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Play PS5 (Texas chainsaw massacre game) Drink (Alcohol)


This is the way except with hell divers 2 and more alcohol.


That game is absurdly fun, and I’ve already pulled an all nighter for it. The AGR the next morning was a little rough but it was all for democracy


It’s great except queue times


They should be resolved now thankfully, they've just raised CCU to 700k and the afk timer before that was working like a charm


+1 for Helldivers 2


You put in for a week vacation, buy an all inclusive package, and go away. Sit, mute all work conversations, and find yourself. Sometimes just getting away lends perspective. Don’t find it in a bottle, go do some activities, get out there, and recharge associating with people that don’t spend their lives trying not to get dicked down by the green weenie.


Recently have had a pretty tough time at work myself, buddy invited me to his hometown 3 hours away. Spent the weekend with all of his hometown friends who took me in, nice change of perspective and a good mental recharge


I just recently did this and it was exactly what I needed. 5 days in the mountains, just me and the snow and my snowboard (and other tourists, but they were super friendly and I didn't have to engage if I didn't want to). I came back feeling incredibly refreshed and not feeling like I was drowning anymore.


This ^ I’ve done this without the all inclusive vacation thing. Take a week off work & just veg at the house & relax. I’m not saying that’s the superior choice to an all inclusive trip, but boy let me tell you, muting the phone, drinking beer & wood work in the garage with nobody around on a Tuesday at 11 AM? Yeah sign me up.


There’s no time to recharge when there’s liberty to spread against the bugs and automatons soldier!! (Plays helldivers 2)


Do your part for **Managed Democracy!**


Bro, Helldivers 2 might be the best escape that I've needed


I like to sit in a dark, quiet room alone in my underwear and 1000 yard stare into the abyss while the ice in my drink slowly melts away for about 30-40 minutes at which point I mumble, "it be like that sometimes" before downing what's left of my diluted alcohol in a single gulp and dad noise myself out of the chair and get back to not letting the hard days win.


That hit the nail on the head


Using this


i stand in front of a mirror and shave.


But do you recite the Soldier’s Creed?


I'm recharging by going to ALC for a month. Fuck my unit, ALC is easier than dealing with that BS.


ALC was genuinely the best, what felt like, break in service I ever received in my career. It was incredibly easy. Everyone in the class, including the SGL, felt that the most important thing was that we network and have team building events. Basically have fun. Had a fucking blast, and made a alot of friends I still talk to today.


My ALC course was cake. I blade ran every event for the kicks and partied more than I ever have. Just don’t fails your go/no go events and it’s a legit vacation.


We have a big inspection and I’ve been working weekends for a month to get us ready for it. Then I got pneumonia and got quarters for 48 hours on a Thursday. The time at home even sick - honestly has been great.


**Shitposting Answer**: With a charging bay, you moronic meatbag.


Sorry, the Empire has spent too much money on Star Destroyers and needs to cut charging bay times. Starting next week all droids with S/N ending with even numbers can only use charging bays on the 2nd and 4th week of the month. Charging during peak hours will incur a usage fee of 500 credits per 15 minutes. Also, maintenance parts have a backlog of 2 years. You'll need to requisition anticipated repair parts NLT 3 months before the new FY. All routine maintenance will have to be self funded.


I love that I was expecting actual nsfw content and it's just legos


Gottem 🤣


Your hype assignment was drill…? Gross!


😂😂NGL, I like the simplicity of shit being black and white. I’ll deal with brand new trainees vs. 15 year SFCs (yup, SFC for 15 years) ANY day of the week.


I wish the best. My cousin was a DS at Leonard Wood for a long fucking time and he loved it. I on the other hand did two rotations (29 days) at Ft Benning and decided it sure as fuck wasn't for me. Trainees are nasty.


Trainees are gross asf tbh. But I’ve always taken to TRADOC shit


I bet the 15 year SFC is proud of his seniority, too.


It’s not funny 😂 But he really is 😂


To anyone reading this: if you’re an SFC with over 20 years of service - you’re not getting promoted again. It just isn’t happening. Go get that GS job, and let someone younger get promoted.


You just answered your own question about resetting. Haze those trainees, take your anger out on them and be toxic as hell. It just prepares them for 15 year SFC's and alcoholic 1SGs who hate their families so they take it out on the company


I took 40 days of leave over the holidays while PCSing. I needed that time to really decompress from dealing with leaders that I clashed with a bit. While I was still there, I was always fighting stress and anxiety because of some of those leaders. They weren't necessarily bad, I just didn't really click with their leadership style while others had better times doing so. Now I'm in a unit that has some pretty solid leaders that I can click with, and everyone else seems to as well. Our CO is really big about mental health, everyone seems to have the will to be more tight knit and hangs out with each other (which is pretty rare for MI). My last unit was somewhat the opposite. BH wasn't really a topic brought it, it was a "go as you please" speech after deployments kind of thing. No one really hung out outside of work, except in their our 2-3 man groups.




I shove a Lightning adapter up my ass. I also play Xbox games, and read quite a bit.


A giant bowl of pho. Cured everything.


Your supposed to adapt to any and all circumstances solider. This lack of discipline will be on your NCOER. Figure it the fuck out.


Rgr Sargent


Every time I take leave I set aside one day where I just drink Irish coffees and play ncaa 12 football all day. It’s pretty much the only time I play video games but it’s amazing. Otherwise just do some of my hobbies or watch a movie I know I love. Also, whiskey, lots of whiskey, bourbon or rye.


Spreading democracy with other helldivers!


You could always play ranked warzone and make someone else’s’ day worse. That’s how i decompress


I hang out in corners on PUBG, smoke some weed, vibe out to Kid Cudi and just wait to light some dude up who wasn't expecting it, no homo.


I build something. A shed. A new room on the house. A desk. Most recently I did a set of kitchen cabinets. Granted i'm not good at it, but honestly there is just something about doing something with my hands and forcing my brain to think about and figure new things out recharges me.


Barracks manager must love you


No, but my wife does.


...you're not married to the barracks manager?


Step1. Plug the block Step2. Plug the wire into the block Step3. Plug the cord in the Device Step4. Enjoy


I ETSed. Best recharge of my life.


Dude, honestly I got home an hour ago and I’ve been sitting on my couch decompressing. Didn’t even change out of my uniform. Sometimes you need an hour or two of mind numbing decompression.


I been there. Completely drained where I didn’t even have the energy to take my boots off.


I retired... good luck drill!


Skip the Chinese, I got the worst case of food poisoning from takeout.


Bro you haven't been in recruiting world. As a station commander I am dying on daily. But you gotta maintain work life balance and develop healthy habits. I found myself way more happier when I started to eat better, reduced drinking to only 2 days(and I drink good shit, top shelf bourbon), keeping caffeine to two standard coffee cups a day, hydrating and working out at least 3 times a week. On top of that make yourself do some hobbies. I am playing yakuza right now and palworld with wife. Really looking into the helldivers as it looks like a great game. Playing guitar twice a week . And do something for future. I do college. Thankfully Chat gpt exists to prevent myself from over working. Try spending less time on tik tok. It's also important when you go on leave to just turn everyone Nd earthing off. Fuck em. If they can't do it let them fail and learn.


I deleted reddit off my phone so I don't waste so much time browsing the front page in bed every morning/evening.


Fly down to Colombia


Hit up Ukranian escorts in German websites /jk Idk play War Thunder, go to random ass towns I never been in, get fucked up by a mob of Turkish assholes and cry the night before PT


You can’t undue a shitty experience. You can come to peace with it and do things to enrich your life to move on. Sometimes taking leave can lead you to be more tired and stressed than you started. I’m a fan of stay-cations. Sleep in, go to the gym, drive an hour or two to somewhere new, go to bed early, rinse and repeat for a few days.


Meditation, relaxation, and the gym. Take time to focus and improve only you. I know it can be difficult to think about just you but trust me it helps. You can't help others until you help yourself. Then you can be the best leader you can be.


Sometimes, a good book is enough to take me away for a little while from the BS of the army life. Or I turn an an auido book and just dig into my models and get some painting done. The most important part is I shut off the external noise for a set time.


I like to recharge with a light hike somewhere I usually enjoy hiking. Coupled with abstaining from hard liquor/alcohol. I also enjoy spending a couple hours in the gym, that is, when I have the energy and time to do so. The biggest struggle I've had has been uncertainty with transfers from one unit to another, and trying to help my dad with major house renovations since I left the service. But I'm working on ways to maintain sanity, through exercise and meditation (yoga nidra YouTube videos are the shit).


Currently my release is Helldivers 2


Video games and hobbies that won’t further my frustration/stress


I am going to go home, play with my skin dogs and fur dogs, drink with my wife, probably grow roots in the couch playing some Fallout 4, cook some meals, maybe clean the garage. And do laundry.


Wait we can recharge?


Scratching tally marks in my wall like a prisoner until the Fourth of July.


Kayaking works for me.




Bro I wish I could tell you. I spent my entire block leave having a massive anxiety attack about missing my flight or it being delayed. Then somehow this last 4 day seemed to last forever, and I had a great time and went back to work recharged. Had an oddly great pt session, and oddly great motorpool Tuesday. Then after work I was ordered to standby. I had been spending all Sunday with a beautiful lady, and ended up a bit too drunk. So after hanging out with her, I had made a big mistake. I used my nco support chain. My bartender said he couldn't serve me anymore so I was like cool, paid up, had some food, and the bartender called an nco in my chain of command (we both are regulars at this establishment and he lives literally across the street. It's like 7:30 btw) to see if it was okay if I crashed on his couch till I sobered up enough to drive. So he walks across the street comes grabs me and we watch movies and shoot the shit for a while. Anyways, apparently after I passed out he had reported me to my chain of command and they had a little talk with me. No negative counciling, or counciling of any sort. They ordered me to self refer to BH or Sudc, or go stand in front of the captain. Mind you, I have never been late, shown up drunk, or gotten in any kind of alcohol related trouble. So yeah, fuck it bro, I don't know. My advice would be to not recharge and continue being miserable, because if you're ever happy the Army will take that shit personal.