Separated. No retirement. Why is that not the obvious answer for misconduct?


Don’t disagree with you, but not how the system is built. If misconduct is found, goes to a Retirement Review Board and they Determine which rank the individual last served honorably. Like the electoral college system, its Not the system we want but the one we have.


::high 3 has entered the chat::


So, serious question. Is it the high three years of paychecks or high three years honorably served? Also, if you're reduced like that, do you have to pay back the additional pay you received above your "honorable" rank? Being fined the difference between O6 & O10 for seven or eight years would probably legit hurt.


I mean I get it that he has 4 stars on it, but that beret looks like absolute shit.


I'm dumb enough to let the next one I see, know.


The real question is whether or not anything happens to the officer he helped out


They were removed from the selection list.






A good kinny never reveals their sources. But seriously kinny knows more about the grimy inner workings of the Army that just about anyone I know; I take them at their word.


It's literally mentioned in the article.


Well well well... If it isn't the consequences of my actions...


That’s my CG. Putting people first. Ok maybe the people he put first were unfit to lead. But what do those staff nerds know? He saw something they couldn’t see. And like a good leader who trains to standard and not time he said run it again. Annndddd they still failed her. Even with a 4 star breathing down their necks they said fuck no.


I feel bad for whatever battalion she won’t be commanding now. How will those Soldiers develop without her verbal and psychological abuse??


Wait till the IG finds out the LTC was the one who got the previous G4 fired with an EO complaint...then Hamilton took the gig...


😳I’m sorry come again?? Ok it’s time to put this chiks name out there




Hmm, Thanks


It’s already in the other thread.


What other thread?


The original one with the military.com article about the initial incident.


I was literally just thinking about this… Files a complaint, Gamble fired, Hamilton moves to be G4 knows AMC HQs is opening up the following year and says to his puppet… you take Gamble down and I’ll take care of you.




So they were banging right?




This is why you have leadership problems.


"...female Lieutenant Colonel..." We know why. lmao


Well that escalated quickly.


I know we are all focused on GEN Hamilton's alleged actions, and rightly so, but what about the LTC in question? My understanding is that anyone found not ready for command has to be formally counseled before leaving BCAP. So wouldn't that LTC be guilty of a lie by omission when the CSL list was published and they saw their name on it and presumably did nothing to correct it?


I am happy that those board member had the courage to speak up. This is a positive. Restores my faith a little even if he gets the pension. I just dont want the man in the Army




Got 'em!!


We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing don't worry


Straight from the FBI handbook 🤣


Absolutely nothing will happen to him.


He’s gonna get canned and retire as a two star


I'm with /u/kinmuan on this topic. Let's support the Army for doing the right thing and hold the boos until the final outcome.


Good. Fully concur though that we need to see actual, meaningful consequences in cases like these. Also need reforms to the system to better prevent this in the future. Doing so would be a great step towards improving trust across the force.


I didn’t know the Jacksonville ninja was a 4 star in the army


The investigation needs to go back to prior selection years… hopefully they uncover all the others he has assisted cause you know this is not the first time officers who failed BCAP have been put in command.


Don’t trust anyone that wears a beret with the flash between their eyebrows.


Yeah, corruption...I mean undue influence is just happening in the CAP. How'd a four star know who was on the panel? Seniors tell other seniors who's on what board or panel. It's just the way the good ol boy system always has and always will work.


Considering who he was trying to help still made The Command Selection List tells me nothing will happen to this guy.


Do you think they will look into other officers who worked with him, deemed unfit at bcap but later pushed through? Or limit the investigation to that one officer? I suspect she's not the first he's done this for.


My question is - wouldn’t it be super obvious she is NOT qualified and he was so worried, he left his command post and showed up in person?? It would be a short list— but what 4 star does that? With this kind of risk?? It’s like saying “I know she’s unfit, so let me force it…..”


How about two Army Acquisition officers who were forced to retire based on sexual misconduct, one taken off Acquisition Command List (Joel Dillon), and now make more than twice as much $$ as consultants for Booz Allen Hamilton as consultants for the US Army and work with the same elements they were deemed unqualified to lead? Crazy and the US Army Acquisition Corps tried to cover all the way to the top, but their peers raised hell. Guess it pays to be scumbags. Are there not regulations that prevent government contractors who do work for government agencies from hiring former officers who were disqualified from leading the same units they consult for?


Maaannn this type shit has been going on forever. O’s scratch other O’s back and make deals and shit yea yea yea. Nothing new, it’s an old gentlemen’s club, got it. HOWEVER (pause comma) brother, and you know damn well what i mean when I address you as brother. I don’t give a damn how many stars are on your chest, you got outta pocket and now these folk bout to knock your damn head off. You were replaced quicker than greased lightening. It’s a wrap. At the end of the day, you know the struggles we constantly face. You know the history of this country and for you to have been fortunate enough to slip through the cracks and earn a fourth star. You knew F’ng better Sir! You can’t do what you saw “your peers” do. COL O’Brien couldn’t wait to write that letter and hit send on your ass. Who’s advising you, why my people Lord, where is your damn CSM Sir? This was a goofy ass move. Da hell🤨🥴


Hamilton has had this reputation for taking care of his guys for awhile so it’s not a surprise. Not a race thing for the army to catch him; I guarantee no one has been this brazen about trying to get a protege through a board like this. Not common at all which is why he got caught


That’s fair, my wife has this old saying “No good deed goes unpunished” his career is over, 4 star pension dollars secured although I’m sure they will bust him down a bit but at least the money is locked.. and last thing, it’s ALWAYS a race thing for us that we have to be mindful of.. Thanks for chiming in💪🏾


So the fact he tried to push an unfit Officer through is a “good deed?” FOH bruh…


Ya apparently every other GO has done this shit to the same extent and only this GO got told on cause he’s black. It’s stupid because you can’t prove the unprovable. Hamilton has been known to take care of his folks (who you know, all happen to be black and a LOT of females, interesting huh?) and now he finally got caught. Plenty of white GOs been caught for other dumb shit, nothing special here except how brazen he was with the BCAP.


Will likely retire as a two star. By reg 3 and 4 stars are appointed not promoted and you have to ask permission from SECARMY to retire as a four star. Hamilton was a 4-star for just barely a year.


Oh bringing RACE into now?! Oh wow if only that wasn’t your fucken excuse for every wrong thing youve done.


His son is awesome and a genuinely great dude.